We meet at:
First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia
2125 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Spartans Wrestling Club
of Philadelphia

Men's and Women's Freestyle Wrestling.

Click here for images of the Spartans in action!

Click here for the NEW Spartans web page.

WARNING: Wrestling is a contact sport. Injuries can occur
WARNING: Injuries occur more frequently to out of shape participants.

SYDNEY, 2002

Click here for the official report on the 2002 Gay Games wrestling competition from Sydney, Australia

Click here for Team Philadelphia's report on the 2002 Gay Games wrestling competition from Sydney, Australia

Click here for 2002 Gay Games Silver Medal winner Dave Wegner on the winner's stand in Sydney, Australia


Click here for Team Philadelphia

Click here for the links page of the Golden Gate Wrestling Club of San Francisco

Click here for the links page of the Metro Wrestling Club of New York

Click here for advice on how to get washboard abs


Click here for GaySports

Click here for OutSports

Click here for Author Jim Provenzano


Q: What is a computer virus?

A: A virus is a computer program, written by an evil hacker, which has the ability to replicate itself, and which usually does bad things to your computer if you get 'infected'. The damage that the virus causes may be immediate, or be set to go off on some future date. (9/10/08)

Q: How does a computer virus spread?

A: A favorite method is through an e-mail which you could receive which contains a Microsoft Word attachment. If you open the Microsoft Word attachment, the virus is activated.

However, if you delete the e-mail without opening the attachment, no damage occurs and the virus is erased.

Sometimes the program known as a virus will multiply (that is, make copies of itself and infect other computers) by going to the 'address book' in your e-mail program, such as Microsoft Outlook, and send a copy of itself to EVERYONE you entered into your address book. The person who receives the e-mail will recognize your name, and therefore be more likely to open it. Evil, isn't it?

Since the ability to spruce up a document with lines, graphics, and color is the chief reason for using Microsoft Word, a good strategy is to never create or open a Microsoft Word attachment. The setback in style is more than compensated by the increased peace of mind, since you avoided an 'unsafe' action.

Request that all messages are sent to you as plain text. That way, you will immunize yourself against 90% of the viruses which infect computers using the Microsoft Windows operating system.

NEVER OPEN A MICROSOFT WORD ATTACHMENT in any e-mail you receive (unless you are 100% sure that it is a legitimate Word document which has not been infected with a virus.) (5/1/04)

Q: How do you know if an e-mail attachment is a Microsoft Word document?

A: The file name will end with the following suffix:


For example: xxx.doc is a Microsoft word document, which appends an extention (suffix) of .doc to the xxx file name. Other file types may contain viruses, so use extreme care if your file name ends in:




The .exe extension signifies an executable file (that is, a computer program), while the .zip extension tells you the file is compressed (and needs to be uncompressed with pkzip before it can be used.) (5/5/04)

Q: Why did you write "death to spam" in the e-mail addresses?

A: One of the ways junk mailers capture e-mail addresses is with programs called 'spiders', which go to web pages and look for a 'string' (a group of letters containing no spaces) containing the 'at' character; '@'; those strings are then copied as a potential valid e-mail address. By adding extra characters to the e-mail address, the spider is defeated. Add extra characters to your e-mail address when you post to usenet groups, which are also harvested by the junk mailers. (9/10/08)

Q: Are there other ways to avoid spam?

A: Yes. The most basic way is to change your e-mail address when the spam overwhelms your mailbox. Free e-mail accounts are available from: and many others. Never enter an internet 'contest' or 'vote' in an internet election, such as 'Ed MacBig's talent search' with your good e-mail address. If you do need to provide an e-mail address to a likely spam source, create a 'junk' e-mail account. Then, after you confirm your new e-mail address with your likely spam source, rarely check it, since it will only contain spam. (9/10/08)

This page was created and is maintained by Steven Greene

This website copyright 1997-2008 by the Spartans Wrestling Club of Philadelphia.

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