Weavre's Little Corner of the Web

Weavre's Little Corner of the Web

(last updated July 2, 2002)

This space, once "intended simply as a quick reference point for folks I might meet," has grown into a wonderful complex filled with the silk-wrapped joys and sorrows of my life. I love visitors--find a comfortable place, settle in for a bit of warm conversation, and make yourself at home. There's always time to spend with a friend.

Scattered about, you'll find some of what's dearest to my heart:

  • My family: my partner and my miracle, Michelle . . . and our two incredible children
  • Earth-centered spirituality and family life
  • Human rights for all humans: feminism, children's rights, ethnic rights, economic rights, and a general celebration of diversity.
  • Camp Fire USA
  • The Preemie Place
  • Homeschooling, educational choice, learning in freedom, and the Unschoolers of Memphis
  • Healthy communication, and the elimination of verbal violence
  • Writing
  • Our physical home (Or, "Weavre plays with power tools")

    With recent changes in the focus of my activism, I've barely had time to start revamping this site, which was first built several years ago. Fortunately, my old site is still accessible; take a look! By the way, until I get all the links on the older pages changed, the bit at the bottom of each (claiming to bring you back to "the front door") will come here, not to the old front door.

    E-mail me at [email protected]

    Hosted by www.Geocities.ws
