amerikkka - land of the free? bullshit.

by. Virago

i am an anarchist. i am a womyn. i am exactly who i want to be. i won't say "i'm sorry" to anyone cuz i do what i want and i don't care if you agree or not. i am a human being. i am a fighter. maybe you could even call me a "revolutionary". maybe not. i am me - and thats all i want to be. and if you don't like me - then fuck you. i never liked you in the first place.

the depleation of the government

the depleation of capitolism

the depleation of punctuation

the depleation of all the "-isms" i hate. -racism, sexism, classism, agism.

these are the things i would fight for. i'm not speaking of the "fake" fighting we know as war and guns. i'm speaking of the "true" fighting which involves open-minds, ideas, writing, talking, and comprimise. i am an anarchist. i am "generation X". i have anger, passion, and the will to fight - especially against the capitolist pigs who dare to label me by my gender and generation. fuck you. i'm gonna own this world.

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