Where were you guys?
  Just kidding the 4th was great this year, although they have started closing at 11. Funny how everyone was in a hurry for progress and then get prudish right? Well I know you miss that extra hour, I did hear that complaint several times. It was still a good time this year don't you think?
   I know the rain was a drag for the parade but it was had it's good points too, for one I have never seen a parade in fast forward ha ha.(or the first 25MPH parade) I also have desided after seeing several umbrellas of different color and size I need a new one :) My cousin took some great pictures of people and umbrellas I think despite the rain it too, some day, will be a great memory.
   I did not make it to the fire works but I did hear they were good, as my kids did go. Monday was a perfect day for the kids to ride the rides for 4 hours, and try to get 10 dollars worth, haha I think they did. I even loved it this year as my kids are finally at the age I don't have to hold their hand. I camped out in my chair and watched. Not many towns left where you feel safe enough to do that guys :) My ten year old joined in the fun and hopped in the dunking tank. For some reason that is never enough for kids and they played some games (Wow up to two bucks a pop) My car is full of blow up things and noisy toys.
  Sticks and Stones is always a great attraction, and they were great weren't they?  I loved watching my 10 year old boys girl-friends dancing and having a good time and creating their own wonderful memories. (Sorry Tommy wasn't there girls)
  I think the biggest complaint as always was the "bible thumpers" (Community College Church) I hope the local papers don't get bombed with editorials this year. Lets face it, yes they are a drag and love to start a yelling contest, but lets just not give them any more attention then they deserve. Maybe if we are lucky and just turn away they will get tired of coming to this quiet community. We do what we have to, to uphold freedom of speech, that is why I get to put this little thing in here right?  They have every legal right to gather down there and talk their hate. I think if there were a legal way to keep them from being there they would of found it by now, so lets not give any officals any greif over it this year, and pretend they weren't there.
    As we watched them tear down the fair, once again feeling sad as childhood memories and new memories are packed away, I'm reminded of just how wonderful it was to grow up here. I'm so happy the tradition remains, and we all get to gather once a year and embrace our past and old friends.
   I hope all had a great time. I personally ate to much, at times drank to much, and loved every minute of it. I also hope those that traveled here had a safe trip home, and see you next year.
This is a wonderful old Photo, it is Memorial Day May 30, 1942 the year we entered the War (stamped W.C. Ebaugh) This is the east side of Main mother says.
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