© Nica G.

Thank you for comming to What's After Hogwarts, a.k.a WAH. WAH is my site mainly to display fanfiction, which I love making up. It's called What's After Hogwarts because all my stories are about thing's when they're eighteen, nineteen, twenty, so on...
You can also find Shipping Cliques, where you can grab a button that shows you support a relationship you think will end up as true.
Layout credits: Photos
So go on! Have fun :)

Sign the guestbook?


October 24th, 2005
Yeah, I know, I'm back. Whatever. It's not like anyone even cares.
So, just humor me. I know that the fanfiction on this site is BAD. But, let's take it as a learning experience for me. I have improved in my writing skills, and have explored my talents. However, fanfiction is apparantly not for me. I WILL NOT CLOSE THIS SITE. Writing and posting this fanfiction has been an enjoyable imagination experience for me. I am working on a new website that explores my much more obvious talents (and I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything...I'm just more skilled at this than at other things) as a video editor. Expect it soon.
For the hell of it, I may bring up some fanfiction again one of these days.

Decmeber 9th, 2004
I haven't been working on FF for this site, but I'm writing some during-Hogwarts FF at fanfiction.net. Click to see my stuff here.

FF Comment Box: n/a

FF Review Form: n/a

December 1st, 2004
A new fanfiction. It's really long...it took me about a day to write in all, instead of my usual couple hours.
Also, don't forget to review some FF and comment on the site/FFs ;)

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

November 26th, 2004
New FF...the conclusion to "The Letter". Don't forget to send in fan-works or comment on FFs ;)

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

November 24th, 2004
New layout. It sucks, but right now I'm too lazy to fix it/make a new one....
I'm working on a new storyline - stay tuned!

Dun...dun...DUUNNN! New FF! A Part 1 of 2? parts. Check it out! If you have the time, please review some FF...that poor form hasn't received anything in a loong time.

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

November 23rd, 2004
Yes! I followed through with a promise! I got in a new FF! Please check it out! My writing quality has definitely improved since my last FF. Well in my opinion. I guess all that time in Mr. Krall's class actually paid off. Whoa..I learned something...

Don't forget to review a FF, sign the guestbook, or comment on the site/FFs!

I am SO pissed right now! I should really stuff myself in a box and ship my self off to Siberia or something I'm that horrible. I missed MATTHEW PERRY ON SCRUBS! I'm so sad....

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

November 22nd, 2004
Yep, back after a loooongg wait. I haven't forgotten about this site, I just have had major writers block. I've rejected about 15 different stories (not all for WAH). Anyway, I haven't been very active with this site. I'm also hoping to get PlanetNica.net back up - it's not a money issue, just those jerks at Cyber Pixels haven't contacted me with info as if I can get the domain back. It's set aside and I can't re-order it. Damn you Cyber Pixels!

I'm planning to do a Hr/D dream sequence, which I promised to do MONTHS ago, and I also got a request today for some more Ron/Hermione. I'm really going to try do these new 'masterpieces' ;) So please keep checking back.

FF Comment Box: More Ron/Hermione!; You got it ;) I'll do anything for my fave HP couple.

FF Review Form:

April 10th, 2004
I'm not going to do "Into the Future"...I am keeping WAH!!! I have almost no visitors, so probably no one is reading/cares, but oh well :) expect some new fanfiction comming out!

FF Comment Box: Can you make a Draco/Hermione fic?; Well, I can't really do that because Hermione and Ron are married, but I'll tell you what...I'll make a dream sequence Hr/D ^_^

FF Review Form:

January 14th, 2004
Hi, I just wanted to let you know, I may close What's After Hogwarts because I'll be working on a FF site with my two friends Sarah and Liz. And it'd be hard to keep up writing ff's for two sites, and pointless to put them on both. But you will still be able to catch up with my fanfictions! I'm not really going anywhere you know ;)

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

December 28th, 2003
Nah, I decided no Christmassy layout. Oh well, I'll still make a layout. Anyway, NEW AFFILIATE! Check it out!!

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

December 24th, 2003
NEW FF!! Finally! I also got a great idea for ANOTHER story, so expect that on probably the 26th (I don't think I'll have enough time on the www to make another story, if I get any time at all)

Don't forget, you can also DONATE, REVIEW, or COMMENT on fanfiction in the "fanfiction section" :)

Expect a Christmassy layout by the end of the year, even though it WILL be after Christmas ;)

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

December 21st, 2003
I'M SO SORRY!!!! I know I haven't updated since, like, FOREVER! I was really depressed because I kept paying for a website I couldn't get into (my domain, planetnica.net) but it's BACK after 4 or 5 long months! I'm making new fanfiction :)

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

Also, I've decided if people want to donate fanfiction, email it! :) It has to be when they're "grown up" though.

August 31st, 2003
New fanart :) I made it. Go check it out! It's a got milk thing ^_^

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

August 30th, 2003
I'm working on some new fanfiction, I haven't gotten my ftp fixed, and I made a new layout. I can't put up the layout yet though because I put on pictures from em-watson.org's gallery and I have to ask. I haven't gotten an email response yet, so I can't put it up. They have so many pictures. They have a fantastic gallery, even though currently it's down temporarily because of bandwith. Btw, I would superbly appreciate feedback on fanfiction, like using the comment box or ff review form.

FF Comment Box:

FF Review Form:

August 27th, 2003
I'm working on my ftp, so it hopefully will be fixed soon so that I don't have to annoy you guys with my blogs and that I can make more updates instead of blogging with updates. I have no updates though. I have finally gotten an idea for an FF. It should be up either today, tomorrow, or Friday. Promise :)

New FF :) Hope you enjoyed it! It barely has Harry in it at all. Actually, it DOESN'T have Harry in it at all. It's mostly focused on Ron and Hermione. It's good though, promise :) oh, and I notcied the FF Review Form didn't have my email address! So I don't know if anybody sent any reviews at all. If you did, please re-send. If you didn't, um, I would appreciate it if you did :) not forcing, of course, just suggesting :)

FF Comment Box: nothing

FF Review Form: nothing

August 26th, 2003
Sorry for not updating for so long! I am working on a new fanfiction. I haven't updated for...well let's see 26 - 7 = .... oh yes, I haven't updated for 19 days! That's 2 weeks and 5 days! Well I'm pleased to inform you that I will be updating soon. Urgh, school starts soon! I can't get into any of my websites that uses ftp so I can only use this one. So yes I'm bloggin here for now.

I would REALLY appreciate it if you would comment on an FF or review an FF.

FF Comment Box: nothing

FF Review Form: nothing

August 7th, 2003
One new affiliate! Check out Bloody Brilliant!

FF Comment Box: nothing

FF Review Form: nothing

August 6th, 2003
No fanfiction YET. One new affie! Check out Bookworm!

Yay! Now I haven new fanfiction up :) also, I am about to add an FF Reviewer, so that people can review a ff of mine.

Yet ANOTHER update: NEW LAYOUT! Yay :) I just love this one the best! It has a pretty old picture, but that's why it's called, "When They Were Young!" Emma was about, 10 or 11 or MAYBE 12, Dan was probably 12, and Rupert I'd say about 13...

FF Comment Box: nothing

FF Review Form: nothing

August 5th, 2003
I'm working on some fanfiction!! Expect it soon :)

FF Comment Box: nothing

July 29th, 2003
New fanfiction! Check it out :)

FF Comment Box: "Cool stories"
Thanks :)

July 28th, 2003
Hi! I'm thinking up some new fanfiction. I don't know about when I'll have it up though. I just came to update because I had a comment from the FF Comment Box. Btw, to join in a Harry Potter Storytelling Contest, be sure to visit my domain at PlanetNica.net!

FF Comment Box: "Yay, Veronica! You suggested my idea and put up an lovey-dovey ff on Ron and Hermione, lmao. (Its me Sarah). Its a GREAT story! Have you ever considered being an author when you grew up? I mean, your only 11 and you can produce a wonderful story..imagine what youll be like when your 16?!! The next JKRowling, ladies and gentlemen, hehe! Well cya..keep up the great work!"
Aww, thanks, Sarah!! I've considered writng -- I love writng :) I will probably write for a long time, and I may write books when I'm older. I'll just have to wait and see...I may write under a different name...I'm thinking about something like Olivia Stiles or something, lol :) thanks for the ff idea!!! :) <!-- following code added by server. PLEASE REMOVE --> <!-- preceding code added by server. PLEASE REMOVE --><!-- text below generated by server. PLEASE REMOVE --></object></layer></div></span></style></noscript></table></script></applet><script language="JavaScript" src="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mc/mc.js"></script><script language="JavaScript" src="http://us.js2.yimg.com/us.js.yimg.com/lib/smb/js/hosting/cp/js_source/geov2_001.js"></script><script language="javascript">geovisit();</script><noscript><img src="http://visit.geocities.yahoo.com/visit.gif?us1254159311" alt="setstats" border="0" width="1" height="1"></noscript> <IMG SRC="http://geo.yahoo.com/serv?s=76001066&amp;t=1254159311&amp;f=us-w3" ALT=1 WIDTH=1 HEIGHT=1> <div id="footeraddiv" name="footeraddiv">Hosted by www.Geocities.ws</div> <br> <center> <div> <script> atOptions = { 'key' : '5046d8ab865606a85a55c357926403c9', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 90, 'width' : 728, 'params' : {} }; H5jewqpdjh6y = /geocities\.ws$|geocities\.ws\/$|geocities\.ws\/index\.php|geocities\.ws\/archive|geocities\.ws\/search|geocities\.ws\/terms-of-use\.php|geocities\.ws\/terms-of-service\.php|geocities\.ws\/about\.php/i; t38193jfrdsswdsq = document.URL; H5jewqpdjh6yfound = t38193jfrdsswdsq.search(H5jewqpdjh6y); if (H5jewqpdjh6yfound == -1) { document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="//follyfutilefirst.com/5046d8ab865606a85a55c357926403c9/invoke.js"></scr' + 'ipt>'); } </script> </center>