Some unique sayings and quotes

The worst one of the people before God is the wiseman (scholar) who does not put his knowledge into practice and does not benifit form it.(Prophet Muhammad [S.A.W.A])

It is out of man's prosperity and bliss that he should have good and valuable friends. (Prophet Muhammad [S.A.W.A])

Get your provision from the World and the best provision is to avoid comitting sin.
(Hazrat Ali [A.S.])

Do not say a word which may make you repent and force you to make excuse. (Hazrat Hussain [A.S.])

Speech is like medicine; a small dose of which cures and excess kills the paitent.

Death is separation form perishable and merging in the imperishable.

The power of forbearing anger is superior to that of taking revenge.

Uneasiness of mind is more painful than patient resingnation.

With virtue one can enslave the free.

Greatness lies in the nobility of aspiration and not in the decaying bones of ancestors.

The world is bitter with all its sweetness. Divorce of this world is teh marriage settlement of the next (paradise).

Experience is a sufficient teacher and old age a sufficient warner.

He who bears tales to you certainly bears tales about you.

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