~*~*~Sex Ed.~*~*~

I am the voice of Pro-Choice

At the current moment I am volunteering at Planned Parenthood. It is quite a learning experiance and so far I love it. However, I see a lot of things that I wish I didn't have to see. I see teen pregnancy, std's and a lot of heartache. Please pay very close attention to this page. If you think you have any of the symptoms of the std's listed below, please contact your local Planned Parenthood, doctor or health clinic.

STD's=sexually transmitted diseases

Gonorrhea- ("clap" "drip") Curable. Men: discharge of yellow or green pus from penis - painfull urination. Women: discharge from vagina, painful urination, odor, vaginal itching, infection in uterus and tubes. Treatment: Rocephelin IM - Spectenomycin IM - Doxycycline po

Chlamydia - ("NGU" "urethritis") Curable. Men: discharge, itching or irritation with urination. Women: discharge, bleeding with sex, pain with sex, strange menstral periods, severe cramps with periods. Treatment: Doxycycline po - Emycin po

Syphillis - ("pox" "bad blood" "sif") Curable. Men/Women: painless sore on or inside genitals; a rash on palms of hands and soles of feet - can be passed from pregnant women to thier babies. Treatment: Penicillin IM - Tetracycline po

Trichomonas - ("trick") Curable. Men: no symptoms Women: discharge, odor, itching and swelling of vagina Treatment: Flagyl po

Genital Warts - ("venereal or vaginal warts") Treatable. Men/Women: a painless fleshy like growth on penis or in gental area. Warts can itch, grow in size and spread. Can cause cancer in women. Treatment: various topical agents

Herpes - Treatable. Men/Women: painfull open blisters, painfull urination, red itchy spot, or no symptoms. Treatment: topical or oral acyclovir

HIV/AIDS - not curable. Men/Women: no symptoms for years. Can spread the disease to sex partners and needle sharing partners. Pregnant women can infect ther babies.

Crab Lice - ("crabs" "bugs") Curable. Men/Women: itching in pubic hair - small reddish insects bite and lay eggs in the hair. Treatment: OTC lice shampoo

Yeast - Curable. Men: usually not affected. Jock itch is a type of yeast. Women: severe vaginal itching, thick white discharge, burning urination Treatment: OTC vag. meds.

Bacterial Vaginosis - ("Gardnerella" - Hemophilus") Curable. Men: not affected Women: discharge and odor; irritation or itching Treatment: Flagyl po - Flagyl vag. gel

Links to other sites on the Web

Planned Parenthood
More On STD's

Please feel free to e-mail me with any additional questions. I will do my best to find you the correct answers. Thank You.

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