
Welcome to the Westhaven WebPage! I've been away for ever and a day and I'm working on finding some new material for here. If anyone ever reads this page, drop me a line and let me know. I'd kinda like to know if there's anyone but me out there.

The Home of Changeling Fanfiction
Other Creative Endeavors
Interpretations of Changeling

Reality Check for the New Millennium a new addition to the 'Page. Take a look and feel free to let me know what you think. Have you ever had something you just had to do even though it wasn't really advisable?

I, the creator of this �Page, am Heather Varley. There is more information on myself here. For those who really liked the old �Page descriptions, I've saved them here.

A friend of mine, Moonshadow Silvereyes, has her own 'Page here. She's really cool and she helped me set up this web page in the beginning, before I was able to learn enough HTML to take it over for myself. She's really talented, so her 'Page is definitely worth a looksee.

� 1997, 1999, brief rephrase 2002 Wenhaver at Home

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