The Nature Conservancy is a wonderful organization dedicated to preserving our environment in a peaceful way. They don't spend time, energy, or money on court cases; they simply buy land and preserve it. What a wonderful idea!
Men and Women Against Domestic Violence is a cyberspace-based group whose site offers good information to those fighting and confronting domestic violence. They link to other resources, such as SafetyNet, an excellent similar site.
Project Vote Smart gives you easy access to all the information you need to make informed decisions as a voter in the United States. They track over 13,000 political leaders, profile issues, and generally do a fantastic job of providing unbiased information.
The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force--OK, big surprise to find a link to this group in this neighborhood, but how could I leave them out?
The Covenant of the Goddess website hosts a good, sane collection of information about Wicca, with links to other sites. They also offer opportunities for networking, for those interested in participating.
Little Explorers helps even young children become confident web surfers! With a pictorial dictionary that acts as a springboard for exploring easy-to-read sites, tips on how things work in cyberspace, and more, they made me a grateful parent when I found them. My kids even toured the White House online--and got real snail-mail postcards from the President!--at the ages of 3 and 5!
Human Rights Internet--describes itself as, "International NGO, documentation centre, publishing house," and is kept very up to date.
The Goddess Art of Jonathon Earl Bowser--just what it says, with some gorgeous work!
James T. Sears has conducted extensive research on being gay in the South, on Southern history from a gay perspective, and on Neo-Confederate movements. His site offers layer after layer of information!
Links list continued below banner--I know it's annoying, but it's not popping up and it's not the first thing on the page, so I'm leaving it there!
Barbarian's Online Tests Page offers entertaining assessment--ranging from deeply meaningful personal insight, to self-assessment of possible learning disorders, to finding out what your preference in the Lucky Charms box says about your sexuality! (Very nicely done site, btw)
WestHollywood's OutWorld Cyberzine is our neighborhood geocities ezine, with big plans ahead! Take a moment to check them out . . .
Rainbow Stew offers "a serious look at 'gay-bashing' and hate crimes against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons including articles not presented by the media."
A Lesbian Celebration--of art, literature, philosophy, and an abundance of those things many of us crave and don't often find in the gay bars! What a fantastic site!
A Dyke's World--One of my own all-time favorites; I've been a regular visitor there since I first discovered this site about a year ago. This one's a must! :)
Silk n' Satin . . . an excellent geocities site with an abundance of lesbian history, poetry, quotes, accomplishments, etc.--even a kids' area!
Liberated Existence is a radical Memphis forum supported by some fantastic people. There are certainly times when we disagree on the details, but I am tremendously grateful that folks like this are fighting at all, and for all our freedoms!
Margaret Sanger--feel like reading a bit about a real American hero? (You can also read the short essay I sent my students after asking them to find out who she was, if you like.), "devoted to promoting lesbian visibility on the Internet," is host to a variety of sites on . . . well, you guessed it! Includes such offerings as the Lesbian Mothers Support Society, for example.
The Gay and Lesbian National Hotline "is a non-profit organization which provides a vital service to our community by providing nationwide toll-free peer-counseling, information, and referrals. GLNH is open Monday through Friday 6 pm-10 pm and Saturday noon-5 pm, EST."
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