Subject: Re: To Raymond Ho - Vote to National Security Bill

Dear friends,

Shall we trust what Raymond Ho has said to the press? He has not consulted
us but he told the press that more than half supported the Bill. Then he
said after the demonstration that more than half were against the Bill. We
must send our voting to him ; otherwise he will change his mind suddenly
and say nobody has sent him the voting. Pls complete the following voting
for him.

Pls call your friends who are HKIE members to vote.


E-mail address: [email protected]
Title of e-mail: Survey on Article 23

Dear Ir. Dr. Raymond HO,

In response to your survey on voting on 9 July 2003 for Article 23, my
decision is :

( Please put a v against your choice)

|  |Vote AGAINST to pass Article 23 on 9 July 2003|
|  |Vote SUPPORT to pass Article 23 on 9 July 2003|
|  |No Comment/Abstain|

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