Hack Hotmail   

A note from us to all people who want to hack HOTMAIL

You will find scams all over the internet asking for how they will get someone's password. Notice, most of the time you have to email someone for asking others password and  include your email and password in the email. The email address you are emailing is just some wanna be hackers address and you are sending him your password! Take our advice and never send your password to anyone to get others password. Even if that person says s/he is a HOTMAIL server.

Send Hotmail Hacker GOLD.exe to the Victim. You might want to rename the file so the person will accept it. As soon as the Victim opens the file that you sent, type $$$ and press Enter to boot the user offline. Then as soon as they come back online, send them a message, the message can be anything. The program will then send you the persons Email and Password in the instant message.
Some people have been having problems saying that Hotmail Hacker GOLD doesn't work for them. The problem is still unknown but all we can think of is people know about Hotmail Hacker and have been closing it.
Please, note that...it mayn't work for MSN account.

[Source: Anti-MSN]

1) Use Telnet to connect to port 110 (Hotmail's Server). Type user and then the victim's username. Type Pass and then the guess a password. Repeat that until you have found the correct password.
2) Get the username of the victim (It usually stands in the address-field) Then type "http://www.hotmail.com/cgi-bin/start/VictimsUserName" This only works if you are no the same network or computer as the victim and if he don't log out!
3) Go to Hotmail's home page and get an account (If you dont already have one). Log out! Now type the victim's username. Look at the Source Code. On the fifth row, you should see "action=some address". Copy that address and paste it onto the address-field.
4) Go to Hotmail's homepage. Copy the source code. Make a new html file with the same code, but change the method=post to method=enter "view" the page. Change the address to http://www.hotmail.com/(Don't press enter!) Make the victim type the username and password. Look at the address-field. There you'll see the password something...
5) There aren't so many stupid people, well, just try it, ask them to go to their inbox and to copy and paste you the URL.
Before You Start
Step 1
Enter the user ID of the person you wish to hack. Press the "submit" button.
Step 2
Open the HTML source of the document that appears. Find the section in the fifth line that looks like this:
http://<some number>/cgi-bin//start/<user name>/<some other number>
Step 3
Highlight that section, then press CTRL-C.
Step 4
Close the Source window. Now click in the "address" window of your browser. Press CTRL-V. Then press Enter. If the conditions are correct, you will see their Hotmail account on your screen.
Final Thoughts (my apologies to Jerry Springer):
If the person has used their Hotmail account in the past 2 hours (Hotmail automatically logs off after that), and forgotten to click the logoff button, you will be able to use their account.
I am not responsible for anyone using this page for malicious purposes. If you decide to be stupid and do this, well, then, more power to ya. But have fun!!!

[Source: PowerHack]


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