The 10 Critical Laws of Relationships

Original book written by Robb Thompson

  1. The Law of Agreement

    It is impossible to walk through life with another, unless the celebration of common values is present.

  2. The Law of Access

    There are unspoken rules; Both to access and to remain in relationship.

  3. The Law of Covenant

    The mark of a healthy relationship is security, which is a result of trust.

  4. The Law of Single Purpose

    The celebration of any relationship is dependent upon the clear definition of purpose and vision.

  5. The Law of Exclusivity

    Authentic commitment demands selectivity, not inclusivity.

  6. The Law of Transparency

    Complete disclosure is an indispensable characteristic of all meaningful relationships.

  7. The Law of Mutual Benefit

    The quality of any relationship is completely dependent upon the willingness of mutual pursuit.

  8. The Law of Sacrifice

    Sacrifice is the road travelled on the journey to your divine destiny.

  9. The Law of Synergy

    One can chase a thousand, but two will put ten thousand to flight.

  10. The Law of Ascent

    Walk with the great, and you will become great.

  11. The Law of Agreement

    It is impossible to walk through life with another, unless the celebration of common values is present.

    The non-negotiables of relationships

    Longevity of commitment is the key

  12. The Law of Access

    There are unspoken rules; Both to access and to remain in relationship.

    3 Types of Individuals

    Yesterday People
    Those from your past, who continually try to drag you into your past.
    Today People
    Those who are willing to accept you in the state where they first met you, and have some role to play in helping you fulfill your present assignment.
    Tomorrow People (Future Bearers)
    Those who are undeniably tied to helping you enter your future. They have been where you want to go. They are the only ones who can take you into a better tomorrow. other terms given to these types of individuals are 'mentor', 'father', 'pastor', and 'teacher'. Very few individuals ever access future bearers, because quite frankly, the qualifications are very high.

    Discerning your proper role in relationships

    Recognizing a Prodigal

    A true Protege must demonstrate the following 10 qualities:

    Maintaining an Excellent Relationship

  13. The Law of Covenant

    The mark of a healthy relationship is security, which is a result of trust.

    Covenant making involves...

    Differences between a contract and a covenant

    A contract always has an end date, while a covenant is a permanent arrangement. Covenants are lifelong arrangements.
    It includes all of you. Whereas a contract generally involves only one part of a person, such as a skill, a covenant covers a person's total being.
    Written on the heart
    A contract is usually written on paper with built-in loopholes, depending on the shrewdness of its architects. Conversely, a covenant is not written with ink onpaper, but rather, with spirit, upon human hearts.

    Some declarations that are essential and foundational to all covenant relationships

    The requirements of any "testament"...

  14. The Law of Single Purpose

    The celebration of any relationship is dependent upon the clear definition of purpose and vision.

    Immediately, in the beginning of every relationship, you must look long-term and ask yourself some very critical questions.

    Fundamental questions we should ask ourselves to know our own heart

    Remaining Unified

    Questions to ask when betrayal has occurred

  15. The Law of Exclusivity

    Authentic commitment demands selectivity, not inclusivity.

    My Qualifications for Friendship

    The dangerous people to avoid

    Relationship Levels

  16. The Law of Transparency

    Complete disclosure is an indispensable characteristic of all meaningful relationships.


    An over-inflated opinion about oneself
    An under-inflated opinion about oneself, or more commonly known as low self-esteem
    from a lack of awareness
    from a deliberate disdain for truth

    Change is a 2 way process

    5 Canons of Transparency

    The Power of Truth

    Benefits of Transparency

    Evaluating your own heart

  17. The Law of Mutual Benefit

    The quality of any relationship is completely dependent upon the willingness of mutual pursuit.

    9 Facets of Relationship

  18. The Law of Sacrifice

    Sacrifice is the road travelled on the journey to your divine destiny.

    2 factors that stifle and thwart the Law of Sacrifice

    3 Inescapable Tests of Sacrifice

  19. The Law of Synergy

    One can chase a thousand, but two will put ten thousand to flight.

    Arenas of Synergy

    If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble.
    Provision and Production
    And on a cold night, two under the same blanket can gain warmth from each other. But how can one be warm alone?
    Prevailing Power and Promotion
    A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.

    Relationships that we must pursue

    The Ripple Effect


  20. The Law of Ascent

    Walk with the great, and you will become great.


  21. The Law of Agreement

    It is impossible to walk through life with another, unless the celebration of common values is present.

  22. The Law of Access

    There are unspoken rules; Both to access and to remain in relationship.

  23. The Law of Covenant

    The mark of a healthy relationship is security, which is a result of trust.

  24. The Law of Single Purpose

    The celebration of any relationship is dependent upon the clear definition of purpose and vision.

  25. The Law of Exclusivity

    Authentic commitment demands selectivity, not inclusivity.

  26. The Law of Transparency

    Complete disclosure is an indispensable characteristic of all meaningful relationships.

  27. The Law of Mutual Benefit

    The quality of any relationship is completely dependent upon the willingness of mutual pursuit.

  28. The Law of Sacrifice

    Sacrifice is the road travelled on the journey to your divine destiny.

  29. The Law of Synergy

    One can chase a thousand, but two will put ten thousand to flight.

  30. The Law of Ascent

    Walk with the great, and you will become great.

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