The Truth about the West Nile Virus! 


Warning:         What you are bout to read is true! You will not officially hear of this information for a few years when the time is right for the government to release it!

Who am I?

The reason that I created this site is that I find it difficult to sleep at night knowing all that I know about the West Nile Virus spraying and I am not able to tell a sole. I cannot reveal my name for security reasons, but I work in a laboratory in the New York that deals closely with BoiPort Labs in Lansing, Michigan .  I have conducted numerous tests for the government on Biological warfare antitoxins, West Nile virus strains and other matters and have produced many tons of antitoxins and vaccines like Altosid for the government.  Our biggest project was to make an antitoxin or vaccine that was effective in an airborne delivery and to further test if larvicides would affect its effectiveness.  That is when it hit me that we were not just doing an independent test for routine experimentation on Anthrax and West Nile.  We were actually developing a vaccine to be sprayed on an entire city to save its people in the likelihood of a biological attack.          


Why not go to the news media?

Don’t think that I haven’t thought about going to the news media with this one.  I have, but I will be in grave danger if certain people find out about me releasing this information.  The only way for me to release this information and not be in immediate danger for my family and me is to put it on the internet and hope that some reading this will go to the media and blow the lid off this whole mess.  I had to use this geocities account and upload it on a public PC so the IP address is not traceable back to me.  When the stuff hits the fan everyone will know who I am, unless it is too late. 

  Why would the government want to spray the entire city??

New York City was sprayed with a larviside (malathione or altosid) that is supposed to control the mosquito population by interfering with the normal life cycle of an insect. By mimicking an insect growth hormone, it prevents the development of adult mosquitoes from larvae. This is a Biological formula that is very effective on mosquitoes. But what you don’t know and what the Government wont let you know is that the chemical being sprayed is Altosid with a very special additive to vaccinate the public against  possible Anthrax exposure.

            Fact#3 1999 was the year before the Millennium when many terrorists threatened terrorist cats on the US and several were caught prior to entering the country. Washington State cancelled their public New Years Eve celebration due to terrorist threat (New York City did not cancel their celebration).

What is the anthrax vaccine?

The anthrax vaccine is manufactured and distributed by BioPort, Corporation, Lansing, Michigan. The vaccine is made from a strain of anthrax that protects but does not have the ability to cause disease, so you don’t have to worry about getting anthrax from the vaccine. It is a cell-free filtrate vaccine, which means it contains no dead or live bacteria in the preparation. The final product contains no more than 2.4 mg of aluminum hydroxide as adjuvant.  Annual booster doses are needed for ongoing protection.

Some say that another vaccine used to immunize against Anthrax is cipofloxacin.  The FDA took great lengths to legislate ciprofloxacin as a safe drug fairly quickly. This announcement was said to help the Bayer Corporation of West Haven Connecticut market its product. Conveniently, for the corporation, the FDA's action was said to be part of an organized effort by federal agencies to prepare the nation to respond to biological attack.

Why would the Government go through all this trouble?

If it were released today that the citizens of New York are in grave danger of biological terrorism at any moment and it is advised that every citizen go to a local hospital for a vaccine there would be mass hysteria and the breakdown of government confidence as we know it. The solution? Cause concern for a hyped up animal virus that may be spread to humans as a subterfuge to secretly spray the entire New York City population with a biological warfare vaccine like Altosid.

         Fact#4 Very few people have contacted the West Nile Virus since 1999, but all who contacted the disease are elderly with weakened immune systems. Most who have contacted the virus have fully recovered and those who have had the virus and died were in a severely weakened state prior to contacting the virus. Only 1 case of West Nile Virus  was reported for 2001.


            Fact #5 Members of the NYPD have been injected with this antitoxin without their knowledge under the guise of receiving a hepatitis vaccine. Such injections are mandatory for all members of the NYPD and NYFD since they will be the first responders to large-scale incidents of this nature. I have personally seen many vials of this vaccine having their labels switched from anthrax vaccine to read the name of a Hepatitis vaccine and the destination to be shipped was One Police Plaza, which is Police Headquarters in New York City.  



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