Wow Why didn't I think of this?
For those of you that did get to attend the Nosen Llawen you noticed our large and impressive family tree ( Thanks to Carol for hard and Long work on that)  I even noticed some saying wow here is our family!! Well now that you know you are there, I hope you come to our family reunions! Here I will place the Philipps, Rees, and Hankinson Reunions. Now this also inlcudes the family's of Evans, Jones, Fosters (waves at Lynn) Sipes, Thomas's , Wheelers, Williams. You know what I can't name them all!!! You know who you are, hey if not e-mail me I'll tell you where you fit in! Not many families can claim they go to 3 reunions in one year, it's a great history, and we share with all who come. Take advantage of those that can lead you into our wonderful family!! Hey if your Welsh and Live in Licking county or surrounding areas, your most likely one of us! Hey even if your not, come and learn bring a place setting and a covered dish! This is also going to be a great tool for those who live far away, so check back and check dates!!!!
Our first Reunion of the year is always the Rees. Now confirmed the date of the Rees reunion is
      June 10, 2001
  It will be held at the Infirmary Mound Park on Rt. 37, I think iwill be shelter house 5 and starts at 12:30
Rees Reunion 2002 June 9th 12:30 Infirmary Mound Park
Our second Reunion of the year is always the Philipps. This too is held at the Infirmary Mound Park On Rt. 37, shelter house 5,  July 1, 2001 at12:30
This is our largest of the three reunions and we have a ball!
Our final reunion is in August and it's the Hankinson Reunion. This one I don't have much information on but easy enough to find and will do that this week
                 Not confirmed
Growing up in our family had to be the best. We surrounded ourselves with cousins that just weren't relatives but in some cases our very best friends. Wanting only to play, as our mothers, fathers, aunts uncles and grandma , tried to pound in family history. Many of us wish we listened more then :) Our family get togethers were nothing less then a mob of outspoken Welshmen, Having some of the best times of our lives. We are blessed with Family.  This we get to enjoy at our family reunions.  Lets keep the fun alive and all get together for our family reunions, so our children can enjoy the same wonderful childhood we had!!! (We really did didn't we? Looks at Nan eating Dog Chow haha)
Hey keep checking back I'll be putting up pictures of Past family Reunions, haha and I mean wayyyyyyyyyyy past and some closer to our times :)
Lets take the first step into our future and and hold on to our past the past!
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