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Welcome to My World!

December 2, 2004
I cannot wait for Christmas break, seriously! Thanksgiving break just was not enough time away from the books, and I like sitting at home with no homework to do. Regardless, I had a great Thanksgiving Break with my family and friends. Of course, just about when I came home, Josh was there waiting for me; he practically lives at my house. This is just fine with me because I honestly love the guy, he's like a brother to me. Anyway, school has been going very well with me, and God has blessed me so much. As I have been reading in Haggai, I think it was really cool to hear God say that, "I am with you." This was a great reminder to me because at some really hard times it seems that I am always fighting the tide, but God is with me the entire way because I am His child. It was also a kick in the pants to me to see how God scolded the remnant for being complacent in Jerusalem when their set purpose for being there was to build His temple. This was a reminder to me that there is a lot more kingdom work that needs to be done, and I need not be complacent or comfortable in my current walk with the Lord. It could always be better. Speaking of things being better, I am finding it hard to keep my sanity being an enginerd. I am so thankful for friends that make things lighthearted for me and encourage me everyday. Props to you guys. Well, have a super day!


November 21, 2004
Oh wow, have I been busy lately. There have just been so many projects, lab reports, homework, and exams that I really have not been able to take a breath. But throughout all of this, the Lord is still good and He has kept me close to Him thus far. I really do now cherish the times that I can just sit down with His Word and read about God. Since the middle of the summer until now, I have been going through a personal study of the minor prophets. Nobody really takes a sermon out of these great books, because they are mainly prophecy, and rarely read. But they are so beneficial and I have learned so much about God from these books. Sure there are the verses on His wrath, which still brings glory to Him, but for every passage about wrath, there is one about God's mercy and grace. These are things that I sometimes forget about, and instead I dwell on the times where I've sinned and failed God. But God has forgiven me of those things that I have done, even before I have forgiven myself. This thinking is very selfish, the thinking of not forgiving yourself of things you've done, and I realized that through somebody's preaching, but I do not really remember who it was. I just need to stay focused on God's grace and try to live a good life to glorify Him NOW, and not worry about what I've done earlier. That is all in the past now. Praise God for His enlightening Truth!! Praise Him for His grace and mercy; Praise Him because He blesses undeserving people. We are commanded to praise Him, so praise the Lord!


October 1, 2004
Well what do you know? I can actually kind of make a xanga site here by myself, and type in what i say, so that's really cool! Anyway, today was the all-anticipated cardboard boat race, done by the freshman engineers. I was totally excited and nervous at the same time. Our boat was #12 which we affectionately named The Baker's Dozen. (The irony is in the fact that a baker's dozen is actually thirteen and not twelve.) I couldn't help but laugh at the numerous people who asked if I really knew that a baker's dozen was thirteen. It was all worth it for the cute hats that we wore. I had a lot of fun with my teammates making the boat, so props to Dave Van Schepen and Ian Thomas, and also to Molly Bowers for riding with us. Further props to Griffin Meyers and Nathan Landis for being our advisors. So we actually made it across although I was always thinking that we were going to sink.

In the demolition derby, our boat managed to stake its ground. We actually sank another boat, and then we pretty much were done for with the two huge gashes in our sides and bow. I had a blast, but in the end, we all smelled like poop because of Cedar Lake (aka Cedar Landfill).

Well, ladida. My advice for the day is to not ever swim in Cedar Lake no matter how good it may look at times.


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This has been the second summer that I have worked at camp. Working at a Christian camp is an awesome experience if you want to grow closer to the Lord and other people who love the Lord as well. These past two summers have been the best of my life. This is where I met my girlfriend, Katie, and she has challenged me to become a better Christian. She is an awesome girl if anyone has not met her, and the people who know her can verify that as fact. It is just wonderful to see how the Lord works.

Right now my family is all spread out across three states. My brother, Andrew, is finishing up his senior year at Wheaton College. He'll have to get a job by the end of the school year, which is weird to see how the brother you grew up with is now going to be off on his own. It seemed like yesterday that we were playing with our toy animals and playing zookeeper. Yes, ladies, that is cute. My parents are still in Indiana, mom with the empty nest syndrome, and dad with the I'm-so-glad-the-kids-are-gonitis. It's all good. And I am at Cedarville as a dwinky little freshman. I hope these four years at Cedarville will draw me closer to the Lord, and that I earn an awesome education.

I am looking for ways to improve this site so give me your ideas by signing the guestbook or by emailing me. I would appreciate your input a lot!

Click here if you have any news about yourself or if you just want to talk to me (because I'm a good listener), and also because I'm interested in the lives of people around me too. I also need lots of input to improve my site, but I want to be original. There is some neat stuff on the other pages, trust me. ;-) There is definitely a lot to see and this site has a lot to offer so check it out. Have a great day!!


Pictures Just hover over the link to view the pictures.

Snocone and cupcake, what a pair.

We are... the men in white shirts!!!

Austin, Mike, and Daniel

Twin Lakes Camp Staff 2004

JB gets a package and all is well.

Cory just gets excited sometimes.

Me helping at Junior Jam.

Kelly and Sterling in their neat little costumes.

I found this picture online and thought it was hilarious.

I just think that Katie is so attractive when she blows her nose. Seriously I do.

Do you think that we should be together? You decide.

W drove by Cedarville and here is proof. That really is him in the window.

In case you did not notice, but Kimberly and Katie are mocking the poster.

One word: HOT!!


Last updated 12/02/2004


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