
Summer Lace Sweater

With the GL Unit

From Holly Pritchett ([email protected])

This drop lace short sleeve top is loose fitting with a scalloped crew neck commercial neckband. The pattern used is the one from the GL Unit manual on page 10. The pattern is drawn out so those that need to can make a mylar sheet and those that need to can program their machine. This same pattern is also pre-printed on card U #1.

Sizes: Sizes are for 36(38,40) bust with 6" of ease included. Finished front and back measure 21(22,23)" The length is 24" total with a 2 1/2" ribbing. The sleeve drop is 8 1/2(8 1/2, 9)" Neck is 7" shoulders are 7(7 1/2, 8)".
Gauge: 6.66 sts & 8.33 rows = 1"
Yarn: Yarn Country Magic (this is a lightly colored variegated yarn) 40% acrylic 60% polyester
Stitch Size: Front Carriage 5 / Back Carriage 3 / Tension 5 / Bed Space 4
Abbreviations: st(s) = stitch(es) NRB = Needle Return Buttons RC = row counter

Before using the GL Unit it would be a good idea to drop a dab of oil in the groove.

The knitting is done on the front bed with the carriage set to V. Beds are in alternate position! Corresponding needles are on the back bed with that carriage set to O. The electronic box buttons are set to middle, middle, down, up, up. The double row function is used.

Front and Back are knitted the same.
Cast on the Front Bed using waste yarn (The ribbing will be added later). 140(146,155) sts. Hold the cast-on comb up between the beds slightly tilted forward. Move the carriage slowly across the needles. Knit 4 rows waste yarn. Change to main color. Knit 2 rows. Carriage is on the right. Insert push down wheels to insure the stitches drop. Or just pull down gently on the fabric after each release row. Set cursor stops 15 needles past the end of each side of knitting. Make sure the cursor is at the right stop before beginning to knit. Set carriages. Start the pattern. Knit 2 rows. Release the Back Bed stitches by passing the GL Unit across the needles. Knit 2 rows and release stitches. Continue in this manner until RC110(110,106). Place a yarn marker at both sides to mark for sleeve. Continue in pattern until RC180. Bring all needles into hold except for 47(50, 54) shoulder sts at right. Using waste yarn knit 4-6 rows and remove from the machine. Make sure empty needles are all the way out of work. Push 46 neck needles back into working position. Using waste yarn knit a few rows and remove. Put the NRB's into their lower position. Knit the remaining 47(50, 54) left shoulder sts with waste yarn and remove from machine. Repeat for the other piece. Attach one shoulder by rehanging one set of shoulder sts ( right sides facing) onto 47(50, 54) needles. Push these sts behind the latches. Rehang corresponding shoulder sts onto the same needles placing these sts inside the latches. Knit thru by hand. Change the back carriage to V and SS 8. Knit 1 row and chain st bind off.

Commercial Neckband with a scalloped edge. Put the beds back in opposite position. Pin a template to the front. Using a contrasting piece of yarn hand sew a running stitch just at the outside edge of the template. Remove template. Using a sewing machine zig-zag just inside that line (or use a serger). Cut out the neck just to the inside of the zig-zag line. Hold the garment up to the machine to determine how many needles will be needed for your neck band. Cast on using SS1 in 1x1 rib. Knit 2 passes circular SS 1 1/2. Knit 1 row SS 2. Bring every fourth needle into hold position on both beds. With the NRB's in the neutral position knit 4 rows. Put the NRB's on both carriages in their lower position and knit one row, returning all needles to work. Continue knitting in rib for 8 more rows. Fill in all empty needles with the purl stitch from the needle opposite it. Change both carriages to circular. SS 5. Knit 6 passes of the carriages. Open the beds one position. The knitting has formed a 'pocket'. With rides sides facing up, lay the garment across the back of the machine. Poke the fabric of the neck line onto the needles. On the back neck, use the red pick tool to place those sts onto the needles. Bring the needles forward so the fabric and sts are behind the latches. With the double eye needle, transfer the front bed stitches into the back bed latches and knit thru. Bring the garment towards you laying it across the front bed and hanging down. Bring all needles into hold position. The wrong side of the garment will now be facing up. Put the NRB's down. Knit one row (yes, you can knit one row with the beds apart if the needles are in hold). SS 8. Bind off loosely. Attach other shoulder in the same manner as before.

Ribbing: Cast on in 2x2 rib SS 1 over 126(132,132) stitches. Knit 2 circular passes SS 1 1/2. Knit 1 row SS 2. Knit in rib SS 3 for 33 rows. Transfer sts to back bed. Knit 1 row SS 4. Using waste yarn remove from machine. Rehang bottom of garment onto the same needles evenly decreasing 20 sts. Bring the needles forward so the sts are behind the latches. Rehang ribbing so the sts are inside the latches. Knit thru by hand. Knit 1 row SS 8. Chain st cast off. Repeat for other piece.

Sleeves: Beds in alternate position. Cast on in waste yarn on the front bed over 80 needles. Knit in pattern and releasing stitches until RC50. At the same time increase at both ends by bringing one needle on both beds into working position. You will need to move the cursor stops out farther as you knit. Increase as follows: +1K3x16(+1K3x16,+1K2x20).RC will show 48(48,40). 112(112,120) sts. Knit until RC50. Knit a few rows with waste yarn and remove from machine. Make ribbing as for the bottom of the garment over 70 sts decreasing sts evenly. Attach in the same manner.

Attaching Sleeves: With right sides facing hang front and back over 112(112,120) needles. Bring the needles forward so the sts are behind the latches. Rehang last row of sleeve onto the same needles placing the sts inside the latches. Knit thru by hand. Bring all needles into hold. NRB's down knit 1 row SS 8. Chain st cast off.
Finishing: Sew together collar, side and underarm sleeves.

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