Machine model identification

Most of the model number that I have are the Singer UK models. I have included the model numbers they were known as under White and Superba brands when I know them. Please let me know if you have any more information that should be added to this page and I will be glad to add it.  Email Sherri

5mm gauge double bed machines

White 1602. Superba S48. Singer UK 2310-2331 (freestyle 1, memomatic)
Also see the picture on the  home page for an actual picture of the 1602.

Singer UK and White System 9000.
Also see the  system 9000 page

Singer UK System 600-611. (freestyle 2, memo II)
I believe this is also the same as the White model 1502.

Singer UK System 624.

5mm gauge single bed models

Singer UK System 400 (memo II single bed)

Flat bed machines, known as the SB100 and Merlin.

There were also 9mm flat bed models. The most common being the "Big Nine". Other models include the Designer 2, SB150, SB160, SB170.

Latest new pictures - Superba models

My thanks go out to Charlene for sending me these pictures.  The S26 and S46 have no patterning box. The S28 and S48 are mylar readers.

More Pictures:  

         S44 Machine



Models for which I have no picture.

I found these listed in the literature, but no pictures. Old double bed models MK1 and MK2. Old flat bed models KE2400, KE2500, KE2600.

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