Cleaning & Oiling Instructions for the White/Superba/Singer Machines

Regular Machine Maintenance

This should be done weekly if you use the machine regularly. Less often, perhaps monthly, if the machine is only lightly used.

    Take the carriages off the machine and brush all of the lint from underneath the cams. Brush the needle area of the machine to remove any lint and fluff also.  If you have small vacuum cleaner attachments, such as those used for computers or sewing machines, they are great to get all the lint out of the needle area. Also clean out the channels that the carriages run in, with a cloth or paper towel.

    Put the needles into working position, beds alternate. Oil the needle butts by running a spouted oil bottle across the beds, leaving a small amount of oil on each.  Use only a light, white/clear oil for the machine, just as you would for your sewing machine or serger.  Put a few drops of oil in the channels that the carriage runs in also.

    Move the carriages across the beds about 25 times.  You do not have to oil the carriages, they pick up the lubrication they need when they are moved across the beds. Brush the channels vigorously with the brush to get the oil into the channels.  Run a thin streak of oil across the needles above the rail.  Move the carriages across another 25 times.  Brush the channels.

    Wipe the excess oil from the beds with a soft cloth (not terry cloth).  Use this cloth to wipe across the length of the rails to put just a tiny bit of oil on them. Also clean the wires of your cast-on combs with the same cloth.  That little bit of oil on them allows them to thread through the comb more easily.

Some don'ts -

    Never use WD 40 or similar spray lubricants for the machine. It will eventually build up on the beds and gum up the whole machine.  Also, never use any silicone spray or lubricant on the machine.  It can cause permanent damage to the electronics.

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