Hazrat Fatima Az Zahra ( as )
Daughter of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.A)
The Chief of the Women of Paradise

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Merciful O Allah! Send your blessings to the head of your Messengers and the Last of your Prophets Muhammad ( saw ), and his pure and cleansed progeny.

Imam Al Hassan Ibn Ali Al Askari reported that his father quoted Jabir Ibn Abdullah as saying : ' The Messenger of Allah, Peace be Upon him and his cleansed progeny, said : ' When Allah created Adam and Eve, they strutted through paradise and said : ' Who are better than we ? ' At that moment they noticed an image of a girl like they had never seen before; from this girl came an illuminating light so bright that it almost blinded the eyes.

They said : ' O Lord, what is this ? ' He answered : ' This is the Image of Fatima ( as ), the mistress of your women descendants. '

Lisan Al Mizan Volume 3 page 346

Ibn Abbas said : ' Aisha entered the house while the Messenegr of Allah was kissing Fatima ( A.S. ), so she said : ' Do you love her, O Messenger of Allah ? '

He replied : ' Indeed, by Allah if you knew the extent of my love for her, your love would increase for her. When I was in the forth heaven ... that I found these dates softer than butter, more pleasent than musk and sweeter than honey. So when I descended to earth, I came unto Khadija and she bore Fatima. Thus Fatima is a human huri, whenever I long for paradise I smell her.

Source : Taken from Al-Islam
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