Visit the 15th Whitby Cubs homepage 15th Whitby Cub Pack


 Home Newsletter Calendar of Event Badge Information Camping Basics Packing List Backpacking Basics



Akela               - Gregg McCabe (Key Leader) 905-430-9401 or [email protected]

Mang               - John Demzcyk

Kaa                  - Ken Green


Meet: Thursday 6:20p.m. to 8:00p.m. in the gym at Leslie McFarlane Public School


1st Meeting: We will have our first meeting for the 2008/2009 year on September 11th and we will meet at Leslie MacFarlane school.


Uniform: Scout shirt, Cub sash, scarf and woggle, navy blue pants, Cub belt (optional),


A Cub Book is required.

Indoor shoes are required for the school gym


Cub dues of $2.00 are due every meeting.  If your Cub is absent then they are to bring the dues for the next meeting.  Dues are used to show financial responsibility.  They can be incorporated into a Cubs’ allowance at home, becoming an expense the Cub needs to deduct from their allowance. We use the dues to purchase badges, craft materials and offset outing costs. Your membership fee goes to Scouts Canada, 10% of which goes to our group committee for the purchase of tents and other equipment needed for camping.



Fundraising:  We have three major fundraisers. The more we participate, the more we get as funds for our section from the group committee.

                        Popcorn, Apple Day (both in the fall) and Scout Trees (Spring)


Cheques: Made payable to the 15th Whitby Cubs


1st Camp: We will be participating in the Pow Wow camp the first weekend in Octber (3th to 5th). This camp usually helps the Cubs begin and complete a few badges and star requirements to start the year. The cost for this camp is $35.00.


Christmas Party: We will be having a Christmas party for the Cubs on December 11th (last meeting before Christmas).


Information –Please read through this information and have your Cub bring his/her Cub Book to every meeting at the school. Please mark using paper / sticky note to let us know about any badge to be checked off and awarded.

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