Welcome to 15th Whitby Cub Pack

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For the Meeting on April 2, we will be meeting at Leslie McFarlane (6:30 to 8PM) where we will be working on our the Law Awarnece badge. We will also be welcoming the newly swum up Beavers (now Tenderpad Cubs) to our meeting if they choose to attend.


Upcoming Events:
April 4 is Road and Trail Cleanup. We will be working on the Whitby Scout Trail starting at the Manning end near Pringle Creek school. This year ther is a special 2 part badge for the event with the second part to be issued next fall. We you there.

Scoutrees pledge forms are here and will be distributed at the next meeting. This is an important fun raiser as nearly all of the collected funds come back to our group to be used to reduce the costs of operation. In addition, it is important to the World Scouting brotherhood as part of the funds goes to that worthy casue to help Beavers, Cubs and Scouts in other countries.
Badge Work Leaders
There are 6 star groupings, with 56 badges in total to be earned. Each year, we will focus on 2 star groups, and the badges that are part of those stars. For 2008/2009 15th Whitby will be working on the Green and Blue Stars, and the badges in those groups.

For Cubs who were part of 15th Whitby last year and the year before, we worked on the Red and Purple stars (last year), and Black and Tawney the previous year... This year, 15th Whitby will work on the Green and Blue again, and continue in the cycle each year to make sure each Cub works on all badges through their 3 years. 

Most Cubs have probably completed 1 or 2 badge requirements through school: please let the leaders know what was completed, how it was completed, and when it was completed. Badges can be completed at school, at home, or with the Pack: find out what the requirements are for each.

Scouting in general is always looking for leaders. 15th Whitby  Cubs is no exception. There is no special training required to be Cub leader, just a Police Check and a desire to have fun and pass on some of the special knowledge you might have. If you would like to be a leader, please let us know.

Being a Cub leader is a group effort: not all of the responsibility is put on the shoulders of one person, as each leader has something different they bring to the group. There is one main leader who oversees the group and is the main contact, but all leaders will host and present the different meetings. This allows the Cubs to learn a wide variety of skills, techniques, tricks, and crafts. It also means one specific leader is not required for every meeting and event.

Believe it or not... Leaders do have FUN too.

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