Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
dark Ryoko" wait here mother, there is battle going on outside, oh my it's the dark jade flame attack, Rion couldn’t possibly survive it. I can because I’m an android, a machine and because i’m a copy of ryoko and i can regenerate."she went through the door and stood in front of rion. and received the deadly blow in her chest, she then collapsed to the floor. while she regenerated she told rion." i did it because only a machine could survive that attack besides i could regenerate. i didn’t do it to make you seem like a weakling. it will be your battle fro now on . he had an advantage over you and i didn’t think it was fair."she apparently fainted. she was fine she was just exhausted by the powerful blow and now all that was left was for dark ryoko to finish to regenerate.

Ares: sharkbyte3827
Ares smiled at Dark Ryoko’s actions.

"Ha...what a joke. Well, lets try one FOR TWO!"

He jumps in the air, his jade flame grew larger. He formed two Jade orbs in his hands.

"NOW...YOU ALL DIE!!!" He cupped his hands forming the two balls into one ball twice the size of the other two.


He threw the ball of the Jade energy toward Dark Ryoko and Rion which was going slowly toward them.

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki tried hard to open his eyes, looking at the figure at the door,
'Te...Tenshi....?' Kamadaki began, but the light faded in his eyes and he fell unconscious.

Yakage: evil_dragon_prince
yakage observes the battle from the ceiling trying to find minagi he bumps into Ryoko's clone and was determined to save her. so he scoops her up from the floor. he holds her head to his strong chest. she caresses her hair.
"it's you, my beautiful ryoko" she sets her down.
" who are you what have you done to my ryoko" he addresses Ares" I will make you pay for what you have done to her?"

Rion Starlight: bahametzero2000
Rion looks up at the approaching blast and gives a small smirk. He leaps into the air and into the blast. It explodes leaving a large crater between Ares and where Ryoko(clone) was laying. Rion hovered over the crater not even singed by the explosion.

Rion :How pathetic you are not thinking the sacred flame can harm me now do you. You did didn't you? How humorous. I can now see why you will never become the strongest. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE WEAK NOW IT'S TIME TO DIE.

Rion teleports right in front of Ares and punches him in the stomach so hard he tears right threw to the other side. He then throws him to the ground.

Rion: HAHAHAHAHA you fool I know the very secret of the flames. That's right Ares I said flames Plural. The others extinguished long ago but 4 remained you have jade, another one has a different one thought to be jade, sapphire and crimson are still dormant awaiting awakening by a God. You aren't even considered one because you can still die.

Ares: sharkbyte3827
Ares puts his hand to his stomach and coughs up his blood. He looks up at Rion with anger in his eyes.

Thinking: "How can be this strong, he can not be stronger than me. I have no equal!"

He gets to his feet and wipes the blood from his lip. He floats to the air staring at Rion and smiles.

"You really are a peace of work...Rion Starlight. But you see I too know of the other four flames of the gods. You don't get it you fool. All creatures die, even gods can die, why do you think the flames were created. They were made for the purpose of destroying all those who defy death. That's why they exist, to destroy all life in the universe. For you see I do not fear death, I mearly do his dirty work by killing. Besides you too will die someday soon, wether by the hands of a stronger force, or by natural causes, just like your red-headed friend. No one can live forever, that's the way this universe works.

He closes his eyes and snickers. The mark on his stomach starts to heal up, he summons his jade flame and drops to the crater, he opens his eyes.

"So, I want to make you a proposal Starlight. Something that will be far."

He crosses his arms looking up at Rion.

Jukes: jukes_pirate
Jukes woke up startled. He sat up straight and realized that he was in the middle of a strange field. He felt something moist underneath him. Jukes jumped up, startled. The ground was made of a strange, brownish black soil. How strange. That wasn't the only strange thing. All around him was a color that he had never seen. Apparently, it was the planet's plant-life.
"Oh, the joys of being a rookie space pirate." he said to himself. He had every reason to feel stupid. While cruising through space, in his small smuggling craft, Jukes had come across a small blue and brown planet. He had seen traces of the alien color to him from space. While distracted, his morning drink had spilled onto his lap, burning him. The pain from the spill had been so intense that Jukes had recklessly sat up, knocking his control stick towards the ground. Cursing, Jukes attempted to regain control of his vessel, but it was too late. His ship entered the planet's atmosphere. Seconds before crashing onto the relatively soft planet, Jukes escaped from his ship. However, he had neglected to properly set up the escape pod. His body, while strong, was sent into the air without anything to stop his fall. The stunt made the infamous Space Police Officer Mihoshi look cunning in comparison.
Luckily, Jukes had landed in a pile of some strange plant remains. The only thing he had hurt was his pride.

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
Tenchi powered up knowing the thieves were not going to give up their new treasure, otherwise known as Kamadaki, without a fight. Tenchi leapt high into the air landing a jump kick into the nearest to thieves' face. what seamed like Thousands of humanoids came roaring in from the caverns and the walls seemed to come alive with thieves their swords glistened from the light emanating from Tenchi's flame...
"This isn't good" Tenchi said aloud to no one

Rion Starlight: bahametzero2000
Rion: Proposal. Ha. I know you better than that. You know that you can't beat me and know you want to try and use your tricks to escape. I won't let you escape again you die this time.

Rion shot straight at Ares and grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off the ground. His claws pierced his skin and he began to bleed. He then threw him high into the air.

Rion: You are right about one thing though. All things eventually die. even you except I know when it is now and by my hand. I hope you liked the dreams I gave you because they are about to become real and your eternal prison. Know time to say, "GOOD BYE FOREVER." We shall not meat again.

Rion kneels to the ground and begins to build his energy while chanting.
"Power of the ancients....
Gods of old....
Open the door....
To the soul....
The ones he killed....
Soon shall rest....
Open the doors....
Threw time and space....
I have destroyed the barriers of old....
Send him away and let it hold....

A portal opens behind Ares and a vacuum begins to pull with an unrelenting force drawing him into it and then it closed.

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
'Life....is so frail.....'

Kamadaki looked about him, but the world was spinning, and he found it hard just to stand up. He tried to speak, but no words came. Then the echo of a thousand voices speaking at once came again.

'If he can't Protect his own life, how can he Protect others.....'
'He just need to find...' began other echoing voice, '....someone to Protect. The...finite mind is very fickle....but can be stronger than diamond if given the right motives.....'


Kamadaki closed his eyes, trying to sence where he was. Then darkness came again....

Yakage: evil_dragon_prince
yakage speaks to Rion as he carries dark Ryoko
"I apologize for us both it seems that ryoko and i have miscalculated your strength" he goes through washu's lab door. speaks to washu "forget our rivalry, i just came to see that she rests now. i know that you tampered with her because she is so sensitive. i can't believe I’m holding her so close to me. kagato has done a phenomenal job. she is so much like the original and hopefully this ryoko will love me unlike the original. i don't care if she is an android all that matters is that she is ryoko and that i love her so much." yakage stares at the still unconscious ryoko. and kisses her forehead. he then talks to washu again" she will be fine won't she?"
thanks for the good welcoming dragon i am prince dragon here to serve all of you.

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
dark Ryoko wakes up" and who the heck are you?" dark ryoko said as she stood up." mother remind me never ever to stand in front of a jade flame attack. don't even say I told you so cause right now i need some sleep. what are you looking at" dark ryoko says to yakage."wait a minute, i know you" dark ryoko scratches her head. she then searches in her data bank"uhummm, yakage former student of the greatest scientific genius of all time, friend of kagato, creator of minagi, ryoko's biogenetic daughter and uhumm, in love of the pirate the space pirate ryoko"it takes dark ryoko a while to realize yakage fell in love with her appearance of ryoko. "okay yakage, let me put things straight for you, i am an android , i am not, i repeat, not original ryoko. i am a machine. you get it?" yakage still looks at her the same way." forget it you'll never understand " dark ryoko looks for the smoothest floor of washu's lab and goes to sleep on it" good night"

Sasami: chikadee87
Sasami looked around the room, glad that there were a few people safe in the lab. But she couldn't help but wonder where everyone else was, so she got on her knees, closed her eyes with her hands together and whispered as tears ran down her cheeks, "Please, please let everyone be alright. I just want everyone to be happy again.."

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
no biggie, it would be just horrible to lose a friend like you, besides mihoshi and kiyone never stay mad at each other for long.^_~

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
"This isn't good" Tenchi said aloud to no one
The thieves were closing in on him now and Kamadaki still was not moving.
"There is just to many of them to fight maybe if I..."
Tenchi drew his sword and powered it up and shot a barrage of energy fly from his blade. The beams were right on target striking group after group of those not fast enough to get out of their way.

Washu: sabrina_39564
*Washu goes to Sasami, and kneels down by her, wrapping her arms around her* don't worry Sasami.. everything will be alright i promise!

Washu: sabrina_39564
*she blinks softly, looking to him* yes.. she should be fine... put her on the white marble table... I’ll work on her and fix her.. I can't say if she'll love you for certain or not.. but.. it's worth a try! after all, she does have human qualities!!!! so.. it's up to her..

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki opens his eyes and finds himself hovering over a large lake. He looks down to find the water is bubbling, and tries to move closer, finding his entire body unable to move. Then a shape appears in the bubbles, and suddenly Kamadaki is faced with a woman.
Kamadaki gasps as he see what she looks like. She is exactly like Galariel, black flowing hair, and bright blue eyes, the only difference being a small scar running down her left cheek,
'Who are you....what are you...' Kamadaki said slowly, almost unable to speak.
The young woman smiled, and Kamadaki found himself smiling back,
'Hello, my Angel. It has been over a hundred years.' said the woman, and her voice echoed in Kamadaki's mind, for her lips did not move,
'What do you mean? I don't know you. You look like that thief back there...'
The woman lost her smile, which was replaced by a puzzled look. Then she smiled again,
'I see....you have forgotten me, but your mind tries to find me, even though you don't know it. Come to Heaven's Gate...to see me again, my Angel.'
Kamadaki tried to speak, but his voice disappeared on the wind. Darkness came again,

'He is pathetic....he has no notion of his Destiny. Protection is beyond him.....'

Rion Starlight: bahametzero2000
Rion sensing that Ares was gone returned to his original form. Blood began to flow from his back, hands and body.

Rion: What was that?!?!?! I never was able to transform into a form like that before. How could I become something that strong? What even was that?

He looks at his hands now shaking uncontrollably.

Rion then hears the same voice as inside the tank.

????: AH so you have taped your true power. Good. You have only tapped a portion of it though. You are not yet ready for what I have planed for you. You must still become stronger. You must give into the darkness within yourself. Only then will you be able to defeat Ares.

The voice disappears again and Rion passes out from his wounds.

Sasami: chikadee87
Sasami rubs her eyes and looks up to Washu smiling, "Thanks Washu..."

Yakage: evil_dragon_prince
yakage smiles at washu, she puts dark Ryoko on the white marble table " I’m glad she's okay, by the way were is kagato. I could tell that she loves him after all that he has done to her. i know kagato , and i know he will attack soon enough. he better not take her away from me. even though i am his friend, i am willing to lose his friendship for my precious ryoko. thanks for trying. i sure hope she loves me. kagato doesn’t deserve her love, he knows nothing about love, he is ambitious, all he cares about is tyranny. he doesn’t love her like i do. she has to fall in love with me. yes, you are right in saying the she is so humanlike. she seems so fragile in this vast and harsh universe. she is so small and innocent. she is like a mere child alone on this earth. but now she has me. even though she doesn’t know i’m here. he puts his face close to hers "please fall in love with me.

Washu: sabrina_39564
*smiles at Sasami brightly* no problem little one.. I don't want either of us to get killed.. but do not fear, we are safe in my lab..

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
Tenchi's sword grew hot from the flames of energy that were pushing back the horde of thieves. Kamadaki still was motionless on the cave floor every now and then Tenchi would notice him twitch and once he even smiled but still he would not wake up now matter how loud Tenchi screamed for him to. Tenchi began making his way toward were Kamadaki lay the problem being that when he held his sword in front of him the thieves would attack from behind and vice versa.
With that Tenchi released a globe of energy, the thieves were blown back clearing the path to Kamadaki
"Now's my CHANCE!!" Tenchi leapt high into the air and landed next to Kamadaki, he scooped him up and started running for the exit.
However the thieves were beginning to regroup...

Washu: sabrina_39564
*her eyes shine that green as she watches the two, then pulls up her computer, pulling up the new Soja, and looking to him* i think we can kill Kagato once and for all....

Kamadaki's eyes open slowly, then he feels the rough movement of being carried by Tenshi(I guess you have to be a woman to enjoy it....).
'Tenshi, put me down.' Kamadaki asks. Tenshi does so and Kamadaki looks for his Power Staff. With the force of his mind he calls the Staff to him,
'Now, where is that fake woman....' Kamadaki said slowly, then spotted Galariel behind lots of thieves. With a wave of his hand, the thieves are blown out of the way,
'Come, lord Tenshi, we are leaving.' Kamadaki orders, which is very strange for him. He grabs the woman roughly, then Tenshi by the shoulder and they all disappear....

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
dark Ryoko listens to what washu said in her subconscious, she then woke up and sat up in the white marble table she struggled with her wounds and said" no, you mustn’t, I will try all i can to speak to him. please you must understand me. there is some good in him. please don't kill him. i know it is foolish of me but i love him and there is nothing i can do about it. and i will try to rectify his mistakes please don't hurt him" she begged washu.

Yakage: evil_dragon_prince
yakage punches the marble table making a deep hole in it.
"how could you still love him after all the evil he has done, don't you understand. he will never offer you any thing worth of value. I am the one who can offer you that, how could you defend him he's nothing. and you would dare put your life down for his that is completely worthless. there was never any good in him. how could you not see it in his eyes. he will never love you like i do. washu, you must kill him. he is a danger a hazzard to this universe. HE IS GOING TO KILL YOU FOR HEAVEN SAKES!!! YOU WOULDN’T EVEN HAVE A CHANCE TO TALK TO HIM, DON’T YOU GET IT?!?!?!?" yakage said as he held dark Ryoko by her biceps. he was almost crying looking for answers in ryoko's face.

Washu: sabrina_39564
*her sad gaze drifted to Dark Ryoko* I’m.. afraid we may have to... there is a way though.. to not kill him.. but.. he'll be like I was.. kept imprisoned.. or.. ah.. *thinks over the possibility, what if Kagato was no longer evil... would he come back to her?* we'll see...

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
d-Ryoko looks at washu and then at yakage" your asking for an impossible, I can't just forget kagato overnight. I LOVE HIM !!! even if he is evil. if you try to kill him you have to go through me first. washu do what you must i am willing to help. i could help you capture him and then we could see his brain and ...*sigh*... if we could change his way of behavior." d-ryoko pulls of from Yakage’s grip. she walks away looks at the ceiling and whispers "kagato"

Rion Starlight: bahametzero2000
Rion opened his eyes still in bad shape. He looks around frantically for Ares.

Rion: I.....did it? I did it!!!! Yaaahooooo.(Pun intended) I didn't think it would work at first but it did. I don't care what that voice said I don't have to worry now that Ares is gone. My friend I have gotten revenge for you. were ever you are be at peace for now your friends family and planet are now avenged.

Rion struggles to get to Tenchi's house and go through the door to Lil Washu's lab.

Rion: Hey all. Best news. (The song another one bites the dust plays. Du du du Ares just bit the dust. J/K) I have defeated Ares. He is gone for good.

His vision then goes blurred as he passes back out.

Kagato: dragon4026032
Hmmmmm, where can he be. Thought for sure he was around here somewhere. (thinking) Why should I kill him right away, after all is his enemy not the same as I, that "being" didn't say there was to be an order to these things. <smiles> Perhaps there is a way to play them off one another but in order to do that I must "offer aries a deal he cannot refuse"

Washu: sabrina_39564
well, i'm pretty sure i can work something out... so.. *shrugs* it's all good... anyways.. i have this device.. that we might could use to change his mind around to being good..

Washu: sabrina_39564
*Washu smiles, she didn't have to worry about him anymore, but when he passed out, she picked him up like a mother would her child, then placed him in a healing pod, stroking his head once, then closed it, and started the process*

Ares: sharkbyte3827
Ares looks around his surroundings and sees nothingness.

"What is this place? Where am I? That fool Starlight thought he could defeat me by trying to send me to another realm. Well he thought wrong."

He starts walking through the dark void using his jade flame as a light source.

Sasami: chikadee87
Sasami watches as Rion celebrates, passes out, and gets put into some pod err something. "Washu... is Rion going to be alright? And why did he pass out so suddenly? Is this all over??"

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki, Tenshi and the woman appeared in the Royal Palace, and Kamadaki quickly strapped the woman to a chair,
'Ok, imposter, who are you? And how did you read my mind and find out about her?' Kamadaki asked, and his voice showed the strain of the past few hours.
The woman smiled slightly, then, as her body took on a white light, she spoke,
'Kamadaki, Protector. You will find out about me in time....' she said, then the light faded, and the woman was gone.
Kamadaki smashed his fist on the chair, braking it neatly in two. Then he looked at Tenshi,
'I am going to Heaven's Gate. Will you join me, Lord Tenshi?'

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
"What was that all about, Kamadaki. Who was that woman she wasn't there when I picked you up then once you woke up she was. I'm confused." Tenchi said with out taking a single breath
Kamadaki then explained his vision to Tenchi and stated again "I am going to Heaven's Gate Will you join me, Lord Tenchi?"
"Well Kamadaki if you need my help I will be happy to help you figure out who this woman is that was able to invade your mind like that. But first I think you should rest and heal those wounds and "maybe" get some cloths that are not covered in blood. Just an idea...*hehe*"

Washu: sabrina_39564
Well Sasami, we can only hope its all over.. we still have Kagato to worry about as well

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki looks down at himself and see's he is in quite a state, his cloths ripped and covered in blood, and his arms scratched,
'Very well, Lord Tenshi,' Kamadaki begins with a smile, 'We will rest and prepare to go in three days. So, let us return to the castle.'

Kagato: dragon4026032
<After Searching through the woods for a while Kagato decides to give up looking and pursue his next objective>
"Perhaps while I was away they were able to defeat Aries, no matter, just one less egg to worry about."<begins to approach the musaki home><thinking> Now my focus is to earn their trust as to get close to Washu and soja itself. This "Dispiser" better appreciate the trouble that I'm going through, there’s no telling what they will do when they receive me.(begins to tap on the door)Much has changed,<looking around> wonder what ever happen to my dark Ryoko...

Rion Starlight: bahametzero2000
Rion drifted into a state of being between consciousness and un-consciousness. He saw himself back on his planet when it was under attack by a massive force.

Rion: How is this possible. How could someone do so much in only one day. I couldn't even stop that one person. How could I not win. Who was it that did this to my home. Why didn't I even get a chance to fight against them. Why was it I was spared and all others had to loose their life.

????:HA..HA....HA...HAHAHAHAHHA. You still don't understand do you. You have all this power locked within yourself and you won't even use it.

Rion: Leave me alone. You are nothing more than a voice. Who even are you?

????: I see..... You don't remember me.... Well allow me to introduce myself. You can call me D.S. For now I am just a voice in your head that will be a means to an end. I will one day unlock your true power. And when I do. Darkness will rain over all forever. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
Kamadaki placed his hand on Tenchi's shoulder and teleported them to the castle. He went to change his cloths and take a shower while Tenchi went to find something to eat. The three days passed quickly as they trained, packed bags and rested for their journey to find this mysterious woman who had invaded Kamadaki's head. Tenchi was apprehensive about going but to him Kamadaki seemed a little to eager to find this woman he did not understand all that Kamadaki had told him but he did know that something was not right about him

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki and Tenshi board the ship which will take them to Heaven's Gate. Kamadaki walks to the bridge of the ship and stares out into space, thinking.
Tenshi becomes worried about his knight and friend, and slowly walks toward him,
'Please, Kamadaki, I am here to help. Tell me who this woman is, and what she has to do with you.' he asks slowly, and Kamadaki turns slowly to face him. Staring hard into Tenshi's eyes, Kamadaki reaches a decision,
'Very well, I imagine this is hard for you to follow.' Kamadaki said. Tenshi nodded.
'Long ago, about three hundred years ago in fact, I was a young Errand Knight, hoping to prove myself to my Lord to become a true Knight. I was a rash young man, diving head first into danger. One day, I happened across a young maiden, the one you saw but a few days ago. She was being attacked by a Space Pirate, ha, Ryoko in fact, but somehow I managed to force her back. I boarded the maiden's ship to see if she was ok, and I met the most beautiful Lady I had ever seen in my life. I took her back to Jurai with me, and we fell in love. Her name was Faith. Faith and I traveled the galaxy together, for she was a great fighter, and we helped many people. But one day, we got too close to a black hole. We both got into escape pods, but her's was sucked into the hole. I never saw her again till only a few days ago....' Kamadaki said. Feeling that was enough for Tenshi to know, he turned back to the window of the ship, watching the endless blackness of space drift by....

Yakage: evil_dragon_prince
yakage sensed kagato and then spoke to dark Ryoko "you must stay here, now you must listen to me and try to do as I say. you are to stay here and do not move from here. he is near. washu make sure she doesn't escape. I’m sorry beloved but it for your own good. *she enclosed dark ryoko in a dome like force field to prevent from her escaping* ?" i can't afford to lose you to kagato. please understand. i still don't understand why you love him over me. he will try something and you must stay away from him. i forbid you to make contact with that infidel, i will destroy him, how sad i lost his friendship for you my dearest, but it sure was worth it." *yakage blew a kiss to dark ryoko and went through the door and confronted kagato* " so we meet again kagato but now things are different i have her and that is all that maters to me. and you will not try to take her from me. you may have her heart but i have her. her pure sensitive essence is all mine. and no one will stand in my way . and when you die i will have her by my side . and so i ask you this let's fight, let's fight for who will get my dearest dark ryoko that i love so much. but if you do win i shall still be friends with her. but do you seriously think you can defeat me???

Washu: sabrina_39564
right.. *looks to Dark Ryoko* sorry I have to do this to you.. but he's right. we can't have you getting to Kagato.. he'd use you against us.. and besides.. he doesn't love you.. but.. we all do.. *nods*

Sasami: chikadee87
Sasami walks over to Dark Ryoko and looks up at her, "Please don't go... I don't want that mean old Kagato to hurt you!"

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
dark Ryoko sheds a tear and then looks at sasami. then looks at washu. " I know he loves me somewhere in his dark heart there is a little place where he is still good. and i am in that little space. he would never try to hurt me . i know he wouldn’t let me hurt you either. please understand, he isn't so mean. thanks for the support and love but i need him to make me feel whole, i can't live without him but i understand, i will not jeopardize your safety for my love to kagato. i will stay here for your sake," ryoko stopped struggling to get free and shed a few more tears. she then whispered. " please come back to me kagato, i love you so much, please come and save me from this loneliness i feel. and you must promise to spare my family " dark ryoko fainted, the shield had sapped her from her strength.

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
Tenchi knew that was all he would get from Kamadaki for now. He still did not understand it all like how did she survive the black hole. Sure some black holes were portals to other dimensions but only a few are and even fewer people have returned to their original dimension once going through them. Also if Faith and Kamadaki were so in love why did she attack him. Nothing was said about her having psi powers where did Faith get those from. Tenchi seeking answers only found more questions. He looked up at his friend and knight, he was still brooding out into space. Tenchi knew that talking about her, Faith, only brought him more pain.
"Funny how such an inspiring word could bring such despair." Tenchi thought
Tenchi turned and walked away, leaving his comrade to his thoughts, and went to find something to eat.
"Maybe some food will give my the power to find some answers" Tenchi said out loud trying to get Kamadaki to come with him.
"Hmmgn" Kamadaki grumbled a barley audible response
Tenchi looked away and shook his head
"This is probably going to be harder then I thought, maybe at Heaven's Gate we will get some answers or at least I will get some answers..."

I just have to have FAITH...

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
'Oh, come on...we don't have time for this...' Kamadaki said. Tenshi looked up from the table, mouth full,
'Mumff?' he said, chewing quickly.
Kamadaki charged his ever present Power Staff,
'Pirates off the port bow. I think we should allow them to board, then teach them a lesson...' Kamadaki said, and Tenshi was shocked by his words...

Kagato: dragon4026032
<kagato was taken back at seeing a face from long ago and at the challenge issued. But he quickly regained his composer and his icy complexion cast an image of seriousness.>

<thinking> So Ryoko has sought them as friends while I was away....apparently I can get to them through her but what to do about him??? <thinking>

"Well, to see a old college such as yourself is a rare treat, how goes the research for that sword of yours. Such talent wasted, you could have been all powerful but you simply twiddled your time away on such trivial things." "So you wish to have my Ryoko eh?, (she must have their care, must be careful how I deal with him and the others).

<smiling> unlike you I have used my time wisely, but if you still wish to attack me you have the first move but be warn. Armies have been crushed under my heel and I for one am not hindered by the draw of emotions.(Let us see this power that the Dispiser has given me can do.)

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
Tenchi was as much blown away at thought of space pirates as he was the crazy look in Kamadaki's eyes. Tenchi had never seen that look on Kamadaki's face before it was a look of ....
"WELL!!!COME ON!!!What should we do I like my plan but you must decide Lord Tenchi!.!" Kamadaki broke into Tenchi's thoughts
"Ummm, Yeah that sounds good Kamadaki" Tenchi was now more afraid of Kamadaki than any space pirate.
The sound of metal rubbing metal tore through the void of space as the pirates began their boarding process. Tenchi looked once more at his knight and shivered, not from the coldness of space seeping in though the air locks but from that look.
The pirates' had door down and were pilling in two at a time now. Tenchi had barley powered up his sword before Kamadaki had leaped over his head and slain the first two in one swoop of his staff. Tenchi stumbled back and fell on his butt as realization struck him hard.
"That LOOK" Tenchi whispered to himself
"It IS A LOOK OF..."
"GOD I LOVE THIS!!!" Kamadaki yelled as two more pirates fell and plenty more littered the ground
"...enjoyment of the pain of others"

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki caught the words Tenshi said,
'I....enjoy killing.....' Kamadaki said, stopping in his tracks. But he was not attacked by the Pirates, as they feared the Knight, as he had killed a quarter of there number.
One especially brave(or stupid) pirate attacked Kamadaki, but he struck a force field with his sword,
'Wha? This guy knows magic?' the pirate said, but Kamadaki took no heed.
Kamadaki seemed to visibly shrink as the thought of his actions went through him. Then he looked at Tenshi,
'My Lord, I have failed you. I will return when I have regained myself.' Kamadaki said, and he kneeled on the floor and closed his eyes.....

Sasami: chikadee87
Sasami smiled, glad that Dark Ryoko is going to stay, "Great! Say Washu... is there a kitchen in here?"

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
Kamadaki had started to teleport out but Tenchi had caught him just in time. The pirates were no longer a threat they were even repairing the damage they had done to the hull of the ship just to be sure Kamadaki would be pleased with them and therefore not kill them.
"Listen, how will you "regain" yourself you are obviously not yourself, Kamadaki, you need my help right now. There is no way I am letting you out of my sight right now Whatever that Faith chick did to get into your head has scrambled your mind and you need me in order to fix it whether you know it or not. We, meaning YOU and I, are going to Heaven's Gate and WE are gonna get some answers and then WE will figure out what to do from there. GOT IT!!"

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
'I wasn't going any where!' Kamadaki said, pushing Tenshi's hand off his shoulder,
'I'm going to sit here and meditate. Please, Tenshi, as a friend, understand that this is something I have to do alone. When we get to Heaven's gate, clap your hands infront of my face and I will return.' Kamadaki said, and closed his eyes again.

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
"Oh ok I am sorry I thought you were leaving. Umm yeah sure I will wake you up once we hit Heaven's Gate. But you do need my..."
It was to late Kamadaki had already gone into his trance. Tenchi then picked up the remainder of the mess from the space pirates and then went to bed.

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki opened his eyes.
The world was a dark, evil place, and there was no sign of life. Then in the distance two lights appeared, both the same, but different somehow. Kamadaki walked toward the lights, but then stopped as they were headed for him. He looked on as the lights took on human forms.
The forms were the same, except one of the forms had a small scar on her left cheek. The forms were of Faith and Galariel,
'Hello, Kamadaki.' said Faith and Galariel together,
'Faith, who is this woman. Why did I think she was you, even though the name was different?' asked Kamadaki.
Both women answered at the same time, but Faith had a look of terror in her eyes,
'You are foolish, Kamadaki. The women you see before you are one, and she died along time ago. Leave, return to the darkness, and feel the utter power that is loneliness.'
Kamadaki was thoughtful for a moment, not showing his emotions. He then closed his eyes....

Yakage: evil_dragon_prince
what make you say I haven't done any training for myself. besides these emotions have pushed me to work harder. i am after all your elder and yes i wish to have Ryoko even though she isn't yours.

Washu: sabrina_39564
*Washu looks to Sasami and smiles* well... I can make one! ^_^!!!!!!! *she pulls up her laptop, types in a few commands, and POOF!!! there's a very big, and specious kitchen just floating around aimlessly in subspace* there ya go! ^_^

Washu: sabrina_39564
*Washu sighs. looking to her, glad she had stopped* Dark Ryoko... I too know he has some good in him.. but.. at the moment, his mind is flooded with dark thoughts, courtesy of the one controlling him.. as long as he remains locked in her grasp, he is an enemy, but. oh how I wish he wasn’t.. the old days when he and i would experiment were so wonderful....

Rion Starlight: bahametzero2000
A bright light shined out threw the tube that Rion was in. The glass suddenly shattered as Rion emerged with a bright blue aura about him. He floated to the ground completely dry. He opened his eyes and the aura vanished. His hair was now crimson red as were his eyes. He walks right passed Sasami and Washu and right outside and stood there looking at Kagato with and Emotionless rage in his eyes that would make the very blood in your body run cold.

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
*A small bolt of energy passed and cackled against the wall in the lab. Vince looked out and then looked confused.* Oro. Great. *Yells at the walls.* Mom why do u keep sending me everywhere. I Swear u won't give me a moments time to rest in one reality. Jeez. *He crosses his arms and sighs.* Jeez

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
dark Ryoko looked at washu. "actually there is a way. but I don't know. kagato gave me 3 pseudo gems to create evil light hawk wings that had the ability to destroy. but now that i am good i could create them and use them for healing. washu you must promise me something, if this doesn’t work, i will have to submit myself to the ultimate sacrifice. you must kill me. i will phase into his body and distract his mind, meanwhile i will suck all his evil however i will turn blind with evil and try to destroy all. ii mst disobey you." * she places all her gems on her forehead. she summons her own light hawk wings through her love to kagato. she goes through the shield and through the door and finds kagato. she holds on to kagato by his cloak and placed her forehead on his. dark ryoko wraps kagato with her wings. "please heal kagato"

**dark ryoko is placed in his mind. and apparently seems to be in a dream paradise fantasy world called fantasia."kagato...kagato can you hear me...kagato please answer me..."dark ryoko holds a confused astral kagato who is transferred into fantasia. she lifts his head so that he could see what’s around. "isn't beautiful...kagato ... you don't have to be evil...you could be like i am...good and happy...its better when your good. you have this warm feeling... and you feel you belong to someone...i feel happy but i would be even happier if you are good and by my side... i would be here by your side... teaching you what my family has thought me so far... i would show you the many wonders of being good...please answer me a question...do you love me???"

Sasami: chikadee87 (chikadee.. don't put ic if there's no ooc, if you were never ooc, what do you have left? ic. please *puppydog eyes*)
Sasami looks at the new lovely kitchen. "Wow! This is so neat! Thanks Washu!!!" then she runs to it, and begins to bake a chocolate cake, just because.

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
*Vince walks up to Washu and looks at dark Ryoko and her new light hawk wings.* Neat. *he taps Washu on the shoulder.* Um what reality are we in? And oh I forgot. She said to do this to confuse u. *He picks up Washu gives her a big bear hug and kisses her.* There lol.

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki opened his eyes.
This time he was back in the forest he had met the Gods, Zeus and Athena, and they had bestowed him with semi godlike powers. Kamadaki looked up and saw Athena flying slowly toward him,
'What ARE you doing here, Kama-D?' she asked in an American, cheerleader sort of voice,
'I'm searching for answers...' he said slowly, wondering why the Goddess of Wisdom sounded so dumb,
'I can sense your thoughts you know!' Athena shouted. Then she smiled,
'I'll tell you something, Kamadaki, you can't look inside for answers. Your experiences in life tell you everything you need to know. Your aggression is just your God Powers fighting for supremacy. You can overcome that. But if you go to Heaven's Gate, then you will know all that which you seek.' Athena said, her voice commanding. Kamadaki nodded, and turned away....

The Eye: byooki_desu
The Eye flashed open as the release of energy was set upon.

<<<<<<- Thief ->>>>>>

Like clusters of locusts traveling across time these vessels had hampered evolution to their own ends, had harmed the purpose of reality.
The gears needed to be oiled and the heart needed to be replace. They would be given a gift of death, more than they deserved and the energy would once again be free to travel outside of the thieves...
Energy crackled as it once again swirled around moving across the space of time, free as it should be without any restraint.

A link having been created, looking out from the eyes of a tool, Kagato. move..

Kagato: dragon4026032
<And as Yakage and kagato squared off a shadow of a figure emerges from behind kagato and all goes black, next scene shows him and dark Ryoko alone on a wind swept field< after hearing her tender words he made this reply>

"Long ago I made a promise to find a power like no other, a source that would enable me to reach new heights like never before. In my quest, I've done much wrong but it was all in pursuit of this dream which I believe in one form or another we all share. I originally created you as a living weapon of revenge but you have matured and grown as I never could have imagine. Love is the power you have found, in the hearts of those you call friends,(looking down) ....to the one you call mother. From these sensations you have overcame the strength of my control which now I realize was wrong and apologize but to force control on me, as in turning me into good, would be no smaller of a crime.
Yes my ryoko I do love you, more then you ever know. For you were able to achieve something that I wasn't able to, to recognize a power that was always there. I thought I’ve finally found it but was sadly mistaken, Im very proud of you ryoko, Im going to go away for a while to a place to learn what your heart knows so well but once I do. Then we can be together for all time.

<scene blacks out, with yakage and dark ryoko together outside and kagato gone.

Kagato: dragon4026032
<<letter posted on washu's front door>>

Dear Honorable Professor

Rather than cause an alarm in person I thought this to be the best thing to do. I have come to terms with Ryoko and pray that you continue care for her while I'm away. I feel we have a common link now with the child and hope to build a bridge of trust between the two of us in the future. We we're able to achieve great things when we worked together and she may be our greatest accomplishment. till next time.

<In the distance alone figure walks away smiling and talking to himself>
Yes, yes your doing will be carried out. best thing is to build there trust right. and there are others, so let us take care of them first then....

Sasami: chikadee87
Sasami finishes the cake and sets it down on a table, "Would anyone like some cake?"

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
*Vince smells cake and finnally stops waiting for Washu to come out of the shock of his kissing her. He walks into the room.* Sure I'd like some.

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
dark Ryoko goes to washu's lab and falls to her knees and then collapses to the floor" I don't understand, i should be evil, i know i took a great deal of his evil, so why am i not trying to kill you,*dark ryoko winced as a great pain invaded her body.*what is going on?... i feel like I’m dying, i can't die now, i must wait for my dear kagato, i will not leave my precious kagato, i will not die" all of a sudden she saw herself bleed. "impossible i am a machine, i’m not suppose to bleed, what does this mean???"

Sasami: chikadee87
Sasami smiles at Vince and puts a generous slice of chocolate cake on a plate and hands it to him, "There you go! Enjoy!" ^-^

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
*Vince smiles and takes the cake and eats some.* Yep same Sasami in the cooking department. thanks. *Eats some more*

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki opened his eyes, and he was back on the spaceship, Tenshi sleeping heavily to his side,
'Lord Tenshi? Lord Tenshi?' Kamadaki said, pushing Tenshi's shoulder slightly.

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
"Hummmphhfff, WHAT WHAT!"Tenchi woke with a start "Is it more pirates WHAT"

Yakage: evil_dragon_prince
yakage went to washu’s lab and picked up dark Ryoko. he seemed to be thinking about something. he then held dark ryoko close to his body. kissed her forehead and then smiled at her." your heart is so pure, since the will of your love is so strong, the evil couldn’t take control of you so instead it decided to retaliate and the evil turned into a virus, trying to kill you and then moving on to a new body. your love to kagato turned you into a human, thus god was moved and now you have a soul and blood, am I right washu?" he looked at ryoko and then brought his face to her neck , and he then whispered "i will sacrifice myself, you don't deserve to die, promise me you will be happy. goodbye my precious ryoko, i will always love you. no matter where i go" he sucked all the virus ryoko had in her . since he was a copy as well, copy of the original yakage, he died easily. " by the way i was also an android, i thought we were created for each other." he collapsed and soon he was dying.

Washu: sabrina_39564
*the note was read, and taken into consideration.. perhaps she was thinking about it.. he was right about Ryoko.. and she of course would take care of her.. all she had hoped for was one day to be with Kagato again.. but.. she didn't know.. he had tried this in the past.. hadn't he? time would tell.. and she hoped she would once again be able to trust him.. he who she created Soja, Ryoko, and everything else with..*

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
'We have arrived, Tenshi. We are at Heaven's Gate.' Kamadaki said, pointing to the small window on the ship.
Tenshi moved to see what it was.
He saw a large swirling vortex, similar to a black hole, but it was white,
'That's it, huh?' he asked Kamadaki, who nodded.
Tenshi looked back out, watching the magical colours fly about on there journey.

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
as soon as dark Ryoko regained some strength back. she screamed " huh? yakage!!!...yakage answer me!!!... please
don't die!!!...yakage!?!?!...yakage!?!?!" with the strength she had she held yakage and started to cry. " you stupid fool, I was suppose to die, why did you have to sacrifice yourself. you really did love me. i promise i will never forget you" dark ryoko said as she held him close.

Washu: sabrina_39564
mm.. yeah me too.. *walks over to her*

Washu: sabrina_39564
ah, she's back... *she walked out, finding Dark Ryoko* ah my child.. you are not just a machine... *and with that, she was lifted to an examining table, as Washu got the things to clean her wounds, and make her feel better* your emotions have turned you human.. your machine form is a thing of the past.. you think and act for yourself.. Kagato has asked me to take care of you for him... so I will...

Rion Starlight: bahametzero2000
Rion walked back into the house as his red hair and eyes turned back to blue. He sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. thinking to himself,"I don't yet know what you're up to yet Kagato but I felt the Jade flame's powers inside you. I will find out who gave them to you and I will rid this world of your evil."

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
*Vince finished some of the cake off and then walked over and looked down at Dark Ryoko.* So what's been going on? *he pokes her in the head a little bit.*

Sasami: chikadee87
Sasami grabs a slice of cake for herself, and begins to eat it happily. "I guess everything is slowly getting better" she thought to herself.

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
dark Ryoko looked up at washu "I never thought such thing could happen, but i still have my powers. i know i took a great deal of his evil but he still has a small quantity of it left. but i finally know what i wanted to know all my life. he loves me and that is all that matters, we should try to dispose of this essence that is making both kagato and Ares evil, it is him who we should destroy." she notices that Vince is poking her head"please stop...stop it...stop..i am asking you nicely to stop poking me...stop" ryoko gets really annoyed"I SAID KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY!!!" she closes her eyes then looks at vince "don't ever do that again"

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
Tenchi looked back out the window "What should I expect when we get there. I mean any giant heads with no body's or people dressed in white robes with wings or what Kamadaki?"

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
Wanna try something. *He holds out his hands and a light hawk sword appears in it.* Come on lets dual. *looks at Washu scowling at him. The sword disappears.* Ok Washu I'll leave her be. hehe. *Pokes Washu in the head.* The problem with the dimension hopping is when u find happiness you have to leave. Like me and Washu in the last one had a nice little relationship going and now I gotta start life all over again. *he sighs.*

Rion Starlight: bahametzero2000
Rion was listening in on what was being said in Lil Washu's lab as he walks in and sits down flouting in mid air Indian style.

Rion: I doubt that you could do anything like that to Ares. He is a focus of pure evil power. He has no sense of good. The only way to destroy the evil of him is to destroy him. I will be the one to do that. I owe him for my friend that he will not let rest in peace. He keeps torturing his mind. I will get revenge for him and his planet the next time I see him. As for Kagato I don't quite know what the deal is with him. I sense the power that Ares possessed the jade flame inside of him. This makes him much more of a threat than ever before. He now has the power to kill a god. So the next time he returns I will fight him. I so far am the only one who has stood a chance against the sacred flame. I will not kill him unless I have no other alternative. Should it come to that though I will not hesitate to wipe his evil presence from this planet.

Washu: sabrina_39564
*looks to Vince* please.. don't poke her.. or touch her.. she's healing at the moment...

Washu: sabrina_39564
hmm.. then why don't you stay in this dimension??? but do.. leave the woman be.. *frowns*

Washu: sabrina_39564
Yackage... *sighs* i'm sorry you had to go.. *looks to Ryoko* daughter.. *smiles* i will take care of you always..

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
*Vince frowns.* I will leave her alone. Humph same Washu except u don't know or love me. *He sighs and lets his shoulders slump.* Life is just cruel I guess. Oh well. *Sighs again.* So what’s been going on in this dimension? and I can't not leave a dimension. Mom says I have too much to do for others. *HE sighs again.*

Rion Starlight: bahametzero2000
Rion goes over to Vince and places a hand on his shoulder.

Rion: I know what it's like to move from one dimension to the next. Though it can cause some realy cool things to happen. That's how I came here and that's how I met everyone. Even Lil Washu.

Washu: sabrina_39564
now don't you worry Ryoko... I’ve been working on something.. ((heh... of course she has..)) its a device that just might destroy the evil that empowers them... its not finished yet.. but.. I think it might do the trick.

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Kamadaki laughed slightly,
'Oh, to be young again. No Tenshi, there are no giant heads. I'm not sure myself, I haven't been here before, so let's see....' he says, then drives the ship through Heaven's Gate, into the brilliant light...

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
Ryoko looks at washu, then at the rest of them and then she replies " *sigh* how are we going to defeat this thing if we don't even know what it is, I know we can defeat this thing. and i know we can rely on you mother, but i can't help having this terrible feeling about this thing." all of a sudden she remembers Vince's threat" why would you try to kill me...not that you will*big scoff*... you shouldn’t kill me, i am not your enemy. they're right why don't you stay here a little while.?"she said as she looked at vince.

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
*Vince smirked at Ryoko.* I'm not gonna kill u. I was just sayin try to hurt me. I'd never kill a fellow hater of Ayeka. *Chuckles.*

Sasami: chikadee87
After finishing the cake and cleaning up after it, Sasami walks over to Washu and everyone else there, "So everything is going to be OK? And is there anything I can do to help?" she smiles, sensing a less tense situation.

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
*Vince blinks and smiles at her.* Nope not at all mum. Ack *He covers his mouth and runs outside.*

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
d-Ryoko looked at Vince. " why does someone like you hate Ayeka, and what is the deal between you and my mom ?" dark ryoko said as she began to giggle.

Vince Anthony Santrose: sakraida82
*Vince lights up a cigarette.* Well I've met a couple of Ayeka’s actually and really I just never liked her. She never gave me a reason too. And plus in my reality where I come from. She almost wipes out the human race. And as for me and your mom well. Ahem. In one of the realities me and her were a *Low whisper* couple. Hmm that was about. Well a reality ago. I just came from there. Sigh. I miss her already.

Dark Ryoko: negamoon_princess
Ryoko waves some of the smoke away and then looks down" I know exactly what you mean, even though kagato just left, i miss him and i have this pain inside me, and even though he is evil i still love him and i know i can't let my feelings get in the way of all of you peoples safety. *sigh*"

Tenchi #2: primetrunks
"Oh yeah, hehe, I wa-was only kidding, heha!" Tenchi said fealing a little embarassed
The ship continued into the light. Suddenly the whole interior was flooded with blinding colors, a veil of white folowed that. Kamadaki could no longer pilot the ship, both he and Tenchi were on the floor curled in a ball trying to hide their eyes from the terrible brightness.

Kamadaki: sephirothsffrpg
Then the light faded suddenly, and Kamadaki and Tenshi rose to their feet, looking around,
'Well, shall we?' Kamadaki asks Tenshi, who nods.
The two companions walk out of the ship, and look around.
The world was like a giant cloud, with soft, hue colours shimmering in and out of existence. A cool breeze blew over the Cloud, and Kamadaki let his long brown hair fall, cascading about his face,
'Welcome to Heaven....' said two sweet voices from behind. Both turned and saw two Angel silhouette,
'Walk toward the lights, Juraians. One light each...' said the voices,
'Well, Tenshi, I guess we have to take the Test.' said Kamadaki, tying his hair back,
'The Test?' asks Tenshi,
'The Test is something everyone endures who wishes to enter Heaven fully. It is different for every person. It could be a mental task, or a physical task, such as a fight.' Kamadaki explains,
'A fight?!' Tenshi says in his usual, completely over his head kind of way,
'Don't worry Tenshi. You can't die in Heaven. At most they will blank your memory and send you back to Jurai' Kamadaki says, and then looks hard at Tenshi,
'Good Luck, my friend.' he says, and runs into the first silhouette.

Washu: sabrina_39564
don't worry about it Ryoko.. I’ll try my hardest to make it work.. and get Kagato back for both of our sakes..
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