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Welcome to my Website for Digital Dolls.  If you have visited in the past I've changed my site Name. I figured my screen name is Wenswept and most of the things I sign on the web I use that name, so Becca's dolls is now Wenswept's dolls. Same site the name change just makes it more unique I guess. My Guestbook and Tagboard are located on my contact page, please leave some kind words. Enjoy!


all three monkeys made by me.
New Stuff:

Gifts to & from:

A Valentine for Chilli, do not adopt, thanx A Valentine's gift from Chilli, Thanks sweety!

^ My blinkies site ^


My sig for Eden Enchanted base can be found at EE


Just a note as the majority of the doll makers say, go ahead and adopt any of my dolls just be kind, give credit and link me back, also read my terms of use. Cheers!

wenswept @ msn.com (remove spaces)

 No spam or doll making requests to my e-mail please subject line must refer to my doll site if you want me to open your email.

The Hidden Realm

My Site protector, Kona's Mama!  Don't mess with her she don't just hiss!

Weirdo Base by Hanna @ AV Squad

goose blinkie made by Tamz for me!

Simon family website

 Doll base in Navigation Banners is a Leeli by Monica at ECandy

©2002-2005 - Rebecca Anna Simon - unless otherwise stated

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws