Tales from the Welgon Age
Welcome to the Welgon Age! A world on the verge of existence located on a small cloud somewhere in an alien sky, where dictators plot to reach ultimate power, where prophets predict what happened yesterday, where scientists try to measure the speed of stone and where a cookie knows about it all...
The cast of characters
(and how they got here)

The Dictator (88 words)
(ca. 1988)

The Prophet (162 words)
(ca. 1998)

The Mad Scientist (1019 words)
(ca. 1992)

The cookie (441 words)
(ca. 1998)

Don't know where to start? Take a
look at the
synopsis of the Tales to
choose your entrance to this world.

Or maybe you want to see how the
look and have an overview
of their egos as they struggle through
these tales - or read about the
Welgon Age itself...

And here's something
about the author.

...Who has a few last words to add about
The Welgon Age tales
Welcome to the Welgon Age (5146 words)
(updated 17.10.1999)

Ultimate Power (3525 words)
(ca. 1990)

The Substance (1188 words)
(ca. 1997)

Pseudo-Pacifist Propaganda Parables (1620 words)
(ca. 1997)

Outdated (1018 words)
(ca. 1997)

The Laxian Lock (2193 words)
(added 26.8.2000)

Psycho Worship (1595 words)
(added 5.9.1999)

Everyone Counts (In Large Amounts) (2591 words)
(added 26.9.2000)

The Speed of Stone (1572 words)
(added 12.12.1998)

The Emperor's Old Clothes (2783 words)
(added 29.1.2000)

The Vanishing Point (969 words)
(ca. 1990)

Big Bang (1042 words)
(added 24.6.1999)

Living on Lies and Logic (1631 words)
(added 13.7.1999)

The Vital Greed (1323 words)
(added 21.8.1999)

The Encompassists
(4626 words)
(added 8.10.1999)

The Center of the Universe
(1454 words)
(updated 21.11.1999)

An Unexpected Visit
(3157 words)
(added 15.2.2000 - updated 2.8.2000)

(2862 words)
(added 7.3.2000)

Truth Without a Cause
(2655 words)
(added 16.8.2000)

The Final Prophecy
(4013 words)
(added 20.12.1999 - calculations added 1.9.2000)

A Short Work Schedule
(1381 words)
(added 3.1.2000)

The Empaths (4248 words)
(added 28.11.2000)

Universal Relativity (52 words - poem)
(added 9.7.1999)

The Unreligion
(672 words)
(updated 22.8.1999)

And away from the Welgon Age...

Good Business (about 7000 words)
(ca. 1992)

Self-Made (383 words)
(added 24.1.2001)
Top 10 Quotes
All tales on this page written by Alexander Einich.
Copyright 1988-2003 the author.
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