Some shocking facts about the West Nile Virus

    Fact#1 The West Nile Virus epidemic does not exist!

That’s right there is no such thing as the West Nile Virus in New York. Well, let me be more specific, the West Nile Virus is a real virus that has been around for hundreds of years all over the world. Outbreaks of West Nile viral disease have occurred in Africa, Egypt, Israel, Asia, Romania, Russia and France. Before 1999 however, West Nile virus had never before been found in the Americas. The virus can cause damage to the central nervous systems of some birds and small animals leading to their death. BUT, there is very little if any danger to human beings.


Why the scare then you might ask?

The truth about the West Nile Virus is that the Government needed to create a scare to make the citizens of New York believe that there was a threat of the West Nile Virus in the area in order for the government to spray the entire city with a so-called "larvicide". Once the public is convinced that there is a need to spray fro mosquitoes, it is easy to add other agents into the chemical being sprayed.  Since there are hundreds of birds that carry the West Nile Virus that turn up dead on peoples lawn each year and the public knows so little about the virus, the government believes that this virus would be the best to use to create a stir.

Fact#2 Birds have been dying from West Nile for many, many years. How many times prior to 1999 have you seen a dead bird lying on the ground? I’m sure the answer is countless, but only now the virus is such an epidemic that the entire city must be sprayed.

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