what should I do?
How to live thereafter?
Jesus Loves you.
Don't Commit Suicide. It is the worst hope you can have. You need hope,right? Here is the hope.

Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the Life" and he said "I came that you might have life and you might have it full"
Think what will happen if you commit suicide. Nothing. But what could you have by receiving christ into your heart. The same thing which I got from him. Love, Joy and Peace.

Christ said "The peace I give unto you, the world cannot give, my peace I give unto you,let your hearts be not troubled".

These words are indeed true.By faith come to him and open the doors of your heart and he will heal you whole.

"Come unto all you heavy laden, and I will give you rest" Don't let another minute to pass away without him .

If you had made your decision, please let me know through e-mail or visit the links for further help.

God Bless you.
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