Fanfiction for the World of Darkness

This is mostly my fanfiction from the World of Darkness, which was created by White Wolf Game Studios. These stories, and their posting here, is not intended to do anything to mux with what they lawfully own. However, the characters involved in these stories are owned by either myself or other role-players, and the plots are mine, except as noted where another person was the author. Thank you for your consideration.

The Company of Tears
Wenhaver's Death
Elisabeth tells a Story
Wendy's Story
Ari Mountain-Tall

Account of a Chrysalis
Second Season
Third Season
Concluding Third Season

The Trailer

Ever Faithful: a Cityscape tale
Ever Faithful has been pulled pending my decision to pursue the idea as a novel for more conventional publication. Even in the fanfiction form it wasn't Changeling anymore and it has become even more something else. If you are interested in seeing pieces of it as examples of my writing, or are simply addicted and need your fix *grin*, email me and I'll see what I can do. Given copyright concerns though, I don't know how much of my current writing will be able to be made available through this page.

Tales from the Lives of the Gallain- various other fanfiction pieces
Gaia's Child
Every Child Needs a Dog

Other Fiction �Pages

Wendolen's All Things Wicked and Wonderful

Cloak's Page

Abe Dashiel's Page

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