My poems

Friends Forever

We are friends, Till the end,
If my life ends, This letter's to a friend,
A friend i'll hold dear to me, A friend you'll forever be.

If there's a heaven, I'll wait for you there,
If there's not count to seven, and i'll be
waiting for you right here till i just can't
bare, i'll be here for you, Wish upon wish
hoping for you.

I will wait, Even till the end of time, But
when you come i will state, I am glad you
came because it's very hard to rhyme, I see
the image of you in my mind, It was
something hard to find.

Friends are friends, But good friends last
till the end of time, And will be within you
for the far reaches of space where it bends,
Good friends we'll be till we meet and so
ends this rhyme, So i wish you well, And
promise me you'll be there for me and as i
did for you and that all i can tell.


I live for no purpose, I cause only pain,
There is only me not us,
There is so little that keeps me sane.
I remain because i gave you my trust,
I gave you my soul,
It's only for you it's a must,
It's a forbidden toll.
You stare at me, It's not fair,
You see through me,
Like you knew me with that glare.
I swear, I'm only promising one thing,
I'll be there,
That's the only one that counts the only thing.


No Where To Be Found

i will be gone for the longest time, i will not be here, there, nor
anywhere. i will be where no one lurks, where there's pain and
suffering. i appear near yet I�m very far away, away from everything
that's good and nice. I will be in a hell hole a place where i shall
forever stay, a place with no goodness or kindness. that's a place were
i am doomed to be forever and ever, this place is my personal hell. so
i am a person you'll never see again, a person you will only see in
your memories. i leave your life alone till the day that will never be.
this is goodbye i'm signing off, for good. goodbye.

A Letter

�A letter is something from the heart, A part of you
sent across the sea, It's like a piece of art, Something you should let
be, Something only for you to see.

My Friend

My friend, She snowboards in the winter like a pro, Her talents never
end, But still she like any other she dis the little bro, My friend is
the best, She can make it through any test.

Horseback rides like there's no tomorrow, And as special as she is, If
she was a princess she would be admired world wide because the throne
her beauty over throws, She chats to make the world know her BIS, Her
poems reach down to your soul, Only for a small toll.

My friend is my best friend, I will love her till the end of time, I
always tell her on e-mails i send, Wish luck for her with a silver
dime, As i stand alone in the crowed, I wish she was there so i can
stand proud.

I Wish

I wish i was a better person, I wish i had a job, I don't know why i am
the way that i am, I wish i could fly, I wish that i was strong, I
don't know why i am the way that i am, I wish i had friends, I wish
that i wasn't so weak and small, I don't know why i am the way that i
am, I wish that i was a person, I wish i had guts, I don't know why i
am the way that i am, I wish i had a life, I wish that i was with my
angel, But in reality she is to far away.

�Tear Drops Like Rain

a (tear), cuz i wish you where here, a (sigh), cuz i should of never
said goodbye, i wish i was there, because this place i can't bere, i
wish you here, because your voice is what i want to hear, you were


Angels are there even when you can't see them, Angels are there even
with out wings, I never knew there angels till i went to camp one
summer and saw one of them, I heard an angel when i was asleep it
beautiful when it sings, I saw another one when i meet you, for you see
it was you who opened my eyes, So there are things out there that can
not be explained until they want me too, So it doesn't matter about the
unknown not even the size, So to all the angels out there, Be the same
and be true, I'm sorry if i stare, I just was showing my true blue, i'm
sorry for all the bad things i've done, i'm sorry for being me but if i
wasn't me then who would i be, so sorry for being here it has been fun,
this is all your going to see, of me myself and i, so when is it going
to end guy,......

I walk through the empty halls full of people, Walking like a ghost of the unknown. The people walk by me like i was invisable, They continue about they're happy little lives as it was shown.

Each face i know as i watch them go by, I sigh... Life like Child like,Knowing and understanding the things i don't, Stop wondering about these creatures like me i won't.

I shall watch over them, Protecting them from the things they keep eyes shut from. Wonder why they go on, Knowing they can't change anything till it's all over and gone.

Till it's to late, I shall forever be lonely. I will forever wait, Wait for her as i am invisablely. As the sands drop from the hour glass, So does my life pass. Till the people see the ghost i shall fade, Fade away into the shade.

Sitting beside you, staring into your eyes. getting lost in the depths of your soul as big as an ocean of two, being memorized.your heart being good and pure as you are, i gaze into your eyes hoping for one small glance back. but all i give is as another grain falls leaving but another scar, all that is heard is a sigh as once again into realality i fall back.


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