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Yo yo yo, im kevin and ur at my page.  i go to oakland mills high skool, which is the best skool there is.  i wanna say hey to some people:
CJ-Que hacer tu creer, estupido, and el burn the cd
laura-wasup yo, im gonna be nice from now on
ali-ur so kool and thanx 4 4givin me
jason-we gotta do something when i get ungrounded
phil-we gotta think of some more things to do for the video
kelly-dont pay any attention to what i say im just messin wit u, ur the nicest person in the skool
jeremy-el swarro, does though swerith
paul- ur a kool cuzin
jessica-im not kyle get it strait
kristen-u owe me a picture
sara-so do u
erin-so do u, and the redskins are so much better then the eagles
molly-hey wats up, u owe me one 2
ariana-here u r, ur in this one
jasmin-u owe me gum(haha)
dana-they better let u play baseball cuz ur good enuff to be on the team
carlton-i dunno if u should even try out haha
zandy-whats up my canadian friend
mike-hey haha i cant think of anything
robert-how could u fail gym
allsion-hey was up u cant tell me what to do
erica-ur so abusive
alex-(do u ever) wanna be me
alex rones-call me sometime
bredan-u call me 2
billy-i wanna meet cat
brad-god were in a dumb english class
bret-dont get me started on the ravens (aka gayvens)
rian-u either

ill do some more lata cuz im tired of typing,  tell me if ur not on my kool person list and ill put u on
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this site is kool cuz im in it
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