Some food for thought

Your life, my brother, is a solitary habitation separated from others men's dwellings. It is a house into whose interior no neighbour's gaze can penetrate. If it were plunged into darkness, your neighbour's lamp could not illumine it. If it were emptied of provisions, the stores of your neighbours could not fill it. If it stood in a desert, you could not move it into other men's gardens, tilled and planted by other hands. If it stood on a mountain top, you could not bring it down into the valley trod by other men's feet.

Your spirit's life, my brother, is encompassed by lonliness, and were it not for that loniless and solitude, you would not be you, nor would I be I. Were it not for this lonliness and solitude, I would come to believe on hearing voices that is was my voice speaking; or seeing your face, that it was myself looking into a mirror.

Taken from The Voice of the Master byt Kahlil Gibran

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