


    Come visit our next meeting!  Our chapter is very open to new members.  You probably won't be the only new person there!  Although some of us have lived here for years and are experienced mothers, many of us are new in town or new to motherhood!  We all have one thing in common - the MOMS ClubŪ introduced us to other moms who stay home... the ones that soon became our friends.


As a member, you will receive a monthly newsletter from the club detailing all the exciting upcoming activities we have planned, as well as additional information to keep you informed and in touch.  Prospective members may attend two business meetings or one business meeting and one park day.  A park day is defined as an outing where the entire membership is generally together in the same place.  Field trips do not count as park days. Once your annual dues are paid, you may join a playgroup and can also enjoy many other activities.  For more information about MOMS Club or to find out the time and date of our next activity contact our Membership VP Brooke e-mail [email protected]


    Our dues are $24.00 per year and pay for our room rentals, supplies and programs.  You may attend two events (such as a meeting and a park day - activity groups are for members only!) before you decide to become a member.  We understand that being a mother-at-home often means a tight family budget, so if the dues would be a hardship for your family, please talk to one of our officers.

Disclaimer:  Neither the local chapter nor International MOMS ClubŪ endorses any advertisers on this website.

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