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Title Picture: A Reunion


  Writers...Sarah, James, Rachel

A Reunion



Chapter 1

The Doctor was standing by the fence watching the Onreba Racing on Tarshish Five. He had, had a flutter on the races and one several Goltars (the Tarshishan currency). The Tarshishan's were currently at the same level of technology as early 20th centaury earth. While he was observing the race a young boy came up to him tugged the bottom of the Doctor's jacket and asked, "Are you the Doctor, sir?" 

"Yes I am called the Doctor, why do you wish to know?" 

"Then I'm to give you this, sir," said the blue skinned boy handing the Doctor a thick manila envelope. There was a wax seal on the back. The Doctor looked up the young boy was staring at him expectantly. 

"What do you want?" 

"Please, sir. I was told I would get a Goltar for delivering the envelope," 

The Doctor sighed reached into his pocket and pulled out a Goltar and gave the boy the coin "now go!" he shouted and the boy went running off.

The Doctor broke the seal and opened the envelope. Inside there was an invitation printed on expensive cartridge paper written in elaborate gold calligraphy. It read something like: The Doctor is invited to a school reunion. It will be held on the Lotane Moon in the Ressain quadrant.

Strange thought the Doctor. What would be the point of a reunion? Half the students he had been with at the academy would not attend, but he was never the one to turn down Free food and drink. The Doctor walked back to where he had hidden the TARDIS. He walked through the doors and up to the central console. He began to press the buttons and the TARDIS made the its familiar sounds as it traveled on its way.

[On Lotane Moon]

It was fortunate that the moon had a breathable atmosphere. Even though its surface was grey barren and windswept. It looked like several people had arrived before before him, and there in the center was a TARDIS but it looked like a large cave. On outside was a large sign saying, 'Academy Reunion here'. The Doctor presumed that that must be where he must go. He walked into the mouth of the cave and once he had crossed the threshold he found himself in a large spacious hall. It was decorated in the regency style, with a large banner hanging above a table set out with party food and drinks. As he looked around the Doctor noticed that so far he seemed to be the only male guest present. The Doctor had a sinking feeling as he realised who the other guests were. They were all his Ex girlfriends. He swallowed hard his throat felt dry and he suddenly felt very self conscious.

As he scanned the room the Doctor could see the faces of those assembled. He noticed that The General, Electra was making her way towards him. 

"Ah Doctor, How nice of you to grace this gathering with your presence." 

"The feeling is mutual." 

"I am sure it is, but may I direct your attention to the young lady standing by the table," said Electra pointing to the only person in the room who the Doctor didn't recognise. The girl appeared to be younger than the others assembled. She had long brown hair that came down to her waist. She was wearing a lime green dress with yellow flowers printed on it. She also wore a pendant, a locket which was in the shape of a dragonfly. 

"And why might I ask is this girl so important?" 

Electra let out a laugh, "If you speak to her you may find out for yourself," she replied walking off to speak to one of the other guests.

The Doctor walked over to the girl as he was curios to find out who she was. Electra's reaction had made him suspicious. "Hello," he said. 

"Hello. Who are you?" asked the girl. 

"I am the Doctor," he replied, giving an elegant bow.

 "Oh! so your the Doctor. My names Saffron, I'm your daughter," she stated, smiling pleasantly.

Chapter 2

The Doctor looked like he’d just been told he was to become the next Cyber Controller. “My daughter?” he said, as if he wasn’t sure what a daughter was.

“Yes,” replied Saffron. I’ve waited such a long time to meet you, Father. May I call you Father?”

“I’m a father,” said the Doctor, almost to himself. “I’ve got a child.”

“Yes. Me. But don’t worry. You don’t have to feed me or bath me or tell me long bedtime stories about how you prevented the Black Guardian from capturing the Key to Time or how you stopped Scaroth from altering the course of history. My mother told me all those.”

The Doctor stared at Saffron and said, as if comprehending for the first time, “You’re my daughter.”

By now the assembled crowd of women had fallen silent. Elektra decided to lend a hand. Walking over to the Doctor and Saffron she said, “Yes she is. And a credit to you she is too, Doctor.”

The Doctor continued to stare at the longhaired girl. Those standing close to the Doctor were later to say that they saw him trembling slightly. It amused Elektra to think that the Doctor could face the sudden appearance of 50 Daleks without batting an eyelid, yet faced with meeting his own flesh and blood for the first time his legs turned to jelly.

Suddenly over 700 years of suppressing his feelings in public were swept aside. He grabbed hold of Saffron, lifted her up and held her tight. He hugged her so hard that Saffron felt he was going to squeeze all the life out of her but she didn’t complain. When, after about a minute, he finally put her down she immediately put her arms around his neck and hugged him again. There were tears in both their eyes when they finally parted.

“Oh my dear,” said the Doctor, “I don’t know what to say. I’ve got a family. My own child. It’s just, just, just wonderful. A daughter. A grown-up daughter. Are you sure you don’t want to hear any stories. I bet I know some that your mother hasn’t told you. Do you know about the time when I was charged with murdering the President on Gallifrey? Or when I had to face the Abominable Snowmen in Tibet? Or the occasion when…”

The Doctor suddenly stopped. A thought had occurred to him. Her mother. Who was her mother? He looked around at the assembled party. Any one of the women in this room could be Saffron’s mother. But then again, they couldn’t. Saffron was still fairly young. He could eliminate most of the crowd fairly easily. Goodness me, he’d had a few lovers over the last 700 years or so, hadn’t he. He spotted the countess of Ulna. He had last seen her over 500 years ago so she was out of the running. He also imagined that the Aztec lady Cameca was past childbearing age when he had briefly known her. Sarah Jane Smith, well here he wasn’t sure. He was a little alarmed to see Queen Thalira in the crowd. He had hoped that Sarah Jane would not find out about his royal affair during his second visit to Peladon.

The Doctor suddenly turned to face his new found daughter again. “How old are you?” he asked.

“I’m 22,” she replied. 22 years old. This could only mean one thing.

“Romana,” he said softly. Lady Romanadvoratrelundar duly stepped forward.

“Hello Doctor.”

The Doctor looked at his fellow Gallifreyan and former companion. “Oh, Romana, why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t know when I said goodbye to you,” replied the Time Lady.

“But you could have told me afterwards,” protested the Doctor. “You could have contacted me using the Gateway. I would have come back to E-Space. I was prepared to do it for Adric, do you think I wouldn’t have done it for my own daughter? I’ve missed the first 22 years of her life.”

Romana came over and stood by her daughter. “Be honest with me, Doctor. Do you really think you would have wanted to play happy families? I wouldn’t have let you expose our child to all the dangers we faced in our travels in the TARDIS. You’d have been stuck on one planet in one time zone. You always told me how you hated being exiled on the Earth following your trial. How you spent every spare moment trying to escape from the Time Lords’ sentence. I didn’t want you to hate your daughter for tying you down.”

“Well,” said the Doctor, “Well, I don’t know really.”

 Romana put her arm around Saffron. “You’re a wanderer, Doctor. The Universe is your home.” The Doctor did not reply. He could not deny the truth of her words. Romana continued. “I was happy to settle down to raise my daughter, which has the been the greatest experience in my life. She’s been an absolute joy to raise. Even if it did take an age to potty train her.”

“Mother!” exclaimed Saffron. The Doctor smiled. The ability of parents to embarrass their children was universal.

 “Well, I wish all my days contained surprises like these,” he said.

 “Oh, the surprises haven’t finished yet, Father,” said Saffron.

“No? Am I father to a litter of baby Silurians as well?”

Elektra laughed. “Miss Smith, Miss Todd, bring round the glasses please.” Sarah Jayne and Todd disappeared and a couple of minutes later they were handing out glasses of the finest Gallifreyan Vintage 76 to the assembled party. Elektra spoke in a loud voice, “a toast everyone. To the Doctor, Romana and Saffron. Long life to them all by the grace of Rassilon.”

Everyone repeated the toast and raised their glasses. The Doctor watched Saffron drain her glass in seconds and wondered whether his daughter was a little too accustomed to the taste of alcohol. He made a mental note to speak to Romana about Saffron’s drinking, then realized what he was doing: he was considering trying to control his daughter’s life in a manner totally inappropriate for a woman of her age. You can adopt the worst traits of fatherhood far too quickly, he thought. Dismissing the thought he enquired, “and what’s this other surprise, then?”

Everyone was silent for a moment and then Saffron took a step forward.

“Well,” she began, “I’ve wanted to meet you, Father, for many, many years but there’s a particular reason why I wanted to see you now.”

It’s money, thought the Doctor, his daughter wanted 22 years of back payments of maintenance in the form of a lump sum to allow her to take a gap year exploring the far planets of the galaxy before starting at the Academy. He wondered how healthy his balance at the First Galactic Bank was at this moment in time. Maybe he would have to nip forward a few hundred years in time to build up the compound interest.

“And what reason is that?” he asked.

Saffron looked around for a moment, then looked briefly at the floor, before she looked up at the Doctor and said, “I wanted my child to know his grandfather. Or her grandfather.”

“Your child?”

 “Yes.” Saffron patted her midriff. “I’m going to have a baby.”

 The Doctor looked down at his daughter’s body for a moment. She appeared to be showing no signs of pregnancy. “I wouldn’t have guessed.”

“I’ve only found out recently myself. Mother’s already started knitting bootees.”

“Well,” said the Doctor, “I don’t know what to say.” He could not remember being speechless twice in the same day before.

 “Try congratulations,” suggested Elektra. “It’s the usual response on most planets in this part of the Universe.” “Yes,” said the Doctor. “Congratulations. I’m so please for you.” Without warning he gave her another hug. After he had released her he said, “a grandchild. I’m going to have a grandchild as well. I suddenly feel very old.”

“Nonsense, Doctor,” called out Sarah Jane. “Seven hundred years isn’t old at all. Barely middle aged.”

 “I hope I still look that good when I’m that age,” said Todd. The Doctor grinned. He looked at Romana.

“And you’re going to be a grandma.”

“Yes, isn’t it great,” said Romana. “I just get this one off my hands and now I’ve got a long-term appointment as a unpaid babysitter on the horizon.” But the Doctor could tell she was looking forward to this role.

The Doctor looked around at the assembled crowd again and remembered that he was the only male present. Surely somebody else should be here. He turned to Saffron.

 “Can I ask who the father is?”

“You can ask,” said Saffron.

“Well, is it anyone I know?” Saffron smiled. “I believe you were good friends at one time. You’ve seen a lot of each other over the years. Indeed, I’ve heard that during the time you were exiled on the planet Earth you often came into contact with each other.”

The Doctor looked shocked. “Not the Brigadier?”

Sarah Jane started to giggle and tried to hide it with a cough. No-one else present knew to whom the Doctor was referring. Suddenly a booming male voice filled the hall.

“No, Doctor, that old buffoon is not the father of this young lady’s child. I am the father.”

The colour had drained from the Doctor’s face. He slowly turned in the direction of the voice and saw a tall, dark, elegantly dressed man walking towards him. They had certainly crossed each other’s paths many times during his exile on Earth and many times since but they could never be described as good friends. This man had once almost caused the destruction of the Universe, had tried to have the Doctor executed for murder and high treason and most recently had tried to take over the Doctor’s newly regenerated body. He was a fellow Time Lord, a renegade who had stolen a TARDIS from Gallifrey and used it to wander around the galaxies. But that was where any similarity with the Doctor ended. For this man was the personification of evil.

“Welcome to my TARDIS,” said the Master.

Chapter 3

The Doctor stood jaw hanging, fists clenched until his knuckles where white. He shock his head and was trying to fight the lump in his throughout and the stinging of tears in his eyes.

“Why?” He misted up the courage.

“Why does anyone do anything.” The Master said harshly. The rest of the guest had formed a circle around the Doctor and the Master.

“So you brought us here you filth why?” Elektra spat.

“I wanted to see what the Doctor could make out about his past lovers and also allow him to meet his daughter.” The Master said pulling Saffron to his side.

“So you faked the reunion?” Asked Sara Jane.

 “Yes my dear you could say that I did.” The Master let out a laugh that echoed around his TARDIS.

“Sod this!” Elektra jumped forward and from her boot uncovered a small but elegant knife. “I don’t take kindly to people taking me for a fool and giving me false invitations to hooks reunions. You will find Master that the General of Gallifrey is not to be messed with.”

Elektra took a step forward and tossed the knife in her hands.

“Elektra don’t, leave him.” The Doctor looked into her eyes and something snapped inside her.

“You always could touch me in a way no one else could.” Elektra moved away and stood by the Doctors side.

“Doctor enjoy you reunion. I have some work I need to do and I wish to talk to Romana and Saffron.” The three of them made they way through a door and out of sight, as soon as the door closed the Doctor tried to open it.

“Locked, just as I thought.” After some pacing up and down the length and breath of the room Romana entered and stood in front if him.

“I need to talk.” The Doctor scowled at her and ignored the out stretched hand.

“No I can’t talk to you, you allow my daughter to fall in with the wrong man.”

“Ah we can’t talk not will all the people here. Go to your rooms everyone and you will be called when it is time for supper.” The Doctors ex’s left the room at Romana’s request.

“What are you still doing here?” Asked Romana. Elektra gazed down at her.

“Me and the Doctor almost married now if he is in trouble I am staying close, got that!”

 The Doctor shrugged and Romana admitted defeat.

“Why did you allow that to happen?” The Doctor spat out.

 “I could not stand in the way of love.”

“Love! Love!….. Love! He is an evil, homicidal, power mad, maniac.”


“Shut up Romana I don’t want to here it first I find I have a daughter which I am over the moon about, then I find out she is with child that I am happy and excited about, but to find out the father is the Master I am horrified.” Romana for the next ten minuets tired to talk to the Doctor but he ignored her.

“You best go.” Elektra spat. After Romana left Elektra looked at the crest fallen Doctor and moved over to him, his feelings had gotten to him and he began to cry. She held him close it was the only thing she could do. The Doctor looked into her eyes and smiled his soft warm smile one that looked like a small boy who had, had his first kiss.

“Thank you. You have stood by me trough a lot.” The Doctor whispered. He rested his forehead on hers. The door opened and the two of them parted a little embarrassed.

“Doctor I need to talk with you.” The Master strode over to him.

“I have nothing to say to you.” The Doctor scowled. The Master strode even closer and Elektra tensed up by with a pat on the arm from the Doctor she relaxed again.

“Doctor I need you to teach me how to become good. For Saffron and the babies sake.”

Chapter 4

"You want Me to teach You how to be good?" 

"Yes, for the sake of love," replied the Master in a very unreal, dreamy kind of voice.

The Doctor grabbed hold of the master by his collar, thrust him against the wall and growled, "I don't know what your playing at, but I don't like it! If you harm one hair on my daughter or the babies head I will kill you with my bear hands! Got it?" He spat the last few words out.

"I don't know what you mean. I wouldn't harm my true love," replied the master in a strangled voice as the Doctor pulled tighter. "It seems to me your the only one who has shown violence." The Doctor suddenly let go. The Master dropped to the ground, and stroked his throat where the Doctor had held him.

"I can't for one moment believe that you truly wish to change your ways. How could a heartless cur like you ever 'fall' in 'love'?"

"Saffron has shown me the error of my ways. I don't want to take away life any more. I want to create it."

The Doctor cringed repulsed by the thought of the evil renegade with his daughter. He couldn't believe that Romana had even allowed the master in the same room as his daughter. 

"You are thoroughly insincere. I will only help you for Saffron's sake, but if I find out this is all part of some plot to get back at me, I will not be held responsible for my actions."

"You were never the one to accept responsibility." 

"This is impossible," snapped the Doctor. "I cannot bear your presence long enough to teach you anything. Find yourself some other fool to waste their time." 

"You are the only fool I trust." 

"You can trust a dishonest man to always be dishonest, but you never know what a honest man will do." 

"I am willing to take that chance," The master replied.

The door to the room that had been locked opened and out walked Saffron. The Doctor noticed that their was something different about her. He couldn't quite put his finger on it though. Maybe it was the way she seemed much less confident than before. He could feel a distinct uneasiness. 

"Ah my darling. You must aid me persuade your father to condescend to help me in my rehabilitation," said the master his voice like saccharin. 

 Saffron smiled a weak smile, "You must help him. His wishes are sincere."

Chapter 5

In the adjoining room Romana sat looking thoroughly miserable. If only the Doctor hadn’t been so angry, if only he’d listened to her. She could have told him everything and he’d have known what to do. Now she could only hope that he did not walk straight into the Master’s trap.

She reflected pitiably on what she had become. An accessory to the Master’s evil plan against her oldest friend, the man who had shown her so much of the Universe, had shown her there was a life outside of Gallifrey. She hated what she had done but what choice did she have? Had she refused then her beloved daughter would surely now be dead. Why had Saffron taken up with that monster? Did the talks she had had with her daughter about the importance of not associating with the wrong kind of man count for nothing? Had everything she said gone in one of Saffron’s ears and out the other? Like a million parents on a thousand planets before her, Romana realized too late that there was little point in lecturing your children as to how they should live their lives. They had to be allowed to make their own mistakes. It was just a pity that this particular mistake threatened to destroy Saffron, the Doctor and herself.

Romana barely noticed the women who sat down beside her until she spoke. 

“Well, this is another situation I’m going to struggle to explain to my editor.” The newcomer held out her hand. “Hi, I’m Sarah Jane Smith. I’m a journalist.”

Romana shook the offered hand. “I’m Romanadvoratrelundar. I’m a cowardly idiot.” Sarah Jane smiled sympathetically.

“I could tell you didn’t look too happy for someone who’s about to have their first grandchild. Want to talk about it? A problem shared, as we say on Earth.”

Romana looked at the Doctor’s former traveling companion carefully. Could she trust her? But why not, the Doctor had clearly trusted her for he did not give his love to anyone. He may have had a lot of lovers in his 700 years, no surely 900 years, but he never invited anyone he didn’t deeply care for into his private room in the TARDIS. “A journalist you say? If I tell you, it won’t appear in the Gallifrey Guardian, will it?”

“No,” replied Sarah Jane. “Scouts’ honour. Or should that be Guides’ honour?” Neither expression meant anything to Romana. She ignored the remark and began to tell Sarah Jane her sorry story.

The Doctor was still having trouble believing that Master had suddenly become a kind, caring individual who wanted to be a good, loving father. Even if his old enemy was sincere in his intentions, how long would it last? Until the first time the baby was sick on the Master’s immaculate black robes?

 “I’m sorry, Saffron, I want to believe it, but I just can’t. I just can’t see the Master giving up his determination to rule the Universe to play happy families instead.”

The Master’s face lit up. “But you can see it, Doctor. You can see it with your own eyes. Right here and now. Saffron, my darling, show him the recordings.”

 Saffron reached into her pocket and produced a flat, silver rectangular object, about the size of an old audio cassette on the planet Earth. The Doctor recognized it as a portable pictureplayer. A device for playing back moving pictures of a similar kind to those taken by personal camcorders on his favorite planet. 

“Have a look at these films,” said Saffron, handing over the pictureplayer. “We went round to visit a friend of mine who’d just had a baby. I talked to my friend while the Master played with the baby.” Saffron didn’t notice the sharp look that Elektra gave her. “He couldn’t leave the poor baby alone. Look.”

The Doctor started the player and he and Elektra watched the first short film. The Master was shown bouncing the baby, who appeared to be about three months old on his lap. Both the baby and the Master appeared to be in a state of blissful happiness. The film changed and now the Master was cradling the baby and singing it Venusian lullabies. He stroked the baby’s head and gently fingered its tiny hands and feet, so tenderly, so lovingly. The picture faded and a third film began. This time the Master was changing the baby’s nappy. The Doctor and Elektra watched amazed as the Master moved a clean nappy into place and lowered the baby’s bottom onto it. As he let go of the baby’s legs, the baby, who the Doctor now saw was a boy, released a powerful stream which hit the Master square in the chest. The Master just laughed and mopped the baby up again. The image faded as the Master secured the nappy in place.

No-one spoke for a moment then the Doctor said, “all right, I’ll take you at your word. I don’t believe anyone, not even you, could fake those emotions.” He handed the pictureplayer back. “I hope you’ll both…” he almost choked on the words, “…be very happy together.”

The Master smiled. Faking emotions may be difficult but faking those pictures was incredibly easy. How could anyone think he would tolerate bodily waste on his outfit? “Thank you, Doctor. Or should I call you ‘Dad’?” That was too much for the Doctor. 

“No, ‘Doctor’ will do fine, thank you.”

Elektra spoke up. “Saffron doesn’t look well. Are you feeling ill, child?” All eyes turned to the expectant mother. The Doctor had noticed her unease when she had returned to the room. She tried to look cheerful but she could not hide the feeling of agitation in her stomach. She had expected that all this would be over by now. She had expected to have been paid and allowed to return to her own planet. Instead, the Master had insisted that she carry on the charade until he dismissed her. With his Tissue Compression Eliminator aimed at her he had been in a strong negotiating position.

“I’m all right,” said Saffron. “Just a spot of morning sickness.” At this time of day, thought Elektra. 

“Perhaps you should lie down, my child,” said the Doctor. He put his arm around her. “You have to take things easy in your condition. The first few months are vital, you know.” 

“Perhaps Elektra could look after Saffron until she recovers,” suggested the Master. “I would like to show the Doctor the nursery I have built for our child.”

 “Of course,” said Elektra, “come with me.” The Doctor released Saffron into Elektra’s care. 

“We’ll get you some milk of Davalorian Minor Bushscaling Goognot. Soon get you feeling right as rain again.” And then, thought Elektra, leading Saffron away, you can explain why you call the father of your child ‘the Master’ as if you don’t know his first name.

“Come, Doctor,” said the Master, “let me show you the nursery.”

The young woman woke up in the cell in which she had cried herself to sleep a few hours ago. Cells were not a standard feature of TARDISes built on Gallifrey but the Master had long ago effected such refinements to accommodate any prisoners he might wish to take as he continued in his mission to conquer the Universe. The woman had not known of the existence of these rooms until she herself had become the occupant of one. Instinctively she reached for her neck to touch the dragonfly shaped locket. But of course it was not there, it had not been there since she has first arrived in this cell. How she longed to open it, as she used to do everyday, and look again at the pictures of her mother and the man in the floppy hat and colourful scarf whom she knew was her father. Why had it been taken away from her, the one thing that might bring her solace in her desperate situation? A horrible thought suddenly entered her head. What if somebody else was wearing her pendant? What if it was currently hanging around another girl’s neck? The thought made her feel sick but this time, at least, she was not physically sick. There was nothing left in her stomach to bring up.

She woefully ran her hands down her neck and over the top half of her body, feeling the small bump her baby was beginning to make. How had she got herself into this situation? How could she have been so stupid as to get involved with the Master? But she knew the answer to that question even before she asked it. He had been the first man to show any interest in her, the first to show her any affection. Indeed, with an absent father, no brothers, no boy cousins and no uncles, he was the first male to treat her kindly at all. She softly began to cry again as she remembered her days at the Junior Academy. Bullied and teased by the other children of both sexes her self-esteem had lessened until it had reached almost zero. When as teenagers her fellow pupils had started pairing up, girls and boys exploring each other’s minds and bodies, no-one had wanted to get to know ‘silly, spotty, Saffron.’ No-one wanted to know the girl with the greasy, curly, yellow hair, the girl who cried, while everybody else laughed, at the scene in ‘Terrodol the Tetrap’ where Terrodol’s mother dies, the girl who fainted while they were dissecting baby rills to examine their digestive systems. And then the Master had come along, charming, elegant and silver tongued. She had quickly fallen in love with him, afraid to lose him she had quickly fallen into bed with him and then quickly fallen pregnant by him. But the biggest fall of all was still to come. On hearing of his impending fatherhood, the Master had been delighted. He treated her more kindly than ever, taken her to all the best shops in various galaxies to buy things for the baby and for her, and set about creating a nursery in the TARDIS. Then came that dreadful day.

The Master, after taking her to the finest restaurant in the constellation of Kasteroborous, had revealed his intentions. Her father whom she had never met, the Doctor, was to be lured deep into the Master’s TARDIS – and she was to be the bait. Once there he was to be incarcerated until he faced justice for his crimes against the Universe. She had been appalled and refused to co-operate. She would not trap her father in this way. The Master had said that he was no father to her, that he hadn’t once visited her in twenty-two years, that he was an evil renegade who had tried to destroy all the known planets in seven galaxies and had only failed because of the Master’s intervention. Now he could finally be imprisoned and taken to the Intergalactic Criminal Court for trial. She didn’t believe him. Her father was good, her mother had told her many times. He had saved the galaxies, not once but on several occasions. He did not know of her existence, that was why he hadn’t seen her. No, she would have no part in this plot. She may not have beautiful hair, a perfect complexion and a host of friends but she did have integrity.

And suddenly the Master’s affection for her had evaporated and she had quickly realized that it had never existed. The insults he threw at her were worse than anything she had heard at the Junior Academy. Why did she think he had come across a dozen galaxies to find her? Why had he formed a relationship with her, the pathetic, spotty greaseball that she was? Did she honestly believe that he had enjoyed making love to her? Did she truly think he was going to spend his time giving bottles and winding babies and caring for the grandchild of his archenemy? With each word he spoke he hurt her more and all the misery of her childhood and teenage years returned, worse than ever before.

And then the hit. A single blow across her face that knocked her out cold almost instantly. She could still feel the pain of it now. When she woke up she was in this cell, on a hard bed with a single sheet, a miniscule amount of food and water and her prized pendant gone. Something had stirred in her memory, the last line she had heard the Master speak before she had lost consciousness, 

“I’ll just have to find another Saffron then.” 

Now as she lay there she began to sing softly. “Hush little Saffron, don’t say a word, mama’s gonna buy you a mockingbird.” It was an old Earth rhyme her mother had picked up on one of her visits to the planet with her father. She carried on to the end of the song, the words engraved in her memory. “If that horse and cart fall down, you’ll still be the prettiest girl in town.”

She knew she wasn’t the prettiest girl in town. But in this cell, with no mirror to look in and no-one to tell her otherwise, she could be. She felt slightly better as she drifted off to sleep again.

The Doctor looked around the nursery inside the Master’s TARDIS approvingly, unaware that his true daughter was sleeping in a cell beneath him.

 “Very good,” he said as he admired the crib made in the traditional Gallifreyan style. “Only the best for my child, my dear Doctor.” said the Master. The Doctor nodded towards a tall box in the corner. 

“What’s that?” he asked. 

“Ah, I’m glad you asked that. It’s something I’m very proud of. A miniature toy TARDIS. I invented the concept myself. It works as well, within a very small range of time and space, of course. Why not have a look inside.”

 “Yes, I think I will. Better make sure it’s safe for my grandchild.”

 “As you know Doctor, safety is always my priority. Have a look, the door is unlocked.”

Overcome with curiosity the Doctor walked towards the box, pushed open the door and went inside. The booby trap on the entrance worked perfectly. The Doctor fell to the ground and blacked out as the massive electric shock impacted on his brain.

Chapter 6

Romana passed the room, she could not believe she was letting her friend and an old lover fall into a trap, one she had be forced to set to save her daughters life. She walked over to the door and tried to open it, typical it was locked. She hit it as hard as she could hurting her hand in the process. 

"Right, that is it I am getting out of here. I am sure that Elektra women can help me save the Doctor." She produced a sliver of metal the shape of a bent out paperclip and see to work on the door. Within a few moments it was open.

"What the hell are you doing child!?" Elektra screamed as Saffron raised towards her hand stretched out to strangle her. Elektra ducked and rolled out of the way as Saffron collided with the wall. "Sorry Doctor but your so called daughter is going to have to take a long nap for a bit." Saffron came round for another try at killing Elektra and with on almighty blow Saffron was on the floor knocked out.

 "What is going on here?" The burst open to reveal Romana. Elektra stood up and moved away from the fallen Saffron. 

"She just came at me for no reason. What is going on?" Elektra glared at her. 

"Ah the Master used both me and Saffron. That thing on the floor is a copy of her body print cast onto a robot. We have to save the Doctor." Elektra pulled the knife from her boot and stood ready for a fight. 

"How do I know this is not a trick?" 

"You have to believe me the Doctor is at this very minuet being put to death. Have you not noticed the lights they have dimmed!" Elektra stood up and put a hand on Romana's shoulder. 

"Ok, united in a common cause. May I ask what Doctor was it you em how can I put it…" 

"The 4th. You?" Elektra grind from ear to ear.

"Ha the 6th. Now I think we should be going."


The Master smiled and gazed down at the Doctor as the electricity surged through him. "Come on Doctor die you cant hold out for to much longer." The Master spun round as the door burst open. 

Elektra pounced on the Master and called, "Get the Doctor out of that thing now!" Romana did as she was ordered and dragged the Doctors body out of the electric field. She checked his pulse, he was still alive just. Elektra was still tussling with Master when he reached for his tissue compressor. Elektra saw what he was doing and knocked it out of his hand. With her caught off guard for a min the Master flipped her to the floor and pined her down. He took the knife off her and growled in her face. 

"Oh I am going to have fun in making you fell pain." He took the knife and stabbed her in the shoulder. 

"Arr., get the Doctor out of here now!" Elektra called as the Master stabbed her again. Romana dragged the Doctor out of the door as he stared to come too, and down the corridor out of sight. 

"Aren't you going after them?" 

The Master smiled at her and whispered in her ear. "Oh no I am going to have fun with you."

Romana dragged the Doctor to a room and locked the door. She sat him down and asked if he was ok.

 "Yes I am fine what happened?"

 "The Master tired to kill you. He tricked you. The Saffron you met is not your daughter." The Doctor looked at her and shook his head. 

"So where is she?"

 "Somewhere here, I don't know where but we must find her." 

"Where is Elektra?" Romana looked at the ground.


"Ha ha ha. I am going to enjoy causing pain to the Fiancée of the 6th Doctor." The Master spat as he took the knife and slashed Elektra's face.

"Romana where is she?" Romana looked at the ground. 

"You relay like her in this incarnation don't you?" 

"In my 4th I like you and in this one I love her. Now where is she?"


"Arr. You will have to better than that Master!" Elektra spat.

 "Oh you mean something like this?" He took the knife and sliced her arm and leg.


"The Master has her. She did it to save you." 

"And you left her!?" The Doctor stood up and headed for the door. 

"I had to she told me to." Romana moved over to him.

 "She would, you left him with that mad man!" 

"I had to. Where are you going?" The Doctor spun round to face her. 

"To save her." 

"But what about Saffron?" The Doctor shook his head.

"The Master needs her alive so she is safe. Coming?" Romana nodded and followed him out.


"Stop this at……." The Doctor burst through the door. "No Elektra what has he done to you?" He rushed over to her and held her in his arms. Her face had deep cuts, her arms and leg where cut and had deep stab wounds. Her left shoulder was bleeding her hands where cut to ribbons where she had tried to defend herself. "Doctor what has he done?" Roman stood over the two of them. 

"He has sent me an evil calling card." 

"Doc.. Doctor." 

"Your alive!" The Doctor hugged her and she winced with pain.

 "Only just, I herd the Master talk of going to Saffron. We have to save her Doctor we have to. She is more special than you think."

 "What do you mean?" 

"Ah I read a file on Gallifrey. In her blood stream there is a nanobot that holds info on a top-secret weapon created by the Time Lords. The Master need you to help he get it out of her." The Doctor scowled up at Romana.

"Did you know anything of this?" 

"No I swear to you I did not." 

"Can you walk?" He asked Elektra. 

"Barely, he has made a good mess of me but I will give it a go." Elektra stumbled up and supported herself on the Doctor, who turned to face her. 

"Why did you let him do that to you?" 

"You needed time to get away." The Doctor smiled at her and he did something he had not done for a good many years, he kissed her. 

"Erm hate to brake this up but we need to get going." The two of them looked up at Romana and nodded. They left the room, Elektra's blood staining the floor as they went.

Saffron woke up to the sound of a key turning in the lock. Was it her captor come to finish of the job so soon. The Master walked in and smiled. 

"Looks like I am going to have to perform the surgery myself. Sorry but this will kill you my dear."

Chapter 7

The master grabbed Saffron's arm roughly. She tried to wrestle free from his iron grip, but it was no use. He shoved her roughly out of the cell, down the corridor and through a set of double doors that opened into a lab. The lab was white, sterile cupboards lined the wall, all manner of chemicals and cruel looking instruments were laid out on a tray next to a large gurney. [one of those trolley come bed things]. She tried again to escape catching the master of guard and knocked the tray onto the floor in the process. While she was down she picked up one of the scalpels that had been on the tray and hid it up her sleeve. The master bellowed at her angrily," What do you think your playing at you miserable cretin?" He hauled her up to her feet.

The master flung her roughly onto the gurney and did up the restraints. He pulled the straps tight. She winced.

"The operation will not take long, but it will be a slow painful death," explained the master hissing the 'th' in death. He picked up the tray and put the instruments back on it. Thankfully he did not notice the missing scalpel. Suddenly an alarm went off. The master walked over to a console on one of the desks and muttered some oath under his breath.

Saffron shouted out, "You wont get away with this! Justice must prevail!" 

"Quiet you miserable wench. Your damn parents are causing trouble again. I will have to go and deal with them. Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." The Master exited the room, the doors slamming shut behind him. Saffron slipped the scalpel out from her sleeve and proceeded to saw at the straps...


The Doctor and Romana managed to drag Electra back to the main hall. Sarah-Jane ran over to them and asked in a concerned voice, "What's happened? Can I help?"

"Electra had a run in with the master. Stay with her. We must stop him before he does anything to harm Saffron," said the Doctor, as he lowered Electra on to the chaise-lounge. 

"Would now be a good time to mention that a moment ago he went through that hidden door over there. I hid when he came past so he didn't see me. That guy gives me the creeps," said Sarah Jane, with a shudder.

"That is a valuable piece of information and I thank you for it. Sorry I can't stay and chat time is of the essence," replied the Doctor. 

He and Romana ran over to the door found the panel that opened it and walked through. It led into a long corridor at the end was a door. They cautiously crept down the corridor and went through the second door. Through that door the found a room with a holding cell, but the cell was empty.

"We're too late..." said Romana her voice quivering slightly. 

"Were not too late. I refuse to give up. She's here somewhere, still alive," said the Doctor, examining the cell. Suddenly the door at the opposite end of the room was flung open and in waltzed the master his face like thunder. 

"Why is it so incredibly hard to kill you? Can't you just curl up and die like a human?" boomed the master, pointing a tissue compressor at the Doctor...


Finally the straps snapped and Saffron sat up. She undid the straps holding her feet and got down from the trolley. She went over to the door and tried turning the handle, but it was locked. Saffron surveyed the lab she checked all the cupboards. Her rummage came up with everything she needed. The master had been foolish enough to leave chemicals around when she was such an expert. Saffron had came top of her class in science, and chemistry was her forte. She mixed the chemicals she wanted and soaked the cotton wool with it. Then she stuck the wool into the lock. She took the small laser cutter she had found- it was too weak to cut through the door- but it was perfect to start off the reaction.

She aimed the cutter at the wool it caught light. Saffron retired behind the gurney using it as a shield. 


Saffron felt the force of the explosion. She looked through the clouds of smoke and debris. The door had been blown right off its hinges. She had only planned to blow the lock, but she smiled inwardly and said out loud to herself 'Must have miscalculated the mixture.'

She made her way cautiously out of the room carrying the scalpel and the bottle she had made up. It contained enough sedative to put a rhino to sleep. All she needed to do was smash the bottle and the concoction would react with the oxygen....

Chapter 8

Sarah Jane was starting to become really worried about Elektra, who appeared to be slowly dying.  The pulses from both her hearts were getting weaker and she was having trouble breathing.  She had been trying to talk but could say no more than ‘dopp’ before the effort became too much for her and she sank back on the chaise lounge.

“It’s all right,” said Sarah Jane, squeezing the Time Lady’s hand and beaming at her, “you’re going to be all right.”  But she knew that this was not true.  She had done her best to staunch the flow of blood but Elektra had lost a lot already and it was still leaving her body.  Sarah Jane could only watch as her patient’s life ebbed away from her.  Damn, she thought, why couldn’t the Doctor have dated a surgeon at some point who could have taken charge of the situation.  Where was Harry when he was needed.  She had once wondered what it was like for a nurse to watch a patient whom she knew was going to die.  Now she was finding out.


Saffron continued down the corridor, surprised how long it was, much longer than the route from her cell to the lab.  This was a good thing, she decided.  Hopefully the distance meant that the Master had not heard the noise of the explosion.  Having surprise on her side would be a valuable asset.

She reached a bend in the corridor and turned left.  A long way ahead of her she could see a door half open.  As she carried on walking she began to hear voices, faint but growing louder as she got nearer the door.  She could distinguish three different voices, two male, one female.  She stopped for a moment and listened carefully and recognized two of the voices: her mother and the father of her child.  The third voice was unfamiliar.  The three voices were engaged in conversation and it wasn’t friendly.  Gripping her bottle tighter she resumed her progress towards the door.


Elektra’s eyelids began to close.  Sarah Jane knew they would not open again.  This was the end.  This was death.  She felt her own eyes become damp.  A distant memory flickered into her mind, a dear friend’s last moments of life and then those words, ‘tears, Sarah Jane?’

She took Elektra’s left wrist and felt the pulse get weaker and weaker and weaker.  Confusingly, the wrist appeared to be getting warmer.  Must be my imagination, Sarah Jane thought, but moments later she decided that it wasn’t for the wrist was now becoming positively hot.  After a few more moments the wrist was so hot that she could no longer hold it.  She leapt backwards as a golden glow surrounded Elektra.  The body lying on the chaise lounge turned red from the heat, then white.  Sarah Jane was afraid that the chaise lounge itself would catch fire but it didn’t.  The heat caused Sarah Jane to move further backwards and suddenly she realized what was happening.  Regeneration.  Elektra, being a Time Lady, could regenerate up to twelve times and this was what she was witnessing.

Sarah Jane suddenly became more frightened than ever.  She had seen the Doctor’s third regeneration and she remembered how weak the process had initially left him.  On that occasion, however, all the latest medical equipment had been available at UNIT headquarters to aid his recovery.  Now she was on her own.  The Doctor and Romana had gone off and she doubted any of the other guests present had any previous experience of regeneration.  Damn, she thought, why can’t it be emergency childbirth, or something, at least I’d have a bit of idea what to do.  The Doctor had once told her that every regeneration was different which filled her with no confidence at all.

Sarah Jane might have gone into a state of total panic had she known that this regeneration would not only be different, it would be unique.  


Now walking on tiptoe, Saffron reached the half-open door.  She saw the Master with her back to her and then, on the other side of the room facing her, she was overjoyed to see her mother.  Next to her mother was a man she didn’t recognize but she knew immediately who it was: her father.  He may look completely different from the man in her missing pendant but the twinkle in his eyes was unmistakable. First impressions are often the most powerful and just by looking at him she could see a man who had a loving nature, a courageous spirit and a strong sense of right and wrong.  Feelings of pride and joy simultaneously flowed through her and her heart lifted.  Suddenly she had a purpose in life, a desire to emulate the great man that was her father.  If she could match his goodness, his bravery and his wisdom then she would truly have made a contribution to her local community.  And her local community would be the whole Universe.  She would travel like her father, visit strange planets, meet weird creatures and explore unfamiliar environments.  Her child would come with her and they would enjoy new experiences together, growing up together and gaining knowledge and understanding, until such time as her child chose to continue exploring without her.  Suddenly her future was bright and rosy.

There was just the small problem of her child’s father, who was currently pointing his Tissue Compression Eliminator at her parents.


The body on the chaise lounge turned from white to red, then the glow left her altogether.  Sarah Jane looked in astonishment at the person lying there.  The wounds had disappeared but the body was the same as before.  Elektra had not changed.  She still had the same appearance as before she regenerated.  The regeneration must have gone wrong, Sarah Jane decided.  Elektra must be dead after all.

Then Elektra’s eyes opened.


Quick killing was never the Master’s style, at least not where his old adversary was concerned.  Far more enjoyable to allow his prey to enjoy its suffering before he finally pressed the button that would see him reduced to the size of Barbie doll.  “Any final requests, Doctor?”

“Yes,” replied the Doctor.  “I would like you to inform my daughter that the reason I was never able to see her was because I was killed by the father of her child.  Also tell her that I was thinking about her at the time of my death.”

If the Doctor had been hoping that this sentimental speech would soften either of the Master’s hearts at all then he was to be disappointed.  Emotions were almost as alien to the Master as they were to the Cybermen.  

“Very touching, my dear Doctor, but that stupid girl’s death is scheduled to take place shortly after your own.  Oh Doctor, why didn’t you join me when you had the chance?  With your brains and my good looks, charm, cunning, physical prowess, ingenuity, ambition, courage and brains, we could have been invincible.  The High Council would have been our servants, the Daleks would have been our warriors, the Sontarans would have been our bodyguards.  We would have ruled the galaxies.”

The Doctor shook his head sadly. 

“You were a star pupil at the Academy, yet there was one lesson you never could learn.  Power for power’s sake is evil.  It leads to misery and suffering for the masses and ultimately proves to be the downfall of the exalted.  Power should be used to help others, to improve lives, to bring about rightful change and to protect the innocent, the weak and the poor.  No-one should use power just to sustain their own over inflated ego.”  He looked at the Master sadly.  “Sometimes I think you really believe your own hyperbole.”

The Master smiled.  “I have modest desires, Doctor.  I do not ask for much.  Just total control and domination over the every living creature in the Universe.”

At the moment, as silent as a mouse, Saffron moved through the half open door and positioned herself behind the Master.  The Master did not hear her but both the Doctor and Romana saw her.  The Doctor’s face registered no change of expression.  This must be his true daughter, he decided, and he fought hard to overcome the desire he had to immediately go over and cuddle her.  He saw the bottle she was carrying and guessed it contained some compound designed to help deal with the unfortunate situation in which they found themselves.  He hoped it was not the same formula as Ace’s Nitro-9 or, in this environment, it may destroy them all.

Unlike the Doctor, Romana could not maintain a poker face.  The relief and joy at seeing Saffron alive and relatively unharmed immediately lit up her features.  Having seen what the Master had done to Elektra she hated to think what he might have done to her daughter.  But here was her beautiful Saffron who had apparently been making use of her undoubted talents at Chemistry.

The Master saw the expression on Romana’s face change and he wheeled round to face the girl he had impregnated.  Saffron decided she might as well act now.  The compound had only a very limited range and both she and her parents were a sufficient distance from the Master to avoid succumbing to the sedative. 

“Go to sleep!” she shouted and threw the bottle at the Master’s feet.  The glass smashed and thick fumes rose from the ground.

The Master put his head back and laughed.  He was quite unaffected by the potion.  “Stupid child,” he roared.  “If you ever get to the Academy you will discover that Time Lords have a respiratory bypass system.  Sleeping potions won’t affect me.  I don’t know how you escaped from my laboratory but I assure you your freedom will not last long.  I will get that nanobot even if I have to rip that baby out of you to get at it. And if you want to blame someone, blame your beloved father.  With his help I could have extracted it telepathically.  Now I’m going to have to remove it surgically.  And painfully.”

Another lesson that the Master had not fully learned was never take your eyes off an opponent.  While he was addressing Saffron, Romana had reached inside her dress and produced the knife she had taken off Elektra when the Doctor wasn’t looking.  Romana was not a violent person but, like almost any mother, she was prepared to do anything to safeguard her daughter.  As the Master finished his gruesome speech she rushed forward before the Doctor could stop her.  She plunged the knife into the Master’s left arm and immediately pulled it out again.  The Master turned, a look of horror, fear and shock on his face.  He put his right hand over his wound but was unable to stop the blood gushing through his fingers.  Seconds later Romana thrust the knife straight into his body.  The Master fell to the ground, the knife severing vital arteries near one of his hearts.

The Doctor pulled Romana away and yelled at Saffron to join them.  The Master was in agony, writhing on the ground, but his face was a picture of concentration.  Suddenly a familiar sound was heard around the room; the wheezing, groaning sound that TARDIS' make on take-off.  But the TARDIS did not move.  Instead, the Master’s body faded in and out of existence before it finally disappeared.  The three remaining occupants of the room stood frozen, staring at the spot where the evil Time Lord had vanished.  Then the Doctor spoke.

“Transportation.  He must have managed to communicate with his TARDIS telepathically, instructed it to transport him to another part of this galaxy where he could recover.”

“He’ll be back then,” said Romana.

“Yes,” said the Doctor.  “But not for a while.  His body won’t heal from those wounds in a hurry.  But he’ll be back.  Another day, another galaxy maybe, but he’ll be back.”

He turned to face Saffron.  “Hello, you don’t know me, I’m your father.”  This time unhesitatingly, he embraced his daughter and lifted her feet off the ground with his hug.


Sarah Jane ran forward as the Doctor, Romana and a young woman she did not recognize entered the main hall.  “Doctor,” she cried.  “I think Elektra’s regenerated.  But, well…”

“I didn’t change,” concluded Elektra, now sitting up on the chaise lounge.

The Doctor stared at her, the same Elektra but no longer wounded and no longer losing blood.  He understood at once but he still could not believe it.  “Doppelganger regeneration?  Regenerating without changing your physical appearance.”

“That’s right,” said Elektra.  “Tricky procedure, of course, but I managed it.”

“But that’s illegal,” protested the Doctor.

Elektra smiled.  “True.  But who’s going to prosecute the General?  Anyway, never mind about me.  What’s been going on in there?”

A few minutes later Elektra and Sarah Jane had been given a brief resume of events.  “I can see your daughter takes after you both,” said Elektra, beaming at the Doctor and Romana.  She put her arm around Saffron.  “Nice to meet the real you at last, Saffron.  I prefer you to the other one.  And after you’ve had that baby you’re off to the Academy, young lady.  Once you’re fully qualified as a Time Lady you’ll be a match for the Master on your own, any day of the week.”

Saffron smiled.  She would love to go to the Academy and follow in the footsteps of both her parents.  Her mother had already said she would be delighted to help look after the baby so she could finish her training.  But she had one lingering doubt.  “The bullies,” she said, not meaning to speak out loud.

Elektra laughed.  “Don’t you worry about bullies, my girl.  I think if you can stand up to the Master then you’re more than capable of standing up to a few cowardly bullies.  Anyway, if they do try anything they’ll have me to answer to.  Just wait until I get my sword back.”

Saffron laughed and gave Elektra a sudden hug, she felt so happy.  As she pulled away though she had a frown on her face.

“What’s the matter?” asked Romana.

“The TARDIS,” replied Saffron.  “It’s stopped vibrating.”

All TARDIS' had a continual vibration, so faint that you didn’t normally notice it.  Now, however, it was conspicuous by its absence.

The Doctor knew the problem at once.  “Termination procedure.  The Master’s set his TARDIS on a self-destruct program.  He’s trying to kill us all.”

“What!” said Sarah Jane.  “We’ve got to get out of here!”

“Everyone out,” shouted the Doctor.  “To my TARDIS.”

“What about all the other guests, in the Dining Room?” asked Romana.

“Them as well.  There’s plenty of room in my TARDIS.  Come on, hurry!”

Fortunately all the other guests were assembled in the same room so it didn’t take long to evacuate the Master’s TARDIS.  Most of the Doctor’s ex-girlfriends were used to having to make a quick exit when in the Doctor’s company.  Life with the Doctor was never straightforward.

“Elektra, lead everyone to the Astral Crater,” shouted the Doctor.  That’s where my TARDIS is parked.”  Everyone filed out of the cave mouth in an orderly fashion, the Doctor bringing up the rear.

Just as the Doctor was stepping onto Lotane Moon’s surface, someone dashed past him back into the Master’s TARDIS.  The Doctor’s hearts almost stopped beating when he saw who it was.  

“Saffron,” he called.

“I’ve got to get something, Dad,” she shouted.  He followed her through the cave entrance, through the Dining Hall and into the Main Hall where she ran over to the robot lying on the ground.  “It’s got my pendant.  I must have my pendant.  Help me, Dad, I can’t get it off.”  Saffron tried to lift the pendant over the robot’s head but it wouldn’t come off.

“Unhook the clasp,” called the Doctor, reaching her.

“Oh yes, of course,” said Saffron, and she quickly undid the clasp and recovered her pendant.

“Come on,” yelled the Doctor, grabbing her arm and pushing her back towards the exit.  “It can’t be long now.”

They ran out of the cave mouth once again.  Most of the rest of the party had now reached the Doctor’s TARDIS.  The Doctor and Saffron ran faster than either of them had ever run before, tripping and stumbling on the moon’s surface.  When they were about halfway to the Astral Crater, the ground began to shake.

“Down,” shouted the Doctor, taking hold of Saffron and starting to throw her to the ground.  A split second before she hit the ground he threw himself underneath her so that she landed on top of him.

The ground shook violently as a huge explosion ripped the Master’s TARDIS apart.  Bits of rocks from the cave that had formed the TARDIS exterior flew through the air, clouds of dust went up high into the atmosphere and came down on top of a wide area.  When the aftershocks finished and the dust had settled there was no sign of the cave that had been the Master’s TARDIS.  It had been completely destroyed.

Saffron leaned up slightly.  The Doctor found himself face-to-face at very close range with his offspring.  “Sorry,” he said.  “I had to give the baby a soft landing.  Are you all right?”

“No,” said Saffron.  “I feel great.”  And she put her arms round the Doctor’s neck and gave him a big kiss on his cheek.

Some hours later the Doctor entered the console room of his own TARDIS.  Only Romana, Saffron, Elektra and himself were still on board.  Everyone else had been returned to their proper times and places.  The Doctor had never had to work out so many co-ordinates.  Next time, he thought, I’ll stick to one steady girlfriend.  But then he remembered how much fun it had been at the time and he quickly changed his mind.

One thing he was certain of was that the Master would return.  He may be wounded, he may have no TARDIS, but he would be back.  His body would repair, else he would steal another one.  He would build, find or help himself to another TARDIS, as well.  As always with the Master, defeating him was only a temporary victory.

Elektra was standing by the console.  “You’ve had this place redecorated, haven’t you?  I really like it.  Are Romana and Saffron in bed?” she asked.

“Yes,” replied the Doctor.  “I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to start getting to know my daughter better.”

“And Romana?”

The Doctor shook his head.  “I felt deeply for her once.  And I wish her all the best in the Universe.  But do I care about her in that way?  No, I’ve moved on and so has she. She’s looking forward to having another baby to nurture.  And I’ve met you.”

Elektra grinned, then looked down sheepishly as she felt a familiar tingling.  She looked up again.  “Have you redecorated the private room as well?”

“Yes.  Would you like to see it?”

“Yes please.”

“Right now?”

“Definitely,” said Elektra.  She looked at the Doctor, remembering him in his sixth incarnation, both with and without his flamboyant clothes on.  “Is it true what they say about a male Time Lord when he regenerates?”

“You’ll soon find out,” replied the Doctor as he led Elektra from the console room.

The End




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