Find Where's Wally doing just what it suggests....Welly Wanging! Oh the Joy!



Welcome Wangers! In case you wondered, this site was brought to you from the same people who brought you

The British Book-sniffing Enthusiasts Homepage!



This is Bill from Corrie doing a spot of Welly Wanging! Tis good to see some celebrity's taking part
in some crazy past-times! I wonder if he Book-sniffs to???


Look for Where's Wally Welly Wanging Here!





You can get your very own Welly Wanging kit from this website:


us your pictures of welly-wanging activity!


Welly Wanging is a serious sport (to some people anyway!) Crazy!
Farmer Giles says: "Ooh-AAh! Sometoimes when II'm droiving moiy comboine 'arvesterr out in the fields I can't resist but to slip moiy wellies orf and do a spot o' welly-wanging! It came about during the foot and mouth croisis when I 'ad t' slaughter all moiy loivestock an' I wondered what on Earth I could do in the world, and I was out in the fields and my welly got stuck in t' muuuuuurd an' wanged off! "


Welly Wanging was a popular sport during the period of 1984-6. Welly wangers of that era used to greet fellow
welly-wangers with a sign of the 'W' on their foreheads! We at Where's Wally Welly Wanging Website think that there should be a welly wanging revival!

When I was younger, I was caught wanging at school! I was doing it in the playground, and when I saw a dinnerlady coming my way I ran into the corner, and she shouted, "Kenny, stop wanging in that corner!" , then she gave me a detention! I had to write lines, "I must not wang in the playground!"

WARNING: Please do not attempt to wang wellies whilst taking medication. In the event of an 'accident' please seek medical attention from your GP immediately!





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Now for the smallprint: The smallprint is here for no apparant reason at all, except to make you squint and harm your eyes in the process. I could save you the bother if I wanted to by telling you that what you're about to read will be a load of crap, but you will still keep on reading it til the bitter end anyway won't you, so B#@LL@KS to you! What are you wasting time reading the smallprint for anyway, when I specifically put a link to our other website above it in a really F'#K OFF sized font? Go on, click on it! And don't say I didn't warn you. Now Wang-Off! Oh yeah and another thing, if you find a pair of wellies stuck in some mud in the middle of a field - they belong to Farmer Giles. He said that if anyone can get them from out of the mud, they can use them for their own Welly Wanging fun! Please DO NOT attempt to welly wang near live electric wires - because although the wellies are made of rubber, don't forget that you have taken them off, so the current will still go through YOU!

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Welly Wanging fun! Please DO NOT attempt to welly wang near live electric wires - because although the wellies are made of rubber, don't forget that you have taken them off, so the current will still go through YOU!

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