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There are as many ways to explain this, as there are individual unique minds to interpret it. The ideal method, would be to have someone explain how their understanding of reality functions. During which time they will inevitably contradict those assertions, and hopefully realise the invalidity of their own frail construction.

The Meaning of Life...
And Other Notions Too.

Face to face conversation permits a set of bespoke questions to be tailored to suit the intellect being engaged. Without that facility, as here, a generalised off-the-peg approach must be applied. This assemblage of off-cuts, is just such an item of apparel. By all means try it for size. If it fails to fit properly, alter it yourself. Achieving any necessary adjustments through liberal use of your own incisive queries. Keep such instruments sharp, by honing them in discussions with others of our kind. But only by invitation. For some are just as unready for this concept now, as others were several thousand years ago. As Socrates found to his cost.

The inter-entity currently connecting your mind to mine, provides both platform and protection. Permitting the process to resurrect itself, with reduced mortal risk. In addition creating a single synapse, as sentient and powerful as a planet full of people. This time, with prudence and perseverance, the necessary yet postponed progression will occur.

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