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Title Picture: Sir Doctor



Writers...Sarah, James, Rachel



Chapter 1

The TARDIS had materialised on a summer’s day, on top of a small hill, in amongst a copse of trees. The Doctor, his multicoured coat tails flying behind him as he covered the distance from the landing site to the base of the hill.

“Doctor! Doctor! Wait for me!” protested his companion, as she tried to catch up with his pace.

“Do stop complaining Peri. I told you we were going for a walk. You insisted on wearing those impractical shoes.”

“Well, I thought you’d be pleased that I was wearing something you gave me,” replied Peri, finally giving up and taking off the lime green and purple platforms, “Even if they are hideously garerish.”

The Doctor raised a questioning eyebrow, and then changed the subject, “The castles not far away.”

“What castle? That’s just a cottage with a stone wall around it.”

“No,” said The Doctor pointing to the west of their position, “That’s the castle.”

Peri looked over to where the Doctor was indicating, “Oh! That castle.”


“So Doctor when exactly did we land? Are we looking at a tourist attraction, film set or is this all for real?” asked Peri, looking around at the ‘authentic’ looking scene surrounding her. It appeared they had arrived on some kind of market day and everyone seemed in too much of a hurry to notice the anachronistic pair of time travellers.

“This is completely real…I think. No, no I'm sure,” said the Doctor deftly swiping an apple from one of the stalls, and placing it in his pocket before the proprietor realised what had happened. To justify himself in reply to his companions disapproving stare he stated, “Well no one will notice. You never know when it might come in handy.”

“Who do you think owns this monstrosity?”

“How should I know?”

“Well you were the one that dragged me here.”

“No I was not if I remember correctly, which I do. I told you to stay in the TARDIS, but you insisted on coming with me.”

“Well I couldn’t leave you to have all the…fun.”

Three horsemen dressed in their armour came galloping towards where they were standing apparently disregarding the fact that the streets were packed with people.

“Watch out!” cried the Doctor, pulling his companion out the way just in time.

“Watch where you’re going you maniac!” Peri shouted after the horsemen, shaking her fists and muttering expletives.

The lead horseman reigned in his horse and turned it on its heels indicating to his friends to follow suit, trotting back towards where Peri was standing.

“Oh dear,” muttered the Doctor.

Chapter 2

Having faced the likes of Cybermen and Sontarans, Peri was not overawed by a mere knight. As the first knight lifted up his visor she said to him, “You’ll never pass your driving test if you don’t know your basic highway code.”

The knight stared at her for a moment then his face broke into a broad grin.  “Very clever, Madam, but not clever enough. You may have learnt our language, but your use of foreign phrases betrays your true identity. Driving test, Highway Code these things mean nothing to an Englishman.” He turned round to face his companions. By now a crowd had gathered around the two strangers. The knight continued, “See her short hair. See her foreign clothes. It is the one they call Joan of Arc. She has crossed the water to attack our armies. Seize her. Take her to the castle. And seize her ugly consort also. Shackle them both in the dungeons, until they face justice at the mercy of His Majesty.”

“How dare you, sir,” shouted the Doctor, putting on his most indignant tone, which he usually saved for the High Council of Gallifrey. “You accuse me of being a filthy Frenchmen? Of being this strumpet’s consort? I am Dr John Smith, chief physician and special envoy to His Majesty King Henry.” He grabbed Peri roughly by the wrist, making the young American cry out in pain. “I have brought his young heretic back from France using the subterfuge of being an enemy of the King, a disguise which, you can see, was sufficient to fool this mere slip of a stupid girl.  Take her, so that she may soon meet her Lord who sends her voices.”

The knight stared at the Doctor. If he really were the King’s chief physician then to insult him by questioning his claim would give the stranger sufficient grounds to request his death. Could this strangely dressed man really be a special envoy to Henry VI? Were his clothes part of his disguise while on the Continent?  Or was his first hunch correct, should he have this jackanapes sent straight to the dungeon?  He continued to stare at the stranger.

The Doctor smiled.  “You are right to be circumspect, sir.  Tell me, is not the King presently staying in this very town?”

“He is,” replied the Knight.

“And has this fact not been concealed to all, apart from members of the court?”

“That is so.”

“Then,” said the Doctor, “how could I have known about the King’s presence were I not as I have spoken. Now, enough of this, take this woman to the castle, and see that she is secured, for the King will be most displeased if the prize of Joan of Arc is lost.”

His mind decided, the knight signaled to the knights behind him.  They jumped down from their horses and grabbed hold of Peri, somewhat more roughly than the Doctor had done so.  As they marched her away, she turned her head and called out despairingly, “Doctor!”

“Do not call on me for mercy,” shouted the Doctor.  “Only God can have mercy on your soul.” He turned to face the knight. “Filthy little harlot. And now, sir, please take me to His Majesty immediately.”

Chapter 3

The Doctor was led by the horsemen towards the castle. He just only hoped that he was in the right time zone, the time after he met the king or all would be lost and Peri killed. The Doctor thrust his hands into his pockets and gazed ahead of him. He cast a watchful eye on the horsemen who where eager for a fight and he did not want to be the one to push them into one.

They reached the drawbridge and the Head Knight who had ordered Peri away bellowed like a bull.

“Open the gates! It is I the head knight of the first realm! I am here to see the king!”

The castle gates opened with a rattle and a strained groaning. The Doctor wondered if they would survive the crossing of the heavier horses.


Peri was dragged, roughly into the cell. It was dank, wet and dark like most prisons she seemed to find herself in when she was travelling with the Doctor. She looked through the small-bared window. It was solid. There was no way of getting out and making a run for it back to the TARDIS.

“Typical! Why didn’t I stay in the TARDIS and have a bath?”

She sat down on the shabby straw bed, and began to cry.


The Doctor was left in a side room to await his meeting with the king. He paced the room like a caged beast. He was worried about Peri, where she was and, if she was being treated humanely.

“I have to get her out and soon,” he muttered under his breath.

A door opened and a fresh-faced woman walked out primly, dressed in white.

“I am lady Sara, kind sir. I am a lady in waiting and am here to take you to the king.”

The Doctor bowed deeply and took her hand in his and very gently kissed it.

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he replied.

Lady Sara giggled.

“If you will follow me, sir.”

The Doctor followed Lady Sara, followed her into a giant room filed with drapes and priceless tapestries.

“My Liege, I do humbly introduce the Do….” She began.

“Doctor!” the king jumped up and embraced his old friend.

“It is good to see you my old friend.”

The king led him to his side at the throne.

“My Lord, it very good to see you again and I would love to chat about old times, but I need you to get a friend out of prison for me.”

The King looked at him. “How did you friend manage to get thrown in prison? Who did this damnable thing?”

The Doctor was uneasy and looked at the floor.

“Your head Knight, my lord.”

The King jumped up and ordered the Knight and the prisoner brought to him.


Peri looked up, as her door was opened.

“You are to be taken to the King and your friend.”


Peri ran to the Doctor and hugged him.

“Thank God you got me out of there.”

“I did not want you there in the first place.”

He hugged her back. The Knight was brought to the King and, the King stood up and glared at him.

“Why, may I ask did my best knight manage to put in prison a friend of my personal physician?”

“My Lord I am sorry I did...”

“Shut up, you have failed me now you will be executed!”

“Wait!” The Doctor jumped up.

“It was a very foolish mistake, but I entreat you do not kill him.”

The King looked at them all and nodded.

“Very well.”


After a scary start the King, the Doctor and Peri where at last in calm and peace sitting in a huge drawing room. To Peri’s relief they where eating as she was starving not having thought to bring something to snack on. The King asked the Doctor for a private consultation and so Peri was sent to a room.

“Now Doctor who is that girl I saved for you?” asked the King a wry smile on his face.

“Oh a friend,” replied the Doctor dismissively.

The king stood up and moved over to the roaring fire.

“You know, to stop this from happening again you would be better to marry her. Help her settle down be a little less voluble and improver her manners.”


“No buts my old friend. I saw how she holds you she must like you. Now be gone. I will arrange it for you.”

The Doctor bowed and left the room cursing under his breath in ancient Gallifreian.


Peri was sprawled out on the huge four-poster bed when the Doctor barged in.

“Hey, I could have been busy!”

“Sorry, but we have a problem.”

“Doctor! What did you do upset the king?”

“No not as such. He thinks we are a very good match and-,”

“He what?”

“And, in his infinite wisdom he has decided, we are to be wed.”

Peri sprang up a look of pure horror on her face.

“You are kidding me! But we can’t, I won’t!”

“If we don’t…he will have us killed!”

Chapter 4

The Doctor began to pace up and down. Peri thought she could see him wearing a rut into the floor if he didn’t stop soon.

“He can’t do that can he? He can’t make us marry?”

“I'm afraid he can, but I’ll think of something. I don’t want to be stuck with you indefinitely.”

“Well thanks very much!”

The Doctor paused from his frenzied pacing for a moment, turned slowly towards Peri and asked, “So, what kind of a wedding dress do you want? Would a white dress be appropriate?”

“Doctor!” she admonished, “I thought you said you would think of something?”

“I will, but it’s always good to have a back up just in case.”

“Well I’m sure His Majesty will arrange everything so there’s no need to worry about that,” tutted Peri, her hands firmly on her hips and a scowl on her face.

“There’s no need to take that tone of voice with me young lady!”

Peri stuck her tongue out in reply, and then after a pause said, “So Doctor if you can’t talk your way out of this marriage what will I be then, Mrs Doctor? Or Mrs Timelord?”

“There’s no need to be facetious. Anyway only the rich have a surname in this time.”

“We could always get married, then get divorced or the marriage annulled, couldn’t we?”

The Doctor shrugged and muttered something under his breath, something Peri couldn’t quite hear, but it sounded somewhat alien.

“Well are we supposed to share a room? We aren’t married yet.”

“Oh no, no my rooms down the corridor, but the kings decided that we should both have an armed escort and anyway I thought we should have a little chat about…”

“About what?”

“Your behaviour. This is not a very enlightened time. There are some rules protocols you can’t go around shouting abuse at people. You have to be polite and demure. I can only save you so many times.”

“Spoilsport,” grumbled Peri, folding her arms and sitting back on the bed.

“It would be Lungbarrow I suppose,” said the Doctor, as he gazed wistfully into the fire that was roaring away in the hearth.

“What was that Doctor? I didn’t hear what you said.”

“I said if you married me your married name would probably be Lungbarrow…I think.”

“What an odd name. Peri Lungbarrow. Hmmm, doesn’t really have quite the right ring to it.”

“No, indeed. Well, I’d better be off, make the most of my last days of being a bachelor,” The Doctor chuckled to himself then opened the door, “You had better get some rest, you’ll need it,” and with a cheery wave left.


The Doctor strolled down the corridor, flanked each side by a somber looking guard.

“So what do you do in your spare time? A bit of jousting, some archery perhaps?”

But neither of the soldiers replied.

“OK then, what about you going and taking a little break and letting me wander round on my own?”

There was a stony silence only broken by their footsteps on the stone floor.

“Well, I can see you’re not in a talkative mood. Perhaps we can have a nice chat in the morning,” said the Doctor when they reached the door of his room. He removed the apple from his pocket and put it in the guard’s hand.

“A little snack, in case you get peckish.”

The Doctor then made a big show of entering the room and slammed the oak door behind him. He surveyed the room.


Chapter 5

The Doctor stared and smiled at the pretty young woman asleep in his bed.  He instantly recognized her as Lady Sara, the lady in waiting who had escorted him to the King.  “A test of my fidelity,” he murmured.  “But is it a test – or a trap?”

He walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. For a split second his hearts stopped beating.  The fresh-faced woman who had earlier giggled at him would giggle no longer.  She was not asleep.  She was dead.

The sheets underneath her were a scarlet red from the blood, which had poured from the wound that ran right through her body.  It was clear that a sword had been plunged into her chest and out through her back.  The Doctor gazed sadly at her beautiful blonde hair on the pillow and then at her face that would never smile again.  Her eyes were wide open and in her lifeless corneas the Doctor could see the total horror she had witnessed just before she took her final breath.

Gently he reached across and lowered her eyelids.  As he did so he was surprised to notice her right hand was clenched shut.  He carefully prised her fingers opened and discovered that she had been clutching a small key.  He removed it from her hand.  It was made of iron and appeared to be quite old, but little used. But a key to what? He wondered.  Dropping the key into one of his pockets he shouted for his guards to enter the room.


Some hours later the Doctor had been commanded to see the King, this time escorted by armed guards.  “This is a bad business,” said the King after they were both seated. 

“Indeed, your majesty,” replied the Doctor.  “I trust that the killer may quickly be caught, not only to ensure retribution for this evil act, but also to safeguard the life of the building.”  This last expression was a direct reference to the King himself, not to any lesser mortals within the castle whose lives may also be in peril.

The King nodded.  “Actually, Doctor, the murderer has already been discovered.  She has confessed to this wicked crime and has been sentenced to execution.  The killer was your companion, to whom you were about to be joined in holy matrimony.”

The Doctor turned white.  “No, your Majesty, that cannot be.”

“I’m afraid so, Doctor.  I witnessed the confession myself.  The young lady was seized by a jealous rage when she discovered your damnable act of infidelity with Lady Sara.”

“Your Majesty, there must be some mistake.”

The King stood up in sudden rage.  “Do you accuse me of speaking untruthfully, sir?  I am King of England, God’s anointed servant.  You are speaking treason, Doctor.”

The Doctor dropped to the ground.  “My Liege, I humbly beg your pardon…”

The King interrupted him.  “I have misjudged you, Doctor.  You, sir, are a cad and a naughty fellow.  I think it is only right that you should join the young lady on the gallows.  You will both hang at six o’clock tomorrow morning.  And may God have mercy on your souls.”

Chapter 6

The Doctor was tossed in Peri's room and the door was locked behind him.

“Hmm at least it's a nice prison, with a fire,” he mused.

He saw Peri asleep in the bed; she seemed so happy and content. Did he dare wake her? Did he feel safe being in the same room as her? Was she a killer?

“Don't be stupid Doctor she is a friend, and was almost your wife.” He muttered to himself out loud as if for reassurance.

The Doctor sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his sleeping friend, a sick and twisted thought was running through his mind, was she dead like Sara? His hand shook as he gently held the covers and pulled them back, to reveal Peri in a black bra and pants; Her chest rising a falling as she breathed. He sighed and replaced the covers. The Doctor got up and gazed into the fire, he wanted the flames to eat him up and take him away. He glanced over at Peri again and wondered did she have blood on her hands? Was she really jealous of Sara? Did she like or even love him that much? He had no idea. He had almost twelve hours until his and Peri's death. He needed rest and time to clear his mind of what was going on. He took off his coat and like a cat he curled up in front of the fire.


The King sat in his throne room. He was alone and was letting him mind wander on the events of the day. He could not believe that the Doctor, his old friend would bring someone into his home that would kill for love. Then again, did he not kill for love himself? He remembered the man who tried to take the hand of his queen. He had killed him and then in return she killed her self because she loved the other man. Was he being too harsh on the Doctor and his companion? When he had done the same thing she had. He was no sure. He did know one thing the Doctor did speak treason, but only to save his friend.

“He must like her a lot to speak out like that to me,” the king said to himself.

He got up and walked to the fire. He warmed his bones in its comforting heat and thought back to the interrogation and confession. She did not seam like the same girl he had met, something was not right in her manner and the way her eye’s seamed dead and lifeless.



The Doctor sat up at the cry from Peri.

“What is it?” He said, as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"What are you doing in here?"

The Doctor turned round to face her and stared. She had pulled the covers around her to hide what she was wearing; not knowing the Doctor had already seen it to check she was not dead.

“Doctor answer me! I could have been naked!”

The Doctor got up.

“Don't worry I know that your not….” The Doctor trailed off, he had dropped himself in it.

“How in God's name do you know?” She knelt up on the bed a scowl on her face.

The Doctor tried not to make eye contact with her and scratched behind his right ear.

“Well, I wanted to make sure you where ok and not well, dead.”

Peri got out of the bed and rapped the covers around her.

“Dead, what do you mean?” She approached the Doctor and he backed away.

“What's wrong?” She asked him, holding out her hand.

“Do you know what has been going on?” He asked, looking into her eyes.

“No I have no idea,” she replied.

 The Doctor took a step forward and holding her firmly by the arms, looked deep into her eye’s and asked in a solemn voice. “Did you kill Lady Sara in a fit of jealousy?”

Peri glared at him, but the confusion in her eyes told the truth.

“No. I have been asleep ever since you left me.”

The Doctor took her hands and looked at them, knowing it was very hard to get blood out of them, and there was no soap in this time so it would still be on them. There was no blood.

“Someone killed Sara in my room and the king said you confessed to killing her.”

 Peri stared at him shock and disbelief in her eyes. “But I was here, all of the time.”

“I believe you. You can’t hide the truth in your eyes. So who did kill her and who made up that confession?”

Peri began to shake with cold. The Doctor pulled her in close and held her to keep in the warmth.

“So if she is dead and they think I did it what is going to happen to me?”

The Doctor looked down at her a serious look on his face.

“We are both to be executed at dawn.”

“But I have not done anything. And what have you done?”

The Doctor let out a dark laugh.

“I tried to tell him it was not you. Got me into hot water and well, I am going to die to.”

Peri began to cry as she nuzzled her face in to her friend’s shoulder.

“I don't want to die,” she protested through streaming tears.

“Nor do I. And we are not going to. We have to find out who it was that made the confession on your behalf.”

“How do we do that?” She asked, moving out of his embrace and sat on the bed.

“By getting out of the room and then exploring.” He fished around in his pockets and pulled out a key.

“What’s that Doctor?”

“Something Sara had in her hand, a key. Now, this key has not been used a lot so it must be for a room not in use. All we have to do is get out of here and find that room.”

“How do we get out of here?” Peri asked, her voice wavering.

The Doctor sat next to her to placing his arm round Peri’s shoulders to comfort her again.

“We pick the lock.”  He held out a length of wire then smiled at Peri. “You best get dressed if you want to get out of here.”

The Doctor turned his back as Peri dressed, being the gentleman he was and set to work on the door. In a few moments it opened, and the two of them where free of the room, but not the threat of death.

Chapter 7

As they marched down the endless corridors Peri was starting to get tired of walking, “Doctor my feet hurt. Are we actually heading anywhere, like back to the TARDIS? ‘cause if we’re not, I'm going back to that room.”

“Don’t worry. I know what I'm doing.”

“But there must be hundreds of doors in the keep, let alone the whole castle. How will we know which one the key will open,” protested Peri.

“Well we have two options.”

“Which are?”

“We wander round the castle trying every door, which as we are escaped prisoner’s might not be so wise.”


The Doctor held up the key in front of him, and then pointed at it.

“Look at the ironwork on this key. Can you see how it its been made to look like a stylised dragon?”

“Yes, I can see it. But how’s that going to help us?”

“Well on the way to see the king I did a little exploring and just round this corner there’s a door with…. Ah ha!”

“A door with a dragon engraved into the stonework above it. You’re genius Doctor!” she declared, giving him a grateful hug.

“Why thank you, Peri. You’ve finally realised,” said the Doctor, with a playful wink and a grin on his face.

“Doctor,” sighed Peri. “Erm…shouldn’t we try the key in the lock?”

The Doctor was gazing down at the key lying in the palm of his hand with a look of concentration on his face.

“I do hope that this isn’t like Pandora’s box. I’ve let enough things escape in my time through opening ‘box’s’ that shouldn’t be opened.”

“Doctor, don’t be such a wet blanket. You’ve got me all geared up about what’s through that door and now you just want to walk away?”



“What did you call me?”

“You heard. You’re a yellow bellied coward.”

“I am not! And I’ll prove it,” replied the Doctor defiantly.

The Doctor took the key and inserted it in the lock. It fitted. Then he slowly turned it. A mechanism could be heard creaking to life as the door unlocked. The Doctor reached for the handle, “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

He turned the handle and pushed open the heavy oak door. Peri let out a gasp of surprise when she saw what was in the room…


The room was full of television screens, computers and other pieces of electronic gadgetry whose function was not instantly apparent. The Doctor instantly rushed forward and began to peruse the controls.

“What is it Doctor?”

“Smile, Peri. You’re on candid camera.”

“What?” She walked over to the screens.

“Look at this. They have got surveillance cameras set up all around the castle.”

“But why and how? I'm no expert, but I don’t think they had this kind of technology in medieval England.”

“They didn’t have electricity either. Someone with advance technology is involved, but how far up does this go?”

“Well someone in the castle knows what’s going on.”

“And I have a sneaky suspicion that our Head Knight might be involved.”

“Why is that?”

“Let’s just say he didn’t suggest throwing you in prison till he heard you using modern words.” The Doctor bent down to examine one of the cables, “Now if we can follow this cable to its power source, we may find out some useful information as to whom we’re dealing with.”


The Doctor shushed his companion, and held a finger to his lips, then pointed to the door.


Voices could be heard outside. It sounded like a pretty heated discussion. The door handle slowly began to turn. Peri looked around for a place to hide, but there was nowhere. The Doctor grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the shadows of the wall. She pressed her back against the wall as far as she could, offering up a silent prayer that they wouldn’t be seen. When suddenly she heard a scraping sound like stone rubbing against stone, she felt movement, next thing she knew everything was plunged into darkness.


Peri felt along the wall trying to get her bearings, but all she could feel was cold damp stone. Panicking she cried out in a strained whisper, “Doctor! Doctor are you there?”

She heard a match being struck and then suddenly she could see the Doctor face illuminated in the gloom.

“It’s all right I'm here,” whispered the Doctor, indicating for her to keep quiet.

From what she could see they appeared to be in some kind of recess in the wall. Peri went to say something, but thought better of it. The two people they heard arguing earlier might hear them, might know about the secret door.


They had been waiting in the recess for what seemed like hours to Peri, but was probably only half an hour at the most. When she just about stifled a yelp of surprise as she felt a warm body press close to her.

“Breath in, Peri. There’s a good girl,” came the Doctors voice out of the dark. She could feel his hot breath and could almost see his face it was so close to hers.

“Doctor, I don’t think this is the time or the place.”

“I'm trying to get past. I think there may be a tunnel of some sort off to your right, so if you would kindly breath in I might be able to squeeze past.”

“Sorry, Doctor,” replied Peri, blushing from embarrassment and trying to make as much room for the Doctor to get past as possible. “I thought you were, you know-,”

“Going to do what, you silly child?”

“Well we were nearly married and well I-. It was nothing. It doesn’t matter.”

“Good. We don’t want any misunderstandings do we?”

Chapter 8

“It’s blocked,” exclaimed the Doctor.  He’d been able to make little progress down the tunnel after squeezing past Peri.  “We can’t go anywhere other than back the way we came.”

“Come on, Doctor, what’s going on?” asked Peri.  “Are we really in the twentieth century or something?  Has this castle been specifically built for a history museum or as part of a theme park?”

“You think you’re in Disneyland?  You want me to buy you a wristband so you can go on all the white knuckle rides? Sorry to disappoint you, but this is the fifteenth century and we are both due to be hung in a few hours time. Theme park! This is a genuine mediaeval castle; I’d stake all my remaining lives on that. Probably built during the reign of William the Conqueror.”

“But all that electrical equipment. Where’s it all come from? You said they didn’t have electricity then.”

“Someone must have brought it all here. Sort of thing the Monk would do.”

“The Monk?”

The Doctor smiled as an ancient memory returned to him. “One of my own race. Always interfering in history. Trying to change it for the better. Took a lot of electrical gadgets back to 1066 to try to help Harold defeat William.”  The Doctor looked more serious.  “But it can’t be him behind all this. He wouldn’t try to have us hung. He’s an annoying fellow, but never malicious. Anyway, it sounds like whoever was having that disagreement earlier have left us. Let’s get back to that surveillance room.  Maybe we can look through its recordings and see what’s been happening around here. Who killed Lady Sara for a start? Would you like me to hold your hand?”

Peri scowled.  “Doctor, I’m not a child.”

“No,” replied the Doctor, winking.  “But you were nearly my wife.”


The Doctor and Peri stopped dead as they entered the surveillance room through the secret door. The room was empty of surveillance equipment.  After thinking for a second, the Doctor began feeling around the panelled walls. 

“Doctor, where’s it all gone?” asked Peri.  “And what are you doing?”

“Feeling for a switch,” replied the Doctor, without looking round.  “Maybe it’s disappeared behind a sliding wall or something.  They can’t have removed it all manually without a trace in that time.  Ah-ha.”  The Doctor’s fingers had found an indentation in the wall that felt suspiciously like a button.  He pressed it and a second later another secret door opened in the opposite wall to the one which he and Peri had emerged from moments earlier.  Behind the door he could see no sign of any electronic equipment, only the form of a young female kneeling on the floor, bound and gagged.  The Doctor rushed over to her, quickly followed by Peri.  The bound figure was a stranger to Peri, but the Doctor recognised her instantly.  “It’s Lady Sara,” he exclaimed, reaching behind her head to undo the gag.

“But you said she was dead,” said Peri, before the Doctor waved his hand to silence her.  Fortunately the lady in waiting appeared too relieved at being untied to take any notice of Peri’s tactless comment.  She breathed inward heavily and her eyes silently thanked the Doctor for rescuing her.

“How long have you been here?” asked the Doctor.

“Hours, I think, sir.”

“How did you get here?” Peri asked.

“I was grabbed by two masked men while I was arranging the flowers for tonight’s dinner. They gagged and bound me, then carried me here. Oh, it was horrible, horrible. Such naughty men to treat a poor maiden so.”

“Quite,” said the Doctor.  “Here, let me help you up.”  Gently he pulled Lady Sara into a standing position.  “Now don’t try to move, just get your balance.  You’ll soon be feeling better.  Trust me, I’m a doctor.  I’d offer you a seat but there doesn’t seem to be a chair in this room, or anything else for that matter.  Standing room only, in fact.”  He slowly removed his arms from her and walked over to Peri.

“Doctor,” said Peri in a low but sharp voice, “what is going on?  You said she was dead, killed in your room.  You looked at me under the covers to see if I was dead.  Do you think every young woman is dead at the moment?”

“Of course not, but I think I know what’s going on.  It’s all starting to fit into place now.”

“Good, because I think I’m going crazy.”  She glanced across at Lady Sara.  “And I’m not happy about my future husband having such an attractive girl in his bedroom!”

“Listen, I thought I saw Lady Sara dead in my bed.  The King thought he saw you confessing to her murder.  And we both thought we saw a whole load of electronic wizardry in this room.”

“We didn’t think we saw it, we did see it,” protested Peri.

“No, we only thought we saw it.  What we have here is the work of a being known as Neuro-physic Mental Analytic Process Distorter.  We called them Brainbenders at the Academy.  Someone who can make illusions so real they can be seen, heard, smelt, touched and even tasted.  They’re so powerful that they can affect Time Lord brains as well as lesser species.  They don’t even need to be near their subject and can even leave remote controls.  And I think I know the remote control for this room.  Watch.”  He pulled out the iron key and headed for the main door.  He put the key in the lock on the outside of the door and turned it.  At once the surveillance equipment reappeared.  “See, the illusion is triggered by turning the key in the lock and is maintained while there are people in the room.  It would take too much physic energy to keep it switched on permanently.  We re-entered the room by the secret door so the illusion wasn’t triggered.”

Peri was bewildered.  “So the King might be an illusion too.”

The Doctor smiled.  “No, he’s real enough.  The illusions aren’t perfect; they always have a flaw.  Lady Sara looked slightly paler when she was lying in my bed, but I just took that as being because she was dead.  You probably had a similar flaw in your features.”  He walked over to the nearest computer, and then beckoned Peri over.  “Look at this keyboard.  It’s letter keys are alphabetical rather than in standard Earth Qwerty arrangement.”

“Well, nobody’s perfect, Doctor,” said a voice from behind them.  The Doctor and Peri swung round to find the First Knight standing in front of them brandishing a pistol.

Chapter 9

Lady Sara hid behind the Doctor holding his back. Peri gave her a menacing look. The Doctor noticed this and wondered if she really was jealous.

“Oh Doctor, you just had to come here and now didn't you. I have heard of you, how you meddle in other's affairs,” The First Knight spat.

The Doctor spat out a harsh retort.

“You words will not save you now.” The First Knight laughed harshly.

“What has he got in his hand sir?” asked Lady Sara in a quiet tone.

The Doctor glanced behind him at her. She was still holding his back, probably for her own piece of mind, he thought.

“It my dear is a weapon, it can kill faster and more violently than a sword or dagger,” The Doctor explained, like a father explains to a child.

She let out a cry and the Doctor spun round and held her. She was shaking like a leaf.

“Time to die Doctor,” The First Night held up the gun and was about to fire when the door burst open to reveal a group of the Kings guards.

“What is going on here?” one of the guards demanded.

“Glad you have come. This Knight was going to kill us,” The Doctor pointed at the Knight.

“That is Lady Sara! We where told she was dead!" The guard let out in a gruff commander tone.

“Yes the First Knight, made it seem as though she was dead with poison. And then poisoned my friend to induced her into making her confession, but the two women have no memory's of what has happened.”

 The guards looked at the Head Knight.

“Some of what you say seems true. He does hold a strange weapon. Take them all to the King!”

The Head Knight was taken and roughly dragged away by the guards. The gun was tossed to one side in the confusion. The Doctor pocketed it before anyone realised.


A few hours later they got an audience with the King.

“So, Doctor let me go over this. The Head Knight drugged Lady Sara and made it appear as though she was dead and then poisoned your friend into making a false confession?”

The Doctor stepped forward and looked at the King.

“Yes that's all true. You can see it with your own eyes Lady Sara is alive and well, who will you believe a Knight or me the man who saved you when you where dying?”

 The King let out a sigh and walked over to his throne. He sat down and looked at the crowd in his presence. The Head Knight, he was new to the Kings order, but he was very good. Then there was the Doctor, a man who was a good friend and had saved his life. He sat in silence for what felt years. Peri was getting bored and shuffled her feet. The Doctor looked over to her as to say stop it. She did so with a scowl, she still did not like how Lady Sara was clinging like a limpet to her Doctor.

“Doctor, I take your word for it. Remove the Knight to the dungeons. I am sorry Doctor, but until this situation has been resolved you must be kept in your rooms. You, your companion and Lady Sara." The King stood up and looked at his friend in front of him.

“Thank you your Majesty,” replied The Doctor bowing low, as the Head Knight was lead away cursing the Doctors name.

The Doctor was taken to a room and Lady Sara was put in with him. Peri was taken off to another room. The Doctor looked around his old room remembered how the last time he was in here, Lady Sara or a double of her was dead, but now she was sitting fresh faced on his bed. He glanced over at her. Was it his imagination or was she sitting very seductively?


Peri was tossed into a room. She paced the up and down, playing thoughts over and over in her mind.

“He's in there with her, on his own, God knows what they are up to.” Peri spat at the wall. She had to get out of this room stop the Doctor from being with her! She called for the guard who was outside her door.


“Why don't you take that heavy coat off? It’s very hot in here, and come sit next to me,” Lady Sara said in calm tones.

The Doctor took off his coat and laid it on the end of the bed. He would play Lady Sara's little game to find out what was going on. “Are you alright?” He asked. She smiled back.

“Why would I not be?” The Doctor looked back at her and shrugged, she carried on. “I mean I am in the same room with the man who saved me from that dark hole. A man who is very handsome and I really do need to repay him.”

The Doctor narrowed his eyes. “Really.”


“Let me out of here! Let me be with the Doctor!” Peri was pleading with the guard.

“All right Miss, anything to shut you up. Follow me.” The guard led her out of the room and down the corridor to the Doctors room.  


“Yes I really have to repay you Doctor, you saved me,” Lady Sara inched closer to him.  


In the dank dungeon, the Head Knight was chanting to himself. "Let the fun begin Doctor, hahahahaha!"  


The Doctor swallowed hard as Lady Sara got closer to him.

"What's going on?" He asked himself.

"I will show you what is going on." She whispered in his ear. She kissed him. He tried to pull away but she was totally in control he was stuck, stuck in the kiss. The door burst open and Peri walked in, and Lady Sara jumped up away from Doctor.

"Doctor, how could you?" Peri screamed.

"But, she was the one who did it to me." He pleaded.

"He did not put up much of a fight." Lady Sara spat at the young American.

"And there I was getting my hopes up for our marriage." Peri glared at the two of them.

"Marriage, but we don't have to have it now, and you don't even like me that much. Peri we always argue." The Doctor stood up and pleaded with her.

"Argue so what we always make up. I love you Doctor." Peri ran over to him kissed him and held him. She let him go.

"What is going on here?" He said.

"What are you going on about he is mine." Lady Sara argued with Peri.

The two women got closer and where staring at each other to find out who would break first.

"Women fighting over me this is a first, buts it's not right." The Doctor said. He shouted at the two women.

"Look at yourselves, the Head knight is playing with your minds." He stood in the middle of them both, by the side of the bed. The two of them turned round and looked at him. Then each grabbed hold of one of his arms and said in unison.

"I love you." The Doctor could not move held by the two of them.

"I have to stop this before my mind becomes corrupt to… But… I like this… No I don't I am the Doctor… But for the first time someone loves me, two people love me… No it’s not true its fake, an illusion… I like it… No I hate it… arggghhhhhhhhhh…”

Chapter 10

Somewhere in the grounds surrounding the castle, inside what appears on the outside to be a small cottage, but is actually a cleverly disguised Type 60 TARDIS. Two people are having a heated debate.

“I arranged your release for a reason, and I hope you will understand that I will not protect you if you do not follow my orders.”

“Yes, My Lady,” replied the Head Knight, reverently.

“You are in a position of authority so that you may move around and act with impunity. Not so you can get caught brandishing advanced weapons, which might I add in the wrong hands could change history. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, My Lady. Sorry, My Lady. It won’t happen again.”

“Good. Now what challenges have you in store for the Doctor to triumph over? What have you for him to deal with, hmm?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Why don’t you see for yourself, My Lady?” said the Head Knight, indicating the real controls for the surveillance equipment.

She switched the screen on to see Peri pulling the Doctor to her side of the room by one hand and Lady Sara trying to pull him in the other direction by his other hand like some bazaar tug of war.

“Avvon! What is the meaning of this? When I said use some imagination when creating your illusions I didn’t mean mine!”

“But, My Lady don’t you want the Doctor to fall in love with you?” asked the Head Knight, not feeling at all comfortable with the angry thoughts he was picking up from his mistress. But he would not have to endure her admonishment for long. He would soon be in control.

“Yes I do. But I don’t want certain other people to get their first. Stop this fiasco at once!”

“Are you su-,”

“Just do it!”

“Yes, My Lady.”

“Now you will not ‘manifest’ anymore events until it has been cleared by me. Or I will take you back to those narrow-minded primitives in your village who would have you stoned to death.”

“I understand, My Lady.”


The Doctor was a trifle puzzled and his memory a little hazy. He had woken to find himself lying on a four-poster bed with Peri on one side and Lady Sara on the other. At first he didn’t know quite how to react. Had he been drinking last night? But alcohol didn’t affect him like it does humans so how come he was in this situation? Then it came back to him, slowly. He let out a groan. Now he knew, one-minute he had two women fighting over him, the next they collapsed on the bed unconscious and he had gained a hangover. The Doctor put his hand to his head and tried to clear his thoughts. Someone was definitely using some kind of mind controlling device and it was starting to get on his nerves.

He got up and went over to check on Peri first. He could feel a pulse and, she was breathing which meant she was alive at least. The same was true for Lady Sara.

Peri was the first to stir, “Doctor?”

“I'm here. Now try not to move to quickly,” he helped her up into a sitting position, “There we go. How do you feel?”

“Like someone hit my head with a sledgehammer.”

“What do you remember?”

“Remember? I was in my room. I was worried about you and I asked the guard whether I could join then, then…I can’t recall. It’s all too fuzzy.”

“That’s Ok. It will come back to you soon enough,” then muttered under his breath, “When it does you’ll wish you hadn’t remembered.”  He paused and turned. Lady Sara was stirring from her slumber. He went over to her side.

She let out a pained groan, and then slowly opened her eyes, “Doctor? What happened? My head it ails me. It doth feel like some shepherd has driven his heard through my head.”

“I think that’s a pretty fair description. Er…do you remember anything?” asked the Doctor.

“No, I am afraid I do not, sir.” She frowned, “Why are you in my bedchamber? It is most naughty of you.”

“That’s not what you were saying earlier,” stated Peri from where she was now standing behind the Doctor. Her hands firmly on her hips and an angry frown on her face.

“I see you’ve remembered,” replied the Doctor, rolling his eyes. “Painful isn’t it?”

“But how Doctor? And why. Why did I throw myself at you?”

“My sparkling wit, my boyish good looks, my-,”

“Big ego.”

“Not quite the word I was searching for, Peri.” He got up and walked over to the window, which was no more than an arrow slit and peered out at the grounds and battlements below. “Somewhere, nearby there’s someone or something exerting power over our minds.”

“But Doctor, I thought it was the Head Knight that was responsible?”

“He may well be, but I suspect he’s not working alone.  This…scenario smacks of a well-prepared plan and our Knight friend didn’t strike me as a well thought out plan type. Not when he goes around pointing anachronistic weapons at people.”


“Oh goody! He’s living up to my expectations so accurately. Already he’s figured out that there’s more than one person involved.” Declared Lady Fleur de Temps clapping her hands together in glee. “Although it was your little slip that allowed that deduction to be made.” She glared at the Head Knight. “Now I must prepare for my staring role. Avvon, do not fail me again.”

“I will not, My Lady. You will be his one true love just as you requested,” replied the Head Knight.

“And how will you arrange that my dear, sensitive?” she asked fluttering her eyelashes.

“He will rescue you from the jaws of death.”

“Brilliant!”  She called after her, as she left the room to change, “The Doctor can never refuse a damsel in distress!”

“But this time the danger will be real… Mawhahahah!”

Chapter 11

The Doctor was alone in his chamber.  Peri had gone to her own room to prepare for dinner.  Lady Sara had returned to her duties, assured by Peri and himself that her honour was intact.  “She offered her honour, he honoured her offer…” mused the Doctor.  He smiled as he remembered reprimanding Susan for repeating in the TARDIS that rhyme which she had learnt in the playground at Cole Hill School. School.  He tried to remember back to his own lessons at the Academy.  Just occasionally he wished he had paid a bit more attention in class instead of spending half his time making Time Flow Analogues or finding excuses to spend time alone with a female student who would have to remain unnamed.  What had Borusa taught him about brainbenders?  He closed his eyes and focused his mind back hundreds of years, back to his carefree days, his youth.

Confusion.  That was it, confusion.  The way to defeat a brainbender was to confuse its mind.  But how did you do it?  Had Borusa told them?  No, he remembered now.  That had been the homework assignment.  Research through the ancient records and discover how to confuse a brainbender.  Just one problem.  He hadn’t done the task.  He had spent a disproportionate amount of time with the aforementioned female student.  Yes, he’d discovered one or two things that weekend, but not how to confuse a brainbender.

He’d got away with it, though. Borusa was taken ill with a fever on the day of the next lesson and by the time he’d returned the class had moved onto another project.  Yes, he’d been so pleased at escaping punishment.  Unfortunately he was now regretting not doing that assignment 800 years later.  Be sure your sins will find you out, he thought.  Especially those that take place behind the TARDIS sheds.

There was a sharp knock on the door followed immediately by a loud voice.  “Doctor, His Majesty commands your immediate presence on pain of death.”

The Doctor had almost forgotten that he was the guest of the King.  It sounded like this summons was not to be treated lightly.  He arose from the bed and headed to the door.  As he stepped out into the corridor he felt himself being hit with a heavy object on the back of his neck and he slumped to the ground.


The Doctor opened his eyes and immediately groaned and rubbed the back of his neck where he could still feel the impact of the clubbing he’d received as he’d left his chamber.  He continued to rub at the soreness then looked around himself.

He was surprised to find that he was not bound or gagged.  He was lying on a bed.  He was no longer in the castle either.  He swung his legs onto the ground and received another surprise.  The slight vibrations he could feel through the floor told him that he was in a TARDIS.  Not his own TARDIS, that was for certain.  He liked to think that he was in touch with his feminine side, but he’d never have decorated any room in the TARDIS in girlie pink.  He looked down one end of the room and noticed that the two corners were each covered by diagonally hung deep red drapes.  While he was wondering what was behind them he heard a familiar voice from the opposite end of the room.

“Welcome, Doctor,” said Avvon.  The Head Knight was standing on a balcony, but there did not seem to be any way to access it from within this room.  “I hope there are no hard feelings over the slightly violent manner in which your transportation to this magnificent Type 60 TARDIS was arranged.  I didn’t think you’d agree to just take a walk into the castle grounds and enter a small cottage that just happened to be there.”

“I’m quite partial to small cottages actually, Knight,” replied the Doctor.

“Please call me Avvon.  This particular room happens to be the bedroom of young Lady Fleur de Temps, a trainee Time Lord.  You must be getting quite used to spending your time in lady’s bedchambers lately, Doctor.”

“Yes, reminds me of my days at the Academy.”

“I’m sure, Doctor.  Lady Fleur has borrowed this TARDIS for a few days in order to arrange a little test to see if your reputation for innovative brilliance is wholly deserved.  I’m also interested to see if you turn out to be a mastermind or if you prove to be the weakest link.”  The Knight laughed.

The Doctor wasn’t laughing.  “Are anachronisms your strong point, Avvon?”

“No,” replied the Knight.  “I prefer to consider gruesome murder my speciality.”

“Lovely.  Why is it that wherever and whenever I go I always seem to bump into megalomaniac homicidal control freaks?  Anyway, am I going to meet the young Lady Fleur?”

“Of course, Doctor.  Right away.”  One of the red drapes fell to the ground revealing an enclosed area behind it, like a tall, slender cage with a solid glass front.  Inside was a young Gallifreyan woman.   Despite being imprisoned she looked bright and cheerful and very happy to see the Doctor.

The Doctor walked over to the corner.  “What’s going on?  Why is she encased like this?  Is she in quarantine?”

 “No Doctor, I told you, it’s a test, and Lady Fleur is a willing participant.  She is putting her life in your hand.  Literally, as she is only a trainee Time Lord and has not yet achieved the power of regeneration.  There is currently one hour’s worth of oxygen in the case.  There is only one way to open the case.  Do you see that panel near the bottom?”

The Doctor looked down and saw a small panel containing six buttons each marked with a symbol.  “I see it.”

“Good.  That is a logic code.  We estimate that it should take you around thirty minutes to solve it.  If you do then the front of the case will disappear and Lady Fleur will be released.”

“I see.  Well, I’d better make a start.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Doctor,” said Avvon.  “That would be too easy.  Just to make it more of a challenge there is a catch.  Behold.”  The second drape fell away.  Imprisoned in a similar case was Peri.  The Doctor rushed over to her, a look of shock on his face.  Had he turned round he would have seen a similar look on Lady Fleur’s face. 

“Peri,” the Doctor called to her.

“Doctor,” Peri mouthed back, but the case was completely sound proof.  

The Doctor turned to the balcony.  “I’m warning you, Avvon, if any harm comes to Peri…”

“Listen then, Doctor, don’t waste precious time arguing,” said Avvon.  “Peri also has an hour’s oxygen.  As you can see there is a similar panel on Peri’s case.  A similar, but different, logic code will open this case. Again, it should take around thirty minutes to solve the code.”

“Thirty minutes for each code?  Then I’ve got enough time to release them both.”

“Wait, Doctor.  I’m afraid there is another catch.  Just to make the challenge really interesting.  You see the solutions to the two codes are exact opposites.  When you solve one code the front of that case will disappear, as I’ve already indicated.  But at the same time all the remaining oxygen in the other case will be sucked out in less than one second.  So you see your dilemma, Doctor.  Do nothing and they will both die. Save one and you will kill the other.  Take your pick, Doctor.  It’s a matter of life and death.

Chapter 12

The Doctor looked from Peri to the Lady Fleur. It was not a difficult choice for him to make. He made a dash for Peri’s tube and began to crack the code. Avvon looked at the Doctor, his jaw hanging open in amazement.

“But you are supposed to save Lady Fleur not the other woman,” the Head Knight declared.

The Doctor glared up at him and snapped, “What, save the life of a woman who I don’t know, a woman who has risked I and my friends lives. I think not.”

Avvon looked on with shock and horror as the Doctor got almost to the end of his task. Could he let his mistress die? The very person who had saved him from death.

 The Doctor entered the last number of the code and the tube vanished around Peri. She flopped out of the tube into his arms. The Doctor turned round and looked at Lady Fleur as the oxygen was sucked out of the tube. Her eyes open wide staring at him in horror.

“I am sorry,” he said and looked away.

“No my Lady!” Avvon made a dash for the release button and the tube vanished. Lady Fleur fell out onto the floor gasping for breath.

“You are not the hero I took you for,” she whispered, before falling unconscious.

Avvon ran to her side and checked to see if she was alive.

“Help me with her. You are a Doctor.”

The Doctor looked at Peri, she smiled he let her go and moved over to the young Time Lady.

“Ah, lets take her to her room she can rest there.”

 Avvon glared up at him. “Will she be alright?” He asked with bated breath.

“Given time and rest yes.” The Doctor made a solemn walk to the door.

Avvon picked up the Lady Fleur and carried her out, Peri followed in silence.


It was some time later and the Doctor was dozing in a chair in Lady Fleur’s bedchamber his hand hanging limply. He was sitting with her to make sure she would be all right. Avvon was skulking in the console room and Peri had been shown to a room to rest up from her ordeal.

Lady Fleur woke up suddenly and looked around the room. When she saw the Doctor she swallowed and her hearts missed a beat. Then she seamed to sadden. Fleur remembered that the Doctor had not saved her. He had left her to die. She got up and her head swam, she rubbed it and let it clear. She walked over to the Doctor and stood over him. He was just like she imagined, strong, a hero but he had not lived up to her expectations. She made to stroke his cheek, but his hand flew up and grabbed hers before she could touch him. His eyes where still closed as he spoke.

“You are awake then?” He lazily opened one eye and let her hand go. She moved over to the bed and sat on it.

“Yes,” she whispered. Fleur looked at the ground as the Doctor got up towering over her.

“Why have you brought me here? Why did you want me to save you?” He asked.

“I wanted to find out if you where all they said you where. I have always seen you as a hero to me you and……” The Doctor cut her off with a wave of his hand.

“I am not everything they say I am.” The Doctor sat back down in the chair and leaned forward. “So why chose me as a hero?” She looked up and her eyes sparkled, this must be a hidden passion for her.

“Well I read and heard of your roaming round the galaxy righting wrongs and saving people. Also how you and Elektra saved Gallifrey from evil and that the two of you travelled for a time.”

The Doctor glared up and her, a dark look in his eyes. “You admire her to?” He breathed.

“Yes, she was the first Time Lady to become and officer in the Marian core of the academy. She is very brave. She can think on her feet like you and the two of you travailed saving worlds when the Gallifrey where opposed to you doing it. You where to only two people who spoke out against the Time Lords.” The Doctor raised his hands.

“I am glad you admire us, but maybe Elektra won’t feel that way. She’s not one for fame, to be honest I don’t even know where she is.” Lady Fleur stood up and looked at him.

“She is with another incarnation somewhere, I can’t remember now. They disappeared for a time, so I could not track them.” The Doctor shot up into the air.

“You what? You track us? Why?” Lady Fleur looked at the floor.

“I want to walk where you to have walked, see what you have seen...”

“Enough. I don’t want to hear about my past anymore.”

“But the past you have…” The Doctor glared at her.

“The past we have is past, we don’t talk that often. Now if you would not mind I would not like to talk of her. Brings back some sad memories.”

He sat down in the chair it looked like the life had been sucked out of him.

“But I was wrong. You are not a very good hero. You did not save me,” Lady Fleur said as she sat back down on the bed again.

“What save you? Someone, who endangered my friend and me, to me you where an enemy.”

“I wanted to put you to the test to see how good you were.”

The Doctor waved his hand dismissively.

“Most people stick to a signed photo, not stalking.” Lady Fleur looked crest fallen and sighed.

“I am sorry.” She began to cry.

The Doctor stood up walked over to her sat down next to Fleur. The Doctor put and an arm around her. She, not to his surprise snuggled into him. It was not a strange experience, but he did not want to fall for her, on the other hand something gave within him and he swore he was slightly enjoying it.

“There, there.” He whispered. He patted her back comfortingly with his hand and smiled down at her, a warm smile like a father gives to a child.

“Thank you.” She said.

“What for?” he enquired.

“For not being too mad with me.” The Doctor laughed and took a deep breath.

“How can I be mad with someone who has done almost the same thing as I did?”

Lady Fleur looked up at him.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh well I followed someone round went to all the places they did. I on the other hand did not put them in danger, but I forgive you, because I know what it is like.” She looked up and him as she was pondering on who this person could be. She had a good idea, but did not want to mention it.


Out side the door stood Avvon he was listening in and his face was as red as fire.

“How dare you try to take her away from me Doctor. She is mine.”

Chapter 13

For a split second The Doctor thought he recognised Fleur from somewhere, somewhere in his past, but he couldn’t quite place it. Memories always tended to get a little hazy between regenerations. Maybe he was mistaken.

“Erm…Doctor could I ask you a little favour,” asked Fleur, giving him a pleading look.

“What kind of favour,” the Doctor replied cautiously.

“Can I have your autograph and a photo of me and you together?”

“Well, I don’t see why not.”

“Stay here, I’ll just go and fetch my camera and autograph digi-pad. Won’t be a moment!”


Shortly after she left the room, Avvon sidled in.

“Doctor,” he spat, the pronunciation of the Timelord’s name was laced with contempt.

“Ah, Avvon. I wondered when you’d turn up. You are rather like a bad penny,” quipped the Doctor.

“Still your insolent tongue, Timelord. Or I will cut it out!”

“Keep your armour on. Did you want something or are you just here to shout insults at me? Hmmm?”

“I'm warning you. I may have indulged my Lady’s whims till now, but I have my own plans for her and her curious magical ship. If you interfere I shall be forced to have you disposed of, a rather unpleasant action.”

“Are you threatening me?” asked the Doctor, a look of disapproval on his face.

“Take it as you will, Doctor. Remember I can control what you and your companion see as reality, don’t cross me,” replied Avvon, as he left the room.


The Doctor sighed to himself. He knew that Fleur had misbehaved, but he couldn’t help worrying that she had underestimated her partner in crime.  The child was inexperienced and from the sound of the head knight’s threats she had got herself in some considerable trouble. And anyway he couldn’t let a TARDIS fall into Avvon’s hands. So he decided to stay for a while and keep a wary eye on proceedings.


Fleur returned to find the Doctor pacing the room in a rather agitated manner.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

“Yes, perfectly,” he replied.

“Its just you seemed a little…preoccupied. I saw Avvon leaving. He didn’t say anything horrible to you did he? He doesn’t mean it really. Its just an insecurity complex,” she said flippantly.

“So,” said the Doctor, taking the camera. “Photo?”

“Ah, yes. Let me set the timer,” Fleur took the camera and after setting it down on a stool in front of them, ran back to where the Doctor was stood. Placing her arm round his waist she said, “Now say Gallifrey.”

There was a brilliantly bright flash and then both the Doctor and Fleur fell to the floor knocked unconscious.


Meanwhile Peri was trying to find her way through Fleur’s borrowed TARDIS back to the Doctor, but to her despair it seemed to be more of a labyrinth than the TARDIS she was used to.

“I need a piece of string to make sure I don’t get to lost,” she muttered to herself.

Eventually she found herself in the control room where Avvon seemed to be intently studying the controls and holding his hand hesitatingly over the dematerialisation switch.

“Oh, hi,” she said. He almost jumped out of his skin and turned round quickly darting a furtive glance in her direction.

“What are you doing here?” he snapped.

“Could ask you the same question. Last time I looked you weren’t in your mistresses good books.”

“It’s none of your business what goes on between me and My Lady. Now, be gone before I remove you by force.”

“Funny, I was going to say the same thing,” she replied sarcastically. “Where’s the Doctor?”

“With My Lady Fleur, in her bedchambers,” he replied, relishing the look of horror on Peri’s face.

She crossed her arms and huffed, “She’s welcome to him.”

“My Lady said she was getting his autograph,” said Avvon a strange look on his face.

“I'm sure that’s not all she’s getting!”

“I doubt it,” he mumbled under his breath. For he had learned a lot in the short time he had travelled with the rebellious Fleur and he was the one who had rigged the camera to knock out the two Timelord’s. To remove them for long enough so that he could use the TARDIS for his own ends without Fleur prattling on about The Rules of Time travel.

“What did you say?” asked Peri.

“Nothing. But you my dear need to be dealt with,” said Avvon as he edged nearer looming over her, “You are becoming rather a nuisance, but I’m sure you can be put to some use. Mawhahahaha!”

Chapter 14

The old man walked slowly around the console, checking the readings.  Then he operated the scanner and observed the sky over Totter’s Lane.  The sun would be starting to set soon, he mused.  Soon be time for his granddaughter to be coming home from school.  Let’s see how much she hasn’t learnt today, he thought.  That ridiculous book on the principals of physics that she brought home last night.  He had never seen a text with so many inaccuracies, and without a single mention of the fifth dimension either.  Still, what can you expect from 20th Century schools on the Earth.  Why she had been so keen to attend this school, he couldn’t imagine.  She seemed to have learnt nothing but crude rhymes in the playground.  Shepherds washing socks, indeed.  And there was no reason to suppose that Hitler did not possess two of everything of which he was supposed to have two.  Besides, ‘eye’ didn’t even rhyme with ‘hall’.

The Doctor sat down and suddenly felt all of his many years.  Why, if his later incarnations lasted as long as this first one had done then he would still be alive thousands of years in the future.  Or in the past, if he preferred.  It was time he explored a bit more of the past of this planet.  He really must make a return visit to his old friend Julius Caesar one of these days.  And I must remember to warn him about the ides of March this time, he told himself.


Like all brainbenders, Avvon could read extremely quickly and he had digested the entire contents of the TARDIS Manual in less than a minute.  Confident that he could now fully operate this ship he set the time and space co-ordinates and seconds later the TARDIS borrowed by Lady Fleur in flight.


The first Doctor was somewhat perturbed to see a computer cabinet materialize in the console room.  He immediately knew that it could only be another TARDIS.  It couldn’t be the Time Lords catching up with him.  The universe was too large for them to pinpoint him with such accuracy without any help.  Could it be one of his old friends from the Academy come on a social call?  It would be nice to have a bit of company, but he was clean out of Venusian coffee.  Oh well, he thought, better go and greet them.  He started to walk towards the cabinet then froze on the spot as a voice boomed out from behind him.  “This is the voice of Rassilon.”


Avvon had never had to concentrate his mind so intensely before.  Summoning up a realistic image of the greatest Time Lord ever to have walked on the planet of Gallifrey, and make him spent the desired words, was a feat that required every morsel of his powers.  He screwed up his eyes ever tighter, knowing that a nanosecond’s lapse of concentration would shatter the illusion being witnessed by the first Doctor. 


“I have vital news to impart, Doctor.”  The first Doctor turned and looked up at the ethereal image of Rassilon, which stared down at him from the wall of his ship.  “Listen closely,” continued Rassilon.  “There has been a slippage in time.  The TARDIS that has just materialized has on board what will appear to you to be an incarnation of yourself, your sixth incarnation actually.  But it is a rogue incarnation, only created by a temporal interface in a crucial crux in time.  This incarnation should never have been created and the circumstance of its genesis means that it is totally malevolent.  He destroys worlds, he alters history and he has a terrible dress sense.”  The first Doctor flinched.  He felt this last misdemeanour was sufficient on its own to warrant taking a dislike to this future incarnation.  Rassilon continued.  “Now he is attempting to alter his own history, to destroy his past incarnations and substitute ones designed in his own image to increase his power.  The entire universe is in danger if he succeeds.  There is only one solution, Doctor.  You must destroy him.  Destroy him before he destroys you.  Destroy him and save the universe.  Good luck, Doctor.”  The image of Rassilon faded and disappeared.

The first Doctor continued to stare at the blank wall for a few moments, then he turned to face the cabinet once more.  He came to an immediate decision.  All his life he had been against the taking of life.  He could make an exception when killing someone was absolutely essential for reasons of self-defence.  If this future incarnation of himself were intent on destroying him then killing the impostor first would certainly qualify as self-defence.  Furthermore, if it was indeed a rogue incarnation which he was about to face then it was not a real life at all, merely an abomination of time.  Yes, the Doctor decided, I am prepared to kill this future self with the terrible dress sense.  I shall have no qualms about doing so.  My conscience will be completely clear.

Chapter 15

The Doctor sat up and rubbed the back of his head where it had collided with the floor. He waved his hand in front of his eyes to make sure he could still see, tiny dots where swimming in his eyes but he knew they would pass. Did he have a wild night last night and drink a whole bottle of Arcurean ale? It certainly felt that way. It reminded him of his days as a student when they would sneak out of physics lectures and get drunk and go for a spin in a newly stolen TARDIS. He shook his head again to try and get the memories of his past out of his head. He had, had a very good past but at times it saddened him. Everything was so happy then he had dreams of a family with the women he loved, he was destined to get high grades and be granted a job in the high council and he shattered all that when he decided to rebel against the very people who had high hopes for him. He knew that the right woman was out there somewhere but it was hard to find her and so his travels were a kind of distraction for him. Snapping out of his melancholy reverie The Doctors attention was drawn to the young lady on the floor next to him. It took his brain a few moments to realise that it was the Lady Fleur. She look almost dead, the Doctor checked her breathing, she was alive all she needed was a bit of rest. He got to his feet and picked the young Time Lady up, putting her down on the bed so she could rest. He began to pace the room.

"Who set that trap?" He whispered to himself. He walked up and down the room so furiously that one could almost imagine him wearing a groove in the carpet.

There was motion form the bed as Lady Fleur woke up. The Doctor hovered above her. She opened her eyes to be confronted with his face, it was a lovely sight and she smiled.

"Are you ok?" The Doctor asked sitting down next to her. She sat up and blinked her eyes.

"I have spots in my vision." She whispered.

"It will go. Its due to the light the camera emitted when the flash when off, that was the cause of our well… sudden sleep." She rubbed her eyes and looked around.

"I erm, guessed that. Who has done this?" She asked the Doctor. He looked down at her.

"Three guesses." He said darkly.

"You mean my faithful servant Avvon? But why would he do that? I have always treated him right." The Doctor turned and looked at her sharply so that it took her back for a second.

"Most servants in the end will snap off the hand that feeds them."

Lady Fleur looked at him and looked saddened.

"I am sorry Lady Fleur." The Doctor put a hand on her arm and it was his turn to be taken aback when she hugged him.

"Everything has gone wrong, I thought I could trust him. I wanted to get to know you better I messed that up. Now look at me a sobbing wreck!"

The Doctor held her and softened his voice replying "Its ok we all make mistakes in our lives. I should know I have made lots."

"Was leaving Gallifrey one?"

"Yes and No. I wish I had stayed. To have a family would have been perfect. On the other hand I have seen so many things, meet new people seen what the Time Lords don't want there people to see, a world outside theirs."

Lady Fleur looked up at him as she contemplated her next words, and then said, “You are a very different person in the flesh. You are a legend, strong and you fight the evil." The Doctor stood up and walked over to the door.

"Sometimes I do feel that I want to give up my travelling and have that family, but I know that people need my help and as long as I am still able to help I will. To stand by and let evil flourish and the universe be polluted by that evil in exchange for an easy life is something I couldn’t live with." The Doctor paused for a moment and in his eyes Fleur could see intensity, a passion concerning what he had just spoken of a resolve to fight evil, whatever the cost. Then as if suddenly galvanised into action he spoke again. "Shall we try to get out of here?" The Doctor turned to open the door but as he reached out it flew open and hit him in the nose. With a cry of pain he staggered back just about keeping his balance and rubbed his nose ruefully.

"Doctor, I am sorry I did not know you where behind the door, are you ok?" Asked Peri from where she was standing in the doorway having just opened the door.

"I will be ok!” snapped the Doctor. “And where might I ask have you been?"

"It doesn’t matter, I’ll explain later. We have to get out of here," she replied urgently. Grabbing hold of the Doctors hand and pulling him out into the corridor as he let himself be led out of the room. Never the one to be left out of the action Fleur jumped up and followed The Doctor and his companion.

“What is the matter, Peri? What has that Avvon done now?” asked the Doctor.

“How do you know it was him? Oh Doctor, he was messing around with the controls I think he might have broken something.”


"That's it little girl take the Doctor out of the TARDIS to his death," mused Avvon as he waited for all the pieces to fall into place.  


The Three of them made it to the console room.

"Can’t we try and take off?" asked Lady Fleur

"No we can’t the controls have been disabled, we must get out of here. See where we are." The Doctor headed out of the door and ran straight into himself, his 1st self.  

Chapter 16

“Oh. Hello,” chirped the [6th] Doctor, “Nice to me you, erm…me. Sorry I can’t stay and chat. Must dash.” He turned on his heels and headed back into the TARDIS, herding Fleur and Peri back in, in front of him, closing the doors behind.

“What’s the matter Doctor? Why are you so afraid of an old man?” asked Peri.

“He’s an earlier incarnation, isn’t he?” said Fleur.

“Yes. My original self, you could say. Never liked that version, too grumpy by far,” replied the Doctor, adding, “and such a dull wardrobe.”

“Oh and you’re so not moody now,” said Peri sarcastically, her arms crossed defiantly.

“I always wondered what it would be like to meet another incarnation of myself,” mused Fleur, “When you regenerate does it hurt?” she asked.

“Why do you ask?”

“No reason,” she shrugged her shoulders, “Just that’s what I would ask the older me.”

“So what are we going to do now?” winged Peri, perching herself on the edge of the console.

We are going to get back to my TARDIS,” he replied.

“But how?” Asked Peri.

“I'm thinking,” he snapped back.

“Remote control!” exclaimed Fleur, as she clapped her hands together in triumph. The other two turned to face her.

“Brilliant. An inspired idea,” expounded the Doctor, almost leaping in the air with enthusiasm and giving her a friendly pat on the back. “The main controls may be disabled, but the remote is just the ticket for a speedy return.”

“You have a remote control for a time machine. Why doesn’t our TARDIS have one Doctor? Did you loose it down the back of the sofa or something?”

“Of course I have one, just can’t remember where precisely,” replied the Doctor, sharply.

“Well I have this machines remote somewhere round here. I think it’s behind one of the roundels… or maybe it’s in a hollowed out book, in the library,” said Fleur, as she started searching for it. “Come on you two are you going to help me look or not?”

“You and Peri can search the console room and I’ll do the library,” he said.

“But Doctor can’t I come with you? Isn’t it dangerous to split up with Avvon wandering the corridors,” moaned Peri.

“Which is precisely why I'm leaving you here with Fleur and I'm going off on my own,” he replied adding, “The library, it’s the first left, then second door on the right isn’t it?”

“Yes…oh and the ladders in the far corner, and watch out for the fourth step it’s a bit rickety,” replied Fleur.

“Cheerio. I’ll be back in no time,” replied the Doctor with a wave as he disappeared through the door.

“I hope so,” muttered Peri to herself.

Chapter 17

The Doctor wandered around the corridor towards the library.  Meeting his former self had given him an idea. He remembered a more recent incarnation, a pleasant fellow with young features and fair hair and a penchant for the most English of pastimes.  Confuse it. That was the key to defeating a brainbender Borusa had said, and he had the perfect method of so doing.

He reached into one of his pockets and felt around.  Ah yes, he knew he had kept it someone.  He always believed in keeping things that one century may prove to be useful.  He pulled it out of his pocket and was surprised to see a red jelly baby stuck to it.  He extracted the sweet and after checking to see if it was a boy or a girl he popped it into his mouth.  Its ‘best before’ date was about 500 years in the future so it tasted perfectly fresh. He reached the library and went through the open door.

He was not at all surprised to meet Avvon in there.  He was reading a copy of the complete works of William Shakespeare, turning page after page, and by the look of all the books on the floor it seemed like he already read half the literature in the library.  Brainbenders never could resist books, thought the Doctor. I just hope he’s never happened upon a copy of Wisden.  

He tossed the cricket ball lightly in his hand and coughed.  Avvon looked up.  “Doctor.  You were supposed to die at the hands of yourself.”

“Yes, it would have been an unusual form of suicide, but I decided not to hang around with the old buffer.  Besides, I imagine he was waiting for his, that is our, granddaughter to come home from school so there wouldn’t have been opportunity for a good killing.  Another time maybe.  In the meantime I’m thought we could have a little game.”


“Yes, just to pass the time. A most exciting game.”  The Doctor crossed his fingers behind his back and mentally apologised to Rassilon for that blatant lie.  “I’m sure you’ll like it. It’s called cricket.”


“Yes, cricket.  Quintessentially English.  Nothing like a good game of cricket on a summer’s day, especially with cucumber sandwiches between innings. You’ve never heard of it.  Let me explain the rules. They’re perfectly simple.”

“I have no time for games,” snarled Avvon.  “ I only have time for killing.”

“Oh don’t worry, a game of cricket doesn’t take long.”  The Doctor recrossed his fingers.  “Now the rules are as follows. You have two sides, one out in the field and one in. Each man that's in goes out, and when he's out he comes in and the next man goes in until he is out. When they are all out, the side that's been out comes in and the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in, out. Sometimes you get men still in and not out.”

The Doctor saw Avvon’s eyes glaze over as he hopelessly attempted to follow this explanation of the rules of cricket. Seeing this the Doctor continued. “When a man goes out to go in, the men who are out try to get him out, and when he is out, he goes in and the next man in goes out and goes in. There are two men called umpires who are all out all the time, and they decide when the men who are in are out. When both sides have been in and all the men have been out, and both sides have been out twice after all the men have been in, including those who are not out, that is the end of the game.”

Avvon put his hands to his head.  His brain was burning, desperately trying to make sense of the Doctor’s words but the logic totally escaped him.  The ins and the outs were out of proportion. They could not be logically assimilated and there were too many of them to interlock accurately.  His brain got hotter and hotter inside his head as electronic signals raced all around it.  It was too much.  He screamed and fell to his knees as his brain burnt out.

The Doctor watched. It was painful to see Avvon’s agony and what he had done may seem cruel to an outsider, but the Doctor knew that the end result was the best for everyone. Avvon would be able to start again. Brainbenders were sad creatures who were unable to accept reality and had to invite living dreams. Maybe as he grew up this time he would find fulfilment that meant he wouldn’t have to resort to brainbending to live a happy, contented life.

The screaming stopped. Avvon started making a new noise: he was cooing like a baby.  His brain had decided the only way to rid itself of the dilemma of how to make sense of the Doctor’s words was to return to its formative state and forget all about the laws of cricket and everything else he had learned.  Avvon stood there cooing for a few seconds before he seemed to disappear and his clothes fell down and landed in a heap where he had been standing.

The Doctor knew what had happened.  He carefully walked over to the clothes, picked them up and threw them aside.  Underneath he saw the naked baby, cooing away happily.  In its final conscious act, Avvon’s brain had realized that it was out of kilter with the body it inhabited and reduced Avvon’s size accordingly.  Now Avvon would have to grow up all over again. Just for a moment the Doctor felt a pang of jealousy at this thought as he remembered again the female student he’d been thinking about in his bedchamber at the castle.

He reached down and gently lifted up the baby.  He tickled him under his chin, which made him gurgle happily.  “Well, little chap,” he said gently.  “You’re not going to give anyone any trouble for a time, except for interrupted nights maybe.  Now I just need to deal with Little Miss Infatuated.  Hmm, I wonder how she’d fancy having a go at motherhood?”

Chapter 18

“Where is he?” exclaimed Peri, as she paced the console room. She hated all this waiting around. “He does this all of the time. Leaves me to amuse myself, when he goes off saves the day and comes back the hero, while I just get caught up in his shadow and no one thanks me.” Peri stood in the console room and was going red with anger.

“He only does it to make sure you are safe, I think he is a very brave man,” Fleur smiled and pattered her arm. Peri looked at her and her mood seemed to disappear.

“You really look up to him don’t you?”  asked Peri.

Fleur went a little red and nodded, replying. “Yes he is a hero and well he believes in justice and peace. He talks out against the Time Lords, even thought they make his life hell he carries on.”

Peri sniggered, “You have not lived with him. Trust me the myth is hard to live up to when you live with reality of him being so moody. I some times wonder if he will ever settle down.”

Fleur sat on the floor and looked up at her.

“Well there are the rumours that there was a woman at the academy on Gallifrey before.”

The Doctor walked into the room carrying the baby Avvon in his arms. “And it’s a story I do not wish to be told,” he snapped. “It is the past.” He carried the child so gently Peri and Fleur know he would or already be a good father.

“I think you best look after baby Avvon, Fleur. I have had my day with fatherhood, or should that be grandfatherhood,” replied The Doctor, handing the tiny Avvon to Fleur. The baby looked at her helplessly as she held him in her arms gingerly.

“What I am supposed to do with him? I am not old enough to be a mother,” exclaimed Fleur, a pleading look on her face.

The Doctor looked at her and shrugged. “You will be alright. Just try and bring him up so he does not become evil and wants to kill people.”

“Doctor!” Peri yelled, trying to get his attention she had noticed the old man on the scanner. He was moving some of the controls around.

“I know you are busy saving the universe and everything but I don’t have the first clue on how to bring up a child,” replied Fleur. The Doctor looked at the young Time Lady and sighed.

“I am sure you’ll be fine,” he replied, turning to Peri and asking, “Unless you want to look after him?”

“No way!” she replied.

“I can’t do this on my own,” said Fleur.

“You will find a way. I would look after Avvon myself but it doesn’t exactly fit in with my lifestyle and I'm not in the,” he looked down at himself, “I'm not in the right frame of mind, for fatherhood. Tell me how you get on with everything,” said The Doctor. He smiled back at Fleur and kissed her on the cheek. She could almost have died on the spot of joy and she still swears to this day her hearts stopped for a moment.

“You will come and check on me from time to time won’t you?” Fleur pleaded. She know that she could never get the Doctor to love her so she would be more than happy to do with his friendship and for him to be a father figure to her.

“Of course I will. I won’t just forget about my biggest fan.” The two of them laughed.

“Erm Doctor I hate to break this touching moment up but we have a problem. Your erm 1st self wants to talk with you. Look, on the scanner.”

The Doctor spun round and looked at the scanner his 1st self was gazing down at him.

“You have to come out my young fellow and when you do you will be killed by the order of Rassilon.” The 6th Doctor tried to plead with him but it was a fruitless mission.

“Can’t we just take off?” Asked Peri.

“No if we do that we will cause time ram. He, I have put a field around this TARDIS if we try to move. Boom! I am afraid we are stuck here.”  

Chapter 19

They all stared at the scanner in disbelief when yet another TARDIS materialised, this one however took the form of a red telephone box. When it’s inhabitants stepped out, Fleur let out a short gasp, Peri’s mouth gaped open in surprise and the Doctor did a double take.

“It seems your going to get a chance to talk to yourself after all,” quipped the Doctor, giving Fleur a reassuring pat on the back.

“I look older, but who is the companion?” asked Fleur, a little stunned.

“He looks like something straight out of a Jane Austin story,” commented Peri.

As they continued to watch the events unfolding on the screen in front of them it appeared that the older Fleur was trying to persuade the [1st] Doctor to turn the field off. They were all listening carefully when suddenly the sound cut out and only vision was left. Fleur switched the scanner completely off.

“Oh great! Now how are we gonna know whether we can go?” moaned Peri.


There was a knock at the door of the TARDIS. Everyone turned their attentions to the entrance. Fleur, with baby Avvon still in her arms reached out to the door controls.

“Wait!” cried Peri, “How do you know it’s not some kind of a trap.”

“I wouldn’t be as stupid to try and trick myself, I think,” said the Doctor.

“It’s the older me. I know. I can sense it,” said Fleur.

“Remember the first rule of time,” warned the Doctor.

“I obviously haven’t if I'm here,” replied Fleur. “It might be important. You know a self fulfilling prophecy or something similar.”

“I suppose,” he replied, his hand on his chin, pondering the situation. Then after a moments pause, he reached over and pulled the leaver which opened the doors.

The doors swung open and in walked the older Fleur, accompanied by her mysterious, yet strangely familiar looking companion.

“Hello,” said the older Fleur, cheerfully. “It’s nice to meet you all…again.”

“What are you up to, breaking the rules-,” The Doctor started, but the older Fleur jumped in and interrupted him. He bristled at the impudence.

“There’s no time for discussing semantics. I'm here for the baby, and to tell you it’s all right to leave,” she giggled. “I’ve…modified the field.”

“Why do you want Avvon?” asked Peri, baffled at the sudden turn of events. “He’s a vindictive brainbender.”

“Not anymore. With the right guidance he could use his skills for good,” said the Doctor.

“Exactly,” agreed the older Fleur, taking the baby from her younger self, “and I know someone who would give the right kind of guidance.”

“Who?” asked the older Fleur’s companion, his face a picture of puzzlement.

“Me you dolt,” she exclaimed giving him a friendly punch in the arm.

“But you said we could travel round the universe, having adventures?” he replied, disappointedly.

“We still can.” She tutted, and shook her head. “Now I must be going, things to do packages to deliver,” she said, turning on her heels to leave. As she was about to cross the threshold she called back, “Don’t forget to leave a note reminding me to come here and do this!” Then disappeared into the inky blackness and out into the other TARDIS.


“Well that was unexpected,” commented the Doctor, pulling the leaver which shut the doors and inputting the relevant co-ordinates, while checking that the really were free to leave.

“Is it all right now? Can we go back to the TARDIS?” asked Peri, wearily.

“Yes it is.” He turned to Fleur who was standing beside him and indicated the dematerialisation switch, ”Would you like to do the honours?”

“Why certainly,” she replied, with a smile, throwing the switch and setting of the processes that would send them into the swirling vortex.

 The End




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