Banner by Trent

Historical Borg

Ryan Goes Where No Borg Has Gone

About BorgBoyHu

My favorite episode of Star Trek TNG, I Borg, was about a teenage Borg who learned the value of his own identity. He began to doubt the wisdom of his elders, who had all been assimilated, and even chose a name for himself: Hugh.

I have always related very strongly to Hugh and to his desire to refuse assimilation into a society that did not feel right to him. Like Hugh, I choose to remain an individual, true to my own identity.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger,
you'll learn the things you never knew you never knew."

About Ryan

My name is Ryan Patrick. (If you want to see "Ryan" in Russian, check out Dimitry's Page.)

I was born February 5, 1981

I am 17 years old, 5'9" tall, 135#, blond with blue eyes.

I love to read and write and hate playing any kind of sports. I'm not a wimp, I just don't have any interest in running, jumping, throwing and fetching. Arf. I do take swimming (I LOVE the costumes!) I didn't have to take PE at all since I am a SENIOR, but if I didn't I would have lost my lockerroom priveleges. . . . I was very conflicted. :-)

I never had any real friends until I came online. I've learned how much of that was my own fault through the help of some very good online FRIENDS.

Tell the Press We're "Just Good Friends"

Matt pictures the good will he'll be sharing with his "best bud" Ben after the Oscars Celebration Party

QUOTE: "I can understand why Leonardo DiCaprio is a sex symbol. If I was gay, I'd sleep with him." Ben Affleck

ANOTHER QUOTE: "I've had a crush on Tom Cruise ever since I was a little boy." Jonathan Schaeck to Rosie O'Donnel

I'm QUITE certain I'm Gay.

"The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and three hundred sixty two admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision." --Lynne Lavner

Some HEROES for us.

Stars! Athletes! Artists! Even a President!

A few of my favorite things. (There are tons of good links here; don't miss them.)

OK OK OK . . . Here's one of my new Favorite Things . . . except I don't know much about them. They're called UPSIDE DOWN, and they're a group from England.

TOM and I saw them on a Bravo special, but this is the only website I've been able to find on them. Unfortunately, it's in German . . . which I speak a little of but not this much. If anyone knows anything else about them, please let me know.

MATT has his own favorite boy group. He's done quite a bit of behind the scenes research on these three blond brothers who have taken the world by storm. You REALLY should check them out. MMMMMMboy! :-)

Below the Belt (or) What have I got that you (probably) haven't got? If you ever plan on having sons FOLLOW THESE LINKS!!!

I saw a movie with a character who is a lot like me.

Check out the tomb of the oldest recorded gay lovers in history!

This could be my ultimate fantasy. (Darn! I was trying to keep this page so hi brow!)

Check out my SCRAPBOOK. Guys, but not always the ones you might guess.

While I welcome the friendship of men over 18, I don't particularly want your advice and I definitely don't want any sexual advances. If you want to talk to me because I'm a fascinating, if opinionated (if only in my own opinion!), person, that's great. If you want to talk to me only because I am a teenager, please don't.

Even my computer refuses to be assimilated :-)

Links to other sites on the Web

MY BETROTHED (He doesn't know yet.)

. . . Darkness at the Heart of the Light

WIL WHEATON . . . Stand by me . . . please!


MATT DAMON . . . Ryan's Private Savings

CHAD ALLEN. . . out on the range

Home of all the Young Male Stars!

Take a tour of The Galaxy

Or just get Lost in the Stars!

SLIDE into this dimension!

The GIRL of my dreams :-)

Follow the adventures
of the evil-fighting team MattMan and Ryan
coming to a location near you soon!

If God had intended us to walk around naked,
we would have been born naked!

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