The Entrance to Westhaven

The majestic structure rises before your eyes and the uppermost spires seem to almost touch the clouds themselves, white clouds against a clear blue sky that cavort like cotton dragons breathing sweet breezes carrying the fragrance of flowers no human has ever seen. Seemingly carved from one piece of rose-touched crystal with spires roofed in gold and brightly colored pennans snapping in the gentle wind, Westhaven shines with an inner light, a light that touches your heart with joy and peace and hope for the future.

As you gaze at the awe-inspiring castle, the light within it seems to coalesce into one, overwhelmingly bright shape before the ten-foot double doors of gold that stand open before the inner courtyard. You shut your eyes and turn away from the tearsome brightness until the light fades somewhat and you are able to turn once again towards the gates and open your eyes to see the most beautiful woman in all creation standing on the smooth road leading towards the gates and the castle called Westhaven.

She is difficult to look at, and yet your eyes cannot turn away, her features never staying still long enough to describe as anything more than simply perfect. She seems to become absolute perfection of face and form before you, and then she smiles and you are blinded.

"I am Wenhaver of House Fiona, Lady of this place and I welcome you to my home, traveler. Go where you will within my walls, seek what you will from the learning to be had. I only ask that if you have ought to add to the treasures within, do not withold your experience from us, for other travelers may come who may learn from what you know. Be forewarned, though, that as with all things built of knowledge, my home changes over time, as treasures come and go and rooms rise and fade." With that, the woman, garbed in a gown made from the rainbow itself, turns and becons to you to enter the Holding.

The Lady's Library

Double doors of oak, with gold colored hinges, swing open before you, revealing a room devoted to the protection of knowledge and learning. As you walk through the open doors you see seemingly circular walls at least twelve feet tall lined from top to bottom in shelves that are just covered with books. On the far side of the room the bookshelves alternate in six-foot intervals with large picture windows with red curtains that are pulled back to let in sunlight and reveal windowseats covered in red velveteen with ample cushions for curling up with a favorite tale.

Just inside the doorway is a large oaken desk and behind the desk sits a matronly woman who exudes a feeling of maternal authority, for all that she isn't an inch over five feet tall. She looks up at you as you enter and smiles welcomingly.

"I see you found the Lady's Library," she murmurs softly to you, observing that oft repeated law that libraries are places of silence and study, "I am Brucie, the Lady's Librarian and resident Archivist." Brucie seems to be a kindly enough woman, in her late middle years, her black hair graying here and there, but her eyes are as young and as fresh as any child's. "I'm sure the sheer amount of paper here must have you a bit confused, so I hope you don't take offense if I explain how I have organized the records for her Ladyship."

Brucie then begins to show you around the Library, and you see that there is indeed order to the collections.

Westhaven's Garden

You walk into what seems like some strange faerieland within the faerieland of Westhaven. Strange plants of unknown origin even to the fae flourish here, along with equally strange creatures gathered from the untold corners of the Dreaming.

This is an amazing place with overgrown paths that wind around and around until you realize that it's only one path that winds towards the center and then away and then back again. You are following a labyrinth, and you feel your mind eased with each step.

A strange music follows you as you wander towards the center and the giant tree that reaches up forever to create a majestic centerpiece to this mystical garden. The tree is unlike any tree in the Dreaming or on Earth, with serveral pods in various stages of development growing on some few branches, very few pods for so great a tree.

When you reach the center of the labyrinth you find yourself face to face with a young man of almost magical beauty, playing on a flute. He is not as awe-inspiring as the Lady, but in his own way he seems to exemplify that same strange inner strength and nobility that she does. He ends his song and nods to you as he places the flute next to him. "I am Rhys," he says in a musical voice, "I see you found your way to her Ladyship's Garden, and I have the honor of being her Court Bard."

"If you wish, I could sing for you, or perhaps relate an epic story in the old style, rather than the dry stuff Brucie keeps in the Library." The last is spoken with a tongue-in-cheek manner and a broad grin. Obviously it is a subject of much gentle teasing between the Court Bard and the Lady's Archivist.

The Heart of the Holding

You enter the heart of the Hold quietly, something in the air around you causing your steps to be muffled and your voice to lower respectfully. There is power here, power that has been used for only good and kind things, with a vision that takes the longer road.

The room is circular, as most of the rooms in the castle seem to be, the tiles of the floor making a spiral pattern that spirals towards the center, the focus of all that makes Westhaven the refuge from the storms that it is, the Heart of the Holding, the Seat that only the Lady can stand. It is made of a single carved piece of diamond, and glows with a rosy light, but the light, for all its overpowering brightness, is soft, and does not cause your eyes to burn. It seems to gather you in its warm glow and you are at peace.

The Lady stands beside you. You do not know how she arrived here, but it does not seem to matter. She is here now.

"The Heart accepts you. You should feel honored. There aren't many in these days that the Heart is willing to open all her secrets to." She pauses and you know without seeing that she smiles. "Many years ago my sister created within the Heart a Doorway, our people would call it a Trod, and directed its paths to other worlds and places."

Before the Heart a tunnel opens, much like a funnel only sideways. It swirls blue and white light with a touch of green here and there. Again the Lady smiles. "The paths within the Doorway lead many places, follow them as you will if that is where your steps lead you. Be warned, not all the paths lead directly back to my home, but some do. You are always welcome in Westhaven."

And Back to the Heart

The Heart of the Holding is much as you left it only moments ago it seems. The room is circular, as most of the rooms in the castle seem to be, the tiles of the floor making a spiral pattern that spirals towards the center, the focus of all that makes Westhaven the refuge from the storms that it is, the Heart of the Holding, the Seat that only the Lady can stand. It is made of a single carved piece of diamond, and glows with a rosy light, but the light, for all its overpowering brightness, is soft, and does not cause your eyes to burn. It seems to gather you in its warm glow and you are at peace.

The Lady stands beside the Seat which is the Heart and smiles at you. "Back so soon? Very well, your path must take you where it will."

The Garden of Forever

As you exit the swirling Doorway from Westhaven, your sense are touched by the scent of greenery, of growing things in harmony. You look around and before you stands a diminutive man, not even five feet tall, but perfectly proportioned, and even bearing a feeling of tallness with his long features. He nods to you, revealing long, pointed ears.

"Greetings, I am Forever."

Reve d'Or, the Dream on the Hill

As you step through the Doorway from the Heart of Westhaven, your eyes are met by the most astounding sight. You are standing on a stony path leading towards a picturesque medieval village. A village that seems to have come straight from the picturebooks of faerie tales that you loved to read.

At the far end of the village, the road leads up a hill towards a giant castle at the top, as beautiful as Westhaven, but in a different way. This castle is less airy and ethereal, but much more real in a fairy-tale sort of way, it is an idealization of a real structure, and not imagined of spun glass.

Beside you a woman's voice chuckles softly. You turn and see a beautiful blonde woman, with eyes of molten gold. "Welcome to Reve d'Or, also called Golden Dream. I see that you must have met my sister in Westhaven. I am Lady Genevion Goldeneyes Revier-Fiona, Knightie of Reve d'Or. You are free to come and go within my lands, but harm nothing, and if you have some bit of useful knowledge, please feel free to pass it on."

Back to the New Westhaven

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