David L. Evans
David L. Evans                                                      Aradna Evans
Life story as told by History of Licking County Ohio 1909 

    Farm work is the source of the substantial income which David L. Evans enjoys.  Throughout his entire life he has been identified with agricultural pursuits and for over forty-seven Years has lived on the the farm in Granville Township which he yet occupies.  He was Born in this township September 30, 1831, and is a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Thomas) Evans, both of whom spent their entire lives on farms in this county.  The former was a son of Joseph Evans a Native of Wales, and one of the early residents of this part of Ohio. The maternal grandfather of our subject was known as "Little Davey" David Thomas, to designate him from another David Thomas, also a native of Wales and a resident of the same locality. Thomas Evans in the early live learned and followed the stone mason's trade and afterward turned his attention to general agricultural pursuits and was at one time the owner of four hundred acres of land here. HIs success came to him as the direct result of his enterprise and labor.  He was a deacon of the Baptist Church and a man much respected in the community where he made his home.  Unto him and his wife were born Six children: David L: Elias and Christmas, Both deceased,: George of Granville: Isaac, a practicing Physician of Columbus: and Cyrus, also of Granville.
   David L. Evans has spent his entire life in this county and not event of especial importance occurred to vary the routine of farm work for  him in his youthful days. He attended the schools of the neighborhood and when not busy with his text books, was employed at the task of plowing, and planting and harvesting.  When he reached adult age he resolved to follow the same pursuit, and now the owner of a farm of seventy-three acres all in one body, although he has lived upon this farm for over forty-seven Years and its attractive appearance indicates his careful supervision and progressive methods. His life has been untiring activity and energy and whatever success he has attained so due entirely to his own labors.
   In 1853 Mr. Evans was Married to Miss Aradna Davis, who was born in the Granville township April 10, 1835, and is a daughter of David and isabella (Williams) Davis, who were natives of South Wales. The mother died here in January , 1881, at the age of sixty-four years. She had come to Licking County with her parents, William and Isabella (Pugh) Williams, who settled on the Welsh Hills and spent their remaining days here. David Davis arrived in Licking county about 1814, coming from the south of Wales. He had Lost his father in youth and came alone to the New World, making his way to Ohio, where he spent the remainder of his days, He was a Tailor and followed that trade in Newark in early manhood, but afterward removed to a farm at Welsh Hills, where his death occurred. He left two daughters and two sons: Mrs Hannah Price, Now Deceased: Mrs Evans: William who has also passed away: and Samuel. Unto Mr and and Mrs Evans have been born four children: Eliza Jane, Now the widow of Simeon Hankinson of Granville township: William , at home. Thomas, of the same township: and Gertrude, the wife of
Benjamin Jones, residing with her father.
    Mr and Mrs Evans are members of the Welsh Hills Baptist Church of the Welfare community along moral and other lines of improvement and influence of his life has always been on the side of justice, truth and right.  Greatly respected in the Granville community, he well deserves mention among its representative citizens.
David Lewis Evans                                        In:  Granville Township, Licking County
Born: September 30, 1831
Married:  1853
Died:   May 16, 1914
Father: Thomas Evans
Mother:  Elizabeth Thomas

Ariadne Davis
Born:  April 10, 1835                                      In:  Granville Township, Licking County
Died:  December 29, 1909
Father:  David E. Davis
Mother:  Isabella Williams

!*  Name: Thomas David Evans
   Born: October 25, 1862
   Married:  Ocotber 25, 1892
   Died:  January 31, 1943
   Spouse: Mary A Hankinson
            children: Rhea Grace Evans (My grandma) William Robert Eugene Evans
                         (Great Uncle Gene, My brothers name as well)
2* Name: Eliza Jane Evans
   Born:  April 19, 1855
   Married: September 06, 1877
   Died:  November 14, 1936
   Spouse:  Someon Lewis Hankinson

3* Name: William E. Evans
4* Willis Evans

5* Name: Gertrude Evans
   Spouse:  Ben Jones
Three Generations of Evans Women, There is my grand-ma Grace holding, Sammy
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