'How do i get promoted....?'

Council Positions - by atomickitkat

For the most part, 2nd Council positions are the only ones available, unless you're currently on the 2nd Council, in which case, you might be considered for the V position in the main Council (we rotate every 2 months).
We look at a few things to determine worthiness (what I mean is when biz wants to add people, he checks with Council members for likely "candidates" )

1) Veterancy. Partly an age factor, partly how long you've been in the guild. Obviously, someone who is under 13 will not be able to do very much within the guild. But the other factor in age is how "mature" the person is. Older people TEND to be more aware of how their actions affect others (not always true of course) And obviously, someone who has been in the guild longer will be better able to interact with members (because they SHOULD have known the rules and how the guild conducts itself in general)

2) Activity. Somebody with a high message count may be very active, but they could also be a spammer or someone who posts one-liners a lot. Donations are a fairly good gauge, but it's hard to tell whether some people are so rich that the 100k NP is a drop in the ocean of their account or a HUGE sacrifice.

3) Charisma. Fairly relaxed. As long as you're not universally (or even 90%) hated throughout the guild, you have a fairly good shot in this department. There's no point telling newbies "The 2nd Council has been around and know a lot and should be respected" when the newbies know that that particular person is a rude, egotistical *BEEP!!*

Here are some tips for getting your rank raised in the guild - by buffyanne69

1. Post useful and helpful messages ~ try and limit "one liner" messages, or short messages, unless you are posting something that is necessary, like "the snowager is currently sleeping".

2. Make guild_d0nations (that 0 is a zero) your neofriend, and then donate items to him.

3. Buy items from the guild donations shop, obviously owned by guild_d0nations.

4. Be helpful to other members ~ ie: helping them with quests if they need items, or answering their questions.

5. Be kind and friendly. Welcome new members to the guild, and offer to help them out.

6. Make things for the guild : Such a banners, backgrounds etc. Also, make sure you have We Luv Buffy Guild links in your shop.

7. Help out with poll ideas. Also, vote on the poll ideas.

8. Advertise the guild on the chat boards, and encourage other neopets people to join the guild!

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