What if it's true?
Dear Visitors,
     Have you ever heard of Christian beliefs? I'm sure that if you have, you've found some of the stories a little difficult to believe. A man walking on water? Yeah right. And what about healing the dead and coming back to life? Not so believable, is it? But wait... what if it's true? What if those crazy people are right and a guy named Jesus actually did walk on water and come back to life (among other things)? Are you missing out on something?
     If so, I don't want you to be left in the dark about it. Thus, this web site. As often as I can, I will post a story, starting from the very beginning, the creation of the earth and all that is in it (another not so easy to believe ordeal) and work through the Gospel (good news) that is meant for all people.
     I'm not trying to persuade you to change what your beliefs (or lack thereof). I just want you to know what we believe and ask you the question, "What if it's true?"

     If you have questions about the stories, please put them in the guest book. When I get questions, I'll set up a link to an answers page. I'll do my best to answer your questions there.

The editor

Hello again, readers,                                                          January 10, 2005
       It has been quite some time since I first created this site and you may be wondering where I've been. Well, let's just say I've had some struggles in my own faith. It didn't seem right to me to be speaking of things I was doubting. Now I'm back, but there is going to be a slightly different purpose for the site.
      Rather than telling the stories out of the Bible, I'm going to be sharing my thoughts as I read through the Bible during the year. I'll leave that first story (that really doesn't seem to be much of a story) on the site, but I'll link to another page that has the new contents. Thank you for your interest,

The editor
The Creation of the Earth and the Downfall of Men
The Editor's thoughts concerning the Bible...
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