Daft Laughs comedy sites
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In the two galleries there are 44 pictures so far ,some (well most) are adult orientated so if you are underage to view adult material in your state or country please leave quietly. This must of hurt
Warning dont click here if your sensitive about your manhood .Every woman who takes pleasure in watching a mans misfortune should check this out !
Click here to download Kick
And d yer know that bud advert Wazzuuup well
Click here to download the new version
Thanks Babs :o)
Babs :o)

In a time when countries are at war to seek out justice and inocent people are suffering we need time out to reflect on the other things in life. When you can't make sense of the things going on around you come to Daft Laughs. Here you will found only the very best photo's, animations ,wavs and anything else that I think is fit for a Daft Laugh .

So get yourself a nice cup of horlicks or a whisky and coke (no ice) and sit in a comfy chair in front of the monitor and choose a gallery.

I won't put any old image on Daft Laughs so you know you will find only the best here. If you have any funny pictures or stories that I can use on this site then send them in to me and if i publish any I'll even give you a mention.



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