Thomas W. Philipps
Many people ask me why does your family have so many photos?? Well this man here is the answer. Mother said he had a great camera and loved using it for landscapes and wonderful family photos. Many seen on this web site here were taken by my grandfather.
Grace Evans Philipps, My Grandma Grace. Isn't this a wonderful Picture?
Back row: Mary Philipps (my mom) Sammy,wife Helen, Tommy
Front row: Thomas, Wilma, Silvia (Sammy and Helens girl) Grace, Lloyd
Aren't they cute? Sammy, Tommy Mary (mom)
Mary and Lloyd Philipps
I do believe Lloyd is on top, Friend, Wilma, Mary
Mary , Lloyd                                              Lloyd
Thomas W. Philipps the wrestler (far Left)
His Basketball team in Baltimore (coach)
Grace and Sammy
Mary and Lloyd
Rootin Tootin Tommy
Tommy and Sammy
At the Capital
Thomas W. Philipps The Engineer
Sammy charming the ladies (to his left Helen to the right Mary) This looks like a family reunion.
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