Board Members
President- Nicole
President presides at meetings, acts as liaison with other organizations and the community, organizes the local group's activities with the help of the executive board, and acts as liaison between the local support group and the MOMS Club corporation.
Co-Administrative VP- Leticia
The Administrative VP assists the president, assumes the duties of the president when not available, coordinates service projects and fundraisers, and coordinates chair mom positions.
Membership VP- Brooke
The Membership VP promotes membership in the group, publicizes the group to the community, assists the Treasurer in collecting dues, and coordinates hospitality at the meetings.
Secretary/Newsletter- Gina
The Secretary compiles a roster of all members, prepares correspondence, and takes minutes at all meetings. The Secretary is also in charge of the monthly Newsletter.
Treasurer- Delores
The Treasurer is responsible for all funds for the group, and also maintains financial records, receives and disperses funds, and prepares financial reports.
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