The civilization of Greece was one of the first cultures to come to a philosophic prime in the age that Egypt was starting to fall.  The mythos of Greece was influenced in many ways by the Egyptian culture, and went on to influence the Romans and other cultures beyond its' time. 

     Below, you will find a list of some of the gods and goddesses in the Greek mythos. 

Asklepios-  Asklepios is best known as the  Greek god of medicine and healing.  He was the son of Zeus and Koronis.  He was killed by a thunderbolt when he assisted Artemis in the ressurection of Hippolytus. He parallels Aesculapius in Roman Mythos.

Boreas-The personification of the North wind.  He was the son of Eos and Astreus the Titan. He parallels Aguilo in Roman Mythos.

Eros-The Greek personification of Cupid; The bestower of Love.

Apollo- Songs, music and prophecy all fall under the juristiction of this God.  Apollo was representative of perfection in the male gender. 

Eos-This goddess is known as  "the goddess of the dawn".She parallels Aurora in Roman mythos.

Ouranos- This god was the son and husband of Gaia.  He is the god of the heavens.  Ouranos was dethroned by Cronus according to common mythologies.  He parallels Caelus in Roman mythos.

Demeter-This goddess is  worshipped in relation to agriculture.  She was the mother of Percephone.   She parallels Ceres  in Roman mythos.  

Artemis-This goddess is best  known as being the twin sister of Apollo.  She was the goddess of hunting and nature.  She parallels Diana in Roman mythos.

Pan- This god is usually depicted as a  satyr.  He was the inventer of the shepherds flute.  Pan is the god of flocks,  wooded areas, and pastures. He parallels Faunus in Roman mythos.

Zephyrus-The personification of the West wind.  He parallels Favonius in Roman mythos. 

Chloris-The goddess of flowers. 

The Charites- The daughters of Zeus  and Eurynome.  These 3 goddesses personify grace and loveliness.

Heracles- This is the best known god in classical mythology.  He is considered the greatest literary hero. He was known for his super-human abilities.  He was the offspring of Zeus and Alcmena.

Hera- The wife of Zeus.  She is the goddess of feminine protection.

Zeus-The head of the pantheon. 

Leto-  This goddess is the mother of Apollo and Artemis.   

Dionysus-  This god started as a wine god of Thrace.  She was amongst the Olympian gods in the later myths.

Ares-The god of war and conflict. 

Hermes-  The messenger of the gods. He was responsible for the dead in their voyage to Hades. He is the guardian of flocks, commerce, and roads.

     The list is far from complete, and will be updated as time and resources permit.  If you have any information to add to this topic, or any related occult topic, please forward it to [email protected].  All information will be considered and used at  the discretion of the management.


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