Accept Your Own Blame

by. Virago

my tears come easily. just one harsh word, or sharp tone, or angry look can cause a waterfall from these eyes.

it's cuz i'm sensitive, or i'm a grrrl, or i had a bad day. or maybe it's becuz of the depressing music i listen to or the books i read. maybe it's even the clothes i wear, or the people i hang out with. could even be the food i eat, or the drugs i do, or what i drink, or the amount of light in my room, or how much exercise i endure. or maybe it's my boyfriend, or the way i feel about my body or have i taken my medication today? maybe it's cuz i dropped out of highschool, and then out of vo-tech. or maybe it's cuz i betrayed my family and friends by running away twice. could even be becuz my dog died when i was in the 7th grade, or the fact that my best frined screwed around wiht the guy i thought i was in love with. maybe it's the colour of my hair, or the jewlry i wear. maybe it's the fact that i can't see my boyfreind for another 7 months, or the fact that his phone is busy. maybe it's becuz i was almost kidnapped in the first grade, or becuz i peed my pants in front of the hottest guy in school in the second grade.maybe it's becuz i used to make out with the little girl up the street when i was six years old. or becuz i got sent to the office in the 5th grade for thrwoing a pencil at a short chinese kid named jojo. maybe it's becuz i had sex before i was married, or becuz i saw the movie "prelude to a kiss" and never recovered. or maybe cuz a bird died in my hands when i was about eight. or maybe becuz these boys in the fourth grade used to make fun of me becuz i was from oklahoma. or maybe it's becuz i don't know how to express my sexuality to my parents. maybe it's cuz i quit my job and had to sell my crappy car.

or you know what? maybe it's you. yeah. maybe it's fuckin you! maybe YOU make me feel the way i do. when you yell at me and say i'm unresponsible, and i've screwed up my life and will never amount to anything, YOU HURT ME. You break my self-esteem (what little of it there is). So stop blaming it on this and that and all that bullshit and start accepting the blame for yourself. cuz i'm not your little girl anymore and i convict you of all the anger you have cast upon me. and i sentence you to face the consequences of YOUR actions.

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