NEXT GIG: keep watching ;)

[29/09/05] It's been 5 months since anything's been done on here, so I decided to revamp it all. Looks pretty gooood. Despite all the rumours, Welcome to Failure are still together! And yes we have the same singer, haha. Everyone's just been really busy.

So we havn't finished the recording yet but it'll definitely be finished by Christmas-time. So you can wrap them all up and hand them out! Yeah!

Just trying to think of what else has happened.

Got a few gigs lined up for parties and such, which are always fun to play. We played that Arc gig a while ago which was really good, we were played live on BBC Radio Cleveland and we got so much support it was awesome.

Keep checking back for gigs and such!


[12/04/05] Haven't updated for a while because Geocities has been down. Reeeeeeally must get a address!

News so far:

We played a gig at Darlington Forum on the 31st March, supporting The View from Luxembourg. They were good, kinda indie - kinda Maroon 5ish but all good.

We also recorded at Mirage Studios in Marske for a day, all the drum tracks and most of the guitar and vocals are layed down, just in need of some mixing and backing vocals. We should be finishing it next week. I'm gonna load a copy of one of our new songs onto PureVolume, but it's not the final track so don't worry :P

We also entered a competition for BBC's Pure Radio on Radio Cleveland. There was an online vote for about 2 weeks, and the 5 bands with the highest votes got their tracks played on last Thursday's Pure show. Then there was a text and email vote to get the final 3. We came second, so winning a place at a gig at the Arc THIS THURSDAY. See the gigs page dearies :P


[20/03/05] Eeeeesh, the site hasn't been updated for aaaages, due to lack of Frontpage workingness. But since then all this has happened...

We played the final of the TFM unsigned thing, didn't win... but was a great night and hopefully we gained a few more fans! Good luck to the band that won, they were damn good so getting to the final was pleasing.

Then we were scheduled to play in a battle of the bands at Newcastle uni, but Looci had been kissing too many boys and turned into hamster girl with mumps. Buuuuut, we're playing the next one in a few months.

Few more gig dates, including a wedding haha... Drumming in a bridesmaid dress... oh, Emily will have fun :P.


[15/02/05] AAAAAAAAAARGHHH! we won our heat last night!! hahaha. So we're now in the finals at Jumpin' Jaks  in Middlesbrough on Thursday, 24th February at 5.30pm. It's free entry so everyone pleeeease come!


[11/02/05] Woo! We've been selected for the TFM radio competition heats at the Georgian Theatre on Monday 14th February at 5.30pm (valentines day). So for any of ya's that have no lovers come love Welcome to Failure :P... we really do need your support so come along!

We'll also be in the studio in the next couple of weeks recording some new songs for an EP.


[14/01/05] In the gazette again tonight... GO AND BUY IT!!!

Photos updated and new newspaper articles on the Media page!


[08/01/05] Yesterday we had two papers interested in doing an article on us, so we're in the Gazette and Northern Echo TODAY. Woooo go buy it and view ugly pictures of us :D


[06/01/05] Well we've just finished filming for newsround, it was a lot of fun...

3.50pm, Sunday 9th Jan... CBBC channel

Check it out... We probably look like tards from Stockton, but hey... that's what we are :P


[06/01/05] Happy new year WTF fans! Hope you've all recovered...

We were in the studio yesterday recording Queen Of Destruction, it turned out Okay.. It's now on the Pure Volume site if you wanna check it out. Also, some new pictures of our first studio venture. Thanks very much to Nathan and Nobby at Studio 64.

We might be on TV this week too. We were contacted by BBC Newsround to record an interview and performance for an article on girls in rock. They're coming to film it this afternoon. Cool, huh? They're also going round the streets of Darlington asking randomers what they think of our music... which will be played to them of course. Lets see what people think...

We'll let you know what happens and when it'll be aired!


[17/12/04] So we played The House on Tuesday, which was good fun. Better turn out than Liberty's and we got to good response :D And Wednesday we played a few songs for the Bede Christmas thingy, the PA smelt but was alright.

There's a few new pictures from The House on the Photo Gallery and I'll get the biography thing working soon.

Oh and we have a gig on the 23rd of December. More details soon.


[07/12/04] Thanks to those who came to see us last night at The Liberty's. Expect to see the rest of you next Tuesday ;)

Well done to the other bands, particularly Hot Quiche, you guys were awesome..

And as for the Oxfam Glamour Models... interesting.

Anyways, see you all on Tuesday hopefully, 7pm, The House in Boro


[20/11/04] We're playing a Christmas battle of the bands, two dates, at The Liberty's and at The House... headlining one apparently, in December. We also gotta gig on the 23rd of December, ...2 possible venues but it's fancy dress or something. These all to be confirmed and stuff. Check out the gigs page!


[15/11/04] So, we're trying to make a new-look site. This is what we've come up with so far, still needs a lot of work. Could take a while... so bear with us, lovies. More news coming soon. 


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