

Where White Men Fear to Tread

Russell Means

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Weather Underground

Mark Rudd


(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Monday Night Class

Stephen Gaskin

(Purchase at Amazon.com)



Religious & Spiritual Groups in Modern America

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


American Soul

Jacob Needlemanan Soul

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Book Cover

A Sense of the Cosmos 

Jacob Needleman

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Book Cover

Lost Christianity

Jacob Needleman

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Book Cover

The Heart of Philosophy

Jacob Needleman

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Why Religion Matters

Huston Smith

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


The World's Religions

Huston Smith

(Purchase at Amazon.com)



Michael Cremo

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Human Devolution

Michael Cremo

(Purchase at Amazon.com)




Esoteric & Occult

Books & Films

The World's Religions

Huston Smith

Start your reading journey into esoteric studies with Huston Smith's classic The World's Religions (formally the Religions of Man).  This is the ultimate point of departure for understanding the historical development and spiritual dimensions of humanity's quest for the Divine.

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Jews God and History

Max I. Dumont

One of the most important books on Western Civilization ever written.  The chapter on Kabala is outstanding!

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


The Elements of Mysticism

R. A. Gilbert

The most concise primer on esotericism there is.  Gilbert is a master at explaining key mystical concepts

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


The History of Magic in the Modern Age

Neville Drury

An important look at Ceremonial Magick & Satanism

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


The Dictionary of the Esoteric

Neville Drury

Great pithy definitions and a great resource for esoteric studies

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Watkins Dictionary of Magic

Neville Drury 

Outstanding overview of the Western Magical Tradition with clear definitions 

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


The Occult

Colin Wilson

A fantastic history of the occult from ancient times to the present.  The sections on Alesiter Crowley and Robert Graves are very good.

(Purchase at Amazon.com)



E. J. Holmyard

Holmyard's classic study of Alchemy offers an outstanding survey of this esoteric practice as it appeared in all the great ancient civilizations, through the Middle Ages and up to modern times when this system was transmuted into the modern discipline of chemistry

Purchase at Amazon.com


The Rosicrucians

Christopher McIntosh

This lucid tome offers the best history of the Rosicrucian movement in print.  The origin of the fraternity is covered as well as the Rosicrucians hey-day in the 1700s up until modern times where competing groups vie for the title of "genuine Rosicrucians"

Purchase at Amazon.com



Newton's Dark Secrets


This outstanding documentary explores the fact that Sir Isaac Newton, the father of modern science & math, was in reality an alchemist, occultist & theologian.  Newton was not the cold scientist as depicted in most history books.  Most of his corpus concerns itself with magical formulas and even the prediction that the World will end in 2060!

Purchase at Amazon.com


The Brotherhood

Stephen Knight

Knight opened a Pandora's Box for the British Establishment when he exposed the Freemasons for colluding in a variety of self-interest schemes which often delved into the criminal underworld where pay-offs were made and where pornographers and policemen treated each other as "brothers"

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Secret Brotherhood of Freemasons 

Bill Curtis does an outstanding job presenting both sides of the Freemasonry issue in this History Channel DVD

(Purchase at H.C. Store)


Modern Esoteric Spirituality

Jacob Needleman

A wonderful historical survey of esoteric groups.  The chapters on the Theosophical Society and the Traditionalist School are very good.  A real gem of a book.

(Purchase at Amazon.com)





Books & Films


Book Cover

The Heart of Philosophy

Jacob Needleman

The best introduction to philosophy ever written which offers clear definitions and historical context

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


You Are There:    Death of Socrates

Richard Kiley does a great job playing Socrates in this docu-drama 

(Purchase at Amazon.com)




New World Order

Books & Films

Secrets of the Tomb

Alexandra Robbins

No other single book has done more to expose the diabolical intent of the Skull & Bones Society whose members include George W. Bush. John F. Kerry & William F Buckley

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


American Dictators

Alex Jones shines in this powerful documentary which demonstrates how the Skull & Bones Society rules our nation

Free 40 Minute Preview!



Bohemian Grove

Mike Hanson

This book cuts through the nonsense and offers a clear picture of the occultism which penetrates the Bohemian Grove whose membership list acts as a "Whose Who" of International Power Brokers 

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Dark Secrets 

Inside the Bohemian Grove

Bravo to Alex Jones for sneaking into the Bohemian Grove & capturing their occult ceremony wherein a diabolic Owl God is worshiped with a mock human sacrifice and members are encouraged to abandon "care" for all those except fellow members!

Free New Trailer

Free 40 Minute Preview!




Mission Mind Control

This 1979 ABC News Special outlined the CIA's evil MK-ULTRA Program (started by Skull & Bonesman Allen Dulles)  & demonstrates how the CIA  experimented with drugs to produce a robotic assassin  (Manchurian Candidate) by slipping LSD into the drinks of  unsuspecting prostitute's  drinks and by conducting illegal experiments in a Canadian mental institution

Free online at Xenu TV



Secret Societies

Arthur Kent explains the reality of the major secret organizations like the Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove and Bilderbergers in this History Channel production

(Purchase at Amazon.com)


Blue Bird

Colin Ross, MD

Ross cogently demonstrates that the security services have been involved in creating mind controlled slaves via inducing Multiple Personality Disorder

(Purchase at Amazon.com)







Want to know the The Truth about European Royalty & Satanism?

Click here to find out








Purchase at Globalvision




The Bank of Crooks & Criminals

Purchase at Globalvision




Cults & Destructive Groups

Books & Films

A Piece of Blue Sky

Jon Atack

This biography is a pithy review of L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics and the Church of Scientology

Free online Here!



Secret Lives

L. Ron Hubbard

This British documentary is the best expos� of the Church of Scientology & its strange founder L. Ron Hubbard ever produced

Free online at Xenu TV



PBS Frontline

The Resurrection of Rev Moon

Why did the Republican Party embrace Rev Moon after his release from prison for tax evasion?

Purchase at Globalvision




Lost Civilizations 

Books & Films









Alternative Science

Books & Films






Rod Serling's

In Search of Ancient Astronauts

Free Preview



Did the ancient Sumerians know that the world revolved around the sun?

Click here to find out


Eric von D�niken's

Chariots of the Gods

This film is what sparked my interest in religious studies.  Did aliens visit ancient Earth?  See this great DVD and make up your own mind!

(Purchase at Amazon.com)






In Search of...








Skeptical Thought

Books & Films







Satanic Panic

Jeffery S. Victor

This book tragically put a halt to SRA investigations in 1990s. The cases of Gerald Robinson, Frederick J. Lane, Robert Meffan & Laurence Brett debunk this book!

(purchase at Amazon.com)












Comparative Religion & Apologetics

Books & Films































Sphinx Radio & Daily Newswire

Exploring the Enigmas of the Ages and the Puzzles of the Present

Hosted by William H. Kennedy


Paranormal - Occult Crime - Alternative Science - Lost Civilizations - Conspiracy  -  UFOs


Paranormal News Feed Updated Daily!

Listeners in 78 different Nations!

(Best viewed through Internet Explorer)

Tuesday May 2, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Star misses point on 'Da Vinci Code' speaker coverage

Former Satanist organises anti-Da Vinci Code legion

Boycott Da Vinci Code film urges top Vatican official

'The Da Vinci Code': Entertainment Or Blasphemy

ZIMBABWE : Amendment of witchcraft act arouses disputes

Taking magic out of books

Film promotes conspiracy theory

Bryansk Police Break Up Skinhead March on Hitler's Birthday

Disturbing new details about teen attacked by boys at party

Hacker targets train displays

Mystery of the Silver Rings

Mezco Releases Voo Dooz Dolls For Kids

Terrorists' Unmanned Air Force

New picture in Nazca of
unknown horned animal

Mothers expect Damien on 6/6/06

Scientists Make Water Run Uphill

Police bullet lodged in gunman's weapon

Goose befriends elderly man with cancer

Man talking to neighbour killed when lightning strikes his head

The Sun may have a companion

Mysterious monsters inhabited Utah Valley waters

Cause of loud booms around Port Angeles remains mystery

Shocked to death by alarm clock

The Devil's Music

Accused killer in triple murder told man he was a werewolf

Think Tank calls for intergalactic police

Bumps in the night spook workers

Judge's DaVinci Code Cracked

Croc hates noise; steals chainsaw

German neo-Nazi protests turn violent


Monday May 1, 2006

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

Agents foresee requests for �Da Vinci Code experiences

Sick of Lindsay, Tom, Katie and 'Da Vinci Code'

Christians Urged to Prepare for The Da Vinci Code Opening

Church launches 'Da Vinci Code' campaign

Simply be-witching!

Magic Screen

Area ghost busters try to be myth busters, too


Desperately seeking Sasquatch

Uncanny capers at courthouse stir the specter of an old case

Mothers expect Damien on 6/6/06

Chinese Folk Stories

Spooky sleuths called in

Lost souls

Are You A Hoper Or A Believer?

Love, death and plenty of ghosts

Kirk asks ministers to take a walk on dark side

Plans for Haunted Hotel & Restaurant in Clovis

Cryptid Woodpecker Update

CryptoZoo Photo Quiz

EXCLUSIVE Sundy mail sings on with this shyster psychic

Indians exorcise demons

Bigotry Monitor: Volume 6, Number 16

Routine Traffic Stop Leads to Meth Discovery

Organised crime: The Godfather of Green Lanes

Church warns public of fake Catholic priest

China ordains new Catholic bishop

Catholic priesthood in decline

Neo-Nazis to rally against Israel in Buffalo


Sunday April 30, 2006

(Religion and Culture Sunday)

Catholic leaders send greetings for Buddha's birth

Vatican calls for 'Da Vinci Code' film boycott

Religious Activists Rally to Protest Darfur Violence

Grand Rebbe Moses Teitelbaum, 1914-2006

Vatican Studying Condoms and AIDS

Police witness paranormal activity in pub

Witchcraft act review arouses disputes among Zimbabweans

Exorcism sought for toilet-flushing ghost

Polish parade accused of promoting anti-Semitism

Pagan councillor 'drugged and killed by jealous lover'

Metal File: Overcast, Black Dahlia Murder, Nevermore, DRI & More ...

BLACK SABBATH Guitarist Wasn't Aiming To Summon The Devil With ...

'Vampire Pedophile meets 'teen' in graveyard

Psychic hears voices on Don Messer recording

Pedophile's victims hail verdict

Pedophile priest gets probation

Saudi sex tourist on Canadian visa busted in US pedophile sting

Omega 3, vitamin E synergy could cut MND risk


Saturday April 29, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Dark secrets of scientology

A Scientology �Stepford Wife� named �Kate�?

Tom Cruise Converts From Scientology To Existentialism

The trouble with Tom

Mission of a lost boy

Scientology has followers, and skeptics, in Hollywood and in the ...

Scientology is whack

Scientology expands at home

Scientology: A Star-Studded Sect


Catholics, Evangelicals Defend Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design vs. Evolution Debate in Seattle Plays to Sold ...

Chapman�s Take: A Great Night for Intelligent Design

How fairly does Flock of Dodos treat Intelligent Design?

Talks on SETI, intelligent design May 1, 2

Seattle's Discovery Institute scrambling to rebound after ...

How Does My DNA Work? Evolution Vs. Intelligent Design ...

Merits of intelligent design, evolution debated

Balancing act with intelligent design

Source of loud "booms" in Port Angeles still a mystery

China to launch lunar probe

"7000-Year-Old sleepin' beauty" in Bolaghi Gorge discovered

Exploring Brazil's "Lost World"

NASA says comet fragments won't hit Earth

Religious site could reveal cult secrets

Neolithic village remains unearthed in E. China province

Village to give up its secrets

Indiana Jones of the Balkans:

Etruscan roads, medieval villages make enticing Italian landscape

Twin-headed snake has gardener on the run

Old bones are telling new tales

Olive branch clue to how Minoans were wiped out

Ajax's long-lost palace discovered on Greek island

Archaeologist Says Johor "Lost City" Does Not Exist

Neanderthals Lived in Iran's Kermanshah Caves

Heart of Borneo:

Bill would prohibit mandatory microchip implants

Bubonic Plague Detected In 6 Colorado Counties

Mysterious Boom

Mysterious comet

Czech archaeologists may uncover royal palace in Egypt


Tune into the Da Vinci coda

Not just a job, an adventure


Indian village delays Interstate 86 project

Old Hormuz Port rediscovered after 700 years

1st Bakun period burial found in Bolaghi Valley

Pisa's ancient boats in Rome show


Romans invade Prestatyn

Checking Out Nevada Rock Art

Discover native culture in New Mexico

Starlings recognize grammar pattern in songs

Hunter shoots grolar bear  or was it a pizzly?


Friday April 28, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Chuck Shepherd: News of the Weird

Wicca highway sign brews up controversy

Psychic tries to conjure the spirit of late fiddling icon Don ...

Weil: Smart diet, healthy attitude promote longevity

Be part of The Da Vinci Code adventure with Sony Ericsson

Da Vinci judge has a code of his own

Da Vinci Code paperback sales top 1 million

Da Vinci court papers 'show secret code'

Mystery of the planets: It's in the stars. Really

'Premonition' leads father and son to man after crash

Astrology affects us all. Keep a diary and you'll see

Are ghosts fact or just fiction?

Psychic tries to conjure the spirit of late fiddling icon Don Messer

New Coelacanths On Display

Shaman out to 'banish evil spirits'

The Catholic Church Encourages Mexican Invaders

San Diego mystery booms
traced to 'Warning Area 291'

UK Hacker Gets Into Pentagon Computers In Quest for UFO Info

Cast of violent Hong Kong gangster movie release fish at sea to improve karma

Eye the Anaconda Survives Music Store Fire

Drunk Russian Paratrooper Breaks 24 Bottles Over His Head and Falls Asleep

New Attacks Reported

"UFO" is sighted again

Chupacabra spotted in central Russia

Quick Action by Novosibirsk Police Stops Skinhead Violence

Omega 3, Vitamin E reduce ALS risk



Thursday April 27, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Pagan gran occult 'killer'


Third jail term for Catholic brother

Chupacabras the Goatsucker Vampire Reported in Central Russia

Teenage 'sorceress' practices in woods

Hamlin's sentencing is delayed

Paranormal Investigators Share Tricks Of Trade At Stevens Point ...

'United 93' Promotes 9/11 Govt Conspiracy Theory

Woman claims gift of psychic powers

'Lennon's spirit sends peace message'

A supernatural journey

Ghost hunters want your stories

British Police Witness Poltergeist in Pub

Spanish Socialist Party: Give apes human rights

Performance Art works spark security alert in West London

Kennewick Garbage Woman Hoax

Omega-3 fats and the prevention of prostate cancer


Wednesday April 26, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Bosnian archaeologists and
academics concerned at pyramid dig

Rare 'stone man' gene that changes muscle into bone

Sturgeon Biffs Lady

New military hardware gives soldiers superhuman senses similar to owls, snakes and fish

Lightning kills praying children

Mystery Sacks Filled with Vomit, Year 3

Worshippers astounded by miracle of crying icons

Envtl. Sensitivity: Inquiry Into Link with Apparitional Experience

Thar He Glows? Hunt On For Mystic Whaler Ghost

Gardener found skeleton in soil bag

Scientists Debunk Astrology

Temple of the Fox found in Peru

New archaeological discoveries in Khemisset province

Surprise finds at school site dig

Cloud of scholarly dust rises over ancient footprints claim

Archaeologists dig Roman dogs

With a Bit of Digging, the Past Is Unearthed

Bosnia's rich heritage

Is this the face of battlefield bones?

Oh daddy -- Komodo dragon births leaves experts foxed

Interstellar Deathray Not Likely to Hit Earth

Crop Pests Hitching Rides On Spring Storm Systems

'Perfect Disasters' Nearly Perfect

Treasure hunters riddled Carroll County's Indian Grave Ridge

Alzheimer's linked to aluminium pollution in tap water


Tuesday April 25, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Penn & Teller Swear By Cryptozoology

Zimbabwean law and witchcraft

Baby Wanted: The Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche

Thousands flock to see weeping virgin in Colombia

Police baffled by paranormal activity in British pub

Seeking by sixth sense

Pub spirits cause a stir

Thar He Glows? Hunt On For Mystic Whaler Ghost

Blood exuded from icons of Christ on Easter even in a church in Penza region

Lennon's message from beyond

Second sight

Phantom of the loo floods British pub

Not Good For Yeti-Hunting

Ghostbusting makes Tony feel good

Zimbabwe outlaws practise of witchcraft

Romania's first registered witch

Polk begins her defense

Police baffled by paranormal activity in British pub

Radical Russian Party Leader Sues Paper Over Holocaust Denial ...

Net pedophile jailed for stalking

Public meeting warns of surviving racism, anti-Semitism

The Hate Israel Intelligentsia

Film adaptation for Milton's Paradise Lost


Health and Nutrition Forum Led By Dr. Andrew Weil Explores The ...

Debatable Conjecture

A Psuedo-psychic Experience


Monday April 24, 2006

(11:00 AM ET)

25-year-old murder focuses on priest

Early testimony to focus on scientific evidence in priest trial


Group to host tour of 'haunted' Alton

Imagine what Lennon would say . . .

Psychic caller shows civic spirit

Hole Swallows Man in Kitchen

12 Nails Found in Skull of Man
complaining of Headache

137 year old submarine discovered

Stonefridge (or is it Fridgehenge)

Freakish events in rescue missions

Ant and Dec get me out of outer space

Curia confirms human blood on statue of Virgin Mary

Visitors Report Ghost in Rhode Island Whaling Ship Museum

Kennewick woman found alive in landfill

Hand Cut Off in Duel Now on Display

An Israeli-born psychic is trying to buy a Memphis house once ...

Feds Arrest Hell's Angels Leader In Drug Raids


Nostradamus predictions are abstract, unreliable

'Miracle' monk grabs attention

Is Manimal More Man Than Animal?

The Witch Next Door

'Weeping' Virgin Mary statue bought from pet shop

Bible prophecy expert advises

Case of the Mummified Baby

The hitchhiker

What's behind mysterious booms?

To believe or not to believe

Haunting tales told at ghost conference

Joyriding Johor and Neglecting Nepal

Bobby Clarke Video: A Year Later


Sunday April 23, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

Jurors in priest's murder trial take tour of crime scene

Catholic EWTN kept admitted child abuser

Scotland's Satanic Majesty

Paranormal specialists review strange sightings on Mystic ship

TV seance claims to reach John Lennon

ZIMBABWE : Witchcraft recognised, laws tightened

Mugabe gives assent to anti-witchcraft law

Beltane Keynote Speaker Urges Pagan Revival

A hellish history

Hell's Angels Arrested In FBI Raids

Filming 'The Da Vinci Code' In The Louvre Was Precarious, Says Ron ...

Author/Pastor Counsels Believers to Prepare for Da Vinci Code ...

'Da Vinci Code' follow-up expected in '07

Responding to The Da Vinci Code movie – Protest ...

Dark secrets of scientology

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Scientology Princess: Next For Baby?

Tom snubs a mate

`Quiet birth' practice raises a commotion

Nurse Accused of Molesting Comatose Girl

Some towns 'unhealthily white' – race adviser

Ethnic Armenian murdered on Moscow metro platform

Sally Anne�s mum begs police to listen to medium

Hunt for the Skinwalker : Science Confronts the Unexplained at a ...

Lawmakers call for calm

Germany plans new measures to combat neo-Nazis

Pedophile accused of raping 6-year-old

Website on how to spot pedophile was favourite of Canadian killed

Jurors in priest's murder trial take tour of crime scene

Catholic EWTN kept admitted child abuser

Scotland's Satanic Majesty

Paranormal specialists review strange sightings on Mystic ship

TV seance claims to reach John Lennon

ZIMBABWE : Witchcraft recognised, laws tightened

Mugabe gives assent to anti-witchcraft law

Beltane Keynote Speaker Urges Pagan Revival

A hellish history

Hell's Angels Arrested In FBI Raids

Filming 'The Da Vinci Code' In The Louvre Was Precarious, Says Ron ...

Author/Pastor Counsels Believers to Prepare for Da Vinci Code ...

'Da Vinci Code' follow-up expected in '07

Responding to The Da Vinci Code movie – Protest ...

Dark secrets of scientology

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Scientology Princess: Next For Baby?

Tom snubs a mate

`Quiet birth' practice raises a commotion

Nurse Accused of Molesting Comatose Girl

Some towns 'unhealthily white' – race adviser

Ethnic Armenian murdered on Moscow metro platform

Sally Anne�s mum begs police to listen to medium

Hunt for the Skinwalker : Science Confronts the Unexplained at a ...

Lawmakers call for calm

Germany plans new measures to combat neo-Nazis

Pedophile accused of raping 6-year-old

Website on how to spot pedophile was favourite of Canadian killer


Saturday April 22, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

UK Reporter Infiltrates Scientology Center

The secrets of Scientology

Official site of the Church of Scientology

Scientology�s Hollywood �cult status� restored

"Tomkitten", the whole story

'Intelligent Design' focus of talk Sunday

Intelligent design hurts learning, expert says

Letters: Science confirms what's written in the Bible, intelligent ...

Scientists step up battle on 'intelligent design'

Cornell to Offer Class on Intelligent Design

Point/Counterpoint - Intelligent design, theory or theology?

Poser over baby Bigfoot poachers

Bigfoot, Not Bigfeet!

Curia confirms human blood on statue of Virgin Mary

Mawas = Orangutan Poached?

Desperate families turning to psychics

Glancing into past lives

Did Ghost Hunters Find 'Grey Lady'?

7.7-magnitude quake rattles eastern Russia

Experts find evidence of Bosnia pyramid

Mumps outbreak prompts calls for 2nd dose of vaccine

Wildlife defies Chernobyl radiation

Men hallucinate after eating fish

Mel's fossil could be an "old dog-jaw"

Digs in Tarxien ahead of visitors' centre

Archaeologists find fossil snake with legs in Argentina

Historians say Donner Party cannibalism still on menu

Baalbek excavations unearth Roman-era treasures

Rock maps revise Martian history

Odyssey's End?:

A universal constant on the move

Japanese find new Nazca Lines in Peru

30 beheaded skeletons unearthed in China

Scientists find remains of 'sociable' giants

Secret rivers found in Antarctic

Cubans find traces of dinosaur-killing meteor

This Templar Tale Probably Won't Be The Last

Experts find evidence of Bosnia pyramid


Unearthing the past

Indian burial set at Mesa Verde

Diggers mum on latest downtown discovery

Ancient earth works:

China Using Artificial Rain to Clear Dust

Rare bubonic plague case reported in Los Angeles

Repeat Of US 1906 Quake Would Kill Thousands Cost Billions

Jet find could be 3,000 years old

Beheaded skeletons replay war history

Stone blocks may be part of Europe's first step pyramid

Memories of great desert explorer live on

Light-rail work unearths Hohokam remains

The Dead Sea is 'dying'

Dino may have been pack hunter

Conservation works on historic monuments

Archaeology dig resumes on Arkansas River

The Shocking Truth Behind Static Electricity


Friday April 21, 2006

(posted 11:00 PM ET)

Curia Confirms Human Blood on Statue of Virgin Mary

Catholic EWTN  network kept abusive priest on staff

Jury Chosen In Priest�s Murder Trial

Details on 11 Priests Missing in '04 Report

Boston Archdiocese Opens Financial Records

Not the cardinal's rules

Priest Faces Trial in Satanic Murder

Chiropractor claims to travel through time

Guilty plea for 'witch' murder

Baseball, Boys, One Man on Illegal Love

Brown's 'Da Vinci Code' follow-up delayed

Nepalese king gives up absolute power

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Jury to eye alleged Satanic link in nun killing

Citizen involvement key to cracking child porn ring

Old Mother Hubbard meets L. Ron Hubbard

Desperately seeking Scientology

THE GOOD NEWS: Gospel of Judas, The Da Vinci Code based on Gnostic ...

Local Opus Dei group reminds readers the 'Da Vinci Code' is ...

Da Vinci code provokes debate in traditional Philippines

Catholic-Orthodox relations improving, officials of both churches ...

Gonzales Outs Internet Pedophiles, Seeks Tough Penalties ...

Men trip for days on

hallucinogenic fish

LA Woman Hospitalized With Bubonic Plague

Huge ice chunks fall in California

Secret rivers found in Antarctic

Man dies after freak badger accident

Mawas = Orangutan Poached?

Desperate families turning to psychics

Glancing into past lives

Did Ghost Hunters Find 'Grey Lady'?


Neo-Nazis fight security ideas for march in court

Germany fights neo-Nazis

Hypnosis may relieve non-cardiac chest pain

Hell's Angels Clubhouses Raided

Feds Arrest Hell's Angels Leader In Drug Raids

Green Tea May Curb Prostate Cancer in Men at Risk


Thursday April 20, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Priest slams MP's classroom Satanism hysteria

Priest tried over nun�s death

OH Priest On Trial For Nun's Murder

Priest goes on trial for 'ritual' murder of nun 26 years ago

Sex scandal costs Boston Catholic Church millions

Vermont Catholic Church settles abuse lawsuit for $965,000

Satanism journalist's imprisonment raises alarm

Video: Mystery surrounds Knights Templar

Sexual violence survivors speak out in Congers

Occult classic

Channeling John Lennon: Give creeps a chance

An open letter to Katie

Scientology Silent Birth: 'It's A Natural Thing'

James Morrow's top 10 books on witch persecutions

Tom's placenta plans

Two Gypsies Shot in Central Russia

Minuteman Founder Said to Tolerate Neo-Nazis

Neo-Nazi rally planned for Lansing

Neo-Nazis force clash of agendas

Germany plans new moves to fight neo-Nazis after attack

Kin tried to steer son away from neo-Nazis

Neo-Nazi rally planned for Lansing

Chat Transcript: Home Remedies

Religious Scholars to Debate 'Da Vinci Code' Issues

Da Vinci Code' tale affects Christian beliefs in N America

`Don't worry archbishop, it's a conspiracy theory'


Wednesday April 19, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Religious beliefs a factor in Robinson trial jury selection

Priest�s murder trial starts; potential jurors quizzed in nun�s slaying

Lawyers whittle jury pool for priest |

Landmark murder trial of priest to start Monday; Toledo nun was ...

Satanism coming to classroom: MP

Row over TV psychic's bid to contact Lennon spirit

Day 14 for NYC cat: Pet psychic shows up

Sympathy for the Judas

War, death and myth in the flow of history

Astronaut Armstrong gets piece of moon rock

Eye gets its 'Ghost' guy

Bigfoot gumshoe hangs shingle in Yukon

Ren� Remembered

Spooky resident likes to potter

He sees ghosts

Wetzel Kangaroo Beer

Pacific cult hails second coming of its wealthy US messiah

Hen turns into a cockerel

Former Military Air Traffic Controller: 'Comet will collide with Earth on May 25, 2006'

Russian Researchers Claim to Have Solved Mystery of Crop Circles

Man killed in cigarette accident

Tight squeeze as man survives being run over by a train

Biologist claims to have World's largest shrimp

Luring, child porn explodes with Internet accessibility

Caffeine, Green Tea Intake Decrease Risk of Type 2 Diabetes


Tuesday April 18, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Possible Satanic basis to murder of Ohio nun by priest

Priest 'murdered nun in ritual'

Priest faces trial for ritual murder of nun 26 years ago

No shortage of drama as priest's trial opens

Jury Selections Starts For Father Robinson

Sex Abuse And Catholic Priest Trials

Head of St Lucias Roman Catholic Church survives assassination

Age to play deciding role in Waterkloof case

Witches Organizing Major Spell for Peace

Catholic Church Attacks 'The Da Vinci Code' ... Again

Opus Dei Wants 'Da Vinci Code' Disclaimer

''Da Vinci Code'' Tale Affects Christian Beliefs In North America ...

Mussolini's granddaughter runs for mayor

Rev. Moon's Conjugal Visitations

Nationalist party appeals registration ban in Moscow court

Yesterday's witches are today's social activists in Jharkhand

Tom Cruise has shelled out some serious dough on a private ...

It’s Scientology all the way for baby Cruise!

Tom Cruise Says Scientology Better Than Depression Drugs - Again

Key prosecution witness takes stand in Aryan Brotherhood trial

Former Aryan Brotherhood gang member tells of plot to avenge ...

Ex-member tells of Aryan Brotherhood plot to avenge assault on mob ...

Witness at Aryan Brotherhood trial says leader ordered killings

Harvard dean accused of anti-Semitism

Are 40 Percent of All Swedes "Anti-Semites?"

Upsurge in Russian race killings marks run-up to Hitler's birthday

Anti-gay church hounds military funerals


Monday April 17, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Priest Headed to Trial Over Nun's Slaying

Priest's trial gets under way today in slaying of Toledo nun in ...

Ohio Priest To Begin Trial For Nun�s Murder

Priest up for ritual murder

SNAP protests Robinson trial

Some critics SNAP to judgment

High drama in court

Ghostly gathering planned

German Easter Customs From Pagan Rites to Today

Da Vinci Code spawns new believers

From nuclear crisis to The Da Vinci Code - churches' messages for ...

Superior churches tackle 'Da Vinci Code' claims

Yeti Yes, Corwin Hardly Bearable

'Weird California'

Ghostly Tourism On Oregon's Coast

I can cure anyone, says 'bhagat' Redka Jadhav

That ol' black magic doesn't fly with airline

New Books on Folklore Detail Mythic Ties of the Old World to the New

Ghost Triggers Camera?

Couple devote lives to studying iconic Shroud of Turin

Spooky Tales of Abe

Easter Stunner: Tom Cruise Says Katie Holmes No Longer Catholic

Key prosecution witness takes stand in Aryan Brotherhood trial


Sunday April 16, 2006

(Happy Easter!)

It's Easter: time for the annual conspiracy theories

Indian Catholic archbishop concerned by Hindu reconversion

Catholic students among 14 charged in drug sting

Tom Cruise nizes Roman Catholic baptism for Katie Holmes' baby

Catholic priest deported after Saudi arrest

Pilsen Procession Marks Catholic Holy Day

Conspiracy theory not to be sniffed at

Mahony: Cardinal Sin

The 'Gospel of Judas'

Opus Dei wants disclaimer on 'Da Vinci Code' film

Group close to Vatican says disclaimer on 'Da Vinci Code' film ...

Papal preacher decries Da Vinci Code

Rapists, witchcraft and the law

In Three Weeks, Witch School Plans to Cast a Spell over the World

Holmes May Follow Scientology Birth Custom

Cruise, Holmes to raise Scientology baby

No Catholic baptism for Tom's baby-to-be

'The Devil and Daniel Johnston'

Battle to keep pedophile in jail a legal first

Pedophile testing new laws

Two gypsies killed in apparent race-hate attack in Volga area

Bernard-Henri L�vy Warns on Anti-Semitism, Stage 6

Aryan Brotherhood members indicted

Aryan Brotherhood witness offers insider's glimpse

Russia's `blacks' targeted

How to age well


Saturday April 15, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Has Tom Cruise damaged Scientology?

Cruise, Holmes to raise Scientology baby

Los Angeles Times promotes �cult apologist� recommended by ...

Doctors Sound Off About TomKat 'Silent Birth' Plan

Travolta son's diagnosis: Science vs. Scientology?

Scientology coming to Plant City

Scientology buys into Plant City, with more cities to come

Scientology purchase has some in Plant City worried

]Is Scientology preventing Travolta from son�s autism treatment?

Tom Cruise is a giver and a helper

Cruise Is Going Public About His Baby And Scientology

Intelligent design belongs outside science class

Intelligent design of evolution

Academic worry grows over "intelligent design"

Intelligent Design opponent blocked by federal council

Cornell offers first class on Intelligent Design

Attempts to Misconstrue Intelligent Design in Kentucky Fail


Friday April 14, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Easter Bunny, eggs hatched from pagan tradition

Setting us straight over Da Vinci Code

'Da Vinci Code' debate

What's wrong with "The Da Vinci Code"?

Noted Theologian Sheds Light on “The Da Vinci Code...

Thunderbird Spotting

Who you gonna' call? Ghosthunter

Folklore dignified lie or from truth?

A daily chat with Jesus' mom

Brain Worlds

Near-death enlightenment

Precursor to a Weird Summer?

Ghost hunters hold class to teach curious

Survival of Death

Two-headed ducks and blood-filled monkey masks

Learning Channel turns camera on hotel for segment on property 'flipping'

Leap The CryptoHaiku Carnivorous

Image of Jesus on Easter egg?

Making a fast buck from info on Bigfoot


Needed: Useful Info From Johor

Sleep Aberration May Play Role in Near-Death Experience

Uganda: Doctors Embrace Traditional Healers

Supernatural experiences fuel his novels

Florida neighborhood a hot spot for Santeria

Jersey Devil and Ivan T. Sanderson

See The Jersey Devil Here!

Cancellation of Dracula Park hailed as victory by Romanian church

John Wayne Gacy's - "the Summerdale Dig", is now available!

Judge refuses request to free high-risk pedophile, for now

Serial pedophile pleads guilty to 18 counts


Court upholds registration ban against National Bolshevik party

The Legacy of Dan Curtis (1927-2006)

Mr. Donald Yung teaches successful magick

Talking to psychic gets cop in trouble

Tom Cruise's psychic powers!

Conman psychic jailed after will scam rumbled

Key witness at Aryan Brotherhood trial says he was told of murder

Comment: Why German public prosecutors are barking up the wrong ..


Thursday April 13, 2006

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

Pedophile in Department of Homeland Security Caught In Internet ...

FBI Arrests Alleged Pedophile In Birmingham

Church of Scientology Is Coming to Plant City

Travolta son's diagnosis: Science vs. Scientology?

Cruise on childbirth: Silence is golden

Dr. Tom Cruise Prescribes Scientology, Not Medicine

Da Vinci Code Themed Challenge On The Amazing Race

The Da Vinci Code rapist was caught after DNA left on drug

Da Vinci Code, Cannes Film Fest, Grand Prix entice passengers

'Da Vinci Code' said to fit conspiracy fixation

Brown faces another Da Vinci code plagiarism claim

Da Vinci Code to open in Malaysia on May 18

Paranormal research and discussion reaches new heights.

Choose your paranormal podcast online

France’s Jewish community fighting anti-Semitism: CRIF president

ADL audit shows decline in anti-Semitic acts, but concerns remain

Footage of mysterious lights hovering over West Country crop circles

Royal Society attacks teaching of creationism as science


Wednesday April 12, 2006

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

The Scientology Freezone Expands

Will Katie Holmes Mom Invade the Scientology Silent Birth?

Katie Holmes baby talk ban

Exclusive: Tom Cruise Talks to Diane Sawyer

Swiss Mystery Park Needs Savior to Materialize

Information on Bigfoot Comes at a Price

Sleep Aberration May Play Role in Near-Death Experience

Drug Firms 'Inventing Diseases'

Skulls, Tornadoes & Insects - Bizarre Modern Astronomy

Cold Case: Why Did the Iceman Cometh?

; Strange Shape In Saturns Cloudtops

Pastor's exorcism manslaughter verdict overturned

US team explains near death experiences

Poison plant fuels suicide bids

Footage of mysterious lights hovering over West Country crop circles

Are we alone? UFOs the topic ...

Harvard Telescope Will Search for ET Light Signals

What the Russian papers say

Omega-3 protects retina

Omega-3 moves into medical mainstream


Tuesday April 11, 2006

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

First Knights Templar are discovered

Cop Suspended for Psychic Consult

Yoga's growing US popularity attracts cash

Probe makes encounter with Venus

Scientists meet for maggot talks

Prehistoric Bones Unearthed in Everglades

Drone Swarm for Maximum Harm

The Glowing Kittens of Los Alamos

Commitment hearing ordered for pedophile priest

Catholic group fights image given by book and movie

Online game features crucifixions, offends Catholic group

Elvis�s ex-wife supports Tom Cruises�s Scientology friendly ...

Skinhead suspect in Senegalese student murder case arrested in St. ...

European Jews discuss anti-Semitism, Iran


Nonprofit is at work to save the unwanted

Sex attack on mum in front of child

Left wing conspiracy theory: Zarqawi and bin Laden are myths



Monday April 10, 2006

(posted 5:00 PM ET)

Hindu Monks Arrested for Cannibalism

Psychic Impressions or Psychic Impressionists?

Jersey Devil & Ivan T. Sanderson

UFOs: Concealed Publicity, Marketing & Information

Probing the supernatural

Stephen Kings 1408 Movie Coming


Canadian police arrest five in biker deaths

Spirits at Eastern State Pen?

Police prepare for Apple Chill crowd

Andrew Crumey: In the multiverse, novels are all true

'Dateline' Pedophile Sting: One More Point

Classifying music? It'll send you on a genre bender

Abuse cost churches nearly $467m in '05

Catholic Bishops Say 783 New Abuse Claims �

Audit says archdiocese botched abuse inquiry

Cardinals Scramble To Defeat Abuse Bills �

Lionel seeks psychic help in search for lost dog

Costco relists omega-3 seal oil capsules saying removal ...

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Victim shows Satanic rapists 'the finger'

Rare collection of Dracula related books given to Dublin library

Da Vinci Code Movie To Be Banned In Korea?

'Bathtub Marys' trace roots to European Catholic culture

Cyclops kitten bought by museum
to promote Creationism

Vital lessons at orang-utan 'Oxbridge'

Book Bound In Human Skin Found In Street

Alarm over shopping radio tags

Huge Block Of Ice Falls From Sky In Oakland

Lightning 'may have killed man'

Everest Expedition Uncovers Exotic Species

Urn-usual find reunites brothers

Bid to ban Da Vinci Code movie in South Korea

Hunt for karate legend goes cold

Moreon the Judas gospel find

The Orwellian Origin and Development of the Term Anti-Semitism ...


Sunday April 9, 2006

(Religion and Culture Sunday)

Local Wiccans ordained for weddings

Ranchi tribals launch campaign against witchcraft

Book of Shadows #1

Former 'Vampire' companion sues district

Being goth rarely equates to evil

Katie Holmes having a Girl?

Pagan 'Da Vinci'

Opus Deis response to Da Vinci Code allegations

Tom Hanks Promotes 'The Da Vinci Code' in Japan

Bestseller posts record sales of Da Vinci Code

Da Vinci Code' Author Fights For Privacy

Spirituality in Medicine

Project SERPO could be small part of a changing world

Nepal �s Hindu king orders protesters shot on sight

Hosannas from the Basements of Hell

Religious basket case

E pluribus unum?

Enthralling Play Captures Life of Swami Vivekananda

Father Cantalamessa on Christ's Suffering

The passion of the Christ

Clergy�s order in doctrinal tussle with Roman Catholic Church

Falwell touts Christian college debaters

Protest in Nepal turns violent; one killed

Diana's pal rubbishes Fayed's conspiracy theory

Burke: Ballot snafu was conspiracy

European Neo-Nazis Plotting Anti-Muslim Actions on Eve of World ...

Support Those Arrested for Protesting Neo-Nazis in Toledo

The Race and The Media

Prosecutors order arrest of 4 suspects in TV producer assault case

�Racist� shoots African dead in Russia city

From Chavez�s Alleged Anti-Semitism to the Threat against ...


Saturday April 8, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Katie is just taking it one � Stepford � at a time

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes to Wed This Summer

Katie Holmes' Scientology Childbirth Experience

More support for Cruise's silent birth method

Article misinterpreted Scientology

Silent Katie

Tom Cruise's love display

Katie Holmes' big dummy

Tom's girl Katie is looking really swell

Holmes' passive behaviour stuns interviewer

�I Can Create Who I Am�

Victory for intelligent design

Miller: Intelligent design is not science

Latest Fossil Find "No Threat" To Theory of Intelligent Design

Speaker finds flaws in �Intelligent Design,' discusses details ...

'Da Vinci Code' publishers win plagiarism case

Bid to ban Da Vinci Code movie

'Da Vinci Code' Author Fences-In Home

Court clears Da Vinci Code author

'Da Vinci Code' judge slams lawsuit

Three nations unlock code to capture Da Vinci tourists

Excerpts from ruling on "The Da Vinci Code" lawsuit

Psychic readings surprise some students


Friday April 7, 2006

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

Teens Promoting Satanism Burst Into Churches

'Gospel of Judas' to be revealed

Judas Cover-up: Only 4 of 26 'Gospel of Judas' pages released

Police Arrest Man Who Promised Resurrection of Beslan Children

Chinese police probe skulls find

New pictures of 'living fossil'

Hunt For Real Life 'Were-Rabbit'

'Dead star' erupts for big show

Skydiving thrill for 91-year-old

Stone age man used dentist drill

Researchers find that alcohol helps your houseplants

Chainsaw fury of magazine browser

Previously unknown species of hammerhead shark discovered

Arctic fossils mark move to land

The Bird that Devours Men

Nature Myths, Debunked

Viewpoint Creative launches psychic John Edward on WE

Hate Crimes Commission creates divisions as Louis Farrakhan spews ...

The Katie Holmes & Tom Cruise Baby Conspiracy Theory

ACLU Targeting Boy Scouts Again

Philosopher tackles truth of DaVinci code

Additional Charges Expected Against Man Caught With Explosives

Ambassador fields questions on French anti-Semitism

Two Hell's Angels Arrested Hours Before Shooting

Hell's Angels Targeted In Roadside Shooting

PA Catholic Teacher Jailed for Child Porn

Conference addresses child sex abuse

Confessed pedophile sentenced to prison

Pedophiles in Our Midst

Green Tea, Body & Mind

Omega-3 aids against degenerative disease

The Omega-3 Question

Omega-3 fatty acids inhibit growth of liver cancer cells


Thursday April 6, 2006

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

Rooster crows inside man after hooker's spell

A different magic

`Da Vinci Code' paperback sales soar

New Da Vinci Code & Talladega Nights Posters

Battling 'Da Vinci Code' in the Philippines

Da Vinci Code Controversy Hits The Lowcountry

Psychic TV: Employing the Dead to Connect the Living

New Twist to Psychic Readings -- Soul Sensor Psychic Life Coach

When numbers align, things add up, psychic says

The Black Vault Launches Massive Encyclopedia Project

Did Jesus walk on water or skate on ice?

Study to solve sparrow's decline riddle

Ancient pyramid found in Mexico

Spider at M & S

Man dying after falling into Hawaii's sewage-infested water

Artic fossil missing link between fish and land animals

Are you Allergic to Electricity?

Around the world in 14 years. Or that was the plan until the Russians nabbed him

Swifts do push-ups to get flight fit

Sat navs steer drivers down Crackpot route

Sailors in deep S**t

US scientists have successfully grown fully functioning bladders

New Dinosaur Resembles Large Turkey

Teacher loses hand squishing bug

Santeria Hotspot in Florida

Dinosaur Tumor Studied for Human Cancer Clues

Need a lover or a house? Call on the cosmos

Fightstar - They Liked You Better When You Were Dead

Something for Holmes

John Travolta & Kelly Preston Defend Scientology Birth Procedures


Bart scientology dig

San Francisco's 'Anti-Catholic' Resolution Prompts Lawsuit

Catholic university allows gay film festival

Many Catholic Women Abused By Husbands, Research Findings Reveal

Catholic bishops claim church is under fire at Capitol

City, activists at odds over anti-Nazi activities

European Neo-Nazis Plotting Anti-Muslim Actions on Eve of World ...

Diet can help ease inflammation woes

Nutrition Wise: Green Tea, 100-Calorie Cookies, Calcium


Wednesday April 5, 2006  

(posted 5:00 PM ET)  

The Ouija Debate

Rape of faith

Hidden Symbols in Art are Bad for the 'Soul'

Tarot's Popularity Pushes Reader Ed Hubbard Out of Retirement

Monk's 'Uncorrupted' Corpse to Stay on Display

Mysteries of Iceland's Elves

Linthwaite Mum: 'I Can Talk to the Dead'

Link Between Nuclear Weapons Tests & UFO Sightings

Psychic TV: Employing the Dead to Connect the Living

Wrapped Up in God... or ET?

Magician Priest Experiences God's Miracle After Accident

Healing land is her business

Satanic link probed after Italian family slain

Bigfoot seen at UC Berkeley

Yeti Officially Joins Animal Kingdom

Bigfoot sightings - exclusive pictures!!

Inventor develops digital tombstone

Skull find illuminates 9,000-year-old dentistry

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

1991: Orkney Satanic 'abuse' children go home

'Vampire killer' dies in prison

Forecasters predict busy hurricane season

Two men detained after walking from the US to Russia

The Strange Case of the Man Who Took 40,000 Ecstasy Pills

North Pole Marathon Coming Up

Underwater cocaine plot

Dog multilations shock town

'Do Not Eat Colored Snow'. But what if it tastes like watermelon?

Russian church blames liberalism for racist murders

My Great-Great Grandfather Was an Anti-Zionist

'Da Vinci' And Opus Dei

Breaking the Da Vinci Code: Professor Weighs in on the Controversy

If You Love Your Country, You Should Question 9/11

Policeman shot by colleagues after 'rampage'

Selfridges to offer psychic services

Eating Omega 3-rich salmon can lubricate the mind

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Spread of Prostate Cancer

Launching into Alzheimer's territory

Bishop from Boston chosen to lead Cleveland Catholic Diocese

Police: Two Hell's Angels members arrested in Enfield may have ...


Tuesday April 4, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Controversial Documentary Film 'Rape of the Soul' Expands Into ...

Study: People who attend church live longer

Banned from laughing in woods

Cane toads, Beer and preparation'H'

5 Saudi women change sex

Spider has fiery revenge on nudist

'Mr Baldy' to change name

US civil rights group: Campus anti-Semitism a serious problem

Israeli Broadcaster Says Anti-Semitism Is Spreading

Severe storms pound Midwest; at least 23 dead

Autism Epidemic Doubted

Byzantium Treasures From the Hermitage Dazzle in London Show

Why is a woman's brain smaller than a man's

Clues lead to a shared past

Buddha image's hand back in Japan

Fujiwara researchers surprised by findings

Meeting Doctor Doom

Blaze claims rare artifacts

Cockroaches live in a democracy

Fifteen 1,900-year-old tombs unearthed in SW China

Coming to the Americas

Five paranormal sightings reported in area

Looking for local hauntings in Bradford County

'Neo-Nazis pose World Cup threat


Monday April 3, 2006

(posted 5:00 AM ET)

No Satanism here-Headmistress

Of April, witchcraft and small towns

Another woman fall prey to 'witchcraft' in Nepal

Nasa releases new maps of Jupiter

Heat-loving bug find in Antarctic

Unexpected warming in Antarctica

Chips are down for sleepwalk chef

Man Crashes Car After Snake Attacks Him

Wrong airport blunder

Muslim rejects 'sleeping divorce'

Chupacabra to Congress: Without Us, Who Will Drink the Blood of Your Goats?

All you need is love - and a clairvoyant?

Intelligent Design supporters say idea in 'infancy', but gaining ...

�Vampire� author turns to Christ

Praying Can Make You Worse

Religion often the problem, not the solution

PM 'attends Catholic Mass at No 10'

Don't Be Fooled By Omega 3 Scam

Haunted Places in Australia

Jesus and Mary are not in objects

Nessie and Hunt the Gowk

Top 10 April Fools Day Hoaxes of All Time

Tracking a tall tale


Sunday April 2, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

Satanic link being probed after Italian family slain

New Satanic Panic Puffed on WND

U.S. Catholic Bishops Report on Sex Abuse Costs and New Claims

What's behind today's epidemic
of teacher-student sex?

Religious Views Inform Immigration Debate

Cracking start for Da Vinci Code film

Catholic writer to discuss 'The Da Vinci Code' April 5 - 6

The Da Vinci Code factsheet

'Da Vinci Code' tiff spawns a new rivalry

Noted author to point out 'errors' in "Da Vinci Code"

Don't judge Jake by the cover


How the Gibe of 'Anti-Semitism' Is Used to Stifle Legitimate ...

Muhammad cartoons spurred anti-Semitism in Arab, Muslim press

Editor hits back over Israel row

Skinhead thugs �get licence to kill� as racism runs riot in ...

Sudden Deaths in Office

Halbach family: Avery's not telling the truth

Evolution of Faith

U.S. Catholic Bishops Report on Sex Abuse Costs and New Claims


Saturday April 1, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Scientology Leader to Tom Cruise: Make Nice With Katie Holmes Dad

Is Scientology triangulating San Francisco�s mayor?

Holmes to keep quiet giving birth

Scientology�s top ten tips for having kids?

Celebrity Death Match: Scientology vs. Kabbalah

Holden befriends Scientology

Fans Push To Get Scientology Episode To Re-Aired

Intelligent design lawyers tout views

�Brilliant� Professor Denied Tenure for Support for ...

Week's Lessons: UNM tuition; Laptop program; Intelligent design

Attorney in 'intelligent design' case speaks at Duke

Why the intelligent design lobby thanks God for Richard Dawkins

Why intelligent design will change everything

YOUR VIEW: Is intelligent design intelligent?

FHSU Faculty Senate rejects intelligent design

Imagine an intelligent design research database. . .


Friday March 31, 2006

(posted 11:00AM ET)

Weeping Madonna Copy 'Sheds Tears'

Extra-Terrestrial Experiences, Scientific Dating

ET's Flown Home � Chased Off By the Internet

The Search for Old Spacecraft

Study Challenges Prayers for the Sick

Early Farming Communities Often Ate Weeds,

China puts 1,000-plus cultural heritage sites

Terra-cotta statue

Vessel Measures Record Ocean Swells

Archaeologists unearth Pharaonic hall in Egypt

A lost city hides in the sands of Guadalupe

Sweden returns ancient coins to Greece

Pompeii silverware on show

Bones from huge dinosaur found on Chathams

Freshwater Creature May Be Several Species, Not Just One

Beached whale report is fuel for sonar battle

Cyclone hits remote area of Australia

New Little Skulls

Italy celebrates 'Culture Week' with free access to museums,

Old Delhi abuzz over discovery of stone with Jama Masjid map

Europe's first pyramid?



Thursday March 30, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)


(PRN) Controversial Documentary Film 'Rape of the Soul' Opens in ...


The Chomsky/Blankfort Polemic and the philosophy of conspiracy ...

Pop notes: Psychic Fair, Pat Kessler, Britney Spears

She Who Debunks Witchcraft Shall Face Toil and Trouble

Pedophile to test sex offender laws

If Anyone's Satanic It's Pat Robertson

Exorcism film unlike its genre

'Palace of Ajax' found in Greece

Dutchman builds modern Noah's Ark

Handsets Taken to the Grave

First dinosaur traces found in South Pacific

Emotion sensor 'detects boredom'

Hormone could cut spider phobia

Lobster liberation claims probed

Bizarre baby born in Dolakha

Doubt cast on 'ancient asexual'

'Severed Hand' Carried by Dog Was a Paw

When Crazy Cats Attack

Bumper Sticker Sparks Bomb Scare

Green and black aurora over Norway

Eclipse prompts meditation at Egypt's pyramids

Cockerel spared after 'crowing 'Allah''

Robot scientists control live mouse

Liverpool, alien orgasms and dead footy stars... Kop that!

Former catholic school teacher accused of molestation

Drinking tea to protect the brain

Cloned pigs to be used in omega-3 study


Wednesday March 29, 2006

(posted 11:00 PM ET)

Religious leaders split on Jesus portrait

In publishing, one medium looms large

Ghost of Gem Theater is haunting the DKA offices

Reincarnated dog subject of Oshkosh alumna's book

Eclipse prompts meditation at Egypt's pyramids

Superstitions eclipse reason

When solar fears eclipse reason

Solar Eclipse Makes Siberian Politicians Cancel Session

Solar eclipse calls on dragons and spirits

Ely Footage Is Back

Muslims flock to see 'miracle' fish

Iran Cracks Down on Bloggers

Reed's wrist not broken after all

Easter bunny part of pagan legend

City urged not to help Metro Ministries

Alleged pedophile is arrested

Judge finds chief's conspiracy theory unfounded

Pedophile belongs in jail Psychiatrist

Ancient treatment acts as emotional Clorox

The Lighter Side of 'The Sopranos'

DPP seeks bail from neo-Nazis' families

Neo-Nazis Attack Anti-Fascists in St. Petersburg, Jewish Student ...

Anti-semitism surges among African French

Heart benefits of Omega 3 in doubt

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Rape of the Soul Film Review

Satanic stars found on death pact pair

Suicide pact girl 'indulged in Wicca, self-harm'

Court TV Announces A Slew Of Reality Shows - Investigative Drama ...

Toronto Psychic Betsy Balega Accurate Again

Use your psychic powers to find your iPod

Psychic says missing man is dead

'Ho Sakta Hai' is all about witchcraft

"The Da Vinci Code" Goes Paperback

International Da Vinci Code Posters

Satanic ate Crime Hits Special Needs Playground

Religion and Politcal Affiliation

Pedophile who molested girl admits he's still a major risk

Another Member of Aryan Brotherhood Arrested

Police check neo-Nazis in Fla. stabbings

Synagogue attacker gets 13 years in jail

Omega-3 goes condition-specific

Green Tea Prevents Mental Decline


Tuesday March 28, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

'Satanic' art in Catholic Church exposed

Physics World Buzzing Over Faster-Than-Ever Particles

Doctor Verifies Healing �Miracle�

Funds for Hunting Extraterrestrial Life Restored by NASA

The Mysterious Coral Castle: A Fanciful Myth

Evolution of Improbable Creatures

Mice testicles act like stem cells, may cure diseases

Budgie predicts tsunami?

Lecture makes ghost stories real

30 ghost hunters converge on Tamaqua Elks building

Funds for Hunting Extraterrestrial Life Restored by NASA

Biologist Studies Elusive Worm

Aliens gave me psychic powers

Inner Awareness : Are spirit possessions and exorcisms true?

Omega 3 Health Benefits not Clear

Omega-3 fats


Monday March 27, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Paganism in Our Churches

Go camping with Cruise? Stuff readers say 'no, thanks'

The death of Chef

Scientology on the cheap

Divination Community Redefined - SunSigns.org a New Forum on ...

Online exclusive: 'Psychic at Large' TV review

Oxford's first Catholic theology lectureship since Reformation

Stephen Baldwin & Catholic Group Fight Against Porn Shop

Trail blazed by 'Da Vinci' shows no signs of cooling

Decoding Da Vinci; Lecturer breaks down novels facts and fiction

Da Vinci Case Awaits Verdict

Scientology's influence grows in Washington

Spooky venues ghost into medium's book

Sixth sense can come from within

Making ghosts of mysteries

Lecture makes ghost stories real

Ghost hunters take their spirits seriously

A mountain of mystery

Some Baptists believe gift of tongues remains

Spirit of the coin

Conspiracy theories stand test of time


Bigfoot Songs

Madonna Images Reported In Two States

'World isn't ending'

Horror Show

Priest says reported miracles in U.S. and China could bolster sainthood case


Three From WBC to Present Psychology Papers

VA to decide on use of Wiccan symbols

Moussaoui says he was to hit White House




Sunday March 26, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

Between Science and Religion

Kidnapped Peace Activists Rescued in Iraq

Iraq: Sectarian Clashes Continue; President Makes His Case

Medical marijuana issue returns to court

Christian Convert on Trial in Afghanistan

Afghan court drops case against Christian

Rice accepts DJ's apology for racial slur

Size of L.A. march surprises authorities


Saturday March 25, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

'South Park' vs. Scientology

What is Scientology anyway?

Hey Chef, these guys are killing free speech


South Park vs Scientology War Latest: Chef Is Dead

"South Park" Scientology Battle Just A Stunt To Make Us Watch?

Cartoon attacks Hayes and Scientology

Scientology question surfaces in 121st poll

Guest Column: Exploring the relationship of Narconon and ...

First Scientology Now Paedophilia, The Curse Of The Chef

�Intelligent design� case lawyers to speak

'Intelligent design' not only a 'religious' issue

Move Over Intelligent Design, Here Comes Bhartiya Creationism

Attorney in Landmark 'Intelligent Design' Case to Speak at Duke ...  law


Friday March 24, 2006

(Posted 11:00 PM ET)

"Da Vinci Code" case ends, ruling by early April


  The Da Vinci Code Movie Preview

  Plot rivals the Da Vinci Code

  Anti-Semitism and the New "Jews"

  France searches soul over anti-Semitism

  Sacks: We need international response to anti-Semitism

  Don't Deliver Us from Evil: Uncut Special Edition

Animal brutality shakes up suburb

Satanism rocks Bandawe Sec School

The New Paganism

One US Catholic diocese bars altar girls

Kurdish quest for independence and prospects for statehood

War on Christians?

Horror Geek Speaks: The Rape of the Vampire

Don't Deliver Us from Evil: Uncut Special Edition

Halloween fiend pleads insanity

Rostov Neo-Nazis Hold Shooting Contest Using Pictures of ...

Evidence for omega 3 fats less conclusive than we thought, say ...

What Are Fish Oils, Or Omega-3 Fats?

Benefits of Omega-3s Seem Fishy

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Bishop Says Bleeding Host Not Miracle, But Fungi

Bleeding Dallas Communion Wafer Deemed 'Miracle', with Pic

Researchers Look at Prayer & Healing

zoo Museums Worldwide

Kolkata tortoise, Clive's pet, dies at 250 years

Armless man caught speeding

Russian Researchers Open UFO School for Lovers of Paranormal

The Lynx Effect? Big Cats in the UK

Panda painted onto single hair

Budgie Hoarder

Hawaii Kava Bar Closes

Pentagon's Animal Kingdom

Interview with a cryptozoologist

Vegas Ghost Compels Man To Murder

Mind Medicine: What Proof?

Mom had decoy child in carpool lane

Whales Have Their Own Syntax

Zimbabwe 'cash for mermaids' con

Two Headed Turtle found in China

Are 'pro-choice' Catholic politicians heretics, bishop asks

Catholic Charities reviews its gay adoption policy

Arson at Jewish agency fans anti-Semitism fears

Jailed pedophile, prince draw media attention to Island

'South Park' Depicts Chef as a Pedophile, Kills Him Off in Latest ...

A pedophile's brain, a mother's pain

House drops mandatory minimum prison term for pedophile rapists

Some sex workers in Kasama resort to adverts

Savannah-based Evoca allows users to create online recordings

Eat fish for mood disorders

Omega-3 Oil Prevents Prostate Cancer From Spreading


Thursday March  23, 2006

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Bigfoot footprints destroyed

Ancient Astronauts - The Search for the Truth

Paranormal Investigator

Head of Quagga Project Dies

New Ely Footage

Bigfoot footprints destroyed

'Virgin' on tree draws crowd

Mystics in Great Falls

Image Of Jesus In Hurricane Damaged Drywall?

Yoko rages over 'tacky' TV seance to contact Lennon

Bigfoot almost made me lose my baby


A 'Secret': It's no 'Da Vinci Code

Opus Dei website booms thanks to Da Vinci Code

Da Vinci Code Character Quads

Bush urges 'civil debate' on immigration

Jury Clears Teenager Of Killing Tajik

Neo-Nazis threaten World Cup 'massacre'

Cancer sufferers back green tea tests

Green tea extract may help oxygen flow to tissues

Drink up: White tea is good for you — really!

Why take supplements?


Wednesday March 22, 2006

(posted 9:30 PM ET)



Man and four children beheaded in India over 'witchcraft'

Five beheaded for witchcraft in India

Tom Cruise Visits Yahoo!

South Park-Scientology battle rages

Scientology revealed! Or: What the fuck is wrong with Tom Cruise?

South Park 'declares war' on Scientology

Guest Column: Exploring the relationship of Narconon and ...

"Da Vinci Code" Controversy Questions Biblical Truths

"Da Vinci Code" Controversy Questions Biblical Truths

Opus Dei called 'complete opposite' of 'The Da Vinci Code' ...

Shun 'The Da Vinci Code'

Unlock The All-New Da Vinci Code Movie Trailer

NY loophole may free Internet pedophiles

Mullighan looks for pedophile links

Neo-Nazis threaten World Cup 'massacre'

Neo-Nazis Attack Journalists in Tyumen

Neo-Nazis women march

Militias and manifestos

Anti-Semitism reports high, B'nai Brith says

One in three French 'are racist'

The Prison King

French thinker opens happiness fest

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Best-selling thriller author on Satanism Douglas Preston entangled in probe of ...

Defense Intelligence Agency Explores Weird Science

Aliens gave me psychic powers

Graceful Desperation

Comics Review: Return of Star Brand

Wanted: haunts and ghosts

Bogus Healer Convicted in Mermaids Case

Spirited search

Defense Intelligence Agency Explores Weird Science

Dreams Can Give Insight into Conscious Life

Ely Sasquatch Video

'Buddha Boy' emerges, then vanishes again

In land of the free, we're home of the peculiar

Pilgrims flocking from all over the country to a blood-exuding icon

Conspiracy Thinking

Nepalese Buddha Boy 'reappears'

Cold War Bunker found in Brooklyn Bridge

Crowd kills man for hammering on diety

Zimbabwe 'cash for mermaids' con

Cat Survives 80-Foot Fall From Tree (with video)

Flock of crows terrorise street

Floating Aussie Car Photo

The Truth Behind Big Cat Sightings

Decline in migrating bird numbers

Indian 'witchcraft' family killed

Tornado carried teen 1,300 feet

Psychic detective Noreen Renier sued

Cryptozoology Action Figures - Bigfoot and Mothman and Nessie, oh my!


30% of French people 'racist'


Tuesday March 21, 2006

(posted 8:30 PM  ET)

Holmes Stressed About Tom Cruise, Scientology & Post Birth Life

What Scientology needs most is to be ridiculed

South Park 'battling' Scientology

Tom Cruise, Blasted In New Anti-Scientology Ad

Is 'Da Vinci Code’ on Vatican radar? Little said of book

Da Vinci Code Case Ends

Judgement of Da Vinci Code trial reserved

Christians ready to refute 'Da Vinci Code' movie

Jesus De-Coded vs Da Vinci Code

God and history

Germany's mean streets

Animal rights groups decry bear wrestling

Religion and science: a reply to a right-wing attack on ...

Bottled water sparks poverty debate at forum

Indian Catholic priest stabbed to death

Conflicting media messages: How ads for pharmaceuticals and ...

Ontario's alleged 'pedophile clan'

Ohio Democrats Block Removal of Pedophile-Sympathizing Judge


Neo-Nazis plotting World Cup violence: repor

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Lesbian couple falsely accused of Satanism

The politics of witchcraft in Ghana: The case of Madam Yaaya-Dam ...

Conspiracy Theory

Closing arguments begin in 'Da Vinci Code' case

Art historian calls ‘Da Vinci Code’ museum of errors on ...

Da Vinci Code causes a stir on campus

Da Vinci Code causes a stir on campus

'Da Vinci Code' judge asks tough questions

The Da Vinci Code TV Spot

Woman with perfect memory baffles scientists

Archaeologist works to solve 700 year old mystery

Ancient Sarcophagus Unearthed in Cyprus

Church that reveres Flying Spaghetti Monster finds growing following

Snake Kissing Feat

Goths actually on the bright side of life

In land of the free, we're home of the peculiar

Don't mock goths: future's bright for the men and women in black

Former Aryan Brotherhood Member Testifies On Gay, Mob Killings


ONC aims high-DHA Meg-3 at young mothers

Oily fish may reduce prostate cancer spread: study

Martek introduces DHA in powder form

Firm creates new Omega-3 product

Monday March 20, 2006

(posted 7:00 AM ET)

Witchcraft protester laid to rest

Family accused of witchcraft beheaded

Black cats (and dogs) still shunned

The mechanics of a conspirac

The Yowie of Australia's Blue Mountains

Bigfoot Contactees

Beyond the Canyon

Not ghostly or loony


Flowers From Hell: A Satanic Reader

Five people lynched on suspicion of being witches

Miraculous Crying Marble Statue, Blessed by the Pope

Miracle in Cathedral of St. Joseph

No one interested in hunt for Bigfoot in Malaysia's protected forest

'Ghost Hunters' back with more thrills

The Serpent and the Lady of the Lake

Talking to Brad Steiger

Is this a bleeding miracle?

Horror Films Rise From The Grave

Thais look to the stars to solve political mess

A ghost investigation

Happy St. Cryptids Day

Fascinating look at near-death experiences

Did the Holy Grail Exist

Bionic muscles that run on alcohol

Six-legged lamb in Belgium

Cat delivers mouse/cat hybrid

Is this a bleeding miracle?

Flying Cow Leaves Two Police Cars in Flames

Missing boulders mystery deepens

Babies Found Toxic While Still in the Womb!

The Yowie of Australia's Blue Mountains

Man severs own penis, throws it at officers

Bitter fight over sweet pot treats

'How William Shatner Changed the World'

Ghosts spotted in optical museum London

Flying Cow Leaves Two Police Cars In Flames

Nude nonna in roadway romp

One person missing as volcano erupts on remote New Zealand island; five staff evacuated

How many big cats are on the loose in Britain?

Woman With Perfect Memory Baffles Scientists

Mayan Underworld Proves Researchers' Dream

'UFO' Mystery Still Haunts Some

Opinion: They Seek Him Here, They Seek Him There...

Ailment in Chechnya is Blamed on Mass Hysteria

Mother Teresa statue creates friction

Inner Awareness : Spirits may be behind the unexplainable

(posted 11:00 ET AM)

SouthPark -vs- Scientology: Round 1

South Park vs. Scientology, round two

Scientology battle is raging

Tom Cruise and the Wacky Cult of Scientology

Tom and Katie's secret wedding

Scientology 'not a once-on-Sunday religion'

Does Scientology Spoof Cross Chef's Lines?

Newspaper is obsessed by Scientology

Scientology, Again

'Da Vinci Code' copyright case winds up

'Da Vinci Code' Closing Arguments

Women speakers denounce as distorted 'Da Vinci Code' depiction of ...

'Da Vinci Code' trial intrigue

Da Vinci Code trial sees book sales rocket

Ron Howard needs to run Da Vinci Code disclaimer

Multimedia Response to "Da Vinci Code"

Indian 'witchcraft' family killed

Proposed gathering law an affront to Pagan rights

Haunted Inns Of Britain & Ireland

BBC comedy show mocks belief in the supernatural

Psychic weighs in on disappearance


Psychic Edward at home with live, dead people

Vampire killer�s cell death could have been prevented�

Elephant Emerges As Possibility In Loch Ness Legend

Catholic priest murdered in Goa

Oldest Catholic cathedral returning to its glory

Catholic group calls for update in outlook

The Catholic Church a longtime political player in Massachusetts

Archbishop removes beloved Black priest from the oldest Black ...

Religion is natural, universal

Prince Charles wins judgment on diary

Stranded in the shadows

Swedish "black/death/thrash" metal act SATANIC SLAUGHTER have

Police prepare for biker gang warfare

Fringe Adorns Citizenry

Rumsfeld: Iraq exit like giving Nazis Germany

Motherland Party Recruits Neo-Nazis

Former Aryan Brotherhood member says defendant talked of killing

Chilling testimony at Aryan Brotherhood trial

Ex-Aryan Brotherhood Member Testifies About Gang's Motto

Russia's Chief Rabbi concerned about anti-Semitism

An example of leftwing anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitic attitudes in Sweden

Woman to wed 'Boys Don't Cry' inmate

 Blake works as ranch hand, plans comeback

Trout: A Recipe For Good Health

Go Girls!

Pilates conditioning at center in California benefits all agees


Sunday March 19, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

Anti-war protesters rally around world

Iraq War Anniversary: Sectarian Violence Intensifies, New Parliament Meets

Gay Issue Prompts Catholic Group to End Adoptions

Cosmologist Wins 2006 Templeton Prize

Psychics Go for Lennon's Spirit in TV Séance

St. Patrick was Scottish, not Irish

Widow mourns in Pagan community

'Da Vinci Code' author Dan Brown to speak in Portsmouth

Book Review: Flowers From Hell: A Satanic Reader by Nikolas ...

Sleuths seek to stir Civil War spirits from their slumber

'South Park' battle over Scientology heats up

Cancellation of Adams Visit Quentioned

Don't hurt me, Bishop Skeleton!

'Ghost Hunters' back with more thrills

'Free speech' can be a cowardly excuse

Anti-Semitism widespread in Sweden

Debunking The Da Vinci Code

Controversial 'patriot' speaks on illegal immigration

Security tight before opening of Aryan Brotherhood trial

Former Aryan Brotherhood member says Mafia leader sought hit

Prosecutor says Aryan Brotherhood case about control in prisons

St. Patrick's Day parade chairman compares gays to neo-Nazis

Aryan Brotherhood Tried for 40 Years of Prison Mayhem

Trials seek to crush Aryan Brotherhood

Witch’s tale and wonder in Hampton

Anger as rabbi claims anti-Semitism benefited Jews over the ...

Pro-Israel Lobby determines US Policy, says Harvard Study

Five of family beheaded

Back pain? Try Yoga




Saturday March 18, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Tom Cruise Doesn't Want You to Laugh

Author Entangled in Tuscan Killings Probe

Make Magick: Spells for the Curious - Penny Good Luck Spell

Vatican Scientist to Lead Dialogue on Intelligent Design

The Daily Dose: Intelligent design meets postmodernism in Great ...

Intelligent Design, or Unnatural Selection?

Schism Emerges in New Intelligent Design Theory: Competing Books ...

Evolution vs. intelligent design

Intelligent design and educational stupidity

The evolution of intelligent design

Three die in tsunami

Ancient marble trade

In Search of Noah's Ark

Doubt cast on Venus catastrophe

Wales 300 million years ago

Wales used to be a tropical jungle - honest!

New exhibition explores Balnagask, Tullos and Torry's past

Doubts over 'extinct' woodpecker

Fossil ruffles feather evolution theory

Awakening pinch from a mysterious new crustacean

'Kennewick Man

Downtown tours promise ghostly chills

BBC chief is 'most powerful Catholic layman

Russian Orthodox Patriarch hopes for resolution with Catholic ...

Prison service slammed over 'vampire' stab killer's suicide

Admitted Pedophile Avoids Prison, Makes Home In Tri-State

Habitual pedophile locked up for 12 to 22 years


Friday March 17, 2006

(posted 4 PM ET)

The UFO Abduction Problem

Overlooked photo reveals Swiss UFO-contact case genuine

Nessie: It�s the World�s Greatest Practical Joke

The Spell-Breaker

'Spirituality' is related to depression among young physicians ...

Astronomers Watch the Skies for Threat of Deadly Impact

Ancient Astronauts - The Search for the Truth

E.M. Cioran

Uncovering the "Cosmic Watergate'

Two-Headed Turtle Found in Qingdao City

Video: Irish author on pubs, potatoes, Bono

France student protests lack the spirit of '68

The Omega 3 Explosion

James Martin backs new heart health campaign

Swiss company derives DHA and EPA from algae

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

Vatican exorcist Amorth speaks on Satan's smoke

Miss. Diocese Settles Sex Suits for $5.1M

End to limits in abuse cases urged

Brown's wife a mystery force at 'Da Vinci' trial

Was mysterious sound result of supersonic jet flight?

Haunted Places in Canada

Bigfoot research team investigates the evidence in Blackfeet country

Unexplained monster mysteries from the sea

Myths of meaning

What Could Life Beyond Death by Like?

New Age Mumbo-jumbo

ABC Sightings on the rise (with
video clip)

Frenchman cremates frozen parents

Doubts over 'extinct' woodpecker

Proof of the Wild Panther?

Tennessee Bigfoot Video

Vampires, ghosts and mermaids under one roof

Pushing the Internet Into Space

A Hippo and Tortoise Tale

'Stored odours' nail China felons

Nanotech Makes the Smallest Map of the Americas

Kangaroo Leads Austrian Cops on Snow Chase

Man's New Penis Built From Cousin's Skin

Pope John Paul Miracle Investigated

Man sues himself for vehicle damage

Man Forced to Eat Pizza at Knifepoint

Conspiracy Theorist has elaborate explanation for why he's single

Makers defend Lennon TV 'seance'

Big Cats? Every village should have one

Choosing Foods by Color?


Thursday March 16, 2006

(posted 11:00 PM ET)

The smoke of Satan in the house of the Lord

Teen says slurs led to graffiti


High Spirits With Shirley Ghostman



Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise: No Scientology Wedding, Due in April

Tom Cruise is not weird or short: Simon Pegg

Isaac Hayes quits South Park after it satirises Scientology

Mental illness is a reality

Bush reaffirms pre-emptive use of force

Abu Ghraib officer defends use of dogs

Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: the evolutionary origins ...

Friend's religion touchy topic

Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: the evolutionary origins ...

German Crackdown on Neo-Nazis Does Little To Stall the Movement

Anti-Semitism Seen Rising Among France's Muslims

National Bolshevik Activists Detained After Protest at Bank

The Hell's Angels Have A Bone To Pick With Disney

Common ground despite differences

Let us not deny, devalue the aging process

New study will tell us if tasty green tea can head off the big C

World's First Vegetarian Omega 3 DHA EPA Launched to Natural ...

Omega Farms rolls out Omega-3 dairy line

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Protect Against Inflammation And Bone Loss

 Ghost hunters come up empty

Literally a miracle?

'Keep up momentum on Bigfoot'

'Witch' teacher sparks riot

The Legend of Kay's Cross

Vampires, ghosts and mermaids under one roof

Some Chinese Ghosts

Spectral secrets of Royal Court may be revealed

Image spooks mobile phone owner

Irish Site Ready for Millions of Leprechaun Watchers

Leprechaun Sighting

Cat Gives Birth To Mouse-Like Kitten?

Lost Thunderbird Photo Found?

High school student recites 8,784 digits of Pi

Egypt Pharoah find "not a tomb"

Flesh-eating aliens were chasing me
when I caused fatal car crash

Pentagon plans cyber-insect army

A Continent Splits Apart

Professor challenges Mayan calendar opinion

Animations Reveal How Dinosaurs Might Have Walked

Pub has to pay a fine for murder from 1664

Giant DNA Double Helix Nebula Found in Outer Space

Rare Chinese frog uses ultrasonic communication

Russian Scientist Blames Global Warming on Tunguska Meteorite

Bush sees Iran as possibly greatest threat

Man Sentenced For Fatal Halloween Accident

Medicine may soon let people live beyond 120

Influencing Inflammation?

Healthy Aging Tip: Eating Well for a Healthy Mind

Supplements for Strong Bone


Wednesday March 15, 2006

(posted 9:00 PM ET)

CHURCH arsonist went to Satanism Summer School

Namibia: Determined to Keep �Witich Women�  Off the Streets

Hiett Prize goes to exorcism expert

Catholic group: no adoptions to gays

Creep of the Week: The Catholic Bishops of Massachusetts

N. Ireland Catholic bishops agree to undergo child-protection ...

Film spoof of 'Da Vinci Code'

Dan Brown acknowledges 'reworking' passages for 'The Da Vinci Code ...

'Da Vinci Code' spurs corporate scavenger hunts

South Park Star Leaves After Scientology Episode

Tom And Katie Marry

All that glitters is not good policy

Is there a conspiracy?

Aryan Brotherhood prison gang trial begins

Gotti sought help from Aryan Brotherhood: prosecutor

Aryan Brotherhood members to testify Wednesday for prosecution

Ex-Aryan Brotherhood leader says members must kill

Aryan Brotherhood Members to Testify

Prosecutors try to secure death penalties for Aryan Brotherhood

Pedophile on fraud charges

News Conference on Local Nazi Rally

The Faith of an Atheist

Hugo Chavez' Alleged Anti-Semitism

Anti-Cancer Compound in Green Tea Identified

Rooibos, Just the Facts

Epax lowers dioxin, dioxin-like limits in omega-3

DNA-shaped nebula spotted in space

(posted 10:00 AM ET)

Satanic images and Swastikas Painted On Homes, Town Structures

Doherty hit by Satanic vandals

Second Forensic Report Founds Nun Died Because Of Exorcism

More time for Satanist Hamlin to fight sentence

Readers exorcise satanic BMW

Image Spooks Mobile Phone Owner

Stargazing Google heads for Mars

Nanotech helps blind hamsters see

School's WWII bomb polished off

Burned Man Would Have Been Better Off Naked

Whale Who Was Dead Chief, Dies

Star particles made of fire and ice

The Unusual Suspects

Blondie, Black Sabbath, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Miles Davis and Sex ...

What the Russian papers say

On first day, Ryan jurors talk for over 6 hours

Anti-Semitism, Scott Baio Worship, On the Rise in France

A clash of civilisations or an _expression of hatred?

Religion Today Summaries - March 14, 2006

Hell's Angels rumble with Disney

How do animals migrate without getting lost?

New omega-3 rich superfood discovery (preview)

YourHealth� Co-Brands With MEG-3�

Oily fish helps cut inflammation


Tuesday March 14, 2006

(posted 5:25 PM ET)

Psychic's Journey In Search For Martin

\SCI FI Channel Now Casting For THE GIFT - New Psychic Reality Show

Book Review: A Witch's Notebook by Silver Ravenwolf

To Sleep, Perchance to . . . Walk

Greenhouse Theory Smashed by Biggest Stone

Intact Monk�s Corpse Seen as �Sign of God�

Prison Service Slammed Over 'Vampire's' Suicide

March Poll - Greatest Ufologist Ever

Issue 4

How Many Pterodactyls Did You Kill In the War, Daddy?

Journey to Mars

Overlooked Photo Reveals Swiss UFO-Contact Case Genuine
Evidence Mounts on Climate Change

Elephant theory restarts Nessie debate

Trials begin for white supremacist prison gang members

Jury continues deliberations in Catholic brother abuse case

re abuse suits filed over operation of Catholic home

Gay Adoption Causes Latest Rift in Catholic Church

On Pace: Don't fight aging — adapt lifestyle to it, Weil says

(posted 9:30 AM ET)

Another 'god' found, 'Buddha Boy' untraced

New Bigfoot Books

A Stakeout for Civil War Spirits

Visions of the dying

Conspiracy theories often offer people way to cope


Gorbachev's Gaia Graphics

Milosevic's Son Says Father Was 'Killed' (AP)

New satellite photos of 'Noah's Ark'

Creamy Pink Snow Covers Russian Region

'Creative plumbing' delivers beer

Hawaii Mystery Wind

Prisoners Killed for Organ Harvesting

The 'butter-side-down' school of science

British Rail flying saucer plan (now with pics)

5000 year old recording discovered... maybe

Man survives death-ride

U.S. faces test in Aryan prison gang trial

Europe shrinks from health-religion research

Influencing Inflammation?

Ghostly coral bleachings haunt world's reefs


Monday March 13, 2006

(posted 8:00 PM ET)

Seriously. This place is haunted. Seriously.

Spooky encounters!

Exploits of a Den of Psychic Spies Make for Gripping Tale in World ...

Psychic joins missing man search

A Seance to Contact John Lennon

Hayes quits South Park for Scientology

The important, the ironic and, sometimes, the idiotic from around ...

'Da Vinci Code' author offers peek inside

Verbal fireworks as Da Vinci Code case nears end

Bishops post Web site disputing "Da Vinci Code"

Rosemary Kooiman, 77; Performed Pagan Wedding Ceremonies

Widow sues priest, Catholic Church after husband commits suicide

Satyricon Sign North American Deal with Century Media

Witchcraft Case Resumes

A Stakeout for Civil War Spirits

Creamy Pink Snow Covers Russian Region

The Next Saucer to Shoeburyness Leaves from Platform 5 ...

The Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident

Gospel of Judas has Church worried

Carving of 'northern god' found

British Rail's Atomic Flying Saucer

Teenage 'Buddha' Missing

Scottish wallabies caught on camera

Pakistan nabs 1,000 for kite flying

South Korea gets rare yellow snowfall

Internet blows CIA agents' cover

Scientists discover swimming ants

Compassion for priapic burglar

CIA bought 'Animal Farm' movie rights

Cat comforts grieving orangutan at zoo

The sun is going away, but don't panic...

Mastering Portion Control?

(posted 7:00 AM ET)

Villagers beat up woman for practising �witchcraft�

Fantastic tale weaves together Newton, witchcraft

Nessie theory making splash

A pet psychic comes to our area to reveal your pets feelings

Evidence said lacking in psychic case


Unbelief and Bad Belief

UFO May Have Been a Meteor

Scientists & the UFO Phenomenon

The graveyard shift

Spirit of Lord Clive on the prowl

Investigators Keen to Present Bigfoot's Footprint Cast

Bigfoot Rendezvous

The Scotsman: Intelligent Design Evidence-Based

Authors enjoying 'enormous' sales boost from Da Vinci Code case

Lawyer says unfair to suggest 'Da Vinci Code' copied from earlier ...

Author who says `Da Vinci Code' is copied to be questioned

As 'Da Vinci Code' film looms, Opus Dei tries to explain itself

Catholics launch pre-emptive strike on 'Da Vinci Code'

St. Patrick: The man vs. the myth

Ghost Story

Docking with the evil

Gay Issue Spurs Catholic Group to End Adoptions

Breakaway church gains local Catholic adherents

Lay people shift foundation of Catholic Church

Catholic leaders increasingly take immigrants' side

Online Casino Golden Palace Buys Virgin Mary Sheet Metal

Mystery Dust Blamed For Power Outage

Our Lady of Good Counsel, Genazzano

Serpents Reveal Links Between Myths in Australia, China

Hell's Angels sue Disney over 'Wild Hogs'

Police union gets behind gangs bylaw

More ancient goddess statues found in Egypt

Vitamin Primer: Zinc

Spontaneous Remissions Do Occur

The Role of Rolfin


Sunday March 12, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

Church Arsonists tied to Satanism

Three Arrested in Alabama Church Fires

Martensville Satanism saga ends

Satanic Symbols Scrawled On Budding Church

Secular View of Exoricism

Medjugorje, Fatima 'secrets' figure in local author's novel

Catholic Bishop Accused of Sexual Abuse

Nepal's 'Buddha Boy' vanishes

A False Messiah in Miami

Skull and Bones Designed US Supreme Court House Worships Death

Is God real?

Psychic fails to convince skeptic despite several uncanny ...

Writer insists in British court that 'Da Vinci Code' borrowed from ...

'Da Vinci Code' trial winds down

What do you say to a Da Vinci Code Believer?

'Da Vinci Code' puts shadowy Opus Dei in the spotlight

US bishops go online to battle Da Vinci Code

Adam Gorightly on Midnight Bookworm Tonight

Faith-Based Program Grows

Poll: Half of Americans Negative About Islam

Welcome to NZ - beware, you're now in a logic-free zone

Grandma enters plea of not guilty in pedophile slaying

Prosecutors try to secure death penalties for Aryan Brotherhood

Doctor targeted by anti-Semitism flyers

Historian: Anti-Semitism is on the rise among leftist UK academics

Intellectual Thuggery in Anti-Semitism Charges

Speaker warns of 'torrent of anti-Semitism'

Health Tip: The Power of Green Tea


Saturday March 11, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

New Theory On Loch Ness Monster

Loch Ness monster nothing but a pachyderm?

Loch Ness monster actually circus elephant

Cult Expert Rick Ross Responds: Scientology & The Gay Community

An Australian behind Scientology?

FIRST-PERSON: Cities shun Scientology church rights

Scientology & ADHD

Scientology group finds support in Legislature

Law would stop Scientologists from buying SF building

John Travolta In Drag Has Gotten Scientology Watchers Attention

The art of Scientology

As school prepares to expand, 'intelligent design' on table

Clergy Here Confront Intelligent Design

Plantinga on Dover and Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design is a Concession of the Inferiority of Faith

Majority favor intelligent design

Calcium may cuts pregnancy complications

All tsunami signs point to Hawai'i

Two die as storms slam South

Down Syndrome and the Pressure to Abort

Brave New Skies:

Solar eclipse no cause for rioting, Nigerians told

'Dead Sea scrolls' may be missing link in Buddhism

Turning Darwinian Evolution Upside Down

Brain swapping comes of age

Archaeological digs at centre of village fest

Loch Lomond wallabies caught on camera

Don't ruin our Roman heritage

Author insists 'Da Vinci Code' was copied from his work

Mass extinctions

An Ancient Cultural Claim

William Shatner explores world of 'Trek' tech

Vandals desecrate ancient Indigenous sites

Rodent Discovered in Laos Represents 'Lazarus Effect'

Archaelogists take up research on Essaouira Island

'Mental typewriter' controlled by thought alone

Historical lecture features Civil War lore

Easter Island Settled Later,

View of Easter Island Disaster All Wrong, Researchers Say

Missoula man makes living sleuthing plundered, looted archaeological digs

Artifacts reveal distant past

Petrie's Egypt

Inca row reaches the White House

Archaeologist cool on Mahogany Ship claim

Belizean archaeologist publishes guidebook to local sites

Balancing development, history

What's inside Tonga's ancient tombsgrave

Two-headed snake gets no bite, will stay here

Satellite Sleuth Closes in on Noah's Ark Mystery

Record Set

Stone Eggs Born Every 30 Years on Guizhou Mountain Cliff

Brain Blindness


Friday March 10, 2006

(posted 5:30 PM ET)

Top U.S. Bishop Accused of Sex Abuse

Dublin priests accused of abuse since 1940

More Abuse Allegations Against Catholic Priests

88 plaintiffs in Catholic clergy lawsuits settle

Deadline for Catholic abuse claims Friday

Arbitrator to Decide Awards in Boston Church Abuse Cases

Connecticut Official Asked to Resign Over Catholic-Morning After ...


French Catholic bishop urges eating chicken during Lent as ‘ ...

Rosemary Kooiman; Championed Witches' Rights

Social worker is a witch

From Baptist to Wiccan

Evil Aliens

Farewell to Flying Saucers

Vance Orchard (1917-2006): In His Own Words

Saloon to Host Bigfoot Hunt

Christopher Columbus mystery nearly solved

Drinking may have fueled Alabama church fires

Ghost Hunters Go on the Prowl

Brain Swapping Comes of Age

Satellite Sleuth Closes in on Noah�s Ark Mystery

Strange Beast Seems to Have Relatives

Gizmodo Ink

Researcher investigates the deaths of Canada�s ghost towns


Professor challenges JFK conspiracy theories

Godless Church

Calls for protection from UK anti-Semitism

UK cited for 'obsessive' anti-Semitism

How the Green Party Slays Their Own

Scientology & The Gay Community

John Travolta In Drag Has Gotten Scientology Watchers Attention

Law would stop Scientologists from buying SF building



Drawing from Scientology, Corea's music an 'Adventure'

Neo-Nazi Signs Upsetting Local Residents

Should we have argued with Irving rather than jail him?

German Music Concert Cancelled Under Pressure from Right

Priests plan jumble sales to help save Nazi church for posterity

In Rusty’s Corner; Random Thoughts

Neo-Nazi Signs Upsetting Local Residents

New study boosts the slimming benefits of weight training

Cod liver oil

Skittish about Saunas?

Nutrition and Lifestyle News: Acupuncture for Migraine Prevention

(posted 8:00 AM ET)

Psychic Healer, Author Gordon Banta to Appear at The Doggie Door

Exploits of a Den of Psychic Spies Make for Gripping Tale in World

Psychic sees bright future for region HOBART, PORTAGE ...

Panel Submits Final Report Indicting Hindu Fascists for the ...

Deal in Martensville Satanism case

CHINA: Despite new Regulations, religious policy still under ...

Team to do DNA test on Bigfoot’s footprint

Egypt police change tactics in Brotherhood crackdown

Revealed: the real reasons Crash won best picture at the Oscars

Is John Travolta right for a role made famous by openly gay actors ...


Trying to take the Catholic pizza magnate’s university seriously

Miss. Appeals Court hears appeal in lawsuit against Catholic ...

Rogue doctor�s rampage was not caused by Catholic medical ethics

Catholic taxi drivers warned of death threats

Former Elder HS Principal Defrocked By Catholic Church

Ireland's Catholic archdiocese acknowledges hundreds of sex abuse ...

Atheist teacher wins landmark case over Catholic school

Fr. Richard McBrien and Others Mislead Catholic Public: Allege ...

Catholic priests face child sex claims

Catholic Brother�s Trial Adjourned

CULTURE DIGEST: Catholic Dems issue statement touting faith; poll .

Catholic utopia poor idea

Boys' Prank On MySpace Leads To Pedophile Arrest

Prosecutors Target White Supremacist Gang

Biker Legend Sonny Barger Brings His Own Beer Brand to Arizona

Arrest on eve of council summit on gang violence

France Feels the Fallout From Grisly Murder

The Factory of Light, LLC Launches Innovative Website to Help ...

Getting the smarts about fats

Healthy Aging Tip: Mid-Life Transition

Fish oil aids cancer treatment

Oily Fish Fosters Healthy Blood Fat


Thursday March 9, 2006

(posted 9:30 AM ET)

'Da Vinci Code' trial back on

Sales boom for 'Da Vinci Code' court case authors

Writer insists in British court that Da Vinci Code borrowed from ...

Da Vinci Code plaintiff crucified

'Da Vinci Code' puts shadowy Opus Dei in the spotlight

'Da Vinci Code': Compromising with evil

About UFOs: The aliens among us ...

What we don't know

Islamists Fooling the Establishment

Last bastions of paganism tell all

Goddess Earth and the New Age Church

Signs and Omens

North America's 'Loch Ness Monster' Spotted Again

Sideshow chapter closes

Stirling - Author gets inspiration from psychic

Lourdes Moots "Miracle Lite" for Sudden Healings

102 Irish priests suspected of abuse

Priest Advises a 'Brokeback Lent'

The Daily Dose: Putting religion under the microscope

SCOTLAND'S top dinosaur expert has stunned the science world by ...

Cloth image draws visitors to P.E.I. church

Elephantine Theory Stirs Misty Waters of Loch Ness

Witches return to German forests

Miracle Tree Sold on eBay to Online Casino

No one interested in hunt for Bigfoot in Malaysia's protected forest

Lourdes moots "miracle lite" for sudden healings

Miracles from Mary

Cold feet over hunt for Bigfoot

Weirdness deep in Ohio's roots

Paranormal Happenings During Pregnancy

The Werewolves of Britain

Truth or Myth?

Goddess Earth and the New Age Church

Signs and Omens

Prone to PMS?

Antioxidants for Health


Wednesday March 8, 2006

(8:00 AM ET)

Police suspect teens of satanic crime spree

How the drug war is being lost

On the trail of big cat

Weirdness deep in Ohio's roots

A quiet archbishop shows colorful side

Suspect says he meant to kill

Members challenge Communist Party on religion

Gospel of impotence

WITCHCRAFT Added To Holland's ROADBURN FESTIVAL - Mar. 7, 2006

The Family that walks on hands and feet

Indian school teaches pupils to write with both hands simultaneously in different languages

Unusual Fish Found in Scotland

No Charges Filed Over Mummified Woman

Indian cult kills children for goddess

Nuke Defense: Sticky Foam

California girl's prosthetic leg stolen and returned - again

China's ice swimmers splash their way through winter

Pravda: Behold the Bird Flu Apocalypse

RIP: Ivor Cutler

Sex fiend escapes checks

Police called in to quell gang violence

FBI agent: U.S. knew of al-Qaida in '90s

Isaac Asimov's Super Quiz

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Influence Mood, Impulsivity And Personality ...

Eating fish keeps mind as well as heart, happy and healthy

Omega 3s and Your Mood

In a Bad Mood? Eat Your Fish


Tuesday March 7, 2006

(7:00 PM ET)

Author Suing 'Da Vinci' Publisher Admits Exaggerating Claim

Still Evolving, Human Genes Tell New Story

North America�s 'Loch Ness Monster' Spotted Again

Faithful Flock to See Jesus Image at P.E.I. Church

What Can History Tell Us About Jesus? Essentially Nothing

Genitals �Disappearance� Rocks Patani Community

Scientologist John Travolta to play woman in camp film

Miracle Tree Joins Online Casino's Collection of Divine Items

Party warns Chinese Communists against professing a religion

Religion of Rationality Ordains Ministers for Free

Islamic Conservatives Get Polluted

Got Jesus?

A different kind of witchcraft

Human quadrupeds discovered in Turkey

Plot thickens in Da Vinci Code case

Korean Christians Want 'Da Vinci Code' Movie Pulled

"Did you know that Anti-Semitism is a disease? Yeah, you catch it ...

UN: A front for anti-Semitism

3 Jews Are Attacked in a Paris Suburb

Pictures of American Nazi Party members too much

Saskatchewan government settles final two lawsuits from bogus sex ...

Dual Disc reissue of Morbid Angel's classic 'Altars of Madness' ...

House Democrats issue 'Statement of Catholic Principles'

Connecticut Bill Would Force Catholic Hospitals to Give Morning ...

Priest shortage will shift power to Catholic laity

Mass. Gov. Promises Catholic Church Exemption To Gay Civil Rights .

German police raid 119 suspected neo-Nazi haunts

Sun's next 11-year cycle could be 50 pct stronger

Planets light up our skies

Students create plant that glows when thirsty

Professor gets dirty

Neighbourly trade shaped Pitcairn's past

4,000-year-old shipyard unearthed in Egypt

Psych Drugs Used To Manufacture Insanity

Still Evolving, Human Genes Tell New Story

Mystery Dust Blamed For Power Outage

Mound unearths building dispute

Ancient war goddess statues unearthed in Egypt

What does "healthy aging' mean?

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Dozens report seeing face of Jesus on cloth in Canadian church

  France Sikhs must remove turban in ID photos

  "Face on Mars" appeared in 1958 comic book

Giant Footprints Found in Bua

Huge impact crater found in Egypt

Vesuvius Could Destroy Naples, History Suggests

Court Orders Fisherman to Apologize to Eagle
Rabies transferred by organ donation

Distillery to Revive 184-Proof Whisky

9/11 Trial

  Court says oral sex law violates rights

  A plant that glows when thirsty

  Hemingway bar to showcase Cuba cigars, rum in Moscow

  Most U.S. high school dropouts regretful - study

  Healthy Goal: Reducing Sugar Intake


Monday March 6, 2006

(posted 7:00 PM ET)

Thompson & Askam-Schwartz Families On Wicca Wife Swap

No freedom of religion for Wiccan soldier

Witchcraft no reason to commit an offence

Here, Witch is Just Another Word for Victim

Tom Cruise wanna call his kid 'Hubbard'!

Ray Wallace Debate - Part IV

Kendall Woman Claims To See Jesus, Mary In Rock

Princess Diana 'died by accident'

Stop Cashing in On Satan

Secrets of the Cosmos

Epicurus in the Enlightenment: Mode d'emploi

New Online Radio Show Explores the Frontiers of Science and the ...

Red rain could be alien microbes

Oddest Book Titles

Couple Cited in Bizarre Fake Penis Case

Jailed killer's magic books ban

Woman Fakes Death to Evade Tickets

Cannibal film banned

Psych Drugs Used To Manufacture Insanity
Golf in Space

Judaism makes demands

Plants eavesdrop as defense mechanism

Accusations of anti-semitic chic are poisonous intellectual ...

Not enough done to combat gangs - Laws

Teen: I helped uncle kill woman

History of the Aryan Brotherhood

Aryan Brotherhood targeted in one of largest capital cases ever

Female pedophile numbers reported

Nutrition Month � Getting Your Folates

Omega 3 fatty acids influence mood, impulsivity and personality ...

Decas fortifies cranberries with omega-3

Omega-3s Inhibit Bone Loss

Do 73% of Americans Die from Just One Actual Disease

(posted 2:30 AM ET)

Indian Cult Kills Children for Goddess

Hooked on Online Psychics

Nessie Has Been Born at Last

"People Who Don't Know They're Dead"

Jerry E. Smith on BoA : Audio

The Manifestation of the Demonic in Massachusetts

Hosanna Secret Satanist Church may reach trial in '06


Red Rain Could Prove That Aliens Have Landed

The Face on Mars

Alien' Eyes Australia

Did 'Da Vinci Code' break British copyright code?

The Antichrist and The Da Vinci Code?

Catholic gay adoption ban hurts donations

Visionary delivers message from Virgin Mary

Catholic leader: Men, rule roost - and your gals

Catholic bishops in US say they will break immigration law


Alarm at spooky car fault

Black leader warns vandals of curse

Indiana Ghost Trackers hold final vigil at Porter County Home

The science behind why we love conspiracy theories

Using Conscious Creation To Improve Your Life

Indian cult kills children for goddess

Are Christians Being Groomed to Accept The Coming Antichrist?

Bigfoot hunt a step in the right direction for us all

Our Lady of Lourdes  Miracles

10 minutes with Vincent Chow: Driven by close encounter with creature

Straight from the the horse's mouth

Was Jesus married?

 Isaac Asimov's Super Quiz

God, this conspiracy is getting bigger

History of the Aryan Brotherhood

Aryan Brotherhood targeted in one of largest capital cases ever

Key defendants in the Aryan Brotherhood case

Jews, neo-Nazis on same page?

Accused Pedophile Hearing Officer In Sex Case

Online pedophile prompts warning



Sunday March 5, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

What's startling about Rolling Stone article about Scientology?

Vatican exorcist warns of Harry Potter

School violence - a growing threat

Truly bewitching

Southwestern journal examines American religious movements

The Hardest Lesson Of All: Teaching Children About Death

Wanganui remains calm under strong police presence

Cultures around the world are changing Evangelical Christianity


Sexual Fascism in Progressive America Scapegoats and Shunning

The Passion of the Christ -- Accuracies and Otherwise

Deputy to spend year in prison

Mosques, Civil War, Oil & Gold

Do You Want Your Psychic Site to Receive More Income

Army to launch probe into Tillman death

Civil rights activists were gay-baited, red-baited

Iraq: UN to Help Rebuild Damaged Religious Sites

Religious Leaders Urge Humanitarian Aid for Palestinians

Unanimous Supreme Court Backs Abortion Protesters; Alito Thanks Religious Right

Catholic Democrats in Congress Defend Their Faith

Canadian Priests Challenge Vatican on Gay Issues

New IRS Guidelines on Politicking by Churches, Charities

New Orleans Churches Observe Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday; Await Relief Funds

Faithful Priest Silenced in St. Paul

It's Sunset Boulevard for Sodano

Liberal 'Tolerance' at Diocese of Orange

SSPX Priests/Faithful Not 'Excommunicates'

The Return of Patriarchy


Saturday March 4, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Letter: Proof of intelligent design exists

Intelligent design in schools: What do you think?

'Intelligent design' nearly makes own scientific case

participatory intelligent design: a testable hypothesis � with ...

Lecture on 'intelligent design' flaw Monday

Where are the Intelligent Design Science Articles?

Schools not evolving to include intelligent design

SBTS & FSU profs assess Intelligent Design, evolution

The divine irony of 'intelligent design'

There is a rational consensus that Intelligent Design is not real ...

Surprise organ discovered in mice

When aliens rained over India

New asteroid at top of Earth-threat list

The word: Panspermia

Is the snow snake out there?

New brown shark species discovered

Backyard Visitor Presents A Mystery

Space rock will give Earth its closest shave

Whaler from 1818 Dug Up Beneath San Francisco

Ancient mural paintings unearthed in Shanxi

2020: Asteroid strikes Oxford

Rock art provides historical clues

Ancient women ruled

Prehistoric Milling Site Found in Calif.

Unearthed ruins show rural life in Han Dynasty

Carson man finds Ice-Age horse tooth treasure

Archaeologists to establish true value of Roman silver coins

Shipwreck From Late 1300's Discovered

Remote-controlled sharks

Massive Ancient Flood Linked To Climate Change

FEMA Worried About New Madrid Quake Zone



Friday March 3, 2006

(posted 6:30 PM ET)

A Year of Paranormal Activity, Ancient Wisdom and Unsolved ...

UFOs; Is the Truth Out There?

UFO Reloaded ...

Futures are revealed and spirits unveiled at the Psychic Fair.

Doug Moe: Psychic, detective join hunt for puppy

Class designed to help teens develop psychic ability

Astrologer Reveals Hillary's Chances in '08, Economy's Big ...

'No doubt signature of Prince of Darkness in these books'

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, and The Scientology Of Babymaking

The art of Scientology

Mardi Gras: pagan festival has Christian roots

Man became Wiccan after leaving Episcopal church

New 'Catholic Town' Draws Scrutiny

Another Catholic Prelate Speaks Out

The Fr. Richard Rohr Phenomenon

Vatican Admits Prejudice Against Gypsies

Pope Removes Title 'Patriarch of the West'

Team set up to probe UN guards' anti-Semitism

Hate message is unwelcome

Ex-minister walks atheist path

Saratov Skinhead Sent to Prison

Victorville drug seizure may have Hells Angels connection

Very long odds on bird flu infecting Britons: top scientist

What's with wheatgrass?

Kirin modifies green tea drinks sold in China

Drinking grape juice good for aging brain

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

Dr . Rama Coomaraswamy  on Art Bell 3/5/06

Haunted Places in Massachusetts

Haunted Places in Greece

Haunted Places in Ireland

2102 space rock to give Earth
its closest shave

Pentagon develops brain implants to turn sharks into military spies

Father By Exorcism Killed Himself In Fire

Cosmonauts plan golfing challenge that's out of this world

For sale: Dallas tree with Virgin Mary image

Beer's health benefits

Biologist discovers new shark species

When Aliens Rained Over India

Columbia Bacteria Support Seed Theory

Children's TV studded with violence - study

Ten Shiites slaughtered at Iraq factory

Star demands Playboy pull issue with her on cover

McDonald's changes sign to woo kosher diners

You can't force cats to do anything...

Pregnant Idaho moms could face jail for drug use


Thursday  March 2, 2006

(11:00 PM ET)

MUFON Meeting Reveals Tales of Time Travel, Aliens & More

Some Pastors Use Witchcraft To Collect Money From People --Akin ...

Haunted Places in Missouri

TV show appearance leads to tips in old murder


Scientology to be included in Multifaith Calendar

Rock mag exposes Scientology

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes decide their wedding date!

Halloween sicko's probation rap

Haunted Places in New Jersey

Men seek an edge in fengshui

Whose rights are they?

Deer hanged on elementary school flagpole

Monster Hoax

New Shows About the Paranormal To Debut on Sci-Fi Channel

DCP rolls out organic Omega-3 fortified sweetened dried ...

Catholic church says retroactive law is unfair

Catholic School Teachers Accused Of Sexual Abuse

Catholic principles will guide new town

Catholic School Teachers Accused Of Sexual Abuse

biker gang alert in Wanganui after clashes

Venom: The Only Black Metal Band!

UN Launches Anti-Semitism Investigation

Livni in Paris: anti-Semitism is massive concern

Makers of Iraq war film reject anti-Americanism, anti-Semitism ...

Body found in pedophile's unit

Internet Pedophile Suspect Arrested

Pedophile Wants Photos Back

Pedophile quizzed over death

Senate approves Patriot Act renewal

Is smoking a sin?

Not milk? New research questions value of dairy


(posted 11:00 AM ET)

A Monster From the Depths of Our Imagination

Jesus hoax born of a fascist's fantasies

Da Vinci Code hearing adjourned

It's not Atlantis, but scientists find lost city

Extinction Threat Prompts Shark Debate

The Missing Library of Iona

Is Bigfoot Roaming Around Kiowa Camp?

Underwater UFOs

Bigfoot Or Big Cat - the Expert's Speak Out

Floor collapes on Health and Safety experts meeting

Domino's Pizza founder to build porn-free town

New London restaurant where diners eat in pitch black darkness open

Pensioner Kept Wife's Body in Freezer

Mysterious Orbs Of Light At North Texas Church

In Congo, Pygmies ill-prepared to fight for their forests

Beijing clamps down on spitting

Colon and the Exploding Toilet

Giant Squid on Show

Gulags For American Citizens In Final Planning Stages

Submarine can launch new robot aircraft

Psychiatry's Shocking New Tools

Ancient warming made mystery creatures in Welsh mountains

Blocking system for cell phones

Scientists 'can predict memories'

Man grips future with microchip implants in hands

Ancient corn found in Peruvian Andes

Ancient sun temple uncovered in Cairo

Ohio, A Very Weird State:

Pizza magnate seeks Catholic-governed town



Wednesday March 1, 2006

(posted 6:00 PM ET)

Spirituality, occult knowledge, and secret societies-�strong ...

Exorcism victim's dad kills himself

Boston Church Lagging on Pedophile Reforms

Government of Quebec recognizes Scientology Ministers

Should Scientology hold sway in Venezuela's ministries of ...

Can You Have a Sex Life in the Afterlife?

Priest Blames Satanism On Harry Potter What a total nutter...

Harry Potter then Devil: Vatican

Rowling 'Lures Kids to Satan'

Ghost of Elvis Appears on Office Depot Receipt

Jewish' Con

Happiness Isn't Normal

French students to study anti-Semitism and racism

Possible anti-Semitic motive in Tashkent rabbi's murder near ...

White power group returns

Were Ancient Minoans Centuries Ahead of Their Time?

Fugitive wanted in Michigan captured in Orange Park

No avoiding winter's wacky weather

Extra patrols following gang violence

Sex offender to be confined at state treatment center, jury rules

Consent and new refusals to condemn pedophilia

T. rex dethroned as largest carnivorous dino

Supplements: How Much and What Kind

Green tea could protect against Alzheimer's

Green Tea: Help Or Hype?

Colloidal Silver: Looking for a Silver Lining?

(posted 10:00 AM ET)

Da Vinci Code ideas 'were not copied'

Brown did not copy the Da Vinci Code, lawyer says

Court unravels Da Vinci Code

Lawyer in Da Vinci Code case in Britain says ideas too general for ...

Deciphering the Da Vinci code puzzle

Publisher's lawyer in 'Da Vinci Code' case says ideas too general ...

As Da Vinci Code Plagiarism Case Hits Court

Da Vinci Code raises eyebrows over Mary Magdalene, but intrigue ...

Tracking Bigfoot

Giant squid grabs London audience

Museum of Medical Oddities Likely Moving

March of the Mormon cricket cannibals

When Giant Cuttlefish Take Over

2 Million Bees Swarm Florida House

Texas' Blood-Sucking Monster

Chihuahua Becomes Drug Deputy

Bird Killings Feared To Be Satanic Ritual

Sheet metal Messiah for sale on eBay

Prediction in psychic relaunch

Phony psychic crime-solver will join USA

Miracle Healer, John of God of Brazil

Uncovering Scientology

Do you think your most embarrassing moment can top mine?

Gangs clash in streets of Wanganui

The Unsolved Mystery of the Oklahoma City Bombing

self-proclaimed  Vampire convicted of murder

Jamie: Stop blaming paranormal

Communist Party in crisis: 20 million members go to church or ...

The Suicidal Left: Civilizations and their Death Drives

dorothy meets et

New Catholic town may keep birth control out

Catholic Church and Gay Adoptions

Man believes fish oil supplements helped his cancer

Green Tea May Keep Alzheimer's at Bay

Crain's Chiropractic Column on Vaccination, Heretical Health and ...z


Tuesday February 28 2006

(11:00 AM ET)

Mysterious Orbs Of Light At North Texas Church

Weird US Volume II

'Pompeii of the East' discovered

Crocodile-wrestling gran honoured

Europe's 'Little Ice Age' linked to disease

Mysterious 'hysterical' illness afflicts war-zone Chechens

Wanted: a new breed of adventurer

Be Mickey Mouse's Spy

Ancient refuge found by workmen

Da Vinci Code 'copy' case begins

Johor bans foreign ape man hunt

Clairvoyant demands man pays for debts owed in previous life

Local group investigates sitings with technology

Da Vinci film gets attention from Christian critics


Juliette is more a rocker than actress

Do you believe in ghosts?

Believers turn attention to `indigo' children of the New Agen

Looking ahead: Psychic sees massive new deposit, Oil Barons in the ...

Joplin Catholic priest removed over sex allegation

Catholic Church Holds Vatican Conference on Ethics, Human Embryos

Quebec priests slam Catholic church on gay unions

Despite difficult year, Catholic Charities chief sees signs of ...

Domino's Pizza Founder Plans "Catholic Only" Town

Domino's Pizza Founder Plans "Catholic Only" Town

Green Tea Inhibits Cognitive Impairment


Monday February 27, 2006

(posted 6:00 PM ET)


Secret Societies

Ghostly Vigil for Three-Headed Woman!

Evidence Of Children's UFO Encounters To Be Presented at UN Conference ...

UFO Congress in session through Saturday in Laughlin

Getting Unholy With Sacrum: The Deadly Interview

Malaysian Zoologist: Call Them Orang Dalam

Reverse Evolution? This is Bloody Weird

Ancient Sun Temple Uncovered in Cairo

Twin Paths to the Conclusion Climatic Change Is Real

Recent World Events Bring Up Armageddon Debate

Theories Way Out There

A Not-So-Brief History of Time

Two atheists challenge the biblical God

BBC Plans to Survive Armageddon

Hardware store workers selling ``image of Jesus'' on sheet metal

Loren Coleman Interview

History of the Abominable Snowman

On Bigfoot's Trail

Avian Virus Invades Washington, D.C.

Crescent ghost stories nothing new

Enlivened by the SPIRIT


Why Frame 352?

Malaya DNA & Cast in Play

Quad circles seen on web cam amuse alarmed alums

Seeking the undead

Now condemned, TKE house has colorful history

Phantom bomber mystery deepens with new sighting

'Three-headed' woman stalks Navi Mumbai psyche

Bigfoot or big cat - frenzy continues

Witch-craft reports Denounced

Dracontologist Jacques Boisvert Dies Suddenly

Secret Societies

The Haunting of Christine GiffenStephen King?

DeKalb buys house with bonus  ghosts

Ghostly vigil for three-headed woman!

Beware the Welsh Teggie, witches and more

Do video enhancements reveal Bigfoot?

Bigfoot website lauds Chow

Atomic Agency Calls on Iran to Disclose Nuclear Activities

Police sergeant arrested by FBI in sex predator sting

Katrina evacuees mixed towards Mardi Gras

Video: Giant camera films deep sea in 3D

Second victim dies in Mich. church shooting

ADL: Anti-Semitism at Core of Hamas Charter

Rampant Anti-Semitism in Europe

Combating anti-Semitism

(posted 8:30 AM ET)

Copyright court case over �Da Vinci Code'

Beware the Welsh Teggie, witches and more

Accusations of Satanism show nature of pro s59'ers

Woman at trial identified as Gotti psychic

Tens of thousands denounce racism and anti-Semitism in France

Thousands march through Paris to protest anti-Semitism

London Mayor Accused of Anti-Semitism

Man shot in the hand while helping officer in Pittsburgh

Total war: Inside the new Al-Qaeda

Man Finds Hundreds Of Buddhas
In American River

Henges years older than pyramids

Hens' Teeth Not So Rare After All

Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat

Severed penis found in convenience store microwave

...except it wasn't

Poodunnit: UK uses DNA to fight dog poo mess

History of the Abominable Snowman

Three-headed woman stalks Navi Mumbai psyche

'Demon-tormented' school calms down

Michigan's Psycho Path voted nation's wackiest street name

Gospel Artist Dies While Performing

Ten crocodiles found in car boot

Jurassic Beaver-Otter

Say hello to global catastrophe: the Hydrate Hypothesis

Autistic boy finds his genius streak in basketball match (video)

Changes are adaptation, not evolution

'Pizza pope' builds a Catholic heaven

Married Men Get Chance to Serve in Catholic Ministry

Faith schools ‘insane', says Catholic writer

Paramilitary operatives: ultimate victims of covert warfare?

Katie's cult love

Is David Irving any different from a racist skinhead?

Riot breaks out as neo-Nazis march in Florida black neighbourhood

Democratic solution for cartoons controversy

Healthy Heart: Preventing (Another) Heart Attack

Toothpaste with green-tea extract may fight cavities

Polyphenols in Green Tea Cause Liver Damage At High Doses

Green tea may keep brain healthy

Responsible Pet Owner Month


Sunday February 26, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

Legal challenge set to delay Da Vinci Code movie

Da Vinci Code film fight

The Da Vinci Code

Another kind of Catholic: Breakaway groups reject Vatican ...

China Detains Two Underground Catholic Priests

Greek Catholic church appoints first Arab Israeli bishop

Board Urged Archdiocese to Pull Priest, Official Says

Retired Priest Guilty of Abuse in Late 60s

Pope Names 15 Cardinals

Religious Violence, Controversy Roil Iraq and Islamic World

Supreme Court Allows Church's Hallucinogenic Tea, Will Revisit Late-Term Abortion Ban

Bombed Church Designated a National Landmark

Rally to counter neo-Nazis

German authorities report sharp rise in number of neo-Nazis

UD minorities upset by decision to keep skinhead

Anti- Islam Begins To Replace Anti- Semitism In Western World, Gul

Evolutionists play 'bait-and-switch'

'The Courtier and the Heretic,' by Matthew Stewart Great Minds Don ...

Pedophile payout

Attorney investigating clergy pedophile ring was threatened

Panama Chapter of Pedophile Ring Arrested

FBI Enforces Turnover Of Hell's Angels' Building

Brand Concepts rolls out heart-healthy green tea cooking oil

How Healthy Is Green Tea?

Green tea may protect the ageing brain

Roundup: Pregnancy Tests For Accutane Users, Green Tea Benefits ...


Saturday February 25, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Kennewick Man deliberately buried - expert

Kennewick Man yields more secrets

Science tells part of Kennewick Man's tale

Researcher seeks secrets of Kennewick

Speaker: ancient skeleton led to new view of human settlement in ...

Science tells part of Kennewick Man's tale

Report focuses on prehistoric man's burial

The divine irony of 'intelligent design'

Intelligent Design 'Founder' Speaks at Campbell University

There is a rational consensus that Intelligent Design is not real ...

Aust: Intelligent Design infiltrates science class

Intelligent design fails us on basic scientific fronts

Intelligent Design case lawyer speaks

Pennsylvania school district to pay $1M in intelligent design ...

Bill banning intelligent design right for state

AAAS Conference Discusses Intelligent Design Theory with Science ...


Friday February 24, 2006

(posted 6:30 PM ET)

A Mystical Mix of Beliefs

Sasquatch, saucers and spirits! Oh my!

The Truth is Out There � UFOs Over Primrose

'Tell Us the Truth on Moorland UFO'

Katie Holmes Continues Her Scientology Studies as Family Worries

A Search for Specters

Dissecting "The Da Vinci Code"

Opus Dei fights image in 'Da Vinci Code'

Talking to Henry May

Bishop Says Pro-Abortion Catholic Politicians Committing Heresy

China detains two underground Catholic priests: group

Religion: Catholic and Queer

Retired Priest Guilty of Abuse in Late 60s

Chicago Diocese, Welfare Agency Make Deal

Jury: L.A. Ex-Priest Guilty of Molestation

Oregon clergy abuse victims want right to assets

Wempe Guilty of One Count of Molestation

China Warns Newly Appointed Cardinal

Big African Scorpion Killing Florida Pussycats

Astronomers Ponder Weird Cosmic Burst

Baltimore Hospital Using Robot to Help Doctor Perform Rounds From .

Man/Boy Love Assoc. Group Members Plead Guilty

The secularization of America

Full metal racket

Fake firefighter sex abuse suspect considers psychiatric defense

HDS panel sees European 'Islamophobia,' not First Amendment issue

Most Americans do not expect widespread human cases of avian flu in U.S. in the next year

Containment buys time but unlikely to prevent flu pandemic

Worship of phoenix may start 7,400 years ago in central China

Study Shows How Green Tea May Fight Bladder Cancer

Green tea may protect the aging brain

Anthony Colpo - Why the Low-Fat Diet is Stupid and Potentially ...

OmegaMetrix Pioneers Fatty Acid Testing Capabilities

Supplement Your Anti-Aging Skin Care Regimen with Antioxidants


Bigotry Monitor: Volume 6, Number 8

(posted 10:00 AM ET)


The Brutal Christ of the Armageddonites - by Jon Basil Utley*

Still Searching...

U.S. scientist says scores of UFOs fly around the Sun

Ernesto Bozzano on the Phenomena of Bilocation

Lump Above Eye That 'Killed Shakespeare'

Mysterious Feats of New Quantum Computer

A Second Sight for Sore Eyes

Mysterious Ball Lightning Created in the Lab

Dark Brown Snow Falls in Colorado

Drum Gave Dancer Anthrax

MI6 payouts over secret LSD tests

Pollution increases chance of twins

Forming lost organ millions of years later

New fossil overturns previous ideas of Jurassic mammals

Four charged over body harvesting

Women create first man-made prostate

Gladiators Fought by the Book

Burglar Picked Victims by Smell  

Refined radiocarbon dates shorten Sapiens invasion of Europe


Thursday February 23, 2006

(posted 10:00 PM ET)

�Remote viewing' is only part of our surprising, mysterious ...

Anger at psychic show's last-minute cancellation

Psychic readings offer insights, lure of guidance

Psychic readings offer insights, lure of guidance

The Psychic and the Scientist: Tara Grinstead's Family Try ...

Lefkow 'healing' a year after husband, mom slain

Family worried over Holmes' scientology

Church of Scientology Women's Auxiliary and Volunteer Ministers

Neo-Nazis plan rally at Capitol

Calm urged as neo-Nazis set to march

Neo-Nazis: There's a right way - a peaceful way - to protest this ...

Neo-Nazis everywhere lose an icon

Witchcraft claim on missing baby bodies


Editor`s choice Science Cannot Replace Religion

Experts say another trial for pedophile priest unlikely

A marriage between east and west

Coalition of Catholics Offer Antidote to The Da Vinci Code

Debate over pizza mogul's Catholic town

Catholic campuses silencing 'Monologues'

Omega-3, ADHD study is ahead

NIH says pregnant moms should eat oily fish to enhance the ...

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

A not-so-psychic phenomenon on USA

Pet psychic says she serves as a bridge between worlds

Psychic to help find Tara

Psychic revelations on the cards

New Psychic Medium TV Special 'Messages' to Air March 4th in ...

Teacher decided former student's story of multiple personalities ...

Priestessing in Ohio

Witchcraft feared in Fiji baby disappearances

Ministry Denies Witchcraft Claims

'Witchcraft' Victim Still Hospitalised At Oshakati

Man in Court for Witchcraft

Is LA County Sheriff Scientology's "soup du jour"?

Will Scientology's "Top Gun" be coaching Australia's ...

Scientology Stars shine to fight human trafficking and promote human rights

Explorers Discover Huge Cave
and New Poison Frogs

'Anti-bird flu' water goes on
sale in Czech Republic

Fisherman catch video of Lake Monster Champ

City goes to the dogs for a new power source

Company offers custom fish tattoos with laser

'Pharmed' goats seek drug licence

China's First Penis Restaurant Opens

Great apes found to be rich in culture

Dirty deluge: Pig manure swamps German village

Evidence of Children's Extraterrestrial Encounters to be Presented at U.N.

Ancient blubber gives scientists something to chew on

Big Baby

Scientists fear leaping carp to invade US Great Lakes

Secretive Base Blamed For Car Breakdowns

Minority Report Style Screen Interface

Footprints get US team all excited

Is Intelligent Design Intelligent, or is Darwinism a lot of Monkey ...

DEICIDE Guitarist Is 'Furious' Over 'Christ With Bullet Hole' ...

Percentage of Hell's Angels claiming to be depressed

Can a Green Tea Component Promote Weight Loss?

Give Up Green Tea for Pregnancy?


Wednesday February 22, 2006N

(posted 9:30 PM ET)

Extraterrestrial influence on the human mind ...


View an Exorcism in Ghana

De-Coded: The Ark of the Covenant

Feb. 23 Big Day for Ghana -'Prophet'

Seeing the funny side of death and the afterlife

Spirit Haunted Stay Alive?

Bigfoot In Johor Believed To Be From Perak

Is There a Monster in Lake Champlain?

New findings suggest Pluto may have rings

Fox News Conspiracy Theory: Russia Moved Saddam's WMD To Syria

Speaker warns students of cults actively recruiting on campuses

Odwalla Soymilk to carry Martek DHA omega-3 fatty acid

Video: Monster said living in N.Y. lake

Loud music extends ecstasy damage - study

Taylors Falls makes tough sex offender law

Is 'Da Vinci Code' blasphemous?

The Da Vinci Code (tbc)

ACLU opposes creation of 'Catholic town'

Illinois Catholic university to offer queer studies minor

Woman who founded Indiana Catholic order closer to sainthood

Two Polish Catholic priests missing in Kazbeg District of Georgia

Information Age? More like the New Middle Ages

Racial and religious tolerance ads

Council of Europe warned of anti-Semitism in Lithuania

Nazis coming to state Capitol

Green tea polyphenols may cause liver damage in high doses

Heart-Healthy Plant: Prickly Pear Cactus

Ancient Dragon Tea Variety Provides Extraordinary Health Benefits ...

(posted 10:30 AM ET)

Girl Weds Dog to Ward Off 'Evil Eye'

UFO Religions ...

Evidence of Children�s UFO & Extraterrestrial Encounters

UFO funds offer organizations funds to host events for students ...

Are there aliens already on Earth?

Ghostbusters out on patrol ...

What's happening on Cannock Chase? ...

Bigfoot blues

In Search of the British Bigfoot

Researcher examines biological bases for religious belief

David Irving goes to prison

Pope Names 15 New Cardinals

Swedish Hell's Angels find biking gets you down

Brazil Carnival kissers get anti-germ mouthspray

Fla. Man Kills Roommate Over Toilet Paper

Mystery blob eating downtown LA

US court backs hallucinogenic tea

Cancer-sniffing dog inducted into hall of fame

"New Seven" wonders list narrowed; now it's up to the world to choose

Hare attacks dogsled team

Would-be rock star plunges from bed to death

Pakistani police arrest 23 people in two church burnings

Alabama church fires spotlight long-running crisis

Recent church burnings raise larger issue

Asian Soybean Rust..


Tuesday February 21 2006

(posted 9:00 PM ET)

Occult Esoteric Works of Hilma af Klint Exhibited 24

O Group Says 100 Tennesseans Saw Unexplained Sights

Thankfully, Ocean Is Too Polluted for an Underwater UFO Base

Lack of Cash Stops NASA's Alien Hunt


'Da Vinci Code' rapist facing life sentence

Ice Worms: They're Real, & They're Hot  

Catholic Church Body condemns attack on Churches. PCP Report by ...

Reality Series GHOST HUNTERS Returns In March - Episode To Feature ...

The unknown world: How I tracked Bigfoot through the Malaysian ...

Joshua P. Warren on Coast to Coast A.M

Spell Casting Made Easy

Reverend warns of vampire attacks on Torino athletes

Is Bigfoot on Cannock Chase?

Spontaneous Remission

Seeing the funny side of death and the afterlife

What You Didn't Know About Scientology

Turin Used to Being Invaded by Strangers

Swedish Hell's Angels find biking gets you down

Psychic Daughter. Bit Sick, but.....

USA Summer Lineup Ready for Psych

Bayonet? No, it's a wizard's wand!

'Light' sentence for pedophile overturned

The boigraphy and story of Solomon Linda

Sounds Of The Underground 2006 Line-up Announced

Russian neo-Bolsheviks detained for unauthorized anti-draft picket

Those Danish Cartoons and Me

Criminals without conscience target cops

"Spectral Evidence" and our "Blues Brothers" Foreign Policy

Anti-Semitism alleged in killing

American filmmakers toady to anti-Semitism

Father jailed over 'bomb' joke

Churches Hope To Dismiss Neo-Nazi Rally

Healthy Habit: Stroke Prevention Tips

Green tea may reduce, but black tea may increase breast cancer ...

Two Natural Products, EGCG from Green Tea and Melatonin, Work ...

Beyond Hypnotherapy: Conscious Integrative Breath Therapy Is The ...

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Is Bigfoot on Cannock Chase?

Japan cult boss 'can face trial'

Churches urged to back evolution

Tower's ravens are kept indoors

Arm Severed In Car Crash Found Still Clutching Cell Phone

Strange happenings near radar dome

Hindu gods turn down plans for a Himalayan ski resort

Report Draws Apocalyptic Panorama For The Year 3000

Pimp My Life

Quantum microchip could make computers much faster

'Signs of life' heard at buried school

Search for traces of Heraclius underway at Khosrow Palace

The polar land that inspired poets

'Kelp highway' may have helped peopling of the Americas


Underwater robot cuts survey mapping time

Archaeologists in Jordan discover bronze and iron age remains

Major Anomaly In Chandler's Wobble - 2005/2006

Ancient Aweigh

In Egypt, hoping for a royal cache

Did first Americans come from Europe?

Animal Diseases Jumping to Humans

Hint of urban appeal in Buddhist finds

Archaeologists unearthed more than 5,000 artifacts in Fairfield

Early Americans faced rapid late Pleistocene climate change and chaotic environments

'Extinct' birds that are still around

Search for alien life challenges current concepts

Scientists say California quake could cause Katrina II

Much of nation wakes up to bitter cold

New mummies may point the way to lost pharaohs

Amateurs stumble on big discovery

The First Alabamians

Funds to help protect Indian site

Solemn reburial for ancient remains

2200-yr-old life in Bengal

The day the slaves fought back

Saving the Palatine

Roadshow draws the prehistoric and the pretenders

Even after more than 3,000 years, King Tut artifacts bring an age alive


Monday February 20, 2006

(posted 10:30 PM ET)

Historian gets three years for Holocaust denial

Holocaust denier Irving to appeal

David Irving: An anti-Semitic racist who has suffered financial ...

British historian sentenced over Holocaust denial

Fears of clashes over Irving trial

Updated FEAR

Demanding clients of the spirit world

Is There Life After Death? An Emminent International Cardiologist ...

Psychic admits ripping off elderly clients

So-Called Psychic Cons Elderly Clients Out of $2 Million

Anti-witchcraft priest dies in crash

Awarded death for witchcraft by elders, tribal family flees

Viking Youth Power Hour #44: Greys, Crowley & UFOs

German Film About Demons, Exorcism Impresses at Berlin Festival

HORNED ALMIGHTY Finish Mixing New Album - Feb. 19, 2006

Private skinhead party ends at police request

Infiltration of Education and Tourism by Scientologists ...

Pell accused of Catholic 'dictatorship'

Group says meeting with Catholic Bishops is disappointing

World Catholic population up 1.1%

Catholic Women insist homosexuals need no special law

Winchester cashes in on Da Vinci Code film fever

Sneak preview: The Da Vinci Code and Paris, je t'aime

Mark Amaru Pinkham, 'The Da Vinci Code' Decoded, Debunked

Peak Oil, the Loch Ness Monster and Energy Descent

Scepticism & conspiracy theory at play

Biker again found guilty of killing

Pedophile may be locked up for good

Atheists hoping to assert rights in religious era

Non-Prophet Cartoons: Islam vs. The West

Go green with tea

Healthy Heart: Assessing Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

(posted 9:00 AM ET)

Tom Cruise' Scientology Lends a Hand To Katrina Victims

Mission, Solidarity! Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes To Australia

Preparing for bird flu pandemic:
know how to bury your dead

Mysterious Disappearance of Philip K. Dick Robot

Doctors remove 11cm worm from woman's eye

Study aims to find why missing leg still hurts

TV reporter to seek God in real-life crucifixion

Crackdown On Plane-Seeking Lasers

Ancient Tree Discovered in Indiana

Scientists detect first neutrinos in giant Antarctic detector

Sleep on It!

T.rex had razor sharp senses

Take a Walk on the Mild Side: The Chupacabras

The ACLU's "holy" alliance

A Catholic Lay-Driven Re-evangelization of Western Culture

Thomas Merton works discovered

Asante clinic will stretch boundaries

Catholic group Opus Dei shows tolerance

Opus Dei on offensive before 'Da Vinci Code' premiere

Life-long Catholic now an evangelical apostle

Catholic fury mounts over 'tasteless' show

A Plan For The Immediate Impeachment Of Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld

Locked away in 'breeding grounds for hatred'

Opinion Polls Disagree on Levels of Anti-Semitism

The New Anti-Semitism

Paris: Gang suspected of killing Jew nabbed

Metal mania grows in Greater Lafayette

'One city's gang problem is another city's gang problem'

Bikies 'laughing' at tough law-and-order posturing

UD's stand: Skinhead stays

Want to live longer? Eat fish

Diet and Slimming: Are Smart Foods Worth the Money? ; BODY WORKS

Seychelles study affirms benefits of eating fish


Sunday February 19, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

SPOUTING SATAN: Black magic, white magic and Turin's history of ...

Could the magical forces of Turin be the reason?

"Requiem" resonates with closely observed drama

Search Under Way for Church Arsonists

Cop, Psychic Plead To Defrauding Elderly

Psychic, Detective Face Prison Time For Alleged Scam

British Radicals Flap Their Pie Holes Over Hot Cross Buns

'Jumping the broom' -- The Wicca way to get married

A scholarship, it seems, for anyone

Catholic Colleges Struggle to Balance Religious Values, Academic ...

Russert to moderate panel discussion on Catholic politicians

Pakistani Catholic church attacked by mob

Neo-Nazis, city reach accord

White Supremacy Gang Increasing Crime Rate

Scientific study proves God is indeed creator

Unreal paradigms

Coincidence or synchronicity - but it moves

Ohio School Board Votes Against Challenge to Evolution

Violent Protests Over Muhammad Cartoons Persist; Calls for Interfaith Dialogue

Hamas Readies for Government

Episcopal Bishop Treated for Alcoholism

Saint Joan's Bones?

Pedophile, lover in pub snub


Saturday February 18, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

ACLU wants TPS to bar creationism, intelligent design

First in US, proposed ban targets intelligent design

Intelligent design doesn't belong in classrooms

Intelligent design bill draws attention

Intelligent design' ban is proposed

Cutting intelligent design a wise move

Intelligent design founder argues against evolution

Workshop to study intelligent design

Dembski, in Kansas, explains cells as Intelligent Design �icon ...

Katie Holmes to Tom Cruise: No Scientology Ritual at Birth

Landslide buries homes,

Fierce Winter Storm Sweeps Across Midwest

Insects provided foe in Civil War's epic struggle, scientist finds

Climate change:

Holy Flying Cow


Bacterium found to have strange magnetic personality

Oldest moccasin in Canada found in Yukon ice patch


Council bids to bring back rare gold ingot

Behold the scrolls

Archaeologists unearth Alexander the Great era wall

Ill. Cahokia Mounds Receive State Funding

Dire Predictions On Global Warming

King Tut's favourite tipple was white wine!

Costa Blanca


Green Tea May Do Wonders for the Brain

Green tea and fewer slots at `Las Vegas of the East'

In harmony with green tea

Dr. Andrew Weil's top tips for good health

 Green tea consumption and cognitive function: a cross-sectional ...


Friday February 16, 2006

(posted 6:00 PM ET)

David Icke

the World's Strangest True Weather Events.

Extraterrestrials keeping eye on Eden? UFO better believe it! ...

Sited this week - UFOs ...

Ministry files on UFO sightings opened to public ...

Self-Proclaimed Psychic, Fortuneteller Pleads Guilty To Defrauding ...

Psychic Detectives - Part 2


Psychedelia for today

COOK ISLANDS: Local Church Leaders Unite Against Rev. Moon's ...

View from inside a troubled mind

Aliens Don�t Eat Chicken or Other Lower Life Forms

Bedrock of Mormon Faith Is Jolted

Bacterium Found to Have Strange Magnetic Personality

University Event Explores Mysteries of Human Mind

Revisiting Riddle of the Thing

The External Influence of Consciousness

Man shot by Cheney: 'Accidents do and will happen'

Democrats blast Cheney secrecy after shooting

Media overlook unanswered questions and inconsistencies in Cheney shooting disclosure

Media Ignores Cheney 'Smoking Gun'

Even Governor Jeb Bush can't resist making a joke at VP Dick Cheney's expense

The Shotgun Pellet and the Heart Attack

Hunter Shot by Cheney Has Heart Attack

Texas Sheriff Barred From Interviewing Cheney About Shooting Incident


Oregon clergy abuse victims want right to assets

Prison Planet.tv: 3 months free when you subscribe for a year!

UN calls for Guantanamo closure

Patriot Act headed for permanent renewal

325,000 Names on Terrorism List

China denies Internet controls lead to arrests

Britain Forced to give up smoking

New weapon against loitering youths -- Sonic Teenager Deterrent!

A chilling visit with Pol Pot's `brother'

Dangerous pedophile to be released

Pedophile found with kids

Patriot Act to be renewed

Neo-Nazis challenge rules for march

Christian Apologetics, Free Speech Rights Under Pressure From ...

Teens are too far a-head

How much and what type of omega-3 fatty acid is correct?

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Hello, Guardian Angel? It's Me...

Woman torched flat to rid herself of evil spirits

In the forbidden zone

Ghost ID'd man, trial told

Couple's implant chips take love to a new level

Spooky action and beyond

Chukanov Quantum Free Energy Moving to Europe

Beast of Bexley Photograhed

Call to allow body organ selling

Gonzo is on the loose in Cambridgeshire

Nasa UFO (video)

One Half of U.S. Presidents Were Mentally Ill

New Craze - Snapshots of the Dead

Rescued by monkeys; now ready to marry

Man Coughs Up Nail 35 Years After Accident

Spooky action and beyond

Tasmanian Tiger spotted in NSW

Death Threats Delivered by Instant Messager

Whispering game

Who killed Bambi? (Big Cat in Scotland)

Coast to Coast AM Is No Wack Job

Boston Catholic bishops fight gay adoption

Fees for Catholic group backed by students; decision now Wiley's

Catholic bishops: Hindu radicals won't deter work

Catholic church displeased with 'Catholic media'

Cruise proves love is afloat

Those who claim to predict the future can be dangerous

Hell is a state

Annan says U.S. should close Guantanamo


Thursday February 15, 2006

(posted 7:00 PM ET)

Psychic Ills

Florida psychic admits bilking elderly clients

Heartland Psychic Detectives - Part 1

Law news online - Police officer protects psychic and fortune ...

'Casino Royale' finally finds a villain

Catholics call for Da Vinci Code edit

Opus Dei demands cuts to ‘Da Vinci Code' film

Pedophile nabbed watching porn flick with 2 children

Defining a skinhead

Israeli president expresses appreciation for tolerance, lack of ...

Coffee May Help Adults and Children With Attention Deficit and ...

Death Becomes Them

God triumphs over man's sin

The conspiracy theory

Shooting Suspect Arrested

DA declares deputies' actions justified in fatal shooting

UN seeks guarantees for return to west Ivory Coast

\\Battling Seasonal Depression

Study touts benefits of white tea over green tea

Better Body: Green Tea Strips

(posted 5:30 AM ET)

Voodoo priests at risk for bird flu

Behind the Illinois Bigfoot Flap

Scottish parliament rejects inquiry into freemasonry

Tour guide says ghosts walking streets of Rogersville

Coast to Coast AM Is No Wack Job

Antioch man shot dead by police

Neve Campbell was stalked by Shakespeare's ghost!

Bigfoot encounter in central Illinois?

Eyewitness believes he saw hairy Bigfoot-like creature

Ghosts In The Hall

Prophecy of Saint Nilos

Searching for the supernatural

'I thought, am I seeing things?"

Tasmanian Tiger sighting claim

Giant Squid Ecotourism Trips

Snows of Kilimanjaro disappearing,

Storm lights Saturn skies

Space-elevator tether climbs a mile high


Ancient Maya subject of lectures

Toxic toads 'threaten disaster'

Ancient site looks safe from quarry diggers

Farmer discovers ancient tomb in Greece

Prof teaches soldiers to fight antiquities theft


Wednesday February 14, 2006

(posted 9:30 PM ET)

Britain's X Files ...

Logic explains most UFOs, Min Min lights: expert ...

Did Katie Holmes dump Scientology's "Top Gun"

Australia braced for Tom Cruise and the closet

Do you believe in white magic?

Flatworm Attack

Toxic Cane Toads Evolving Into 'Eco-Nightmare'

Handwritten Real-World Cryptogram

In John They Trust

Handwritten Real-World Cryptogram

FBI To Focus On 'Person Of Interest' In psychic  Case

ADL reaches out to Catholic and Pentacostal Latinos

Satanic Verses helped set stage

CRAVE Calls for Hearings to Expose the ACLU

Calif. prison guard convicted of aiding racist prison gang

Xenophobia Rears its Ugly Head Again

Pedophile on beach surf patrol

24 Men Arrested in Online Pedophile Probe

Pedophile priest using computer in prison

Europe scrambles to stop bird flu spreading

Stop blaming accuser, archdiocese told

Denomega enters UK omega-3 market with S Black

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Mysterious, Aerial Bars of Light

Near Brawley, California

Viking smile suggests Norse were vain warriors

Building a Dick bot

Vietnamese man hasn't slept since 1973

Search for the missing Peking Man skeletons continues

Prove the Earth revolves around the Sun and win a grand

South Pole Detector Could Yield Signs of Extra Dimensions

Guantanamo Bay inmates 'tortured'

Blair wins key vote on ID cards

Exiled Tibetans Protest GOOGLE Censorship

The War on Privacy

Mysterious, Aerial Bars of Light

Near Brawley, California

Viking smile suggests Norse were vain warriors

Building a Dick bot

Vietnamese man hasn't slept since 1973

Search for the missing Peking Man skeletons continues

Prove the Earth revolves around the Sun and win a grand

South Pole Detector Could Yield Signs of Extra Dimensions

Guantanamo Bay inmates 'tortured'

Blair wins key vote on ID cards

Exiled Tibetans Protest GOOGLE Censorship

The War on Privacy

UN inquiry demands immediate closure of Guantanamo

Blair to miss ID card vote

Brown defends anti-terror crackdown

Revealed: the terror prison US is helping build in Morocco

CIA chief sacked for opposing torture

In John They Trust

Bush Tags Bloggers As Terrorists \

UN inquiry demands immediate closure of Guantanamo

Blair to miss ID card vote

Brown defends anti-terror crackdown

Revealed: the terror prison US is helping build in Morocco

CIA chief sacked for opposing torture

In John They Trust

Profile: Gary McKinnon

Bigfoot Encounter in Central Illinois?

Tour Guide: Ghosts Walking Streets of Rogersville

Pope Backs More Collaboration with WCC

Opus Dei Demands Cuts to Da Vinci Code

Brokeback - Understanding Propaganda

Italian Media Speculate on New Cardinals

Second Meeting with SSPX in March

New SF Archbishop Thinks Brokeback Mountain is 'Very Powerful'

Can a Catholic School Be Made Muslim?

Remains of Joan of Arc to Be Examined

The Papal Meeting of February 13

Arinze: Pope to Fix Liturgical Abuses Gently

Cdl George Asks Priests to Come Forward

Paper Rejects 'Graphic' Sonogram Ads

Priests Must Live a Martyr's Life

Catholic Schools and Non-Catholic Students


Tuesday February 14, 2006

(posted 11:00 PM ET)

Panel hears religious bias complaint

Mormons weigh more than other Utahns

CULT OF LUNA: New Song Posted Online - Feb. 14, 2006

Ghosts In The Hall

Prophecy of Saint Nilos

Could 'Bigfoot prints' be that of orang utan?

Searching for the supernatural

Voodoo priests at risk for bird flu

'I thought, am I seeing things?"

eBay pulls 'ghost' auction

Sagan: Muslims assume newspapers speak for government

A First Look at The Da Vinci Code

New Da Vinci Code Photos

Da Vinci Code still catching people's attention


Da Vinci Code still catching people's attention

Book Review: In Search of the Good

Valentine's Day: An Opposing View

The dangers of Iran's Holocaust denial

Black Metal and rock-and-roll

AWB exec 'invented conspiracy theory'

Many Parents Aren't Aware Of Danger On MySpace.com

Do Germans have a right to mourn their war dead?

Danish Cartoons Muslims

Police Search For Aryan Brotherhood Shooting Suspect

Muslim head girl at Catholic school

Appointment of Catholic bishops in China a major concern for ...

Mercury in fish: Be smart, eat safely

UA studies omega-3 aid in depression

Health experts believe omega-3 fish oils fight off depression

Warning: Toxic chemical triclosan can turn your toothpaste into ...

Green Tea Seems to Stem Spread of Prostate Cancer

James Finlays goes into green tea production

Donor breakthrough for cloning research

Artificial Sweeteners:

Vietnam man handles three decades without sleep

The Lowdown on Sweet?

Styrofoam Stonehenge:

The burning mystery of Joan of Arc

Saints preserved, Joan's bones under microscope

Storm probably downed geese

Two mega solar systems spotted

Ancient Thracians mastered goldsmithing, jewelry shows

Einstein's Theory 'Improved'?

Archaelogist 'privileged' at role

Artifact Day is set at Dickson Mounds

Beneath the Seven Seas:

Museum Network

Fossil to be saved from melting ice

Connections to the Grand Canyon

Cultural heritage crime

New Species Awaits Discovery In Endau-Rompin National Park

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Robot moved by a slime mould's fears

Chinese lovers seek matching nose jobs for Valentine's Day

Team Called in Over Bigfoot Sightings

Beast of Bexley Captured on Camera in Garden

Vietnam Man Handles Three Decades Without Sleep

Searching for the Supernatural

'UFO' Sighting in Night Sky Could Have Been Bright Star

The Reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln

Seeing Things at the Wycombe Swan?

New Species Awaits Discovery In Endau-Rompin National Park

Latest findings

Slave ship artifacts on display at Bullock

Experts to Test Supposed Joan of Arc Bones

In search of a land that may not exist

Ancient ruins better protected

U of Minnesota professor investigates ancient battlefield

Scholars unearth mystery

Strange new assassin spiders found

Old Bones Reveal New World Slavery

The Rules of Attraction in the Game of Love

Millions year old tools found in Singhbhum

Planets Might Orbit Backward around Odd Star

Mozart for muggers

Food for Thought

Archaeologist Digs A Path For Home


Monday February 13, 2006

(posted 8:00 PM ET)

'Satanic' pastors deported

Discovering the Land of Trolls

Boscov's accused of discrimination after canceling psychic courses

When Deja Vu is More Than Just an Odd Feeling

A psychic foundation with vision

Brits losing a �1bn to psychic online scams

MSquared LLC Is Pleased to Announce the Launch of PsychicsAlliance

Could 'Bigfoot prints' be that of orang utan?

In Search of a Land That May Not Exist

The Da Vinci Code

Killers, victims post their thoughts on personal Web pages

From naps to zombies to atheism, high school kids have a club for ...


All in Favor of a New Church Name?

Former Christian Brian Flemming has made a documentary arguing ...

In Search of a Land That May Not Exist

Church Digs Mel Gibson's $5 Million

New ads rip Catholic hospitals

Valentine's Day a boon for private detectives

The African Soccer Conspiracy Theory

The coma and the conspiracy theory

Just Exercising My First Amendment Rights

Mozart for Muggers

Inquiry into alleged pedophile ring aims to help community heal ...

Pedophile must obey tough rules for liberty

Aryan Inmate Capital Trials to Start

Tulsan to go on trial today in slaying of sheriff in 2001

Muslim Brotherhood objects to delay in Egyptian polls

Nip anti- Semitism in bud in Mideast

Skinhead Activity On The Rise

Suicide bomber, attacks kill 19 in Iraq

Multisport: Nutrition Simplified

Fish Oil Supplements May Reduce Anger in Substance Abusers

Superfoods: green tea

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Thousands of child 'witches' turned on to the streets to starve

Fantasy fiction may affect children's beliefs

Retailer accused of discrimination after canceling Ritual Magick courses

Voodoo head found in air luggage

Murder solved in accuser's dream

Greek tomb find excites experts

"Vampire Birds" of the Galapagos Islands

Grieving Baboons Comforted by Friends

From Werewolves with Love: The History of Valentine's Day

Scientists Discover New Assassin Spiders

Burglar checks email while robbing home

Interview with '70s Malaysian Orang Dalam Expedition Leader

Did Jesus exist? Case dismissed

Stolen buffalo spark dung warning

Music attracts teens to hate groups

Catholic Priest Murder- Investigation Continues, But There Seems ...

FBI barges into homes of Puerto Rican activists

The War on Privacy

Catholic Church renews threat to boycott census if...

Left Behind? Mistreated segment given fair shake

Gang's story gives us plenty to worry about

Islamic fanatics dishonor all faiths, including their own

Stampede victims still in limbo

Muslims, Christians and free speech

Judge: Viewing Porn Sites On Court Computer Not Unethical

Opus Dei tackles "Da Vinci Code" image problem

In deference to Da Vinci Code critics

Graphic anti-Semitism

               Europe's Distortion of the Meaning of the Shoah's Memory

Book serves as bible for lean, healthful living

Mask your fears

Wild Bird Feeding Month


Sunday February 12, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

US psychic wanted on extradition order

Pat Robertson has a bad week

Evangelicals for the Environment

Pastor Bob Larson Feels Called to Fight Demons

Baptist Church Burnings in Alabama

Unease Over Hamas; Anglicans Vote to Divest

Their Own Version of a Big Bang

Push for Christian prison is faith-based on two levels

Church of Scientology

The Danish cartoons and freedom of _expression

Roman priest sparks a tradition of romance


Raritan Township OKs pedophile law

Bob Barr, Bane of the Right?

Before Olympics, Turin Had the Shroud

Catholic Diocese Ordains Its First Married Priest

Catholic Priest Killed In Bailundo Buried

Limbo, Still, for Catholic Churches Awaiting an Overhaul

Grand jury indicts Catholic priest on sexual abuse charges

Cardinal in India Extols Benefit of Catholic Education

Catholic group believes its focus is misunderstood


A profile of the prophet

Da Vinci Code' Fight Brews

Da Vinci Code' Stars Break Code Of Silence On Mysterious Movie


First Da Vinci Code images

�Da Vinci Code' panel anchors 20/20 Collegiate Conference

Way beyond the Da Vinci Code

Merced man pleads no contest in the Halloween hit-and-run deaths

Television not to blame for society

Whither Peace in the Middle East?

Global Islamic Outrage Over Drawings of Prophet Muhammad

Bono Urges Justice, Not Charity at National Prayer Breakfast

To a Concerned Wiccan

Metal File: Behemoth, Black Sabbath, Sodom, Zao & More In This ...


Saturday February 11, 2006

(Alternative Science Sataurdays)

Law prof Phillip E. Johnson pulled on Darwinism�s loose ends

Wisconsin legislator, university profs want ban of Intelligent ...

Ban Intelligent Design?

'Intelligent Design' Needs an Intelligent Designer

Iowa State professor shunned over "intelligent design"

ISU professor caught in ID turmoil

Untangling Evolution and Intelligent Design

TOPIC OF THE DAY Creation vs. evolution

Evolution, from ape to intelligent design

Dover case attorneys, judge to meet

Local teachers have say on 'intelligent design'

Taft remark encourages intelligent design foes

Guest Column: Evolution theory requires more faith than ...

Researcher Finds Ancient Science and Math Are Timely

Digging deep for a clue to a global mystery

Magnitude 5.2 - GULF OF MEXICO - usizan

Chips that really get under your skin

Egypt offers first peek at new tombs

Treasure salvage attempt runs aground on diplomatic row

A magnificently renovated Getty Villa opens its garden gates

Bronze Age mourners used flowers

Sex and the single cell

'El Dorado' and the Chachapoyas Kingdom

Historical Society welcomes acclaimed archaeologist

Digging deep for a clue to a global mystery

History comes alive at Chandigarhs Sanghol Archaeology Museum

Lucky find reveals biggest ancient cave

Dig At Planned Butler County Park Reveals Indian Artifacts

Scientific treasure comes down from the attic

Ancient footsteps echo upon a hilltop citadel

Are ADHD Medications Safe Anymore?

Scandal of Indian tigers that disappeared: Jo Johnson

Archaeologists uncover first Valley of the Kings tomb

Supreme Court

Fossil key to prehistoric mammal mystery

Indian satellite can predict quakes globally

Stars hum 'middle C' before death

Expert Has 'Bad News:


Grad student finds rare worm

Space rock re-opens Mars debate

Vitamin Primer: D


Friday February 10, 2006

(posted 4:00 PM ET)

Arrest of Chicago Priest Raises Questions About Reform

Mich. Prosecutor: Fugitive Priest Captured

Japan PM gives up on female royal succession

The Materialisation of 'Rosalie'

USA Olympic Boxing Team Host has Supernatural Encounter

Storm sirens over Taylorville

Crypto Flicks and Curious George

Holy Chip! Local woman sees Mary

Players injured by 'haunted house'

Great balls of lightning

'Haunted house' plagues cricketers

`Fatal Sky' Charts Astrology's Impact on Columbus, Reagan, Bush

Doctor of miracles

The human race can make a breakthrough into a better future

Who can divine this prophecy?

Water horror

'Ghost' on eBay to raise cash for church

Good vibrations

Divine Intervention? Cosmic Connection?

Spooky names and numbers

37-pound woman gives birth to healthy son

Catholic Hospital Infringing Ethics Code

What Offends Ruth Ginsburg

Muslim Protest Splits School

Reactions to Fr. Andrea's Murder

Priest Hit 'Ordered Over Web'

More on Fellay's Sermon in Flavigny

US Court Bars Christian Symbols, Allows Jewish and Islamic Symbols, in Schools

Leading United Nations Abortion Advocate a Prof at a Pontifical Catholic University

The Elite Don't Dare Let Us Tell the People

The Elite Serial Killers of Lincoln, JFK, RFK & MLK

White House misused Iraq intel - ex-official

Judge tosses case about Jesus' existence

Libbygate: Is the Shoe About to Drop?

Salmon in Parchment

(posted 11:30 A M ET)

Sex Abuse by Catholic Satanic Priest Group?

Witnesses revealed for Satanic Catholic Priest homicide trial |

Toledo Priest-Nun Slaying

Priest Accused of Murdering Nun Appears in Court

Priest lied to police, investigator tells court

What secrets might Hollywood PI's tapes reveal about Scientology ...

Scientology President Calls On Religions To Unite To Eradicate ...

The Danish Cartoons and the Hijacking of Islam The Danish Cartoons

All cartoon politics are local

 'Megachurches' alter U.S. religious landscape

Muslim leaders urge calm over cartoons

Holistic expo confronts the mysteries of healing

Global warming: Blessed Russians and self-indulgent clergy

Fears that immigrants are trying to replace our identity

Limonov once a Punk

Brown testifies on Katrina

Study investigates the mystery of hit songs

Teenage girls try drugs, alcohol at higher rates

Supporters applaud neo-Nazi as trial begins

Scoop Blogwatch The Trouble with Fascists

Anti-aging is just denial

Omega-3 diet benefits patients with lung problems

Mercury in Fish vs. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Health Benefits

Newsletter brings good news about the health benefits of omega-3 ...

HealthFirst-Green tea benefits

Green Tea: Help Or Hype?

Green Tea - Wonder Drink?

Tzu Th� Is Revolutionizing The Green Tea Experience


Thursday February 9, 2006

(posted 6:30 PM ET)

A Pulpit Online for Critics of 'The Da Vinci Code' Film

Da Vinci Code Unravels This Spring

The Da Vinci Code teaser

"Da Vinci Code" roundtable highlights conference

See more of 'The Da Vinci Code'

First Da Vinci Code Excerpt

Fated Sky Charts Astrology's Impact on Columbus, Reagan, Bush

Head of 'Bewitched' School Suspended

Beam Me Up, Bracknell - Those Pesky Aliens are Back

Fated Sky Charts Astrology's Impact on Columbus, Reagan, Bush

Strange Afflictions

Bird? Plane? No, an Alien with a Schoolgirl Slipper Fetish

'Ghost' on eBay to Raise Cash for Church

Great Balls of Lightning

The Materialisation of 'Rosalie'

Storm Sirens Over Taylorville

Today We Have Naming of Parts

This ‘Exorcism' is more drama than horror

Safe Activities, Behavior on Halloween

Madonna Faced Virgin Mary Angered Catholic Polish

'Monologues' Divide Catholic Universities

Catholic bishops' news service 'strikes' again

Catholic Church to focus on empowering underprivileged

Catholic groups decry Senate vote

Monitoring the Politics of the Coretta Scott King Funeral

Click here to watch the Coretta Scott King Funeral clips.

Able Danger Hearings A Go

Seamount Life Dazzles Researchers

ADL: Skinhead Violence on the Rise

Connecticut cited in new online ADL report on racist skinheads

Pedophile pic

Kingston police warn about pedophile's release

Pedophile-free zone on hold

Mysteries of the Universe ...

NASA Telescope Spots Mega Solar Systems ...

The New Space Race ...

Accused of censoring scientists, NASA vows reform ...

Study suggests origin of 'Man in the Moon'

Healthy Aging Tip: Preventing Falls

Italy may put CIA agents on trial in absentia

(posted 9:30 AM ET)

Senior US Catholic Egan  ï¿½Outed�

Molestation Investigations May Be Revised

Catholics burnt down cinema in protest of Last Temptation�

New Evidence Suggests Muslim Riots Are Staged Psyop

'Car-chase capital' deploys new weapon -- GPS gum balls

Cartoon protesters direct anger at U.S.

Exclusive: CIA Torture flight takes off from UK

Fired Staff get bag of chips as goodby package

Game of tag banned on playground

Logic 'explains most UFO sightings' ...

Belgian town bans 'Saddam shark'

L.A. County Jail in Lockdown After Riots

Blair: 'British troops in Iran? We can never say never'

Behind All The Lost World Hype

Message in a Bottle: Don't Litter

Dying theater boss to stage own funeral
U.S. Army's Stormtrooper Masks

Thousands Of Barges Could Save Europe From Deep Freeze
Intact tomb found in Valley of the Kingss

Unleash the dinobots!

Antidepressants may harm newborns' lungs

Suicide blast, clashes in Pakistan kill 22

Antidepressants may harm newborns' lungs


Wednesday February 8, 2006

(posted 8:00 PM ET)

Injiva fatally axes father over witchcraft claims

Did Dead Artist Foresee Her Demise?

Opus Dei Counters 'Da Vinci Code' Image

'Da Vinci Code' sparks Christian history discussion

Conservatives view Code movie as evangelical tool

A Tocquevillian in the Vatican

MTV Searching For Cryptohosts

The Source of All Ball Lightning?

The Premiere of The Passion of Bernadette

Prophet Muhammad overlooking justice in Washington DC Supreme

Tom Cruise Paranoid Over Nicole Kidman's New Cult Film Chill out ...

Cruise and Holmes to attend Packer funeral


Hollywood backing for new Nessie film

Evangelicals urge action on global warming

Belief Special: What's It All About?

Babies' Cells Linger, May Protect Mothers

What's This Slimy Creature In My Drain?

Conspiracy Theory Nonsense: Iranian Oil Bourse

US: Rise in number of neo-Nazis

Racist Skinhead Project: Hate grows in IE on the Internet

Group Combats Racism On Line

Anti-Semitism seen in reaction to cartoons

CULTURE DIGEST: Rumblings of revival begin on college campus ...

Fellay: No Compromise with Vatican

U.S. official voices China-Taiwan concerns

Dark SUV sought in Ala. church fire probe

World's first Sept 11 convict released in Germany

Scientists discover early version of T. Rex

The Age of Senescence

Threatened Norway pressman defends right to offend

Something Is Rotten Outside the State of Denmark

January Was America's Warmest on Record

The Age of Senescence

Realm of the coin

Archaeologists Unearth Headless Sphinx

Unearthing history in the heart of Rome

Scientists forecast colorful astronomial phenomena

Babies' Cells Linger, May Protect Mothers

'Site of important Welsh battle' under threat

Archaeological remains could be found on site


Bone Crystal's Treasure

Hawaiian artifact over 200 years old revealed

Tombs of Ancient Warriors Unearthed in S. China

Tomb of Prehistoric Leader Unearthed in Modern Rome

Health Talk

The Green Tea Secret

Toasted-rice green tea wins hearty approval

(posted 9:30 AM ET)

Archaeologists find headless sphinx in Italy

Evidence of Vampire Leads Investigators To Believe

'Da Vinci Code' is fiction: Opus Dei

The Da Vinci Code movie

Copywriting Secrets Behind The Da Vinci Code and LOST

"Da Vinci" set to inaugurate Cannes

Behind All The Lost World Hype

Message in a Bottle: Don't Litter

Dying theater boss to stage own funeral

Rediscovered woodpecker questioned

U.S. Army's Stormtrooper Masks

Thousands Of Barges Could Save Europe From Deep Freeze

Belgian town bans 'Saddam shark'  

Unleash the dinobots!

'Velvet Sky' is black with creepy dangers

Vistors from this world and beyond

An Old City Haunt

Cult of Luna complete new full length

Paganism Thrives in the Heart of Rural Oklahoma

A New Qabbalah is Born

Gaylor: World's Religious Extremism Actually Promotes Atheism


The Clash to End All Clashes?

Neo-Nazi to the goosestep

Racist skinhead activity in the United States is on the rise ...

Hot Cross Buns Banned in English School

The State Department Not Feeling the Whole Brokeback Thing

US News & World Report On Danes: "Satanic Cartoonery"

Free speech in Europe: mixed rules

Freedom to spread hate?

As I See It : Arroyo shares blame for Ultra tragedy

Norway's black metal "count" on Lowell's blog

Schofield man latest caught in pedophile sting

The Stop Snitchin' Movement

The human race can make a breakthrough into a better future

Heart-Healthy Diet: Low Saturated Fats

Negativity remains over omega-3, says Frost

New Company Brings Omega-3 Dietary Supplements to Heightened Level ...

Tea trade-funded study gives green tea extract a green light for ...


Tuesday January 7, 2006

(posted 5:30 PM ET)

Protesters at Philadelphia Paper Ask It to Apologize for Cartoon

Muslim Protests Against Cartoons Spread

Iranian Paper Plans Holocaust Cartoons

NATO Troops Fire on Afghan Attackers

Afghan police kill four in cartoon bloodshed

Protests Over Cartoons Turn Violent in Lebanon

Widespread Cartoon Protests Under Way

Anti-Semitism Replaced by Islamophobia

The Row over the Danish Cartoons

Shiite, Catholic Pledge to Fight Corruption

Exorcisms in high demand in Mexico

The Martyrdom of Fr. Andrea

The 'Siri Thesis' Unravels

Priest Calls for Cardinal George to Resign

Bangalore: The Catholic Bishops' Conference Meeting from Feb 15

Going by the book, Catholic group objects

Weekly News | Christian Views

Groups will host music and art gathering

Anti-Semitism now

Ask Amy: Apology is due for adult's Halloween 'egging'

Who Doesn't Love Easter Candy?

Jesus Christ in Court

Coven comes to Catemaco

Alien crash lands in the attic ...

Scientology's "Top Gun" flying "down under" on a " ...

Cult Protest Over Unit Bid ; BORDESLEY: Scientologists to March ...

author christopher penczak workshops in cocoa, florida

Santa Clara County To Pay Hell's Angels $1 Million

Wake County coping with gang problem

Police Detain Suspect for Killing Catholic Priest

The Growing Habitable Zone: Locations for Life Abound

Coincidences Boggle Mind, Ranging from Odd to Bizarre

An open letter to the Chicago Tribune

Scientist Predicts 'Mini Ice Age'

Stress 'Fuelling Early Puberty'

Chaos, fraud claims mar Haiti election

Healthy Goal: Regular Exercise

(posted 10:45 AM ET)

Dahn Hak: Yoga Or A Korean Cult?

New species found in Papua 'Eden'

Inventor develops 'artificial gills'

Desparate bid to save radish

Frozen Squirrels Cause Traffic Accidents

US serial number gives clue to mystery of the alien in the attic

Saved - by the skin of her teeth

Lost Worlds in New Guinea & Madagascar

Aussies Finds "Lost" World;

Ancient Russian Manuscript Describes 19th Century UFOs

The Next Great Look Is Written in the Stars

Alien Animal Planet

The Devil in the Deep Blue Sea �

Teen saves his saviour

Book For Ghost-Busters

Turin Olympics draw interest to Italy's city of the Shroud

Are they merely spooky tales or nightmares in the city of dreams


Monday February 6, 2006

(posted 8:00 PM ET)

Mystery Intruder Cracks Math Puzzles

Meaning of Life TV

Tales of Ghosts on Oregon's Coast

Michael Jackson Interested in Putting Pope John Paul II's Prayers to Music

Looking for Love? - The Answer May Be In Your Dreams

Before the ‘Da Vinci Code'

The Carnival of Kukeri

Harvey Weinstein = (Chairman Mao)(Howard Hughes)(Scientology)?

Erdogan Condemns Killing of Catholic Priest

Parliament Speaker Arinc Denounces Killing Of Catholic Priest

Mayan Crop Circle Misrepresentations

Controversial cartoons stir media debate

The Cult of Alien Gods: H.P. Lovecraft & Extraterrestial Pop Culture

Romano Amerio - The End of a Taboo

Comments from Bishop Fellay

Archdiocese Subsidizes Troubled Center

Catholic Priest Killed in Turkey

20% of Italian youths pray daily

A known Orthodox fighter with sectarians: Ukrainian satanists had ...

Munster Goes Home

'I Have a Friend in the Olympics'

Drawing a line under hypocrisy

By candlelight

Intolerable Levels of Intolerance

Green for Danger? FBI collecting data on environmental action ...

15 National Bolsheviks arrested for unsanctioned rally in Moscow

Turin eager to add Games to rich history

Convicted pedophile returns from Bali

The evil that lurks undetected

Grandmother In Shooting To Be Arraigned

A Sun Pillar in Red and Violet

Pill could make painful memories a thing of past

History is for sale in the high desert

Stegosaur in Cambodia?

Body set up to study 'extinct' animal

High Winds in Northwest Blamed for 1 Death

Toxic Waste Creates Hermaphrodite Arctic Polar Bears

Treasure raiders arrested in Spain

2,600-year-old coins on display in Jaipur

Returning treasures

Rising water threatens great temples of Egypt

The Mysterious Trail of a Treasure, Retraced

High Tech, Under the Skin

The darkness inside of everything

Alpine ice man may have been childless outcast

Researchers examine phenomenon known as sympathetic pregnancy

Italy to Enjoy Precious Thracian Treasures Found in Bulgaria

Archaeologist vindicated in hunch on antique silver hoard

Man claims omega-3 fatty acids helped cure his cancer

Green tea giants squeeze out rivals

Cold Comfort

Healthy Heart: Preventing Prehypertension

(posted 9:45 AM ET)

Woman Claims Time In Vatican Dungeon Satanic Rituals

Torment of Africa's 'child witches'

Is Yale the key to new Brown blockbuster?

Neo-Nazi suspect shot dead by police

Suspect fled to belly of beast: Area of Arkansas shootout ...

Child molester detained in Bali

Get out, evil spirits! Hoboken ghost hunter appears on TV's 'Dead ...

Infertility link in iceman's DNA

Halliburton building Concentration Camps in the U.S.?

'God' faces name-change deadline

Devil's bite worse than its bark

Dog-Eating Giant Owl Caught

Ukrainian Woman Faces Trial for Sucking Teenage Boys' Blood

Taiwan Shaman Indicted For Forced Incest

Fear of Clowns: No Laughing Matter

KGB ran secret laboratories to study extraterrestrial civilizations (Pravda warning)

Legendary Bulgarian prophetess Vanga predicted most horrible catastrophes

Antichrist Architecture Spreads Across The Globe

The Devil's Doctor

Ghosts play host in hostels of Tripura

Bigfoot has been just big tall tale so far

'Psychic' Animals Make Super Bowl Picks

Dragons ruled their land

New Research Explores Teenage Views and Behavior

Turning to gods and astrologers to pass exams

Ridicule and Racism in Naming Malaysia's "Bigfoot"

Mexico Still Draws Medical Miracle Seekers

Listening To The Voices Of Ghosts

Legendary Bulgarian prophetess Vanga


Sunday February 5, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

Forget The Da Vinci Code carvings at Rosslyn reveal symphony ...

Bush speech kindles hopes for biorefinery

A member of the Aryan Brotherhood provides a glimpse inside its ...

Calif. Prison Race Riots Kill One Inmate... 2,000 Involved...

Ukiah High officer says neo-Nazis are around'

Russian Neo-Nazis Attack Jewish Websites

A fight over Darwin

Is Christianity a crutch?

Tolerating the intolerable .

An Increase in the Number Opposed to Anti-Semitism

NEWSWEEK MEDIA LEAD SHEET/February 13, 2006 Issue (on newsstands ...

Three Modesto Churches Vandalized in Possible Hate Crime Attacks

"Hitler �tait-il un Rothschild ?" - David Icke fait scandale.

Timeline: a history of free speech

Just how weird is Ohio?

Catholic priest shot dead

Gervais snubbed Da Vinci Code role

Historian discusses da Vinci without the code

Satanic Crime Watch

Don't bow to religious fervour

Compass: Beyond Narnia - CS Lewis

Reviving Rich Traditions, Forging a Window of Hope

Officials: Goleta postal killer had conspiracy theory

April arguments over pedophile

NSA Snoop Program Toll: One FBI Patsy

Del. Don Dwyer: Patriot to believers, pariah to politicians

Dimmu Borgir

Disaster preparation just common sense

Omega-3 link with cancer risk analyzed

not milk?


Saturday February 4, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Lecture adds to intelligent design debate

Intelligent design meets the First Amendment

Taft may re-ignite fuss over intelligent design

Local schools open the door to Intelligent design

Taft says state policy on evolution needs legal checkup

Big Bang vs Intelligent Design of TOPU - Series 1

Big Bang Theory vs Intelligent Design - Series II

Kukla: Intelligent design and evolution of chickens

Roller derby sees sassy revival in U.S.

Change in sex habits cuts Zimbabwe HIV rates

Evolution vs. intelligent design debate rages

Anthropologist Eugenie Scott to speak on intelligent design for ...

Life without intelligent design

Reader's letter: Science exists apart from religion

Protein crystallization by intelligent design?

Catholicism �radically creationist,� Intelligent Design ...

SC governor OK with intelligent design

An intelligent discourse on intelligent design

Dee: The two black holes in Intelligent Design

Lecture series will hew to evolution theory's path

Ritual May Play Role In Placebo Relief

Experts clash over demise of the dinosaur

Race is on to prepare for Northwest tsunami

Phone masts affecting health nationwide, claim campaigners

The darkness inside of everything

Alpine ice man may have been childless outcast

Fear of Clowns

Odyssey abandon the search for the Sussex

Water ice detected on comet's surface

Mysterious Baboon killed in Pujehun in Sierra Leone

Viking expert to give views on presenting dig finds

Author brings theory about a 'lost' star

Scientist's starry prediction pans out

U.S. professor returns ring from Lost Colony dig to university

Thang Long Royal Citadel proposed as world heritage site

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Maps Ancient Greek Shipwreck

Conversations: Site Q Discovered!

Infertility link in iceman's DNA

Bone discovery points to Indian graves

Italy's stolen treasure coming home, at last

Vic bushfires uncover ancient Aboriginal stone houses


Friday February 3, 2006

(posted 11:00  PM ET)

Child sex case points to occult

Phil Farber's Meta-Magick

Author Claims Magick is Real - and Can Be Taught

Lon Milo Duquette - Contemporary mage

The Magical Art of the Well Worn Path

Listening To The Voices Of Ghosts

Matters of Faith: Satanic cartoonery

Our Fundamentalists and Theirs: Political Cartoons, Jyllands ...

Da Vinci Code set to open Cannes Festival

Gervais turned down 'Da Vinci Code' part

Better ways to Heaven

Go, uh, left, young men

U.S. calls Muhammad drawings 'offensive'

Venezuelan diplomat ordered out of U.S.

Mexican clinic where King died is closed

Witness says he wouldn't commit violence against molesting priest

Former NB reformatory resident hopes to force new charges against ...

Venezuelan diplomat ordered out of U.S.

William Shakespeare: Catholic playwright

Andrey Kurayev urges Orthodox missionaries to make bold to enter ...

Eye on Eurasia: A Caliphate in Russia?

Report: UK anti-Semitism still prevalent

Hell's Angels Jailed in South Africa

Neo-Nazi concert at Ukiah High

Russians Don't Dislike Jews, and are Against Anti-Semitism

What Nietzsche Didn't Understand About Judaism

Green Tea: Wonder-Drink?

Tea houses learn to infuse ancient with modern

Green tea is recruited for dental care front

(posted 3:30 PM ET)

Interview: T. Peter Park, Fortean Authority on H.P. Lovecraft

My strange life with someone else's face

Mysterious Baboon Killed in Pujehun in Sierra Leone

KGB Ran Secret Labs to Study Extraterrestrial Civilizations

Birds Die From Flying 'Drunk' Into Windows

Woman bites husband to death

Why We'll Never Stop Looking for the Holy Grail

Mysterious plague of worms hits Mafikeng

Real life Groundhog Days Studied

Gene makes wet earwax

New planet bigger than pluto

Pigeons get backpacks for air pollution monitoring

Police Nab Ice-Skating Smugglers

Leaping Croc Slams Into Car

Appeal to find 'beast' new home

Two Bishops on the 1962 Missal

Spokane Settlement More Than Money

Are Yoga & Christianity Compatible?

Wal-Mart Sued Over Abortifacients

Molestation Investigations May Be Revised

Cardinal removes another priest

Rare Kind of Scandal Accord in Spokane Diocese

Lawyer for US priest says to appeal extradition

Attorney: Spokane Church Offers Settlement

Ky. Church Abuse Deal May Be $85 Million

The Darkness Inside of Everything

Fear of Clowns: No Laughing Matter

Pedophile policeman gets jail

Pedophile jailed

Healthy Aging Tip - Eating to Prevent Arthritis


Thursday February 2, 2006

(posted 7:00  PM ET)

U.N. Would Establish Diplomatic Relations With Advanced E.T.s


Deeper into CS Lewis: Seventy-Five Years After Atheism

Vandals target Da Vinci Code chapel

With All Eyes Focused on the Da Vinci Code Movie, What Will the ...

Let the pagan rites begin

Police mediate dispute between self-professed vampire, neighbors

Olympic host also home to Shroud of Turin

Meet a fish called Allah

Predicting 2006, One Psychic at a Time

Burning Object Flies Through BC Sky

Who ghosts there? Is it you, Joe?

In search of Bigfoot

Cult leaders arrested

Insanity ruled in acquittal for killing of mother, aunt

More spirits than the bar can offer

The New Pro-Palestinian Jews -- Beyond Tikkun and Atzmon

Ritual May Play Role In Placebo Relief

Council' Defies Hammerskins


Police make arrest in Halloween attack

Halloween draws fewer dollars than visitors

Appeal to Find 'Beast' New Home

"10th Planet" Proves Bigger than Pluto

Study Finds New Planet Bigger Than Pluto

Sunken Ship to Be Restored After 300 Years

Plunder or politics? Clash on Inca artifacts

Classical Connections

Scientists may have found meat link to colon cancer

Roman-Era Benefactors' Tomb Unearthed

A skeletal glimpse of the past

Stealing beauty

Vitreous floaters

Bronze Age man's burial site unearthed

UA Scientist and Private Collector Form Center to Save Meteorites

Did Viking men paint their teeth a 'pretty red'?

Greek archaeologists unearth ancient city fortifications on Crete

Mexican cenotes a sight to behold

Artifacts found near library site

Step back in time on Scotland's remote Orkneys

Naples, Italy:

Atlanta salvage company does not own Titanic artifacts

Tea provides a variety of benefits to those who drink it regularly

Honey-Garlic Green Tea Shrimp

(11:00 AM ET)

Predicting 2006, One Psychic at a Time

  Paw Print 'Proof Of Big Cat'

  Minnesota Mystery Cat Captured

Mermaids, jackalopes and a one-eyed pig

Tracking someone via their mobile, for beginners

Tasmanian devils felled by rare cancer

Manure falls from sky - for second time

Fish has mark of Allah on flanks

  Molecular Cryptozoology Meets Sasquatch

  Alien Invasion of UFO Hotspot West Kilbride

  UFO: Aftershock ...

  UFO turns out to be solar lights ...

UFO Central

APS Physics Tip Sheet #60

  Who Ghosts There? Is It You, Joe?

  IInsanity Ruled in Acquittal for Killing of Mother, Aunt

UFO Sleuth on the Trail of Mystery at Sea

The Hilly Rose Show

The Chatter Behind the Story

Sea Serpent or Plesiosaur? Name That Carcass

Understanding Cholesterol

  Dance, Ramtha, Dance!


Wednesday February 1, 2006

(posted 10:30 PM ET)

MAIN STORY: Police reject psychic advice

Psychic Right? Popbytes Scoops Britney Spears Pregnant

Sex and the City Psychic Cocktail

Experts Challenge 9/11 Official Conspiracy Theory

Second Hell's Angels member sentenced in officer's beating

Question for the Contemporary Age

Ritualist Helps Empower Women Spiritually

A horror-heavy Boris Karloff series robs graves and marries off a ...

Lucifer letter to the ACLU

One Charge Dropped Against Catholic Priest

Laughing in the face of death

Long Arm of the Law Reaches Out for "Vampire" Candidate for ...

Before the �Da Vinci Code'

UNC Professor Rips Brown's �The Da Vinci Code'

Government defeated in religious hate law debate

Massachusetts Can Affect Patriot Act Debate

Palestine and Native America

The Prankster and the Conspiracy

Motherland Party Leaders Make Their Antisemitism Official

Bulgarian Pedophile Jailed for 20 Years

Anti-Semitism can't be overlooked

Hamas' public anti-Semitism worrisome

European Parliament's action equates condition to racism, anti ...

Attack Party Expels Colleague Pedophile

Maps may widen town pedophile ban

Let's not play pedophile roulette

Such are the straws believers must grasp in order to prop up their ...

Fish-Oil Fats May Stop Cancer

Heart-Healthy Diet: Lowering Your Cholesterol

(posted 11:00 AM ET)

Satanic Cultists Get Stiff Sentences for Multiple Murders

Cult members jailed for killings

Some major settlements in Catholic clergy abuse cases

Aleister Crowley Relic

Vampire Pedophile sentenced to Life

The Ghost Detector

Universal Church exonerated

Ski holiday ride 'cures' deaf man

Flock of Parrots Descends upon Edinburgh

Mystery Photos: Sea Serpent or Plesiosaur?

A Roll Cloud

Museum visitor trips, breaks Chinese vases

Miracle bandage made out of shrimp shells

Concern over 'spare part' babies

Vampire candidate arrested on Ind. charges

The Claim: Baby Deliveries Are in Sync With the Moon

Was Hitler a 'British" Agent?

Melbourne Airport Mystery Illness: Toxic Poisoning or Mass Hysteria?

Big Kahuna's ghostly call

Johor's Bermuda Triangle

Carcass of unknown animal found

Animal carcass mystery deepens

Man shocked to find corpse on settee

Harry Potter 7  Then What?

"Mystery illness"

The Smell of Moondust

Top 10 Apollo Hoax Theories

Challenger Tragedy Reveals Memory Phenomenon

Mysterious Plague of Worms Hits Mafikeng

Japan to pull all its troops from Iraq by May

Dr. Nicholas Perricone's Top Tips to Lose Weight and Fight ...




Tuesday January 31, 2006

(posted 10:00 PM ET)

DOWNLORD Trapped In 'Scandinavian Black Metal Arctic Hell'

A psychic guru prays the rosary

MAIN STORY: Psychics take on Bay murder


Isaac Hayes Kept South Park Creators From Scientology Initially

Scientologists Seek Legal Status in Bulgaria

Bushfire volunteer's 'pay docked'

Sci Fi Sets March Premieres, USA to Rest 'Monk' Against Olympics

Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe review

Da Vinci Code could help Opus Dei

Da Vinci Code Movie Preview

What's at stake is the right to insult and cause offence

Islamophobia rising in Europe?

The Truth About UNICEF's Goodwill Ambassador

Cindy Sheehan: 'Bush's Presidency Is Illegitimate!'

Analysis: Egypt's concerns over Hamas win

Deadly serial pedophile gets 16 years

State of Florida is 2nd in number of hate groups

UMass student acquitted of Halloween stabbing


Roman Catholic Bishops Bill Deals With Child Sexual Abuse

Court backs Catholic Church critic

Incident at Oglala, 30 Years Later The Long Struggle of Leonard ...

More Domestic Surveillance... Look up!

The chatter behind the story


Russian FM Urges Cooperation to Combat Racism & Anti-Semitism

After Polite Sessions, Letters Filled With Anti-Semitism

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Do Not Lower Cancer Risk

NIH Researcher Reports Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Such as Those in ...

Americans can benefit from tea consumption, according to latest ...

Tantalizing new products at Fancy Food Show

Uncertain About Aspirin and Breast Cancer?

50 Mind-blowing food facts!

(posted  9:30 AM ET)


Paranormal Hot Spots

Authority over demons

Family Turns to Psychics for Help

Perth's 'hovering car'

Occultists swindle Muscovites out of 10 million dollars annually

Vatican may have found Pope's "miracle"

Palmist denies deception charges

Giant Octopus Attacks Sub

Paraguay: A Fish With Hands and Feet

Mokele-mbembe Sighted

Female masked Mexican wrestler arrested in serial killer hunt

Dominatrix Acquited in Bondage Death

Roadkill Fan Penning Recipe Book

Pain Ray, Sonic Blaster, Laser Dazzler - All in One Vehicle

A Religion That Grew From a Lot of Brew

French murder was from a different era

Internet game leads to scientific advance

UN may use 'flu-casters' if pandemic hits

Teen finally free of massive tumor-like growth

SuitSat: listen to a disembodied spacesuit circling Earth

Ice chunk from sky sets village aflutter

Phoenician Inscription Rock: History or hoax?

Race for human re-engineering

Tintin influences Cousteau

Black panther visit for Greenock couple

Contagious Obesity?

Scientific Brain Linked to Autism

The Man's Nose Knows When a Woman is Fertile

FEMA Acknowledges Blunders During Katrina

Interior Offered Extensive Katrina Aid

FEMA didn't take up aid offers


Monday January 30, 2006

(posted  7:30 PM ET)

A Blood-Pumping Satanist Woman Caught in Odessa

The Royal Family Are Bloodsucking Alien Lizards

If Not Blood-Sucking Reptiles, Perhaps Demons Afflict Humanity

Palmist denies deception charges

Brief Encounters of a Different Kind

Da Vinci Code' opening Cannes Film Festival

Cryptex Straight Out of The Da Vinci Code!

Justice Ministry denies registration to National Bolshevik Party

An Endless Search for Weird New Minerals

Supernatural Selection

The Magical Art of the Well Worn Path

The Ghost Ship of Diamond Shoals ... Part I

UFOs: Seeing is Believing?

History of UFOs; Video: UFO: Seeing is Believing

Close encounters in cainscross ...

X-Files revealed: MoD has UFO log ...

Local: Is this flying object really a UFO? ...

Virginia's special place in 'ufology' ...

Tel Aviv to try Scientology founder's drug rehab program

Religious education should be recognized by state - Patriarch ...

Religion, ethics, and genetics

Faith, science debate lacks voice of reason

Appeal to expose incurable pedophile

Spanish authorities quash online pedophile groups

Utah Supreme Court Will Hear Arguments in Priest-abuse Lawsuit

Government-funded Investigative Reporting

Possible miracle tied to Pope John Paul II

Alito and Opus Dei

In Nomine Patris ...

Pope Speaks on 'Divorce' and Annulments

The Keys of Forgiveness

On Eagle's Wings' Top Liturgical Song

New human virus linked to obesity in animals

Warming debate shifts to 'tipping point'

Clinton: Climate change is the world's biggest worry

Blair says threat from climate change may be greater than ...

Authorities investigate Adelaide website

Judge Warns Jury To Forget Conspiracy Theory

The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official ...

Hurricanes and humans changing Gulf's nature

Exxon Mobil sees record profit for U.S. co.

Magnitude 2.8

Barking dog brings about wealth, fortune

Dominatrix acquitted in bondage death

The Legacy of Jihad

The hunt is as exciting as the find

An Endless Search for Weird New Minerals

Supernatural selection

UK archaeologists lead dig at McDowell House


7000 year-old sacrificial altar found in China

Will fusion power provide energy solutions for our grandchildren

Fish oils a great catch

Health Tip: Can Green Tea Prevent Cancer?

Mayo Clinic discovers green tea may help fight leukemia

Eating for Healthy Vision

(posted 7:45 AM ET)

Spooky spots in our own backyard

Brain scans may work as lie detectors

Oprah and Fictitious Non-finction

Truly criminal Satanist Killer

Palmist is charged with deception

Ghost Hunt

Sasquatch Wins At Slamdance

Britney attends reincarnation sessions

Chinese use rites to keep their evil spirits in check


Thailand's creepy couple to marry

Cat faeces linked to schizophrenia

How Many Bigfoot Are There?  

Statue of King Tut's Grandmother Found

Reporter's futile attempt to see the Shroud of Turin

US Psyops revealed

The little Buddha of Bara

Arctic Ocean ice crashes on Alaska shores  

Antarctic team may have oldest ice

Mapping out the future of transport

Store discriminates against Wiccans, class leaders testify

Slavery: Collier county's connection

Seat belts use has nothing to do with freedom

�Da Vinci Code' to open Cannes Film Festival

Da Vinci Code Villain Silas

ITV drama taps into secret of Da Vinci Code's success

Loch Ness monster could be headed for Wellington

The elusive Carolina cougar

Arrest members of a global pedophile ring in the DR

Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Sex Life on Hold?

Catholic church cautions against Arroyo move to change ...

Jailed Haitian Catholic priest flown to Miami for treatment

Woman sues Catholic Diocese of Orlando after priest allegedly ...

Re-examining the Catholic Church's role in the Holocaust


Satanists Win Richard Hamlin Trial

Atheism As A Metaphor

Ex-skinhead speaks out against racism

Gangs of white inmates battle over swastika prank

Army to investigate gay porn allegations

Soy for Strong Bones?

Omega-3 acids reduce postpartum depression, UA pilot study ...


Sunday January 29, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

What You Didn't Know About Scientology

Father Raniero Cantalamessa on Unclean Spirits

German neo-Nazis to be banned going to Iran for conference

Find new stress relievers or a date

Calls flood in after psychic TV show

Singapore team told to delay 'Bigfoot' trip to Malaysia

Da Vinci Code Gets Updated

Confronting the 'Code'

The 'Da Vinci' Cash Cow

Living a Christian life in a pagan culture

Wary Reactions to Hamas Victory, Peace Process

Muslims, Religion Scholars Urge Changes to Patriot Act

Eastern Africa Facing Food Crisis

Movie Portrayals of Religion Succeed, Television Series Flops

President of Mormon Church Hospitalized

Giuliani Reaches Out to Evangelical Pastors

A weekend dominated by Vampires and Werewolves

Sacred days in February: An interfaith calendar

Places to find freaks to get it on with / Places to get your freak ...

Expert: Jetseta's blood on Satanist Bentley

Prosecution, defense in Bentley Occult Crime case rest

Finding Faith in Evolution

Nature's wonder points to God, not science

High Hopes for Faith-Based Prisons

Pedophile declared dangerous offender

Malaysia Favors Counseling Black Metal Followers - Jan. 28 ...

Soy for Strong Bones?


Saturday January 28, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Kurt Vonnegut on Darwinism and Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design and the Nature of God

Intelligent design, ignorant evolutionists

Intelligent Design - The Hot Potato

Letters: Intelligent design � not so intelligent for a science ...

Intelligent discussion on design

The Daily Dose: Intelligent design with a British accent

Evolution v. Intelligent Design: Countering the Mythology

Speaker: Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

BBC's War on Science Looks at Darwinism / Intelligent Design ...

Why scientists dismiss 'intelligent design'

Intelligent Design is Original Source of Life �ID- Series IV

Evolution theory does not prove Man�s decent � ID �Series V

Teachers close the book on intelligent design.

Belief in intelligent design is pure logic

Philosophy and Intelligent Design

Intelligent design speech draws laughter, applause

Time to Decide: Intelligent Design (ID)

Intelligent design, Darwin can coexist

Questions For Skeptics

Undersea quake rocks eastern Indonesian

Baffled Scientists Say Less Sunlight Reaching Earth

Endangered Cat is Still On The Prowl

Globetrotting snails crossed oceans by hitching a ride on birds

What happened to the Robot Age?


Indonesian police

Where the Past Meets the Future

Villa shines through Getty's clouds

New Discoveries in Jiroft May Change History of Civilization

Sunken ship becomes a bittersweet discovery

Storm blows up over shipwreck's �279m gold treasure hoard

More ancient treasures found in Tromsoe

Science photos scrutinized

Mountain ranges rise dramatically faster than expected

Fossil uncovered in New Mexico has crocodile, dinosaur traits

Cyclades women on show in Rome

Warrior Found Buried In Attack Position

Odyssey Marine Provides Sussex Update




I can get your boyfriend back - for �8,000


Friday January 27, 2006

(posted 5:30 PM ET)

Priest may face trial for saying Jesus existed

Coffee, tea, a touch of witchcraft

Wiccan ways; Brooms, spells but no Satanism

Bigfoot Security Breach?

X-Files Revealed: MoD Has UFO Log

What Happened to the Robot Age?

Who You Gonna CALL?


Official Da Vinci Code Site Updated!

Anti-Semitism is a problem for the world

Black Metal: Media, police must face the music

Report: Black Metal Not Linked To Satanism, Say Its Fans - Jan. 27 ...

Student claims university kicked him out for being gay

Charges filed in skinhead stabbings

Student goes postal, defies parking fascism

Ignoring Lessons of Moscow Synagogue Attack, Regional Media ...

'Neo-Nazis are active again': Holocaust survivor

The New Face of Jihad in the US

Aryan Brotherhood Member wanted for Ariz. murder

French Politician Fined for 'Homophobia'

Old Rite Sacraments Indeed Valid

Father Gregory Hesse, RIP

Perversity at Notre Dame Addressed

CIEL 2006

Emerging Market for Omega-3 Fatty Acids Gains Ground

(posted 5:46 AM ET)

Has psychic sketched killer?

Emory researchers discover flaxseed oil increases the body's omega ...

Haunted Places in New York

Haunted Places in Oregon

Haunted Places in The United Kingdom

Haunted Places in Greece

Haunted Places in Ireland

Accused Wiccan killer's words questioned

Pagans charged with kidnapping Keyport man

Scorpion Survives Inside Fossil Sample

The Curse Of Stonehenge

Russia plans to put a mine on the Moon

Russian Inventor Patents Invisibility Cloak

Incantation Heard In A Dream Wins Tokyo Man A Harem of 10

Smallest Earth-like Planet found

Britons unconvinced on evolution

Japan's Robo-Copter Bust 

Hamas election victory shocks world

Anti-Semitism rife in Russia

Anti-Semitism is down to anti-Semites

German neo-Nazis' passports may be frozen

ACLU too left-oriented

Druce guilty in slaying of pedophile priest

Pedophile Play Drawing Protesters

Chatting With A Pedophile

University of Bridgeport sued by gay man

Man lives in tree after domestic spat

Intelligent design, ignorant evolutionists

Ch�vez, Catholic Church open the door to joint projects

Omega-3-rich flax seeds provide much-needed nutrition for optimal ...

Fruit and vegetables cut stroke risk - study


Thursday January 26, 2006

(posted 4:00 PM ET)

Endorsement of Tina Resch's Spontaneous Telekinesis

Unleashed: Of Poltergeists and Murder

Discovery of Earth-Like Planet Brings Hope of Alien Life

Teens Into the Supernatural, Pious Parents Losing Control

Showtime afraid of Scientology?

Scientologists and fraud?

Haunted Places in Michigan

Church to tackle child abuse and witchcraft

Haunted Places in Missouri


Croc Ancestor Resembles Bird-Like Dino

Brain Surgery Patient Trapped in a Mental Time Warp

Detroit's Pacifist Bishop Resigns

Linking torture with Jesus' message is a tragedy

'24' hours of torture-loving

Scott McClellan on Domestic Spying: "It is What it Is"

MPs, rights groups seek rendition facts

Bush defends spying at home, calls it terror surveillance

Police stop and search 100 people a day under new anti-terror laws

Taser Use Legal on Florida Children

Bush plans visit to super-secret spies
CIA flights likened to the work of gangsters

The criminal conspiracy that destroys America

Covert Activity by U.S. Called No Big Secret

Britain 'ordered torture of 9-11 suspect'

Students ban Christians in row over gays

The price of domestic spying Infiltrated by feds, antiwar group turns on photographer

Murder victim 'died 500 years ago'

Mystery of the Mayan Calendar Revealed

2005 was warmest year on record: NASA

Gravity theory dispenses with dark matter

Neanderthal man floated into Europe,

Has anyone a clue what this is?

Scientists find 'smallest fish'

Peru's Battle For Its History

Spears offer insight into early military strategy

Newly Located Greek Temple

Changing the Drug War Debate

UAB researcher believes green tea can protect against skin cancer

(posted 10:30 AM ET)

Haunted Places in Massachusetts

Woman's bid to 'curse' God turns tragic

Disturbed 'satanists' strike at Vale Church

Mediums Called In to Aid Search for Lost Cat

Johor to Mount Hunt for 'Bigfoot'

An Experiment in Autobiography

Strange Carcass in Malaysia

Black Hole Puts Dent In Space-time

Moon Is Dragging Continents West

Scientists Photograph Kauai Wolf Spiders

Insurance damages for Accident Claim Form Trip

Pastor says "demonic force" at work in BTK killer

Spy Cameras That Never Forget a Face

Isle of Man Seeks To Be Switzerland Of Space

Colombian man kills nephew whilst trying to cure his hiccups

Don Abbott, 70, Has Died

New Orleans The Monkey & The Cock

Teams to Search for Orang Dalam

She swallows glass & stone

Death ray takes aim

Oz flying car launch site: exclusive pictures

Oz flying car takes reader flak


Wednesday January 25, 2006

(posted 6:45 PM ET)

The Power of the Ghost Narrative

Gravity Theory Dispenses with Dark Matter

Search for Mystery Beast Abandoned

Buddha on the Brain

Has Anyone a Clue What This Is?

The Power of the Ghost Narrative

 Oz Flying Car Launch Site: Exclusive Pictures

Using religion to justify violence

�The Da Vinci Code': a must see, a must read

Pat McMahon, Host of "The God Show"

Arab and Muslim Conspiracy Theories - Iranian Holocau

                    Witchcraft at the Half-Way-Tree court?                   

Hell's Angels welcome, say Cody merchants

New Scientology Public Affairs Web Site Unveiled for Canada

Inmate Guilty of Killing Pedophile Priest

Rockland legislator wants 'pedophile-free' zones

Pedophile postcard angers Democrats

"One of many racists out to defraud Native tribes"

Neo-Nazis' passports may be frozen

Immeasurably Above Anguish

Encyclical: Deus Caritas Est

Bishop Bruskewitz on Vatican II

Inmate Guilty of Killing Pedophile Priest

With Elite Backing, Order Has Pull in Mexico

DARKTHRONE, DEICIDE Members Featured In Article On Death/Black ...

Scientists find 'Smallest Fish'

War Against Reason: The "Intelligent Design" Scam

Pope Concerned About Fresh Anti-Semitism

France ‘declares war' on anti-Semitism

Ukraine Government Calls for Action Against Anti-Semitism

Fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids unlikely reduce cancer risk?

Spices of Life: Simple and Delicious Recipes for Great Health

Rare Chinese Green Tea Flower Causes Fat Loss, New Clinical Study ...

Healthy profits seen in green-tea drinks

(posted 8:30 AM ET)

Fossil of "Sphinx" discovered in NE China

Scientists find "smallest" fish

Whale 'vomit' sparks cash bonanza

Chimp DNA: Closer to man than ape

Adult Nappy Sales Soar in China

EPA set to accept pesticide tests on humans

How to teach your pet fish football


Tuesday January 24, 2005

(posted 6:30 PM ET)

Psychic sees Arroyo finishing term if she survives '666'

Get set for a meeting of the psychic minds

Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers

`Da Vinci Code' to launch lineup at Cannes film fest

'Da Vinci Code' comes to Cannes, then US

Charlatan to some, but idol to many

Spooky night at haunted building

Well-connected medium has message or 2 for Valley mortals

Bigfoot near Gunung Panti?


Maniac's ravings

A matter of public prayer

Malaysia religious body bans Black Metal music

TV Franciscan arrested over nun's rape claim

Catholic Think Tank lecture series set to begin

Catholic Sisters Come to the Aid of Famine Victims

Nicole Kidman wants traditional Catholic ceremony

Catholic group questions whether Notre Dame theologian plagiarized

Prosecutor: Child victims drawn to priest

Papal Message to Conference Encourages Correct Reading of Vatican II

'I'm One of You'

Canada Conservatives Win Election

Chastity and the Council

Hooters to Receive Priest's Blessing

Group Accuses McBrien of Plagiarism

Academic anti-Semitism conference

Efforts Against Islamo-Fascism and Muslim Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism up in Ireland?

How to Age Gracefully

Supplementing Their Income

Green tea is recruited for dental care front

Omega-3 fats offer no cancer protection: study

Ethical problems and Mickey Mousetalking mice


Digging for a Subway,

Renaissance masterpiece in gold returns to the fold

The Animal Self

Shroud of Turin kept out of sight but skeptics, believers can view replica

Ancient tomb found in Phu Tho

Historians share stories of shipwreck

Stonehenge road re-think threatens recovery of rarest bird

Root Cellar History Studied

Ancient paintings suggest China invented skiing

Biggest Palace Structure Discovered in NW China Ruins

Ritual dog burials tell a story of man's best friend, and ma

(posted 10:30 AM ET)

Palmist in the dock over false statements claim

Lincoln's descendants aid gene breakthrough

'Miracle' cures shown to work

Malaysian Fatwa Prohibits Satanic Musical Cult

Malaysian Fatwa Council bans "black metal"

Discovery of a rare white Tree Hedgehog

Plants behave like humans

'Fiendish' events continue to plague village in Namibia

Court orders man to take dead parents off ice

China to complete artificial sun

Human eyes possess destructive power of laser (according to Pravda)

Shattered lives in shadow of abuse

Patriot Act hits close to home

An Audience With George Galloway

MP calls for 'Darkie Day' to stop

Druce describes thoughts leading up Geoghan killing

White off the scale

Thoughtcrime in the 21st century

Iran's President: Holocaust Questionable  

Protesters claim victory after neo-Nazis are no-shows

Nutrient-dense wheatgrass gaining in local popularity

'Darwinism is a scientific argument for atheism'

A reply to the militant atheist brigade

Medieval cemetery unearthed in England

Babies brainier when Mum eats fish

Fish-oil Supplements May Reduce Anger in Substance Abusers

Healthy bodies require healthy dose of vitamins

AHA: soy products offer no heart healthy benefits

A vision of global peace for every month of the year

Tea can treat diabetes!

Five Simple Steps for Healthy Eye


Monday January 23, 2006

(posted 2:08 PM ET)

Faeries Stop Bulldozers In Their Tracks

Inside Story: The Big Stars of Astrology

Radio Show Host to Call on Psychics

'Fiendish' Events Continue to Plague Village in North

'The Church Must Speak About the Devil'

Emela-Ntouka: Africa's Killer of Elephants

Buttafuocos, Amy Fisher plan TV reunion

Pentagon Builds Biggest Blimp Ever

Flying Car Captured on Google Earth

Papal assailant may be jailed until 2010
Falling banana kills woman

Falling dog kills man

Priest must prove Jesus Christ existed in court

Nurse jailed in Kyoto for tearing off the nails of six female patients

Blue light sighted in sea

Dead man on New York subway might have ridden around for hours
Genetically modified tobacco to treat cancer

Fox has taste for cappuccino

What can't you send through the post?

I romped with 6ft alien

ABC seen in Banbury

Can cat parasites alter human personalities?

Researchers: mind over matter can cure backpain

Stray peacock puzzle for village

Kitten survives car nap injuries

Bog man suffered horrific torture

Drunk Elephant Wreaks Havoc in Chilly Russian Circus

Pope Benedict on Islam and Democracy

Michael Schiavo Weds in Catholic Church

Terri's Sister: US has Lost Value of Life

SD Legislature To Consider Abortion Ban

Religious Miseducation Congress Preview

Life Teen Priest Wants House Arrest Lifted

Hitler Planned a 'New St. Peter's'

(posted 10:00 AM ET)

'Da Vinci Code' movie to open Cannes film fest

Da Vinci Code to open Cannes Festival

"The Da Vinci Code" Movie Preview

CS Lewis' life told in pictures

Haunted Poker Launches With a Fresh Idea and a $2,000 Freeroll


Reconsidering Mermaids

Naomi Wolf: I had a vision of Jesus

Mary as Our Lady of Hope

Not seeing, but believing

Small Maine town buzzing over Virgin Mary likeness

Witches fight for symbols on gravestones

Group busy stalking Big Thicket Bigfoot

Stalking the Big Thicket Bigfoot

Creepy, weepy stories fill book about odd Ohio

Blue-tinged psychics or just unruly kids?

'Lion house' was bedeviled by a haunting presence

Calvert's Freaks Club researches paranormal activity

Movies, Music, and Teaching About Hidden Animals


Emela-Ntouka: Africa�s Killer of Elephants

Phenomenon of synchronism

Mystery boom rocks local area

Egypt exhibit is work of 'real Indiana Jones'

10 centuries old manuscripts found

Tomb in Rome dates to 1,000 B.C., archaeologists say

A Heretic for Our Times


Stewards of protections

Ears that Breathe and Eight-Toed Feet

The giant's under the magnifying glass

A Real-Life Jurassic Park

History behind the Antiquities Act

Report on burial ground sheds light on slavery

Dog rejects Robodog?

Cokehead Robb's Nazi past
Weil combats bird flu 'paranoia'

Reborn, from hate to faith

Can you buy your way to health?

What Are Healthy Diet Foods?

Weekend Health Buzz


Sunday January 22, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

'Da Vinci Code' the Movie Grants 'Da Vinci Code' the Book Another ...

Gillian's hunt for extraterrestrials over for now

Environmental + Anarchist witch-hunt under way, a very coherent ...

FIVE THINGS: About legendary monsters

Senate vote supports creation bill 17-12

Scientology Specialist

clergyman convicted of heresy by Roman Catholic diocese

Religious Parties Prevail in Iraq Election

Pope's First Encyclical Due

Homosexual Priest Resigns to Protest Vatican Directive

Ex-Priest Is Arrested in Abuse Case

Papal Swiss Guard Mark 509th Anniversary

Pedophile Arrested for Child Pornography

Witness describes mental condition of Geoghan's alleged killer

Hopes Rise for Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue

Was it 'UFO' above our town? ...

I 'romped' With A Six Foot Alien ...

When Cosmologies Collide

Blue Light Sighted in Sea

Cryptozoology: The Murphy File

The mysteries of restored vision

Listing: Alternative Medicine

Acupuncture 'Deactivates Brain'

Eating Fish high in Omega-3 Fatty Acid makes Babies Smarter

A Study of Omega-3 as a Treatment for Major Depression


Saturday January 21, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

MSNBC Article about Kevin Trudeau

ABCNews Nightline: Is Infomercial King a Helper or Huckster?

Kevin Trudeau: Washington Post, Oct 23, 2005

Intelligent Design, road to Theocracy?

How smart is intelligent design?

No intelligent design in �Evolution�

In Lebec, 'Intelligent Design' Class Is History

California School Cuts Intelligent Design from Curriculum

KU's intelligent design course is cancelled

"Intelligent design" debate goes to kids' TV

The mysterium tremendum: How did it all start?

Vatican paper rejects intelligent design

Rome Weighs in (Gently) on Intelligent Design

The Bait and Switch of "Intelligent Design"

Intelligent Design and the Philosophy of Make-Believe

Objectivism in the Culture: A Man of Science Crusades Against ...

Senate Gives First Blessing To Intelligent Design

On intelligent design, etc.

California School Cuts Intelligent Design from Curriculum

Crippling disease sweeps Indian Ocean island

What lurks beneath

6,000 year old find

Archaeologists unearth Calusa artifacts

  Geometry may be hard-wired into brain, study shows

The mysteries of restored vision

La Dama de Elche to come home

China launches belated archaeological rescue

Martian Snow Source of Tropical Glaciers, Research Team Reports

School dig uncovers Roman grave

RMS Titanic, Inc. Enters Into Joint Venture Partnership

Archaeologists plumb depths of ancient spring

Archaeologists find tomb under Roman Forum


Friday January 20,  2006

(posted 8:00 PM ET)

Paranormal weekend materializes

Witches fight for symbols on gravestones

The Da Vinci Controversy

Opus Dei wants adult rating for Da Vinci Code

'Kids can't see Da Vinci code'

Ron Howard Still Mum on 'The Da Vinci Code'

New books will vie for "Da Vinci" gold

Who's the scariest ghost of all?

In goth we trust...

Is There Life After Death?

More horses hurt in knife attacks

Strange customs and curious rituals to find true love

Men exiled during naked walk

Our festivals have religious origins (2)

Mystical, Psychic Strength and Fabulous Emperor impress

Witness describes mental condition of Geoghan's alleged killer

Pedophile Arrested for Child Pornography

Queer Eye For The NAMBLA Guy

New musical focuses on pedophile

Earth's limited supply of metals raises concern

Turkish police capture released pope gunman

Catholic school bans controversial play

Catholic priest, 73, has son by lover, 31

Woman sues serial killer boss for bias

Air America Host Blasts CPAC As "Neo-Nazi" Event

A look at anti-Semitism at the Austin Jewish Film Festival

Fired FDU professor says Nazi ties were an act

Film review: 'Protocols of Zion'


Virus of Anti-semitism

Museum should acknowledge Arab anti-Semitism

Setting the record straight on 'good' fats

Oily fish makes 'babies brainier'

Fish Oil Inhibits Atherosclerosis

Love those low-fat lobsters

Flaxseed: Which is better � ground or whole?

Setting the record straight on 'good' fats

Dr. Weil�s Daily Health Tip

(posted 11:30 AM ET)

Networks to air local pastor's view on 'The Da Vinci Code'

Mysticism & UFO Sightings

Close Encounters with Spooky Past

PC virus celebrates 20th birthday

Military Attack against Iran Now Imminent Blind woman recovers sight after heart attack

Dead whale left outside embassy

Poe's grave has visitor for 57th year in row

Cryptozoology talk at the Natural History Museum

Lancaster Bomber Spotted from Space

Giant Jellyfish Invade Japan

Woman calls �200m electricity bill "unusual"

Black Jesus film preaches politics over religion

What Lurks Beneath - Flesh-Sucking Sex Fiends

Higher Education Fuels Stronger Belief in Ghost

Anti-Semitism, the early warning system

Racism, anti-Semitism drop in France

Anti-Semitism in France sharply decreased in 2005

Venezuela OKs anti-drug pact with U.S.

Antibiotic resistance widespread in nature

Lifeless Particles Talk Themselves Into Evolving


Thursday January 19, 2006

(posted 6:20 PM ET)

Satanic Abuse: Town in Shock

Backmasking: Satan, Marijuana & Cheez Whiz;

Macabre Legends Haunt Home of First Mayor of Pantego

A Chance of a Ghost

The Ghosts of Brooklands

Seen a UFO? You Can Share Your Story

Warrnambool UFO Sighting Just Hot Air

Was it 'UFO' above our town? ...

Raelians offer disgraced stem cell researcher work ...

Clone cult offers job to disgraced scientist ...

Shiamak Davar's encounter with the UFO ...

Psst...Wanna Buy A Star? ...

Spontaneous Human Combustion

Psychic Amanda's TV mind games

Psychic Hipster

Is There Life After Death?

Remote Viewing

Weird Ohio

New Bigfoot Photo!?


Infiltrating Scientology

Tom Cruise kills South Park episode

Man Dies After Dog Falls from Overpass, Hits Car

The Late Pope's Face Appears On Student's Sole

Pics Here; So Eerie, So Freaky;
State rests in trial of Geoghan's alleged killer

Maine Woman to Protect Madonna Image

She Got Game: Our Lady of the Backboard

The Myths & Legends of Holy Cross

Ali Agca Signs Movie Deal

Catholic MP Calls for Constituents to Fight Joffe Bill

Catholic churches lose plea to Vatican

Catholic school board works on head lice

Mike Finger: Conspiracy theories come close to explaining it

Internet has helped to feed America's fascination with conspiracy theory .

Russia must confront its old hatreds

Online music sales tripled in 2005 - survey

Woody Allen smashes one across the net

Black Metal Gets Blacker Reissues

Why Tough Laws Can't Claim Credit for Beating Back Crack

Halloween housebreaker arraigned

Young's launches first ever Heart Health Approved' products

Deadly deep freeze grips Moscow

Dr Weil�s Weekly Health Tip

Simple diet, exercise may prevent ageing


Herbal leaves stand for harmony between man and nature

Satanic Abuse: Town in Shock

Backmasking: Satan, Marijuana & Cheez Whiz;

Macabre Legends Haunt Home of First Mayor of Pantego

A Chance of a Ghost

The Ghosts of Brooklands

Seen a UFO? You Can Share Your Story

Warrnambool UFO Sighting Just Hot Air

Was it 'UFO' above our town? ...

Raelians offer disgraced stem cell researcher work ...

Clone cult offers job to disgraced scientist ...

Shiamak Davar's encounter with the UFO ...

Psst...Wanna Buy A Star? ...

Spontaneous Human Combustion

Psychic Amanda's TV mind games

Psychic Hipster

Is There Life After Death?

Remote Viewing

Weird Ohio

New Bigfoot Photo!?


Infiltrating Scientology

Tom Cruise kills South Park episode

Man Dies After Dog Falls from Overpass, Hits Car

The Late Pope's Face Appears On Student's Sole

Pics Here; So Eerie, So Freaky;
State rests in trial of Geoghan's alleged killer

Maine Woman to Protect Madonna Image

She Got Game: Our Lady of the Backboard

The Myths & Legends of Holy Cross

Ali Agca Signs Movie Deal

Catholic MP Calls for Constituents to Fight Joffe Bill

Catholic churches lose plea to Vatican

Catholic school board works on head lice

Mike Finger: Conspiracy theories come close to explaining it

Internet has helped to feed America's fascination with conspiracy theory .

Russia must confront its old hatreds

Online music sales tripled in 2005 - survey

Woody Allen smashes one across the net

Black Metal Gets Blacker Reissues

Why Tough Laws Can't Claim Credit for Beating Back Crack

Halloween housebreaker arraigned

Young's launches first ever Heart Health Approved' products

Deadly deep freeze grips Moscow

Dr Weil�s Weekly Health Tip

Simple diet, exercise may prevent ageing


Herbal leaves stand for harmony between man and nature

(posted 8:00  AM ET)

Canada Opens Witchcraft School

�Satanist� Universal Church wins again

Anderson Finds Nothing Alien in New Show

A chance of a ghost

Dozens of New Species Found in California National Park Caves

Disgraced Cloning Pioneer Could Keep His Patents

There's Fraud -- And Then There's Fraud

Cuddly Thatcham Hound is 'the Beast of Balbirnie'

Flying Saucer is Out of This World

UFO Over South Cheshire?

World's Biggest Fish Shrinking

20+ New Species Discovered in Cave

Delhi court ban on errant monkeys

Shatner Sells Kidney Stone

Answering the Bigfoot Skeptics - Benjamin Radford of Skeptical Inquirer

Inmate Loses Weight, Escapes

Invention: Flying saucer is out of this world

Yoghurt bacteria produce HIV blocking drug

  Details Thursday of Hell's Angels raid

BNP leader 'claimed Qur'an allows rape of non-Muslims'

Dr Weil�s Daily Health Tip


Wednesday January 18, 2006

(posted 6:oo PM ET)

TV test for psychic

Psychic predicted Lebanese killings

Dealing with demons

Chasing the Gold Hill ghosts

For sale, ghost included

Restaurant For Sale - Ghost Included


A vampire to end corruption?

New course explores the ubiquitous vampire legend

Scientists discover most fertile Irish male  

On crypt's marble, husband sees the face of his late wife

Ye Olde Texas Chupacabras, Chapter 33  

Big Cat Conference

Rare Woodpecker Search Sheds Light on Bigfoot

Man Jailed for Not killing Woman

Chinese Find Underwater 'Lost City' in Lake; 'An Extensive Series of Structures'

Underwater hotel construction to begin next month

No Harrys allowed at Edmonton 'Hogwarts'

Rare Woodpecker Search Sheds Light on Bigfoot

Church of Scientology calls for all Sectors of Society to Unite in ...

As Cruise threatens to sue over gay story-line...

Op-Ed: Humor and the Christian Right, in all Seriousness

The high cost of losing our religion

How the wealth of religious and sexual power packed in the unusual ...

Catholic Church will not be provoked

Catholic church condemns beer company

A made-in-Canada conspiracy theory

Can't argue with a conspiracy theory

Body found in house wall

Bizarre New Testimony At Gay Cannibal Trial


Heavy Metal Documentary 'A Headbanger's Journey' To Hit Theaters

Anti-Zionism IS anti-Semitism pure and simple Anti-Zionism IS anti ...

Jewish community, Moscow police to jointly fight anti-Semitism

"Should Arab Anti-Semitism be on the Agenda of the US Holocaust ...

Fired professor cites neo-Nazi experiment

FOX & Friends Hosts Belittle May Ray Nagin and Reinforce Racial ...

New 'pseudo-scorpion' species found in Calif.

Hamster makes friends with snake

Hit and Run Planets

Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV)

Mormon connection to Masons explored ahead of 'Da Vinci Code' sequel

Landslide reveals big fossil haul

New archaeological museum planned in Rabat

Study Finds Evolution Doesn't Always Favor Bigger Animals

Maritime Museum to gain valuable Nelson funeral sketches

Ancient 'Cyclops' wall collapses

Hanoi's 1,000-year-old citadel to reopen


IdeaSphere to Take Over Weil Supplements Sales

Food for the heart and brain

'Combination diet' can help cholesterol

It's tea time For those who want an alternate brew, the leaves ...

Make powerhouse foods part of new year

(posted 12:00 AM ET)

BTK killer denied exorcism

  "X-Files" Creator Sues Fox

  Druids Sue for Access to Mysterious Circles

Intervyew with the Vampyre

Our Lady of Fatima and the Miracle Candle Dripping Images

Ostracised 'ghost' seeks help to prove he is alive

"Ghost Hunters" Tape Episode In St. Augustine

Wales challenges Da Vinci Code's claim of Holy Grail's resting ...

Hans Zimmer to Score The Da Vinci Code

5 million paper copies of Da Vinci Code due

Fissle-bee the pedophile Clown gets busted!

Pedophile sentenced to four years for assault

Accused pedophile nabbed in Germany

Court hears accused predator offered boys cash and cars

Teacher pedophile jailed

Pedophile Network Creep Jailed

Firmage's `Universe' needs tweaks

Police foil plot to kidnap Tony Blair's son

Druce trial delayed because of illness 


Hundreds Pledge to Lead a Drug Free Life at Community Day in ...

National Catholic Bioethics Center Responds to Supreme Court on ...

Catholic or Buddhist?

Catholic Think-Tank Says No to "Britain Day"

US Catholic Worker Community draws spotlight on Guantanamo

Progress in the Struggle Against Anti-Semitism in Europe: The ...

Spreading Anti-Semitism

Video: Australian diver fights off shark

New plan to permit small brothels

Prostitution plans: Reaction


Tuesday January 17, 2006

(posted  7:10 PM ET)

New UFO Book

Video Records Puzzling Object in Warrnambool Sky

The 1966 Westall UFO Incident

A vampire wants to take over the White House!

Vampire Interviews Politicians

Youth kills mother, grandmother on witchcraft suspicion

Lynching of Benin Wizard

Vampires, Satan and LDDDs could make Canadian elections far more ...

Avalon Moon reflects owner's taste and beliefs

Psychic dinner lady who serves up messages from beyond the grave

New York Psychic Predicts Future for Sarah Michelle Gellar

Britney Spears Shops For A New Religion

Woman $100,000 Poorer After Psychic Scam

Hillary's Quest for Yeti Left Myth Intact

Ostracised 'Ghost' Seeks Help to Prove He Is Alive DPA

Conspiracy or Quack: The Secret War on Iran

Peak Oil, Schmeak Oil

Neo Nazis arrested in UK

Archdiocese, Bishop Fight Over Abuse Cases

'Gay' Adoption Makes Children 'Guinea Pigs in Some Distorted Social Experiment'

Christians, Jews Share Duty to Uphold Moral Law, Pope Says

Anglicans Get Women 'Bishops' Plan

Vatican Rejects Appeals of Boston Parishes

ACLU sues to block NSA domestic spying

Groups sue to stop domestic spying program

Richard Dawkins: damning the religious

Why Are Darwinists So Afraid of Intelligent Design?

Typical Objections to Intelligent Design

IdeaSphere Obtains Exclusive Worldwide** License to Weil ...

Andrew Weil�s magazine lets readers know alternatives

Battling The Blues

The Race to Omega-3s

Seeds Of Wellness: Return Of A Supergrain

Boost your child's brainpower

Take a sweet sip of bubble tea

(posted 9:45 AM ET)

Canada's Late Night Talk Radio Sensation The 'X' Zone Radio Show ...

Black Triangle Synchronicity Strikes Again

Asian Rationalists in Britain Dare Tantriks

Johor Tourism in Malaysia waits for windfall from international ...

Dancing 'Sprites' & 'Elves' Observed Over Israel First Time

�Alien� Embryo Removed From 35-Year-Old Man�s Back

NASA prepares to launch probe to Pluto

I Saw the Green Man's Ghost the Night Romona Bell Died!

Attacked By "Invisible Creatures"

Web site flashes N.M. haunts for the curious ...

Discovery of Ancient Quarry Rewrites HK's Human History

Ghostly Guests: Milton House Holds More Than Artifacts

Mountain Lions Coming Home

Scientists journey towards centre
of the Earth to seek out origins
of life

Neanderthal man floated into Europe

Mystery Fish Comes Ashore in Cayman Islands

Debate over Chinese discovery of America

Help I'm being held Prisoner in a Digibox...

Parrot Attacks, Helps ID Burglary Suspect

Ziggy the indiscreet parrot


Monday January 16, 2006

(posted 10:00PM ET)

Pastor wanted to do exorcism on Wichita's BTK killer

New Disney Yeti Video

Old Bad Yeti Tales

Pastor drowns 31-yr-old miracle seeker

Exorcism was sought for BTK killer

Attacked by "invisible creatures"

Magic Brain

Haunted children chased out of school in exorcism ceremony

The ghostly realities of Moaning Myrtle

Demi film sets scene for tourism

Finland, to Continue My Pursuit of Legends

WILEY HILBURN: Remembering a spooky late-night scenario

Blind woman lets you see the other side

Dark novelist Anne Rice moves toward the light

A news perspective and analysis from cult expert Rick Ross

Pope meets Rome rabbi to discuss anti-Semitism

Islamic group urges Catholic school to move to Muslim faith


Catholic Church consipred to bring down Dr. Hwang

Our Opinion: MLK's dream yet unfulfilled 38 years later

Holocaust denier given 15 months in Czech prison

The Call of the Weird: Travels in American Subcultures

If judge can ban creator from science, what next?

UK: Intensive food production linked to mental ill-health

FDA regulation helps consumer choose fats more wisely

Dr Weils�s Health Tip

(posted 2:20 AM ET)

NAMIBIA: Haunted school exorcised of ghost

Satanist Vandals strike church

UFO cult offers disgraced cloning scientist a job


Festival draws thousands to celebrate creative spirit

Vampire Runs For Governor Of Minnesota

Licensed to trill: The Birdmen of Sawojajar

Twice Bitten: Fangs for your support

Invasion of 'Da Vinci' book clones

Ex-priest tackles Da Vinci Code questions

Da Vinci Code book and film multiply tourists at key sites

Watch the film then take the Da Vinci mystery tour

Kirstie Alley Scientology Did Not Help Wieght Lose

Revealed: plan to hunt Nessie using dolphins

Loch Ness Monster
Man died after ducking flying shrimp

Revealed: plan to hunt Nessie using dolphins

US Navy SEAL's Cryptid Ape Video

Asian Rationalists Challenge Tantriks

Spider nests in ear

Tiny elephant put under the microscope

Tooth marks link Vikings and Indians

Insight into mystery of antlers

Electric light linked to breast cancer

Stem cell experts seek rabbit-human embryo

Drywall Traps Cat

hyperspace plan wins science prize

Pastor is arrested over 'child witch' cruelty claims

Flu virus resistant to 2 drugs, CDC says

Catholic church rebels over gay adoption rights

Tracing reggae's Catholic roots

Judge Cashman sentences pedophile to 60 days

  Geoghan's killer reserves his remarks for reporters, not the jury

Paganism was there before Jesus

No end to debate likely

Other views: ‘Case for a Creator' paves road to God with ...

Crackdown on anti-Semitism

Boca hosts showing of film depicting anti-Semitism on the rise

And Now...Aryan Rap

Why do Americans discriminate against so many?

The Gramsci Theory and American TV Culture

Quantum bits for quantum computation - designing computers that ...

National Bolshevik Activists Attacked

Chavez denounces Catholic cardinal

Asian rationalists in Britain dare tantriks


Kreskin's Predictions for 2006

Area woman pens tales of girlhood ghosts

Learn how to become a ghost hunter

Iran to Hold Conference on the Holocaust (AP)

Whaler harpoon in near-miss with protesters

Dr Weil's Daily Health Tip

"A mystic in me"

Eat wisely for firm skin, healthy heart

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: benefit of green tea


Sunday January 15, 2006

(Religion & Culture Sunday)

US - Skull and Bones, the Elite of the Empire (voltairenet.org)

Ariz. Catholic priest gets 111 years for sex abuse

"Da Vinci Code" -- a Blessing for Opus Dei?

Scientology, The Tuth Is Simple

Michael Corbin Featured in Denver Post Article

Mormon connection to Masons explored ahead of 'Da Vinci Code' ...

British Metal Legends VENOM Confirmed For SWEDEN ROCK FESTIVAL ...

Smile, Bigfoot: Your photo is wanted

Has Bigfoot Made a Cameo Appearance in Any of Your Photos? Submit ...

Feral House: Aleister Crowley And The Ouija Board

Rao officially speaks out on neo-Nazis

Bigotry Monitor: Volume 6, Number 2

Suspected synagogue attacker admits anti-Semitism

Kennedy cousin to remain behind bars

Catholic group to launch youth mentoring program

Pagan's Mind

Inmate viewed himself as savior, investigator says

Former Black Panthers considered terrorists under Patriot Act

You Want to Understand Fanatics? Understand Julius Rosenberg and ...

Immigration Reform: From 'American Dream' to 'Latino Nightmare'

US ambassador visits site of Moscow attack

Russia's growing anti-Semitism

US Neo-Cons Accuse Chavez of Anti-Semitism

That Friday night feeling

Let's just ignore Pat Robertson

Israel reconsiders decision to cut ties with Robertson after ...

Tourism min. may resume deal with Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson Issues Non-Apology

Robertson comments �offensive�

Man kills wife for practising witchcraft

13-year-old could get life for rape

Sacramento �Satan� attorney won't be tried on deadlocked counts

Taped sermons indicate British cleric called for destruction of Jews

FBI captures alleged mob boss

Wie's late round at Sony not exactly a conspiracy theory

Dems are singing looney tunes


Downtown Santa Cruz residents call Halloween stabbing unusual

Pervert, Vampire, Lout. Perfectly Nice Guy, Though.

Religion Figures in Alito Confirmation Hearings

Supreme Court Reinstates Calif. Death Sentence

Muslim Pilgrims Killed in Stampede

FBI Monitored Radiation at Muslim Sites

New Film Recalls Martyred Missionaries

Catholic Bishop Was Sex Abuse Victim

Tiny Elephant Put Under the Microscope

On the Trail of Columbuses; Great Scot! Golf is Chinese?

Past-Life Therapy Pioneer Hazel Denning Dies at 98

Tooth Marks Link Vikings, Indians

Welfare state created Americans who don't want to work

Atheists, agnostics and secular humanists build a community of ...

The poet ancestors and their heirs

Andrew Weil on healthy Aging

Dr Weil�s Daily Health Tip

How green is my tea?


Can Antioxidants Help You Build Muscles?


Saturday January 14, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Calif. Sets Stage for First Intelligent Design Legal Battle

California lawsuit opens new front in battle over 'intelligent ...

A Fault Line for 'Intelligent Design'

School sued over intelligent design

Intelligent design: religion or science?

Ohio must drop fight for intelligent design

In 9-8 vote, state panel retains science rules

Blog Evolution Meets Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design carries more alluring than Darwin�s Theory

Intelligent Design forum features Dembski & FSU prof

Intelligent Design is more persuasive than random chance

Intelligent Design, Gay Clubs Expected to Grab Legislative ...

] Intelligent design lawsuit in Kern County

Only a Theory? Framing the Evolution/Creation Issue

CSICOP Online: Public Opinion about Stem Cell Research

Free Energy and Teleportation

A Mile Under Chesapeake Bay

Stem cell experts seek rabbit-human embryo

Catch a faint phenomenon


Greenwich Point scoured for bits of history

Rare piece of 14th century terracotta found

Seat of Celtic kings is threatened by motorway

Train to antiquity

Ancient remains found in downtown Miami

Concerns grow over state of ancient St Ninians Isle 

Shoppers horrified as dead birds fall from sky in Carlow

Take a day trip to Egypt

Priceless relics a blast from Macedonia's past

ECU will get ring, archaeologist says

Cosmic battle creates Milky-Way sized tunnel

Discovery could solve ancient mystery  

Odyssey Provides HMS Sussex Project Update

De-ghosting The Amityville Horror

Green Tea Supplements for Weight Loss?

The tea industry sees money in green

Kevin Trudeau Calls for Investigation of New York Consumer ...

Omega-3 May Help Special Children

FDA OKs omega-3 heart claims on foods

Omega-3/ADHD expert to visit SA

Doctor claims omega-3 fatty acids can protect women against dry ...

Quebec, Ontario researchers to do study on treating depression ..

Ginkgo Supplements Put To Test

HealthWatch: Jury Still Out On Gingko-Memory Link

Some evangelicals expouse reverse of anti-Semitism

The health benefits of aged garlic extract

Dr. Nicholas Perricone's Top Tips to Lose Weight and Fight ...

15 foods touted as healthful

Doctor Gets Inflamed About Obesity


Friday January 13, 2006

(posted 4:45 PM ET)

Friday the 13th more of a holiday for the hapless

Are You Feeling Lucky Today?

Will The Real Great Satan Please Stand Up?

ODD STUFF: The strange tale of the Caravan and the Flying Saucer

Bone-chilling, blood-draining fun in vampire tour

'Da Vinci Code' steps away from the pack of same old, same olds

Eighth grader shot by SWAT team in Florida

Catch a Faint Phenomenon

China Map Lays Claim to Americas

Has Bigfoot Made a Cameo Appearance in Any of Your Photos?

Insight Into Mystery of Antlers

Sci Fi, Spielberg putting 'Lives' at stake

Extinct Species of "Mosaic" Mammal Found in China

Woman keeps one eyed cat in freezer (+ Pic)

Mystery piano discovered on New Zealand beach

Toxic handshake lands man in jail

Man Aims for New Snake-Kissing Record

Dead Dog Beach

Sweden develops female crash test dummy

Activists angered by flyover at MLK march

SSPX Sees Slow Reconciliation with Rome

Pope Benedict XVI on Iran and China

BART Ads Anger Abortionists

Sr. Lucia's Remains to Be Moved to Fatima

Bishop Backs Bills Allowing Old Abuse Cases

Catholic rebels see slow reconciliation with Rome

Respecting the Authoritaah: South Park vs The Catholic Church

Kenya: Catholic Bishops Launch Letter On Christian Unity

Catholic Bishop's Admission of Childhood Molestation by Priest

Catholic bishops call for quick troop pullout


Chinese Christians flourish in Monmouth

Pastor is arrested after inquiry into claims of cruelty to 'child ...

Donner family cannibalism unlikely - study

Rosenbaum Murder: Coincidence or Conspiracy?

Scientology vs. Science

Scientologist Director Slams Psychiatry

Alley: 'Scientology Couldn't Help Me Lose Weight'

Andrew Morton working on Cruise book


Tom Cruise Markets The Cult Of Scientology


The tumultuous and tawdry travels of Neil

Moon launches peace group in Argentina

Ex-Hell's Angels president pleads guilty to racketeering, drug ...

This Day in Criminal History

Today in History

Dr Weil�s Daily Health tip

Dr. Andrew Weil: Living longer, better

Retirees should take their cues from their cat

(posted 12:05 AM ET)

Is Friday 13 truly bad luck?

FRIDAY 13: Is it really such an unlucky day?

Accident warning on 'fatal Friday'

Near death experiences

Norwegian health center requests exorcism

Clergyman to perform exorcism

Man Arrested Over Witchcraft Child Cruelty

Pastor arrested in London over witchcraft claims

Sci Fi Goes Psychic, Seeks Superheroes

IPC takes Chat psychic spin-off magazine monthly

GMA faces ouster, arrest by own execs, pals�psychic

Woman turned up at own funeral

Blue Lips -- Laughing In The Face of Death

'Impaler' sinks his teeth into governor's race

Water witching with telepathy

Robertson Apologizes for Sharon Remarks (AP)

The Da Vinci Code is everywhere

Eurostar secures Da Vinci Code tie-in

Codebreakers Crack the Da Vinci Code Sequel Mystery

Going way beyond The Da Vinci Code

Secularists Once Again Call For The Suppression Of Knowledge

Vampire seeks Minnesota governor's job

Catholic school board to look at banning casino revenue

Catholic Priests Angered by Condom Law

Secret Vatican Archives Accessible through Internet

Clouds gather over hardline Catholic media

Archbishop George Seeks State Money For Struggling Catholic ...

Catholic school board to look at banning casino revenue

Catholic Bishop Says He Was Sexualy Abused By Clergy

Trial Begins in Slaying of Pedophile Priest

Mental health of pedophile priest's killer main issue at trial

Attempt to ban Jewish organizations is comical - Federation ...

Skinhead Stabbings

Ca. case has local lawyers locked up

The New Dream Team: White Power and Radical Islam

Witness protection bill targets gang intimidation

Helsinki Commission condemns Moscow attack

Skinheads look to clear names

Councils stood out as Patriot pioneers

Worries of Anti-Semitism Spread in Russia

Turmoil after Russian synagogue attack

Synagogue incident a slap in Russia's face � Kantor

New wave of anti-Semitism casts dark clouds across globe

Simon Wiesenthal Center condemns Ch�vez "anti-Semitism"

From debutante to M15 and anti-racist activist

Haunting the Runes

21-year-old indicted in Halloween slaying

Taking license with liberty

Judge gives jail to pedophile sports anchor

Toddler molester gets six months

Attorney Says Pedophile's Light Sentence Sends Disturbing Message

Release of Pope gunman draws criticism

Who's Practicing McCarthyism Now?

Giant Wave Approaching Honduras and Salvador?

Anthropologists, locals differ over footprints found on rocky surface

Ancient map may show Chinese discovered America

Global warming

Archaeologists tour Garamendi Ranch

New archaeological discovery

Snowflake Hunter

From B.C. to Mars


Thursday January 12, 2006

(posted 4:00 PM ET)

Rochdale Victims Demand Apology

'Satanic abuse' victims demand an apology

Satanic abuse: The truth at last

A full stop to the Satanic panic

Satanic panic

Innocent but presumed guilty

Satanic abuse: The truth at last

Lost years of 'Satanic panic' children

'Satanic' killers hope to prove innocence

History of Paganism

  "Spiral Scouts" offer Pagan alternative to boy and girl scouts

  Urban Faith

What is Wicca?

  In Our Time: Witchcraft

Cemetery 'Mecca' for Ghost Hunters

Pensacola Bay Area Groups Haunted By Paranormal

Walsall Factory Ghost Mystery

Doomsday Vault to Avert World Famine

Shrouded in Controversy

�Big Foot' Walked Across Kerala 30,000 Years Ago!

Five-Ton Shower of Aliens

The Red Rain Phenomenon of Kerala & Its Possible ET Origin

Skepticism Greets Claim

Spiritualist Sisters Created Stir in Ohio

Snowflake Hunter Scours the Earth to Study Crystals

'Grand Challenges' Spur Grand Results

Communicating with extraterrestrial civilization -- the z-wave ...

Early man was hunted by birds - researcher

Author Anne Rice buys desert home

Death toll rises to 345 in hajj stampede

John Paul II's would-be assassin released

Guantanamo prison passes 4th anniversary

New Sony label geared toward gay artists

Study: 7 percent of workers drink on job

Climate-change fungus seen wiping out frogs

Eagles Used to Prey On Our Ancestors, Say Scientists

(posted 8:15 AM ET)

When Satan came to town: The Rochdale SRA outbreak

Dr Who fans to hire psychic

St. Michael's Apparition, Earthquake Linked

Reality sets in as family, ghost lose Coast home

Exorcising a ghost

Snowman of the Himalayas

It's just another tall tale

Taiwan breeds green-glowing pigs

Boy, 11, OK After Truck Runs Over His Head

Man breaks leg kicking spider

Man's flaming mouse story questioned

Australian Man Recites 4,400 Digits of Pi

Red Powder Falls Over Chicago 

Fire-starting Hot Spot

Nicu Ceausescu Is Alive - Faked Death With Doubles

Snowman of the Himalayas

Desktop fusion is back on the table

Green Tea and Soy

Gamma-ray burst study

N.M. excavations uncover acequia history

Dogs as good as screening for cancer detection


Irish bog man

Empty holes in a field turn into meteor minin


Wednesday  January 11, 2006

(posted 7: 00 PM ET)

Friday the 13th

Satanist  Lawyer convicted of torturing wife

Eurostar to spearhead The Da Vinci Code tourism campaign as it ...



Judge wants Zim to ease witchcraft law

Allow Witchcraft Says Zimbabwe Judge

Bewitching Ghana's children

Saudi Doctorate Encourages the Murder of Arab Intellectuals

What Was The Red Dust On Cars?

Happy 100th Albert Hofmann

Psychiatrist Calls for End to 30-Year Taboo Over Use of LSD

Glue Sniff Monkeys

The Search for ET

Solving A Sea Serpent Mystery of Heuvelmans

Man Claims to Be Reincarnation of Snake God's Wife

Walker Comes Face to Face with Wild Cat

TheIt's Just Another Tall Tale

Gamma-Ray Burst Study May Rule Out Cosmological Constant New

What Was The Red Dust On Cars?

Snowman of the Himalayas

How Not To Search For Yeti

Good Year on Nessie Trail - Four Sightings!

Franklin County's Wild Crypto Zoo

Redefining Nemo: Transsexualism No Big Deal at Sea

Detroit Catholic bishop says he was molested by priest

Bishop Says He was Molested by Priest

Bishop Says Priest Abused Him as Teenager

Ex-Archbishop Deposed Over Sex Abuse Cases

Vatican Official Expected at Deposition

Alito: 'Open Mind' on Abortion

LA Cathedral Closes Door on Conference

Catholic Church bishops in RP welcome release of late Pope's ...

SINN F�IN: PSNI Colluded With Loyalists Threatening Catholic ...

Ali Agca May Know Too Much

Father Jaguar?

Men Verbally Abuse Catholic Students

NTSB Solves Riddle of Small Plane Crash in '02

Generating extremely powerful electromagnetic flux in a space craft - reverse engineering UFO technologies ...

skinhead who may be a member of an extremist group

Skinhead Get Stabbed at Pennsylvania Punk Show

Nine stabbed in Moscow synagogue

Moscow Synagogue Attacker Identified

Neo-Nazis March in Grodno, Belarus

Pogrom talk

Abramoff: The Deeper Scandal Within

(posted 7:30 AM ET)

National Voodoo Day

Zambia and Witchcraft

Man gives up Elvis collection for true love

Paranormal iinvestigator gets 2 years in jail for threats against Bush, Roto-Rooter ...

IPC takes Chat psychic spin-off magazine monthly

How Old Are India�s Giant Footprints?

Sleuths Seek Messages In Lyrical Backspin

Henan Man Impossible to Photograph

Unexplained Canada

Slapping ghost haunts MP school

Bigfoot where are you?

'Giant footprints prove Bigfoot's existence'

Footprints of giant man found in Kerala

Valley detectives get a psychic boost

Bigfoot: Nothing concrete yet

Woman sat dead at home 2� years

Media Watch: Blue-Eyed Snakes and Old Blobs

Woman Says Vision of Jesus Appeared In Her Home

Bog Man Used Hair Gel

Line not drawn under rogue paint

Dreams do come true

Texas River Mysteriously Turns Reddish Orange

Calf Found Buried Up to Its Nose

Toxic waste creates hermaphrodite Arctic polar bears

Indonesians make ATM sacrifices

Questions about India's Giant Footprints

Cyclops Cat

Mystery Humming Plagues Pensioner

They Man They Couldn't Photograph

Big Brother as ASBO TV

The Healing Machines of Nebraska

St. Michael's Apparition, Earthquake Linked

Promo Pics for Da Vinci Code

Zambia VisitBritain and Eurostar crack The Da Vinci Code

Promo Pics for Da Vinci Code

Judge seeks end of witchcraft curbs

Mother`s death inspired orphan Harry Potter: Rowling


Tuesday January 10, 2006

(posted 6:00 PM ET)

Cells That Read Minds

Pagan who is also into dominance takes Vancouver police to rights ...

Exorcising a ghost

Halloween shooting victim remains in grave shape

Braunstein's Lawyer Seeks Gag Order in Halloween Sex Attack Case

Live: Howard Stern Loves Finnish Black Metal

ENSLAVED Guitarist: 'I Never Trust Classifications, Only My Ears' ...

Symbols on the Wall Push Maya Writing Back by Years

Shaking Faith in 'Scientific' Standards

Woman Sat Dead at Home 2� Years

Lion attacks on rise in Tanzania, Mozambique

Lawyer Says Pope Gunman Might Avoid Army (AP)

TANZANIA: Roman Catholic bishops oppose teaching of condom use

Catholic Council of India grows with new identity

Ontario Bishops Conference Tells Catholic Voters to Learn ...

Catholic Worker begins house hunt

Dozens Of Catholic Missionaries Killed Worldwide

Levada Testifies in Sex Abuse Case

What the Pope Said to the Diplomatic Corps

Pope Speaks on Ecumenical Dialogue

Serbian neo-Nazi group members indicted for inciting hatred

Police investigate skinhead claim

Man linked to riot denies making illegal purchases

North Toledo Bar Will Not Rebuild After neo-Nazi Riot

The father of Indian nuclear bomb

Hit the spa and get a relaxing bone scan

Spas team with MDs to heal inside and out

(posted 12:30 PM ET)

Recent article glorifies Satanism

'Da Vinci Code' paperback due in March

No end to Mozart's skull mystery

Woman Who Died In 2003 Left in front Of TV

Senior Govt Officials Debated How to Protect Nessie From Poachers

Bad News for CoelacanthBigfoot Hunt Turns Tragic

New Article in Wikipedia: "Multi-Headed Animals"

Police work as magicians

Media Watch: Blue-Eyed Snakes and Old Blobs

Woman Says Vision of Jesus Appeared In Her Home

'Pray for peace'

Exorcists live among us

For Whitehall, protecting Nessie wasn't such a monstrous idea

Claims Of Bigfoot Sightings Excite S'poreans

Home of wild man shuns tourists for recovery

Ghost stories close to home

Another `thylacine' sighted

Strange Airplanes Appeared in the Sky of the Bohai Sea

Bigfoot Tourism in Malaysia Halted

Bank robber wears demon mask, holds up Edina bank

The outsourcing of evil


Loch Ness monster a protected species

When the autogyros inventor landed in Malta

Scientific atheism is just another kind of religion

Bigfoot where are you?

Catholic Church bishops remember Sir William

Bermuda Triangle of our Galaxy

C.T. Revere:

Some strange things happen

Pearl of a place

Ancient coins unearthed in Shaanxi


Paleontologist's enthusiasm

A South Arabian pantheon

Monster mash is out of this world

The Origin of Life? All in a Day's Work

6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Greece

Forget Diet Pills, Try Oatmeal

The red rain phenomenon of Kerala and its possible extraterrestrial origin

Skepticism greets claim of possible alien microbes

Next Generation of Gravitational, Quantum, Magnetic Physics


Monday January 9, 2006

(posted 3:00 PM ET)

Blazing mouse sets fire to house

More rings found around Uranus

Mokele-mbembe's Rev. Eugene Thomas diesm

Some of nation's best libraries have books bound in human skin

Nazis and the Search for the Yeti 

Ice falls from sky, puts hole in barn roof

Mysterious Horse Deaths Raise Theories About UFOs

Beauty and the beast: 6-6-6 a popular wedding date in the Netherlands

On this beach, 700,000 years ago ...

Fossil find sparks new interest in dodos

Shaking faith in 'scientific' standards

Ghost Hunt

Elves and Fairies

Huston Smith: fence around faith

CRIMINALIZING CHRISTIANITY: How America's founding religion is becoming illegal

"Christianity and the American Commonwealth "

State-imposed atheism

Does atheism require more faith?

Scientific integrity and the gospel of Christ

Atheism in the GOP?

Theistic revolution

The Daily Dose: Dawkins on evolution, atheism and altruism

Keeping Church and State apart

"Jesus vs. Darwin," Points 1 and 2

Anne Rice: A dark novelist with a bright ending

Narnia moves from big screen to sermon

It's slow going for Matt Hale's appeal

Neo-Nazis attack Vietnamese in east Germany

German court convicts five Neo-Nazis members

Neo-Nazis Spreading Message and Recruiting Through Music

Police arrest Toledoan linked to neo-Nazi riot

Neo-Nazis want an on-campus debate with reformed member

Serbian neo-Nazi group members indicted

Under Coordinated Domestic Counter Insurgency

Cops: Drug-Addled Teacher Found God

Weil�s book offers �integrative medicine� advice

Products that promise to keep you healthy on planes

What would the Magi do?

Dr. Andrew Weil Says Americans Are Obsessed with Youth

Trip into black hole takes 200,000 years

(posted 12:05 AM ET)

Dawkins: Religion equals 'child abuse'

Voodoo Doll Found In Town Hall Roils Clerk

Exorcists live among us, but they prefer to keep a low profile

Nazis and the Search for Yeti

The Dump Creature: What Was It?

Yes Minister, we'll save Nessie from the poachers

Many of our traditions have pagan roots

Report: Man who shot John Paul II to be freed

Catholic teachings 'irrelevant'

Monster Mash Is Out of This World

Art Outsider�s Legacy Comes Back to Nebraska

Sell a House with a S�ance or a Saint

Mysterious Cow Devours Woman

The Occult Tradition

Godincidence Tells Amazing Stories

Getting Desperate Down Under

666: A Bible Mystery Decoded

Punters invoking spirits at grave


"Hungry" Ghosts Keep Tourists From Tsunami-Hit Resorts

Haunted house story lives on

The Gold Mine Hotel

Founder peddles belief in 'ancient healing'

Johor Bigfoot

Foreign 'Bigfoot' accounts

Bigfoot Hunt Turns Tragic on Brush Mountain, Pennsylvania

6.9 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles Greece

Forget Diet Pills, Try Oatmeal

The red rain phenomenon of Kerala and its possible extraterrestrial origin

Skepticism greets claim of possible alien microbes

Next Generation of Gravitational, Quantum, Magnetic Physics

Dinosaur fish pushed to the brink by deep-sea trawlers

India's moon mission likely by 2008

Shipwreck mystery: Diver won't quit quest for truth

Race to save first kingdoms in Africa from dam waters

Work continues on artifacts believed to have come from Blackbeard

Mummy returned

Unearthing surprises

Meet the archeologists

Hands off our Marbles

Intriguing history wraps ancient blanket

Embryo Burial Discovered in Burnt City, Iran

Jiroft, important trade center in ancient Iran

Golden boy

Archaeological excavation hints at pre-historic temple ruins

Bog bodies buried at boundaries

Small earthquake felt in northeast Ohio

Nation plagued by billions of flies


Sunday January 8, 2006

(Religion & Culture)

Satanic abuse scandal kids take action

Council could face massive false Satanic abuse damages bill

Mystery Bang Causes Alarm in Coastal Communities  

Ramona Bell, wife of radio talk show host, dies at 47

Odd's newest thriller

Hidden meanings, modern leanings

Nearly 100, LSD's Father Ponders His 'Problem Child'

The Last Remnant of the Soul

Native Indian Crop Circle Account from 1912

Bigfoot Hunt Turns Tragic on Brush Mountain, Pennsylvania

An Interview With UFO Phil

'I've got to think it's UFOs' ...

Camping Trip Leaves Man Dead

Conferred remote reviewing award

There's just no explaining it!

What Next for Israel?

Three-Day Feast Follows Hajj to Mecca

Portland Archdiocese Blocked from Shielding Assets

Orthodox Patriarch Visits U.S.

Kashmir Confronts Harsh Winter and Dire Consequences of Quake

Church cool on Da Vinci Code film

Orthodox and Roman Catholic leaders tour flood-stricken area

After 400 years, our man in Rome is a Catholic

Archdiocese of Boston Settlement Offer Criticized by Victims, Lawyers

Catholic expert says Europe needs re-evangelization

L.A. Archdiocese in Abuse Settlement Talks

Talks on Sex Abuse by Priests Restarted

Germans Flock to See Silent Monks

Traditionalists Unite Against Blasphemy

Priest Leaves for 'Loving Relationship'

What The Pentagon Plane Conspiracy Theories Tell Us About Public ...


Saturday January 7, 2006

(Alternative Science Saturday)

Police: Man Claims To Be Satan, Threatens Officer

Information sought on Satantic sex assault decades old

Satan cast into depths of hell county jail

Deaths linked to witchcraft

`Fake firefighter' pleads innocent in sadistic Halloween attack

Report: Bomber kills 5 in Chinese court

Evo-devo next big thing, not intelligent design

Calif. school offers intelligent design

Perry favors ID in science class

California high school class pits evolution against religion

Attorney: Despite Dover Ruling, Intelligent Design Won't Go Away

"Intelligent design" policy rescinded

Intelligent Design is Empirically Testable and Makes Predictions

Forcing religion into science classes is not very intelligent

Odd Powder Descends On Cars

Eine kleine skull-musik . . .

Archaeologists Bring Egyptian Excavation to the Web

FSU prof, students dig European prehistory

Exhibit peeks at Hohokam ruins

Earliest Mayan writing found beneath pyramid

China set to salvage ancient ship

Artifical Societies

Viking project secures funding

Shipwrecks conference approaches quarter-century

Info on new (Mexican) Imperial Woodpecker sightings

Earthquake Lists

Bacteria Thrive in Hostile Human Bellies

What Stinks in South Haven?

Monkey News

Deep-sea fish being driven to extinction

Creationists claim fossils refute science

Canals hint at Peruvians' ancient roots

'Mysteries of Peru' lecture today

'New World' shows off a new Jamestown

Ancient village discovery raises questions

Cave art: men and women each did their own thing

Treasures of Cyprus found in friend's attic

Aerial photos showcase Hohokam ruins in 1930

Archaeological Dig Unearths Hopes for a Civil War Museum

 Friday January 6, 2006

(posted 9:30 PM  ET)

Some verdicts in Hamlin case remain sealed while jury continues ...

Ex-skinhead seeks path of redemption

Oneida Iroquois Folklore, Myth & History

Norwegian Who Hunted Bigfoot For Over 20 Years

7 Black Metal S'poreans held overnight by KL police       

Da Vinci Code Movie Screenshot Photos

Will The Da Vinci Code Open at the Louvre?

Da Vinci Code pimped at CES

Ex-MC, LP priest leaves Catholic Church amid sex allegations

The Catholic Church And Wrong-Doings

Catholic gambling on board agenda

Catholic priest expelled and pressure on Baptists mounts

Mecca Death Toll Rises to 76 (AP)

New mosque plans cause tension in Boston

(posted 8:00 AM ET)

Satanic Catholic priest has trial hearing

Satanist Flasher Busted

Reward Offered For Information on Satanic Church Vandals

Secret grave discovered on cult grounds

Halloween attack suspect: 'Not guilty'

Big Foot sighting a shoe-in for tourism

Sasquatch may have a Malaysian cousin

On the Trail of Johor's Bigfoot: What Is It?

Iran leader's messianic end-times mission

Germans flock to see silent monks

Second chord sounds in world's longest lasting concert

White Hyena Spotted at Golf Range

Mayan writing found beneath pyramid

Obsessed tourist 'marries' Israeli dolphin; 'I'm not a pervert'

New Fish Genus Found

Washington's 'Flower Fairy' Alive and Well

How Would You Like Your Guinea Pig?

Around the universe in 80 days

Navy's Insurgent-Predicting Software

America's Still Going Cryptozoology Crazy

Trial bid to stop belching cows

Cave art: men and women each did their own thing

Birds born with song in their head


Thursday January 5, 2006

(posted 10:00 PM ET)

Controversial Indian Film Claims Jesus Came to India

The Da Vinci Code - The first Movie Photos !

Da Vinci Code movie might premiere at Louvre

UFO Issue 14

2005: Big Year for Primates & Primatologists;

After the festivities, a glimpse of eternity

Manutius Press Issues Two Rare Books by Allen Greenfield

Malaysian Fans Defend Black Metal - Jan. 4, 2006

Rock Like an Egyptian

Catholic Church goes on TV with own station

Catholic, independent schools top TEE

Extreme Catholic and Fatima movements must be stopped

Prominent US Priest Accuses Senate Democrats of Anti-Catholic ...

Established in 1844: America's Oldest Catholic Newspaper In ...

Married Deacon To Become Catholic Priest In Del.

TV Psychic Misses Mark on Miners

The �25 'Secret of Riches' a Worthless Tin Pendant & Other Scams

Are Aliens Watching Us?

Creationists Claim Fossils Refute Science

2006 British Big Cats Conference

Mysterious Horse Deaths Raise Theories About UFOs

Coincidence or Jinx?

JFK assassination 'was Cuba plot'

Can we bring back a long-extinct animal?

Free alcohol makes homeless safer and healthier

Artist chains feet together in desert to draw them, but loses the key

Mystery of Mozart's skull nears solution

Water Witching with Telepathy

Long Island's weird attractions

Montreal hosts the 107th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America

Two-headed snake up for sale - for �85,000

Earthquake hits Gulf of California

Healing Power of Healthy Food

Over 770-year-old porcelain unearthed in N. China

Was 2005 the year of natural disasters?

Nanotechnology: holy grail or grey goo?

Japanese researchers find new genus of fish in Cambodia lake

Opening reception for shipwreck exhibit

Doom from the sky

Apollo Chronicles: Strange Shadows on the Moon

Archaeology Dig Yields 17th Century Artifacts

Archaeologist unlocking mysteries of Jamestown

Byzantine underground city and cistern unearthed in Talas

Treasure ship to reveal its secrets after 800 years

Artifacts could be key to Blackbeard mystery

Writer digs up the Bible's ancient sites

(posted 1:15 PM ET)


'Da Vinci Code' draws droves to the Louvre


Da Vinci Code bug hits Cessnock City

Rainbow Valley flying saucer gently moved to new home ...

Witches' brew-hahas ...

'Swami Watkins' predicts the future ...

The Weekly Probe -- Issue 19 ...

Two headed snake up for auction

2006: a street oddity

Boar war begins

Toddler's Talking Elmo Book Asks 'Who Wants To Die?'

Religion loses out to belief in paranormal

Long Island's weird attractions

U.S. Air Force's Space War Game

The wronged trousers, and other scams

New Mammal Named After Chocolate Giant

Moles discover Roman villa

Study: PC cripples policy-making in Britain

Minutemen associated with Keith Gilbert

Lawmakers seek to end limits on church liability

Spreading the Catholic faith by airwaves

US pro-life leader sees anti-Catholic strategy in Supreme Court ...

Catholic radio played influential role in Polish elections

A Pastor's Voice at Christmas

Priest Ordered to Prove Christ's Existence

Catholic Named 'Professor of the Year'

Vandals Strike at Latin Mass Order

Catholic Apostolate Announces Launching of New Media Website

German State to Question Immigrants

Nun Uses Buddhism to Enrich Catholicism

How cats scare off perceived enemies

Third European Nation May Have CIA Prisons (AP)


Wednesday January 4, 2006

(posted 3:15 PM ET)

Rush for 6/6/6 weddings

Haunted Places in Illinois

Reincarnation stories

Johor's Bigfoot - Remnants Of Pre-Historic Apes?

'They can't all be hoaxes'

Media Madness: Malaysian Bigfoot Flap

Trail of the Hound of the Baskervilles may lead to a Yorkshire moor

Witches' brew-hahas

Derek the TV medium at large

Tim the Yowie Man's top Yowie hunting tips for summer

'Weird Illinois'

Psychic 'finds' stolen dogs

Pathway improved to ancient well

Ginger Spice hires psychic to predict baby's future!

Private investigators work for free to find missing student

Gwyneth Paltrow calls in exorcist

Chinese firm accused of bias for hiring only those born in 'dog year'

Legends of Castles and Keeps

Long Island's weird attractions

Sasquatch search takes a big foot forward

Gwyneth's haunted house


Legends of Castles & Keeps

Psychic 'Finds' Stolen Dogs

Montreal hosts the 107th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America

Two-headed snake up for sale - for �85,000

Earthquake hits Gulf of California

Healing Power of Healthy Food

Over 770-year-old porcelain unearthed in N. China

Was 2005 the year of natural disasters?

Nanotechnology: holy grail or grey goo?

Japanese researchers find new genus of fish in Cambodia lake

Opening reception for shipwreck exhibit

Doom from the sky

( posted 4:09 AM ET)

Satanist vandals strike at Catholic Latin mass order

Satanist suspect remanded

Four held for suspected involvement in Black Metal culture ...

Should MAYHEM Be Allowed To Perform In Singapore? - Jan. 2, 2006

'Black Metal' Concert Raid: Organisers did not have any permit ...

Malaysian police free three youths detained at "Black Metal" ...

Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away

The exorcism of Emily's nose

Louvre: Thanks, 'Da Vinci Code'

Paranormal program host facing assault charge

Energising the Quest for 'Big Theory'

Boston Archdiocese sex abuse settlement rejected

Court to Rule on Time Limits in Priest Sex-Abuse Suits

Sisters of Mercy to offer grants for peace work

UK's Catholic Church to take action against LTTE activities

Group develops an identity outside Catholic Church

Nasa team sees explosion on Moon

Energising the quest for 'big theory'

Moles discover Roman villa

Major earthquake hits South Pacific near Fiji

Tornadoes Hit Parts of Eastern U.S.

Evidence Found for Canals That Watered Ancient Peru

Major Bronze Age tool discovery


Tuesday January 3, 2006

(posted 5:45 PM ET)

Occultism in African Governance

Radio show focuses on the paranormal

Ghost Hunt

Rhode Island legalizes medical marijuana

Energising the Quest for 'Big Theory'

Long Island's Weird Attractions

Mandrake: 'Generation Hex' Review

Sasquatch search takes a big foot forward

Gwyneth's haunted house


Underground amazement awaits at Cosmic Cavern

Famed African-American cryptozoologist Herman Regusters dies

Nasa team sees explosion on Moon

Energising the quest for 'big theory'

Moles discover Roman villa

Major earthquake hits South Pacific near Fiji

Tornadoes Hit Parts of Eastern U.S.

Evidence Found for Canals That Watered Ancient Peru

Major Bronze Age tool discovery

Rocks of ages

The majestic standing stones of Callanish

Israel denies Temple Mount excavation

Downpours head to Southern California

7.3 Quake Occurs East of the South Sandwich Islands

US air strike hits Iraqi family

Abramoff: The House That Jack Built

Famous Rock Star Faces 26 Year Prison Sentence

Autism on the rise because of vaccines

Thugs set upon man wearing Santa costume

Top rabbi's son jailed for kidnap

Iran Ready To Host 'Human Rights' Conference

Act of hatred or just an act?

German media: U.S. prepares Iran strike

The vampire queen gives voice to Jesus

(posted 11:20 M ET)\

Martian Robot Army

Anatomy of UFO propagation

Mystery Spot solved?

Did a curse do in the Griffon? Or perhaps a storm sank it

"Ghosts at Sea"

ghost busting machine

Partial Ingredients for DNA, Protein Found Around Star

An Explosion on the Moon

Happy Festival of Drunkenness

Out of ....Asia?

Church's settlement offer riles lawyers

Italian judge orders priest to prove that Jesus exists

Village Idiot

A fun day out for all the creationists

'Mumler's Ghost' author profiles spiritual imager

Pricey coffee good to the last dropping

'My mommy, the spy,' couple outed by 5-year-old son

Bank robber turned in by sons is sentenced

Why yes, I'm familiar with that model..

Animal stories win harebrained prize for 2005

Beef thief pleads guilty

End-of-year weddings boom

Cheerleading injuries more than double

Aquarium to sell two-headed snake


Monday January 2, 2006

(posted 1:00 PM ET)

Psychic's view of Scotland in 2006

Strange Tales 3: Which Story is False?

The Quest for Immortality

Scientists Find Mass Dodo Grave

Mount St. Helens' Lava Astounds Scientists

Ancient Egyptians Held Dwarves in High Esteem

British woman weds dolphin

Rowdy air passenger ditched on remote island

Policeman 'goosed' over gnome prank

Authorities hunt for bigfoot in Malayasia

Fishy suprise comes down chimney  

US Teen Runs Away To Iraq

The year in perverse

Strange Items in Drains: Cannon Shell, Cat

Massive Crack Opens In Earth In Texas

Whatever Happened To ...?

Love may find a way if crawler keeps his nose to the ground

Communion Twenty Years On

Prof Honored for Solving Old Math Problem (Kato's Conjecture)

E.T. Drive Home

Hackers Rebel Against Spy Cams

NSA just one of many federal agencies spying on Americans

Symbol Anticipates a Breakout Year for RFID

New "I love the Police State" TV Show to broadcast on A&E

German says Zarqawi behind her abduction
The Liturgy Under Benedict

Archdiocese Dealt Blow in Asset Dispute

E.T. drive home ...

 Secret alien extraterrestrial communication related to 2012? ...

Talkback: Readers continue to comment on intelligent design ...

Mars Rovers Robust Robots ...

2005: The year in astronomy ...

(posted 12:05 AM ET)

Devilish visions, what nuns wear

Paris Via `Da Vinci Code'

Satan's Micro Minions

Cat called 911 to help ill owner, police say

'Bigfoot' fever grips Malaysian rainforest


One Bigfoot, one big footprint

Villagers' close encounter with Bigfoot

Hidden Learnings

'Bigfoot' Fever Grips Malaysian Rainforest

Brothers confess to killing 'witch' grandpa

Cryptozoologists Who Died in 2005


Green Warty Things and The Green Warty Man


Whether science or sorcery, astrology influenced history



Mystery Spot solved?

Halloween rape victim left tied to satellite dish

Anne Rice leaves vampires behind

UN General Assembly Now Has Resolution To Establish United Nations ...

Seeing pink: Flamingos have made themselves at home of the Yucatan ...

Catholics hope to get in on religious radio boom

Cardinal condemns 'gay weddings'

Catholics hope to get in on religious radio boom

Foreign students living in fear as skinhead gangs murder again

Forging a New Path of Scientific Research

Who Are You Calling Trashy & Sensationalist?

In Search of Ancient Earthquakes

Construction on Asia's Largest Marine Museum Begins in South China

Revising Earth's Early History

Slowing Planet Affords Us an Extra Second

High-tech gear fails to find fort

An intriguing way to look at history

Forging a new path of scientific research

Whether science or sorcery, astrology influenced history

Life chemicals found in disk 375 light-years away from Earth

Local historian aids 'Battlefield Detectives'

Time Machine

Romans developed calendar we use today

Search on for Reformation

Skeletons dating back 3,800 years throw light on evolution

History uncovered as water level falls

The Enigma Of Sleep


Sunday January 1, 2006

(Happy New Year!)

The Occult Tradition by David S Katz

Pagan scouting group takes root

Anti-Christian Jeans Are a Trend in Sweden

How Rosslyn Coped with Da Vinci

UFO in Zambo? ...

KGB's Secret UFO Files Finally Made Public ...

Mystery lingers from woman's 1812 disappearance at sea

Nalzaro: Predictions and prophesies

Lebanese jitters silence renowned psychic

'Giant asteroid to hit earth in 2006'

Uri shows his artistic bent

Did a curse do in the Griffon

Bigfoot Living in Oklahoma Park?


Hidden leanings

American Hajj Pilgrims Offered Civil Rights Assistance

Simmer down and listen up, Christians

"God is Dead," Now We'll Create Our Global Village -or- Why ...

Faith: Reverence for nature is central to Wicca

Go-Go Crypto Hominid

Doctors, Spiritualist Remove Mystery Nail from Woman�s Head

Mount St. Helens' Lava Baffles Scientists

2005: The year in environment

Hurricane Season Not Done Quite Yet

The story of mapping time in ancient world

Ancient invertebrates fossil discovered at E. China temple

Could we be God's chosen people?

Menorah Protest in Washington

New Mammal Named After Chocolate Giant


Ancients Rang In New Year with Dance, Beer

'Giant asteroid to hit earth in 2006'

American Hajj Pilgrims Offered Civil Rights Assistance

Sphinx Article Archive

(Articles Archived Monthly)



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