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Title Picture: A Lesson in Time



Writers...James, Sarah, Rachel, Drew

A Lesson in Time



Chapter 1

By James

Unless at some point in their lives they had run a Yale key along piano wires, the noise made by the blue police box as it materialized out of thin air would be unfamiliar to anyone listening.  In the console room of the TARDIS the Doctor made his final readings off the hexagonal console as his young companion entered the room.  Ace was glad to be able to shed the Victorian dress she had had to wear at Gabriel Chase and once more don her familiar skirt and leggings along with her jacket covered in badges.  She looked up at a blank video screen as she entered.

“Scanner’s on the blink again,” said the Doctor.  “Still at least the destination’s correct. And the time period. Very good, old girl.”  He patted the console affectionately. 

“So where are we?” asked Ace.

“Earth, England, High Oak Secondary School, 1983.”

“You fancy doing a spot of teaching, Professor?  Or are we here on an inspection?”

“We’re here to answer a distress call by one of my former fellow travellers.  He’s activated the emergency signalling device I gave him just before he returned to Earth in his own time period.”  He picked up his hat off the stand and operated the door controls.  “Let’s go and see what the problem is.”


Ace left the TARDIS first and took in her new surroundings.  “Professor!  Did you have to park us in the boys toilets?”

The Doctor locked the TARDIS door.  “Good, no-one saw us land.  I was afraid we might have landed in a classroom and had to explain ourselves to an irate teacher.”

“Yeah, but a lot of boys are going to get a shock at playtime when they see a police box has taken up residence here.”

“No problem, we’ll just stick this on the door on the way out.”  He produced from his pockets a sign inscribed ‘Out of Order.’  “I imagine that must be alternative facilities elsewhere in the school.”

“Hope so, otherwise it will be bad news for the trees.”  Ace looked around her.  “It looks cleaner than the boys toilets at my old school.  Better not hang around here together, someone might walk in and get the wrong idea.”

The Doctor headed towards the door that led out onto a corridor.  “Let’s see if we can find the Headmaster’s study.”

Ace followed him.  “Did I ever tell you about Tony Wakefield?  He still wore Spiderman pants when he was 16.  Well, so Manisha told me.”

“Come along, Ace,” called the Doctor, sticking the sign on the door underneath the word ‘BOYS’.  


“Stop,” said the Doctor abruptly as they walked down the corridor.  “What do you hear?”

Ace listened, then shrugged her shoulders.  “Nothing.”

“Exactly.”  The Doctor spotted a classroom and led Ace inside.  A series of tasks was written on the blackboard along with a diagram showing a cross-section of a volcano.  On every desk was an open textbook, exercise book and various pieces of writing equipment.  But there was no sign of any pupils or the class teacher.  A quick glance at the exercise books showed that the class were at various stages of completion of the tasks.

“Perhaps they had a fire alarm,” suggested Ace, “and they’re all currently freezing in the playground.”  She began leafing through an exercise book.  “Hah!  This kid thought Madagascar was an island off Scotland.”

“Let’s check out the next classroom,” said the Doctor.  In the next classroom a Maths lesson had been in progress but again there was no sign of the class who appeared to have abandoned their books in a hurry.  A third classroom yielded a similar result.  “Look at the clock,” the Doctor suddenly demanded.

Ace looked.  “It’s stopped.”

“Yes, as had the clock in each of the last two classrooms.  And at exactly the same time.  10.52 and 44 seconds.”

“Spooky,” said Ace.


The door opened as Peter finally got the courage to emerge from his cubicle.  First a weird noise, then two voices, one of them a girl.  Now he saw a tall blue box in front of him which had not been there before.  Peter had never known such weird happenings in all his twelve years.  He decided not to hang around; he’d already been away from his classroom for too long.  Should he tell his teacher about the two voices and the strange box?  Perhaps not, it may appear like just a poor excuse for an unacceptably extended leave of absence.  He quickly washed his hands and wiped them on his trousers.  As he entered the corridor he was too busy deciding what he was going to say to Mrs Wardle to notice how quiet the school had suddenly become.


“Ah,” said the Doctor as they rounded a corner, “here’s Ian’s study.”

Ace looked up at the plastic sign on the door.  ‘Mr. I. Chesterton. Headmaster.’  She mused that this was probably the first time she had found herself standing outside the Headmaster’s study without being in trouble.  “Are we going to ask him how he’s managed to lose all his students?”

“He probably just doesn’t know where they are.” replied the Doctor.

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

“Or when they are.”  He knocked on the door.  There was no reply.  After a second knock the Doctor slowly pushed open the door and looked inside.  “Oh no.”

Chapter 2

By Sarah

“Mr Chesterton, I presume?” asked the man who currently occupied the chair, which sat behind the large imposing desk that surely was meant to intimidate any pupil whom was unfortunate enough to be sent to the headmaster’s office.

“No I'm afraid I'm not. And who might I ask are you?” replied the Doctor, taking off his hat.

“I'm Professor Gardener,” he answered, with a wry grin, one hand upon his visage, allowing his long thin hand to compress his musketeer-ish moustache and beard, while he eyed them suspiciously, “I was invited to speak at the school assembly, but it seems that I have been misinformed or there is no assembly. What is your role here?”

“I'm the Doctor, and this is Ace,” he replied.

“Ah! So you’re teacher perhaps, then and the young lady, a wayward student?” He gave a knowing wink.

“Haven’t you seen Mr Chesterton today?” asked Ace, impatient and annoyed by Gardener’s attitude.

“No. I haven’t seen the fellow before, ever. We only spoke on the phone. He had read some of my papers on time travel and asked me to give a talk for his pupils.”

“Time travel?” repeated Ace, sceptically.

“Well your in luck, time is a hobby of mine,” replied the Doctor jovially, adding, “You haven’t noticed anything…strange going on around while you’ve been here, have you?”

“Nope I don’t believe there has been anything of note or out of the ordinary, although now you mention it, I did remark earlier that it was rather quiet, unusually so.”

“What time did you arrive?” asked the Doctor, with a concerned frown.

“The year nineteen-eighty-two,” replied the smiling Professor Gardener, laughing heartily at his own joke. “Ha-h’m. No, really. I’ll be serious now. I arrived at around half ten. Why is it important?”


Peter pushed the door open of classroom 9E, his tutor room, but to his surprise found that the place was deserted. He glanced at the clock fearing that he had been so long that he had missed the change of classes, but it read 10.52. So that couldn’t be the reason for the abandoned homework diaries and half finished register. There had been no fire alarm, which he would have heard. Peter scratched his head in puzzlement. Where had everyone gone? He wondered if the owners of the two voices he had heard had anything to do with it.


“What’s going on Professor?” asked Ace, as she followed the Doctor as he strolled down the corridor, his question mark handled umbrella tucked under his arm like a field marshals baton.

“Who me,” piped up, Gardener.

“No. I mean the Doctor,” she snapped. “Why has everyone disappeared?”

“Not disappeared exactly. There still here you just can’t see them without a device I just happen to have in the … in my office,” replied the Doctor. They stopped out side the door, which he had hung the ‘out of order’ sign on earlier.

Gardener raised his eyebrows in surprise. “You have a rather odd taste in offices,” he commented.

“Wait here a moment. I’ll be back in a minute,” said the Doctor, adding in a whispered aside to Ace, “Keep Professor Gardener out of trouble while I'm gone.”

He disappeared through the door, shutting it after him leaving Ace and Gardener standing out in the corridor. A stony silence prevailed whilst they waited. Eventually the Doctor returned. In his hand was a small, flat, square screen, with what looked like a camera lens set into the reverse side.

“What’s that Doctor?” asked Ace, intrigued by the object.

The Doctor opened his mouth to reply, but Professor Gardener got there first.

“It’s a time slice camera,” he said, smugly. “For viewing a precise slice of time, like a still of a film reel.”

The Doctor frowned. “Your quite correct, professor. How do you know of such technology?”

“I told you. Time travel is my life’s work,” he replied. “And any associated technology comes within that sphere of knowledge. You think it’s a time crease don’t you?”

The Doctor eyed him suspiciously and looked as if he was about to challenge the professor, but instead turned on his heels and with a cry of “Follow me,” he led them swiftly down the corridor to one of the classrooms.


Peter jumped in surprise when he heard a loud squawk from behind him. He turned to see a green and yellow parrot sitting on the front desk, staring at him with its beady eyes. Things were getting stranger by the minute thought Peter. How did a parrot get in to the room and what was it doing there in the first place? He reasoned that as there was no one around to ask these questions to, and the parrot was the only thing he had met in the deserted school, that maybe they should stick together.

“Who’s a clever boy then?” squawked the parrot. “Time and time again!”

“What’s your name then birdie?” asked Peter, squatting down so he was level with the bird.

“Amnesia,” it squawked back.

“That’s an unusual name for a parrot,” replied Peter, out loud to himself as he held his hand towards the bird.

“I am an unusual parrot,” it replied, much to his surprise.

“Who do you belong to,” he asked, feeling a little silly having a conversation with a bird.

Lord Jardinier,” it squawked back.

“Jardin? That’s French for garden isn’t it?”

The parrot replied to this with a frightened squawk, as it flapped its wings and flew off out the door. Peter cried out, “Wait! Don’t leave me on my own!” and ran after the fleeing bird.

If he had looked behind him he would have seen what had frightened the creature so much, but he did not, and so he did not seen the shadowy figure that had been following him since he’d left his hiding place.

Chapter 3


“Professor look!” Ace pointed down the corridor.

The Doctor looked, but could not see what she was pointing at. “What is it Ace, we don't have time for your games of look over there and then say oh I didn’t see anything,” he replied.

Ace glared at him and hit his arm. “I did see something. It’s not just a cry for attention.”

The Doctor sighed and asked her, “Ok what did you see?”

“I think I saw a small boy running after a parrot, followed by what looked like a shadow.”

The Doctor looked long and hard at the floor. What was going on here? Where were Ian and all of his students? Also who was this Professor Gardener?

“Ace,” He asked, softly so Professor Gardener could not here him. Ace looked over to him and nodded. “I want you to go and find out if we do have a small guest here with us. If you find him ask if he knows anything. I want to have a few words with Professor Gardener. I don't think he is as human as he tries to make out. I mean what human in 1983 knows about time travel and higher technology.”

“Are you talking about me?” Professor Gardener mused and walked a little closer to the Doctor.

“Oh, I was just telling Ace how good it is to find a man such as your self who knows about time travel. We can have a nice long discussion in Mr. Chesterton’s office while Ace here goes and has a little look around.” The Doctor nodded to Ace and she wandered off down the corridor.

“Do you think its safe for her to go wandering around on her own,” Professor Gardener asked as he looked down the corridor at the young lady, as she rounded a corner.

The Doctor smiled to himself. “Oh yes, she can look after her self.”


He always gets the good jobs when I get the dirty ones. Ace muttered to her self as she walked down the corridor. The whole school seamed to be very gothic, wood panelled walls and red carpet with dark wood flooring in some places. She walked a little further on and the air got colder. She began to shiver. The lights got darker and the corridor seamed to be twisting and swirling in front of her.

Now this can’t be happening because of all the toxic waste from the school meals can it?

She walked on a little further, suddenly something hit her on the shoulder and she span round.

“Nothing,” she cried, “how typical.”

Something loomed up behind her. A dark shadow and before Ace had time to react it froze her. She could not move.


Peter had run after the strange parrot, but soon lost sight of it. He was alone again and scared.

Was this some kind of joke just on him?

He walked a few feet more and he could see someone, a woman. He ran over to her a called, “Can you hel…" He stopped dead. She was frozen. He tried to shake her, but she did not move. She was standing upright and mid walk. Was she dead or alive?

Chapter 4

by James

Ace looked around herself.  She was standing at the back of a classroom where a lesson was in progress.  It was an English lesson, judging by the references to Romeo and Juliet on the blackboard.  She had always hated English at school.  There were no opportunities to create explosions and what was the point in spending hours discussing symbolisms and figures of speech, which she was sure, the author never intended to be there in the first place.  Shakespeare’s tale of the Montagues and the Capulets was about a boy and a girl who wanted to shack up together and did themselves in when they weren’t allowed to, for all its talk about roses being as sweet by any other name.  She wondered if the children in this class were as bored as she had been.  Actually, they looked quite interested.  Bloody intellectuals, she thought.

She looked over at the teacher standing at the front of the class.  She was a middle-aged woman with sharp eyes and expressive hands, waffling on about the importance of the nurse.  Could she see me? Ace pondered.  In a manner most suitable to her surroundings, she raised her hand.  The teacher ignored her.  Ace was just thinking that obviously the teacher couldn’t see her when another girl put up her hand in a similar manner, and was also ignored.  Just for a second Ace experienced again an old feeling of dislike for teachers who had dismissed her attempts to contribute to a lesson.  The feeling was intensified when a boy in the front row had his question answered immediately.  Teacher’s pet, thought Ace.  She had a desire to go over to the girl whose hand had now been lowered and say, ‘don’t worry, nearly all teachers are sods.’  Then she felt a completely different feeling.

Evil.  She could sense evil. She swore it.  Instinctively she looked up at the clock above the blackboard.  Nine minutes to eleven.  Something is going to happen here, she thought.  Something bad. Something horrific.  And I’m not going to be able to stop it.

The feeling was getting stronger.   Whatever it was, it was getting nearer.  Ace’s body was normal temperature and yet she felt a burning sensation, stronger than the time when Gaz had kissed her behind the bike sheds and not nearly as pleasurable.  What could she do?  She tried to move, but her feet seemed rooted to the spot.  She told herself she was not scared and did not want her mummy.  She must observe what happened, so she could give a faithful account to the Doctor.  For something was surely going to happen.

The door opened on its own.  The teacher broke off talking, looked at the door and then walked over and shut it.  She did not appear to notice that someone, or something, had entered the room.

Ace couldn’t see anything either, but she knew it was there.  Something had walked through that door and was now standing in front of the class.  She could feel its presence but she couldn’t see it.  Why not?  Was it on a different time plane to her and the rest of the class?  The burning feeling was now at its most intense.  Something evil had entered the classroom.

And then she felt it turn and look straight at her.  She still couldn’t see it but she could feel its piercing stare directed at her.  She suddenly felt very vulnerable, like she was standing there naked.  She had no defences against this presence.  Her favoured weapon, a trusty canister of nitro-nine explosive, could not be used in an enclosed space full of people.  And the Doctor was not here.  What could she do against an enemy she could not even see?

The clock on the wall reached 10.52 and 44 seconds.


Peter screamed as the frozen woman in front of him pitched forward and fell flat on her chest.  

Chapter 5

By Sarah

Ace awoke to find herself with an aching nose, laying face first on the floor. She let out a groan as she pushed herself up onto her knees. Her head felt muggy and of jet lagged, like she had not caught up with the change in time. Ace slowly turned round to see a petrified looking boy staring at her. His face was as white as a sheet.

“Hi,” she said, trying to sound friendly. “My names Ace. What’s yours?”

The boy didn’t reply. He just stood there trembling slightly.

“It’s all right. I won’t hurt you. I'm here to help,” she said comfortingly.

“Peter,” said the boy, timidly.

“What was that,” Ace asked having not quite heard his reply.

“My name. It’s Peter.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you Peter. Can you tell me anything about what’s going on here?”

He folded his arms, bit his lip and shook his head in reply, asking, “Why were you frozen?”


“You were like a statue, frozen for a while. Then…then you fell on the floor,” he explained. “What’s happening? Where has everyone gone?” his bottom lip began to tremble where he was trying not to cry, “I'm scared. I want to go home.”

“Its gonna’ be ok. The Doctor will sort everything out,” she replied, sounding more confident than she felt.

“Who-Who’s…the Doctor,” asked Peter.

“Someone very special,” said Ace.


“Doctor. What do you expect to find in Mr Chesterton’s office? I’ve already searched the place from top to bottom, with no success,” said Professor Gardener.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow, “Since when did visitors go searching though other peoples property?”

“Since I suspected something was wrong,” he replied, opening the door to the office.

The room appeared to be just as they left it except for a few minor differences. The chair had been moved dragged to another part of the room. The Doctor looked up. Above the chairs new position was a grill covering an air duct. He pointed it out to the professor.

“Would you mind going first,” asked the Doctor. “I’ll hold the chair steady.”

“How altruistic of you,” replied Gardener, sarcastically. He held his hand out.

“What do you want a handshake?”

“No. Something to help me undo the grill, a…sonic screwdriver perhaps,” said the Professor taking note of the Doctors reaction.

“I don’t have one on me at the moment, Professor. Haven’t had time to find a replacement,” he grabbed hold to a letter opener which had been left on the desk. He gave it to Gardener, “This will have to do.”

“Well, I suppose so, Doctor.”

The Professor could see something metallic looking glinting through the gaps in the grill. He was just about to commence working on opening it when they both heard a noise. It sounded like someone sneezing and it came from a small built in cupboard in the corner of the room. The Doctor silently mouthed instructions to Gardener. They both crept stealthily towards the cupboard. Hoping that surprise would be an advantage the Doctor quickly flung open the door, it banged against the wall letting light flood the small closet.

The figure huddled inside gave a cry of surprise, “Who are you? Please…don’t hurt me.”

On seeing whom it was the Doctor exclaimed, “Ian, you’re ok! Don’t you remember me?”

All he got in reply was a blank look.

“I'm the Doctor,” announced the Doctor.


Ace led Peter down the corridors towards the office. She hoped the Doctor and Professor Gardener would be waiting for them, with everything worked out. They had just turned a corner when she spied a parrot. It was sitting incongruously on one of the art projects, which were on display in the corridor.

“What on earth-,” she exclaimed, as it let out a squawk. “What’s a parrot doing in a school?”

Is it an unusual class pet? She thought.

“It’s amnesia. It talked to me before, led me to you,” said Peter.

“I wonder who it belongs to,” replied Ace.

Chapter 6

By Rachael

Ace heard a bang come from down the corridor.

She turned to Peter and asked, “What is down there at the end of the hall?”

He looked up at her and, did not want to answer back, but he replied in a hushed voice. “It's the drama studio.”

There was another bang as they made there way to the drama studio, Ace walked ahead of Peter. She opened the door and stepped in. It was dark and she could only see a few feet in front of her. Something glinted from the light the door produced. She sidestepped as a sword came clashing down next to her.

“Watch it,” Ace yelled.

The lights came on and, Ace could see what had almost cut her in two. It was nothing more than a blunted prop sword. Peter ran in and stared wide eyed at the woman who held the sword.

“Mrs Pocock,” exclaimed Peter as he ran to her and gave her a hug.

“Who are you,” asked Ace.

“I am the head of drama. Well, I was until today, until my class vanished and the shadows came. I had to take up arms to try and protect myself. Who are you? You aren't one of the students.”

“My name is Ace. I am here with the Doctor. So I take it not everyone is effected by what is going on. Strange,” Ace mused to herself.

“Mrs Pocock are we going to be ok,” Peter asked, pulling at her sleeve.

She looked down at him and smiled replying, “Yes, we are. I am here now. We will get out of this and put the Christmas play on next month.”

Ace looked over at the woman. She did not look very old at all, very young for a teacher. Miss Pocock sheathed the sword in her belt and looked at Ace, a smile broke on her worried features.

“Do I have to keep calling you Mrs Pocock or do you have a first name,” Ace inquired.

“You don't have to take that tone with me,” she snapped, adding more gently, “My name is Rachael. Do you know what is going on here?”

“No,” replied Ace shaking her head, “but I do know we have to find the Doctor and tell him about these shadows you and I have seen.”

“That's if we can get out of the room. The shadows seem to be keeping me here. They don't hurt or try to hurt me unless I go for the door. Here let me show you.”

Rachael went for the door and as soon as she did a huge shadow in the shape of a dragon swooped up in front of her and knocked her back. Its red eyes glared at the three humans then vanished again.

“See what I mean?”

Ace nodded and sat on the floor. “Then we are stuck here. Any ideas?”

“Sing a few songs,” suggested Rachael but she met a stony silence, “No then. Well, I think we should try and fight our way out.”

“A woman after my own heart," said Ace. She smiled. This was the first teacher she had liked in her whole lifetime. She could talk to her and not want to kick off at her.

Peter looked at the door, pointed, his face pale and fearful, “I don't think we are going to get out.”

There was another shadow at the door this time bigger and accompanied by three other smaller shadows and they looked like they wanted blood.

Chapter 7

by James Parkin

“Quick,” shouted Ace, grabbing hold of Rachael’s right hand with her left hand and using her other hand to take hold of Peter’s left hand.  “All join hands.  Come on, quickly.”

Peter obediently used his right hand to hold Rachael’s left hand and they formed a sort of triangle.  “Now,” said Ace.  “All think together: there are no such things as dragons.”

“How do we think together?” asked Peter.  Ace could feel his hand shaking as the dragons took a step closer. 

“Just think it.  And believe it.  Come on. They’re not real, they’re an illusion.  Think it.  Now!”

The three people all thought together.  Peter watched as the dragons took another step nearer, then began to fade.  He carried on thinking, there are no such things as dragons, there are no such things as dragons.  The dragons continued to fade until they had vanished.


Ace, Peter and Rachael released their hands.  “Thank god,” said Peter.  Had Ace been looking at him she would have noticed that he was still shaking slightly.  If she had turned the other way at the right moment she might have caught a brief glimpse of annoyance on Rachael’s face.  As it happened she took one step forward, stared in front of her, then started looking around the large drama studio.  She had felt something while they were holding hands.  She had sensed a presence, she was sure of it, but the feeling had gone as soon as her hands had been released.

“They’re here,” Ace said.  “All the children in this school are here, in this drama studio.”  She looked around again.  “So why can’t we see them?”


“We can’t see them,” said the Doctor, “because they are in the future.”

“In the future?  All the children in my school are in the future?” said Ian.  He tried to think of the last time he had felt so utterly bewildered.  Then he remembered: it was the last time he had travelled with the Doctor.  He had just witnessed all six of the Doctor’s regenerations, the images placed in his mind by the Doctor to convince him that the strangely dressed man in front of him was indeed the same man as the white haired old gentleman he had last seen on the planet Mechanus.  He shook his head.  “How far in the future?”

“Not very far,” replied the Doctor.  “Probably just a minute, maybe even only a second.”

“There is no problem then,” said Professor Gardener.  “We just have to wait until we catch up with their time and we will see them again.”

“I’m afraid it’s not that easy,” said the Doctor.  “Look at the clock.”  He pointed to the clock on the wall of Ian’s office.  Like all the other clocks in the school it read 10.44 and 52 seconds. 

“The battery must have gone,” said Ian.

“I don’t think so.”  The Doctor turned and saw a radio over the fireplace.  He started to move towards it, then stopped and turned back to address his former companion.  “By the way, what became of Barbara Wright?”

Ian smiled.  “You mean Barbara Chesterton.  She’s the head of humanities at a private girls school.”

The Doctor adopted a stern look and wagged his finger at Ian.  “And you didn’t invite Susan and myself to the wedding?” he admonished.  “How impertinent of you, Chesterton.”

Ian wanted to laugh.  Far better than any images implanted in his brain, this impersonation of his first incarnation had convinced the former Cole Hill School teacher of the true identity of the Doctor. 

The Doctor resumed his move towards the radio and switched it on.  A single note could be heard playing repeatedly, over and over again.  “I’ll name that tune in one.  John Smith and the Common Men.”

“John who?” asked Professor Gardener.

“John Smith and the Common Men,” replied Ian.  “It’s the stage name of the Honourable Aubrey Waites.  He started his career as Chris Waites and the Carollers.”  He immediately wondered from where he had dragged up that piece of information.”

“Very good, Ian.” said the Doctor.  “It’s a shame what becomes of Mr Waites in 2007.  Very sad.  Still, let’s try something else.”  He retuned the radio.  This time he appeared to have landed on a piece of speech, but the result was similar to the first time.  A single brief sound, barely a phoneme, was being continuously repeated.  “It’s as I thought.  Time is standing still here.  We cannot catch up with the children because the time is not moving forward.  Someone had taken them into the future and trapped us here at 10.52 and 44 seconds.”

“It’s remarkable,” said Ian.  “But why?  Why do it?”

“Well, if my theory is correct, they’re planning to attack the present from the future.”

Ian sat down in his chair.  “Life never was easy travelling with you, was it Doctor.  So what are we going to do?”

The Doctor turned away from Ian and looked at the third person in the room.  “Well, firstly, we’re going to find out a bit more about our Professor friend.”  He faced Ian again.  “I believe you invited this gentleman to talk at this morning’s assembly.”

Ian looked surprised.  “I never invited him.  I’ve never heard of him.  We didn’t even have assembly this morning.”

“As I thought.”  The Doctor once more faced the Professor.  “So, Professor Gardener, perhaps you’d like to explain exactly who you are.”

Chapter 8

By Sarah

“Is it absolutely necessary,” complained Gardener, with an affected wave of his hand.

“Yes it is,” replied the Doctor, with a frown.

“Oh, well. I suppose it would have to come out sometime. I'm surprised you didn’t figure it out earlier, Doctor.”

“Stop trying to avoid the question and get to the point,” said Ian.

“Don’t be so rude to your elders young man,” replied Professor Gardener. “Why don’t you tell me your theories on the subject Doctor?”

“You’re a Timelord, but why you are here is anyone’s guess,” said the Doctor. “Your not one of the rogue Prydonian’s I know.”

“Indeed, but you are quite correct. I am one of your kind. I'm not a rogue Timelord. I have permission to leave Gallifrey, and the reason, is not for you to know…. yet.” He stroked his beard in contemplation then continued, “But as for why I am here…lets just say I was in the area, and my curiosity led me to this anomaly.”

“Are you working for the…aliens that are doing this to time,” asked Ian, a little confused. There was something familiar about Professor Gardener, but he couldn’t put his finger on what it was.

“Of course not,” exclaimed the Professor.

“But you do know who they are,” said the Doctor, cryptically. “Why don’t you tell us the truth?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” replied Professor Gardener looking a bit flustered.


Peter watched a lot of science fiction programs and he thought he might know why, “Maybe there hidden by a cloaking device, like the Klingons in Star Trek.”

Mrs Pocock looked at him doubtfully, “You’ve been watching too much TV. There’s probably a perfectly good reason why we can’t see them.”

“Yes, and the Doctor will know. We need to get back to the headmasters office. That’s where they said they were going,” replied Ace, leading the group out the door.


The Doctor was just about to speak when in flew the strange parrot, squawking agitatedly as it landed on Professor Gardener’s shoulder.

“Oh hello, Amnesia,” said Gardener, taking a handful of birdseed out of his pocket and offering it to the green and yellow parrot. “I hope you’ve been keeping out of trouble.”

Shortly after its arrival Ace, Peter and Mrs Pocock walked in.

Peter stopped suddenly and pointed. “That’s the bird who I found in the classroom,” he exclaimed.

“So you’ve met my travelling companion,” asked Gardener of the new arrivals.

“I did just as you asked, my lord,” squawked the parrot, “Keep him out of trouble and your TARDIS!”

The Doctor gave the Professor a quizzical look. “It seems your… companion knows something we don’t. Would you mind telling us the whole story this time.”

“Yeah tell us everything,” joined in Ace.

“Lets start at the beginning. Which species are we dealing with here,” asked the Doctor, leaning on the red, question mark handle of his umbrella.

“The Zograsco. An enemy from times past,” replied Professor Gardener, gravely. “They were once the lords of time until their world crumbled, rotting from the inside. I don’t know the exact figures, but I believe that a few of the survivors are tired of wandering the universe and plan to colonise earth.”

“How do you know all this,” asked Ian, intrigued by the professor’s explanation.

“Friends in high… and low places, young man,” replied Gardener.

“Wait a moment. Doctor, can’t we use the TARDIS to go forward in time and stop these Zograsco,” asked Ace.

“I'm afraid not. Whatever has frozen time has trapped us as well and we can’t use the ship until we neutralise the effect.”

“That’s not right,” said Ian. It had suddenly occurred to him, “Time isn’t frozen.”

“What do you mean,” asked Mrs Pocock.

“The note…on the radio. If time weren’t moving we wouldn’t be able to hear it, but we did and it was repeating itself. Were in a loop,” explained Ian.

“Your quite correct,” commended the Doctor. “I should have spotted that straight away.” He frowned. The Doctor was worried at his slip, maybe he had given Ian more than just a few images from his mind. He sighed inwardly after so many regenerations his brain was getting a little full and needed a little clear out, hopefully he hadn’t given away too much to his former companion.

Chapter 9

By Rachael Wallis

Mrs Pocock looked at the strange little group. What was going on here?  This had to be something she would watch on the TV. Colonisation of the earth sounds like something agent Mulder from the

X -Files would say. She had a question and she was dammed if she was going to let a parrot, her boss, a small child, a weirdo from a supposed alien world, a girl with a base ball bat in her rucksack and a small apparently Scottish man with an eccentric dress sense stand in her way.

“If we are in a time loop then what are the dragon things that we saw? Some kind of guardian to keep us from finding the exit and stopping their plans?”

The Doctor gave a smile. Someone on earth who was open minded, who takes in all of the facts and comes up with the right answer thought The Doctor as he took a deep breath.

“I think you have hit the nail on the head… miss?”

“Rachael Pocock, and its Mrs,” she replied showing him the plain, but what seemed to be very expensive weeding ring on her finger.

“Ah, Mrs Pocock. Are you a science teacher because you made a very good guess there at our predicament?”

Rachael gave a laugh at the Doctors comment and replied, “No, no. The only science I did was GCE and I got a C. No, I am the head of drama here at the school. I am just very perceptive must be all of the time I have spent on stage you learn to read what people are thinking and also look at what is going on around you in grate detail. So was I right about the dragons keeping us here?”

The Doctor saw the sword hanging by Rachael's side.

“Well it would explain a lot. You, Ace and young Peter where getting a little to close to the truth so they decided to try and stop you.”

“Yes and we got rid of them, by just thinking they where not real,” pitched in Ace.

“Well is that right Professor Gardener?”

“Ah. I wondered when you would get to me. Yes, that’s right. The Zograsco don't want anyone to interfere with their plans, so they place phantom guards to stop people from wondering in to place they don't want you too. They did not have the forethought when it came to their expectations of the strength human mind,” replied Gardener, “On the other hand it's a lot harder to get out of this time loop.”

When e had finished his little speech the professor went silent and sat down in a chair contemplating the situation in his head.

“Why the sword Mrs Pocock,” asked the Doctor.

"I was scared of what had taken over the school and felt a little happier with it thinking I could attack the things that where here,” she replied, taking the sword from her belt and placing it on the desk. “I suppose it’s not much use against hallucinations.”

Ian looked around the room. “Now what do we do, sit here? Build a fire, maybe sing a few camp songs,” he suggested jovially.

Ace scowled. She hated all of this waiting around. The Doctor looked around the room. The lights seamed to be getting dimmer and dimmer. Then all at once they went out all over the school. The little group was left in the dark.

“I think,” said the Doctor as a blue light crept under the door of the office, “we are going to meet our captors.”

Chapter 10

by James Parkin 

For a moment nobody spoke.  Then, quite unexpectedly, the lights began to come on again, dimly at first and then quite brightly.

“They can’t be ready for us yet,” said Rachael.

“I agree,” said the Doctor.  “They have us where they want us now.  The Zograsco placed outside the door can keep us here until the time is right.”

“And we can do nothing but wait, I suppose,” said Professor Gardener.

“Well, if I still had my recorder I could play you a tune.  But as I don’t have it we can only wait, as you say.  Excuse me, I need a word with my young companion.  Women’s matters, you know.”  He led Ace into the corner of the room and asked her in a low voice, “any ideas how we can get out of this mess?”

“Well, one or two things did come to mind, Professor.”

“Right, well keep them to yourself.  The Zograsco have a spy in this room so we must keep our cards close to our chest.” He nodded over to where Peter was sitting.  “Go and comfort that poor boy.  This has stopped being fun for him, he’s terrified that he’s not going to get out of this alive.”

Ace looked over at Peter.  “He seems all right to me.”

“That’s because he’s been brought up to think it’s socially unacceptable for a boy to show his true feelings.  He wants to cry and if he bottles it up much longer he’s going to explode.  Go and give him a cuddle.  Let him cry.”

Ace walked over to Peter while the Doctor slipped into quiet thought.

* * *

The Head Zograsco led to group of eleven boys down the corridor.  “After we have crossed the time barrier,” he announced through his translator, “we will make our way to the Headmaster’s office.  We will collect our advance scout who is presently residing within that office, everyone else can be destroyed.  After that we begin our conquest of this miserable planet.  Onward!”

Jason, at the front of the procession of boys, smirked.  He lovingly felt the weapon he had in his hand.  This was better than smashing up telephone boxes and beating up black kids and it sure beat working for poxy CSEs.  Until this morning he’d been a nobody, destined, according to his teachers and social worker, only for the Young Offenders Centre.  Now he was going to take over the world. 

He thought back to the selection procedure.  The whole school had been summoned by some mysterious force to the drama studio.  All the 16-year old boys had been called, one by one, into the small room just off the studio.  Each had been asked to bring his girlfriend with him and he’d duly brought Karen Pollock into the room with him.  She hadn’t been his girlfriend for long, nobody was his girlfriend for long, just until a fresh face who might be a better prospect came along.

Once in the room the blue shining creature had announced that their studies had shown that a small percentage of human males were sufficiently strong willed to assist in the task that lay ahead, a task that would bring unlimited glory and power to all participants, and they needed to know which males fitted this description.  He had been handed the weapon, a kind of energy blaster and it had been explained to him how it worked.  After being warned that the weapon was useless against the Zograsco he was asked if he was ready for the test.  He grunted that he was.  The test was simple.  He simply had to use the weapon to kill his girlfriend. 

There had been no hesitation on his part.  He activated the blaster, aimed it at Karen’s waist and seconds later the 15-year old lay dead on the floor, murdered by the boy who two nights ago had told her how much he loved her and how he would never leave her.  

Bit of a shame about Karen, though Jason, as he continued down the corridor.  But never mind, there were plenty more girls like her around.  Indeed, when he had a share in ruling the world he could have all the women he wanted and more.  The prospect pleased him.

* * *

Back in the drama studio sat all the girls who had not met a recent sudden death along with the boys who were either under 16 or who had been termed ‘weak-willed’ by the Zograsco.  Four Zograsco guards, all armed, stood watch over the group.

In the front row sat Graham, cradling 14-year old Jennifer Thompson who was sobbing in his lap.  Before today he had never spoken to her.  Having no girlfriend, but not wanting to admit to that fact, he had selected her at random and asked her to accompany him into the changing room.  When he had discovered the nature of the test he had flung the weapon to the floor in disgust.  Now as he gently rubbed the shoulders of the crying girl he was quietly contemplating.

If being weak-willed meant that you were only prepared to fight for what was right and not indiscriminately kill people in return for promises of power and glory then he was weak-willed and proud of it.  And he was certain that the aliens would regret dismissing the majority of the planet’s population in this way.  When the time was right the weak-willed would rise and fight back.

* * *

Ian wondered if he’d ever felt less in control of events at his school.  He suddenly became aware that the Doctor was talking to him.  “Sorry, what was that, Doctor?”

“I asked what year this was.”

Ian had heard the Doctor ask this question of other people so many times that it didn’t surprise him.  “It’s 1983, Doctor.”

“As I thought.  And can I ask whether Mrs Pocock has been working for you for long?”

“No, only a couple of weeks.  She’s here temporarily, while Miss Wilson is on maternity leave.”

“That’s right,” said Rachael.  “Six month contract.”

“I see,” said the Doctor turning to face the drama teacher.  “Tell me, Mrs Pocock, did you find passing your GCSE in Science difficult.”

“Not particularly.”

“Really?  Oh, that’s interesting.  You see, I would have thought you’d have found it extremely difficult to gain a qualification three years before it was introduced.”  He sighed.  “You really should sort out your facts before you start time travelling.  It would avoid these anachronisms.”  The Doctor turned his attention to Rachael’s sword.  He picked it up and glanced over it.  Then he muttered some words in Old High Gallifreyan and tapped the sword upon his left leg.  Suddenly he was holding in his hand a gleaming medieval sword of the highest calibre.  He admired it sadly.  “Avvon’s, I presume.  Oh dear.  I’d really hoped that with your guidance he would give up his bloodthirsty ways.”

“Parenting’s not easy, you know,” replied Rachael.

Ace and Peter wondered over to admire the sword.  “Wow, Professor,” said Ace, “that’s a wicked piece of hardware.”

“Awesome,” said Peter.

“Hmm,” replied the Doctor, “perhaps you’d like to try it for size.”  It was so heavy that Ace and Peter had to combine their strength in order to hold it straight.  “Now just make sure our Mrs Pocock doesn’t move for a moment.  I’ve removed the disguise on the sword, now it’s time to see her in her true colours.”  He reached for the side of her face and seemed to grasp the skin behind her left ear.  Peter recoiled as he watched the Doctor appear to pull off Mrs Pocock’s face and reveal a new one underneath.

The Doctor stared sadly at the face now in front of him.  It was familiar to him yet it had altered immeasurably since he had last seen it.  Once it had been full of youthful beauty, now it showed the scars of dashed hopes and shattered dreams.

“Well then, Lady Fleur de Temps, perhaps you’d like to tell us just how deeply you are involved with the Zograsco.”


Chapter 11

By Sarah

“That’s not Fleur,” exclaimed Professor Gardener, getting to his feet.

“What do you mean fa-ther,” she replied her voice slightly jerky.

Gardener stepped forward, reached into his pocked and removed a small silver device with a purple crystal inset. Holding the device up he said you are an illusion. Suddenly a glowing blue beam of light shot out from the crystal towards ‘fleur’. The image became distorted, in a state of flux, and then abruptly cut out. The ‘fleur’ illusion was no more.

“What was that,” exclaimed Ace, a look of awe on her face.

“The advanced equivalent of a photocopy,” replied the Doctor, “It was meant to distract us, slow us down.”

“How do we know no one else is an illusion,” asked Ian.

“Because that particular type of projection is only short range and has a limited memory,” said Gardener. “And when we were searching the room before I spotted the projection device. It’s in the air duct.”

“It was handy you had a wide spectrum-dissolution-filter with you,” commented the Doctor, raising an eyebrow.

“Then what about the real Mrs Pocock? Where is she?”

“I'm not sure, but one thing that is certain, she’s not here,” replied the Doctor.


The Zograsco Sovereign sat on his elaborate throne, set up in their new base of operations. His servants going about their duties with studied ceremony. The throne room was always the first thing to be set up when the Zograsco settled a world, and he, the Sovereign was the most important and revered leader. No one questioned his orders, not unless they were weak willed and wished to die. He let out a cackling laugh. The foolish inhabitants of earth would soon learn subservience. His people would make the miserable planet their own and the humans their slaves. I had been fortunate that the Zograsco people had come into possession of the information they needed for invasion. The imprudent bearded fellow had been all to happy to tell them all, now he would discover that the Zograsco Sovereign never kept his word with ‘otherworlders’.


The Doctor observed Professor Gardener with an air of suspicion.

“Maybe we aught to remove the projection device,” suggested Ian.

“Certainly,” replied Gardener, stepping up onto the chair and pulling the letter opener out of his pocket, “I just had to get this air duct open.” He used the point of the opener to unscrew the grill. Then he reached inside the duct and pulled out the object. Suddenly the professor exclaimed, “Oh dear.”

“What’s the matter,” asked Ace, putting a protective arm round Peter, who seemed petrified.

“It’s been wired with an anti-tampering mechanism. I think I might have set it off,” replied Gardener holding the projector carefully.

“What kind of anti-tampering device,” asked Ian.

“The explosive kind,” quipped Gardener, “Any ideas Doctor?”

Chapter 12

Rachael Wallis

The real Miss Pocock woke up she gazed around her. She was in a room. Well, at least she thought she was in a room. It was too dark to tell. It smelt funny. She could not quite put her finger on what it was until she remembered it was the smell that had put her off eating meat. It was the smell of blood, of death. What was going on? All she could remember was going out for a meal with her husband, Ben. Then coming home intending for a good nights sleep and getting up for work, but things after that where in a blur. Rachel could remember going into the school building and that was it.

She felt around the room. The walls seamed to be alive. They where buzzing and trembling with life. She could hear a faint buzzing sound it seamed to be all around her. She patted the floor and felt a wet patch of something she lifted her hand up to her eyes she could just make out what was dripping from her hand it was blood. She jumped back in surprise, and nearly slipped over. Rachel grabbed fro something to steady herself, but found only a floor.

"This is just a bad dream. It has to be."

Miss Pocock pinched her self to try to wake up and winced at the pain. "Nope then,” she said to herself, “its not a dream because if it was a dream I would not be able to hurt myself. Where am I? I want to go home!"  She called and called, but the only thing listening to her call where a group of Zograsco watching her on a monitor.

"She does not seem that strong sir," said one of them to their leader, who was sat on a stone like throne.

"Oh but she is. There is something different about her. A fire we can use against this world. Then we can feed and live again. The humans will be ours. They will save us from the consuming fire that is killing our race. And when that day comes we will take our place as Gods in the universe once more."


"What are we going to do,” asked Ace.

The Doctor looked at the device that was in the vent shaft. "Don't worry. I think I know how to defuse this thing. All I need is some time."

"How do you know how to defuse it," Gardener queried, as the Doctor began his work.

"Oh someone I knew on our home world. I think she was General or something. We got in a little spot one day sorting out the Quintons and we where stuck in a room with a bomb just like this. She showed me how to defuse one,” in his head he added not that I couldn’t figure it out eventually, “now I can almost do it with my eyes closed. Come to think of it she did defuse the Quintons bomb with her eyes closed."

Gardener raised an eyebrow and looked at the little man by his feet. "You knew the General? Hmmm, lucky man," he said with a touch of sarcasm.

The Doctor gave a smile and finished his work. "There. All done. See its not that hard when you know how and you have friends in the right places."

The lights when dim again and a pulsating could be heard something like a heart beat.

"Very good Doctor you have completed my little test!” The new voice echoed the room like thunder.

"Who are you,” exclaimed the Doctor.

"Oh you will find out in time, but you are a trouble to me so I will put you somewhere where you can't be a bother."

The Doctor was there one moment, then gone the next. Everyone in the room was left stunned.


Rachael heard an impact accompanied by an exclamation.

"Who is there,” She called out as she stood up.

Then the voice of a man spoke.

"I am the Doctor. You must be the real Rachael Pocock," he replied.

"How do you know my name?"

"Ah, well, let me tell you of my story."

"NO STORYS,” Cried a voice as the lights in the room came on with a bang. They were in what appeared to be some kind of mortuary. The Doctor was appalled sight. Rachael looked with horror.

"I know some of them. What has done this and why,” Rachael began to cry.

The Doctor whispered, "Why indeed?"

Chapter 13

By Drew Payne

Ace grabbed the sword, which she suddenly found easy to lift and her hands folded around the hilt as if it had been made for her, and shouted:

"We have to find The Doctor!"

"Wait a minute, young woman," Professor Gardner said. "We're in a lot of danger here. There is a Zograsco guarding the door. We have to think about this seriously. We need a plan."

"Stuff-you, Egghead!" Ace shouted at him, anger boiling over into action within her, and marched over to the office door. She grabbed hold of the door handle, wrenching the door open, at the same moment she struck out with the sword - without thinking her right arm moved with a fast and downward movement. There was a loud, almost ear-splitting, screech and a blinding flash of blue light.

Ace blinked, momentarily stunned by what had happened, and then looked out into the corridor. It was empty, no one or no-thing in sight. Whatever had been guarding the door was gone.

"Wicked!" She exclaimed. "Perivale sixty-five-thousand-million, evil aliens zero!"

"It's gone," she heard Ian Chesteton's voice behind her say.

"Let's get out of here," she said.

"No, no, wait a moment. It's still very dangerous out there," Professor Gardner protested.

Ace turned back, taking her eyes off the empty corridor. Ian Chesteton and Peter were stood behind her; Ian now had a protective arm around Peter's shoulders, the boy still looked terrified out of his life. Professor Gardner was stood at the desk, his face set in a stern expression.

"The Doctor's gone and they'll be coming for us next," she snapped at Professor Gardner. "We've got to get out of here."

"I agree, Ace is right," Ian said. "It's too dangerous to stay in here."

With that, Ace turned back to the door and marched through it, followed by Ian and Peter. Professor Gardner remained stood at the desk.


Rachael Pocock shuddered, folding her arms around herself, and slowly followed The Doctor over to the row of mortuary tables, that stretched along the far wall. Each table contained a body, most of them partly or fully covered with white sheets. The two bodies on the far left, a middle-aged man and a teenage boy, were obviously dead. Their chests had been ripped open, leaving gapping red holes. She didn't look closely at them, at any of them.

The Doctor was busy inspecting the bodies, bending over them and examining them one by one. She held back. This was like some nightmare she might have had after she and Ben had watched some cheap horror film, but this was real and she knew she wasn't dreaming. Her foot stepped in something wet but she didn't look down.

The Doctor, was he a medical doctor or an academic she wondered, seemed to be examining the bodies closely, concentrating on their heads. He was examining a body on one of the middle tables, a girl who looked like... No, she must not think it, Rachael told herself.

"Are they all... Are they all dead?" She asked The Doctor, nervously breaking the silence hanging over them.

"No... No, I believe they're not all dead," The Doctor replied, not looking up from his examination of the girl. "Those two unfortunates have been butchered, but the others still seem alive."


"Yes. It's as if they're in a catatonic state."

"But why?" None of his words were easing her fear.

"That is a very important question," he replied as he looked up at her.


Jason held his weapon close to his chest, now he'd have the chance to use it again, to kill again. His mind was buzzing with excitement. This was the best day of his stupid little life so far.

He was at the head of the column of boys, just behind the Zograsco, so he'd be the first to enter the office and the first to start the killing.

When they reached The Headmaster's Office the Zograsco indicated Jason to open the door. Expecting the door to be locked Jason throw his whole body against it but, to his surprise, it opened easily and he almost fell into the room.

There was only one person in the room; a tall, thin man with a van dyke beard, stood at old Chest-aches' desk. Jason didn't care; it was still someone to kill. He pointed his weapon at the man, but the cold body of the Zograsco pushed passed him and knocked his weapon out of the way.

"Where are they?" Screeched the Zograsco.

"They've escaped," the man replied.

"Escaped!" The volume of the Zograsco's voice seemed to shake the very air around them.

"Yes. The girl has bonded with the sword and it’s turned her into a formidable warrior. She killed the guard you left behind."

"She did," the Zograsco's voice had eased in volume.

"It was stupid to leave an ancient Gallifrian weapon in here. Those damn things are so unpredictable."

The Zograsco turned to the boys and said:

"Find them and kill them. If you don't I will have you all killed."

Again holding his weapon close to his chest, Jason ran out of the office. He was going to hunt them down and kill them, things got better and better.


They were racing down the back corridor towards the school's kitchen. At least Ace was racing ahead, as each moment passed she looked more and more like an avenging warrior, while Ian did his best to keep up with her, dragging Peter behind him. Ian now felt his age, his middle age, running after Ace like this.

They rounded a corner and came to a sudden halt. Ace stood with the sword raised above her head, ready to strike, at her feet was the crouching figure of a young man.

"Stop!" Ian shouted, as Peter let out a cry of horror. "He's not one of them."

Slowly Ace lowered the sword, but she still stood over the young man, who was still crouching on the floor.

Ian stepped pass her and up to the young man.

He was probably sixteen or seventeen years old, thin and pale. He was dressed in a tight-fitting pale purple tee shirt and very flared jeans. His black hair hung long and straight about his face (the young man looked as if he was disguised as a nineteen-seventies teenager).

Ian looked into the young man's pale face.

"I'm tripping, oh God I'm tripping," the young man cried out. "I only took two puffs. Jacko said it was what all the rock stars did. Then everything went weird."

"What's your name?" Ian asked him.

"Chaz, Chaz Wentworth."

"And what year is it?" Ian added.

"Nineteen-seventy-two, I think. Yeah, Nineteen-seventy-two."

"What?" Ace said, she was stood next to him now, the sword held at her side.

Ian turned to her.

"I think our alien friends are not as good at time control as they pretend to be," he said to her.

"Why?" Ace asked.

"Chaz," Ian nodded at the young man still crouched on the floor, "was a pupil here in nineteen-seventy-two. One day, he simply vanished from the school premises. There was a terrible scandal, they searched everywhere but no Chaz or body or anything was ever found."

"Now he turns up in here again, in nineteen-eighty-three," Ace added.


"We need to find The Doctor and fast," Ace said.

"Someone's coming," Peter called out.

"Quick, move it!" Ace shouted.

Again brandishing the sword, Ace ran off down the corridor. Ian, pushing Peter behind her and dragging Chaz up off the floor, followed her. It was like old times with The Doctor, Ian though for a moment, running down corridors and away from danger.

The four of them ran towards the kitchen.


The Doctor had pressed his fingers tightly into the catatonic girl's temples and had bent forward with his forehead against the girl's.

Rachael stood next to him and simply watched him; there was nothing else she could do. The Doctor had said he was going to wake the girl. That had been, what seemed, an age ago. Since then, all he had done was stay silently hunched over the girl, like he was now, and remain motionless. He hadn't moved or spoken. She couldn't see how this was helping the girl or anything.

Then, everything happened at once.

The Doctor jumped up and backwards, letting go of the girl as if he'd suffered some sort of electric shock.

At the same moment the girl sat bolt upright on the mortuary table, her eyes open and her face twisted up in terror.

"They’re going to kill us all!!" The girl screamed, making Rachael step backwards in shock.

Then the girl's lifeless body fell back onto the mortuary table.


Chapter 14

By Sarah

Marching down the corridor between two guards was Fleur, and from the look on her face she wasn’t too happy about the situation.

“You wont get away with this you know. If the Doctors involved he’ll stop you,” she stated.

“There you are wrong. He is safely in our custody,” replied one of the Zograsco, named Quilp’zon.




“Hurry up,” hissed Ace as Ian, Peter and Chaz followed her inside the kitchen.

In the corner of the room was an industrial size freezer. They could hear the voices of the owners of the footsteps. Right outside the door.

“They are coming in here,” exclaimed Ian.

“We’ve got to hide somewhere,” replied Ace.

Chaz hid himself in the cupboard under the sink, Peter also hid in one of the lower cupboards. Ace hid in the pantry and Ian pulled open the freezer door, just about closing it in time.



“Ian,” exclaimed a familiar voice.

“Doctor? What are you doing here,” asked Ian, somewhat confused. Adding, “Rachel…I mean Mrs Pocock? Your alive?”

“It would appear so,” she replied.

“Were being held prisoner by the Zograsco,” said the Doctor.



Meanwhile, back in the office…

“Wait,” cried Gardener.

“What,” asked the Zograsco Officer, angrily.

“When are you going to release my daughter? I’ve held up my end of the bargain.”

“You must wait until we have captured the runaways, then maybe she will be set free, but then again she may not.”

“But-but, I made a deal,” protested Professor Gardener.

“Take your complaints up with the Sovereign,” replied the alien, his tone menacing. “Now I must hurry. The dissidents must be eliminated.” He left the room, following the others.


“Oh, you underestimate me. I don’t betray my colleagues,” whispered Gardener under his breath, “Amnesia, come!”

The parrot flew down from where it had hidden in the air vent and landed on his shoulder.

“Now is the time,” she squawked, ruffling her green and yellow plumage.

“Exactly,” he replied.  

Chapter 15

Rachael Wallis


Ian and the Doctor looked at the body that had fallen heavily on the table. Rachael hung back and looked at them she had no idea what was going on, all she wanted to do was go home.

"What has happened to theses people Doctor?" Ian asked in a croaked voice.

"Well it looks like there sole or life energy has been drained from them, some are still alive probable because they where able to resist, but have been turned into a vegetable for their efforts."

The Doctor began to pace the room and examine the bodies again.

"Why would anything want to that?" Rachael asked in a whisper.

"Well to feed and survive." The Doctor muttered in a dark tone.


A group of Zograsco came in to the kitchen after a group of humans, they could not be seen and they could not be bothered to search for them knowing full well they would not escape. They where about to leave when they heard voices coming from the freezer. One of them grinned and walked over to the door attaching a device on there.

"There that will lock the door so they won't be able to get out and no one will be able to get in unless we unlock it." The Zograsco smiled an evil smile.

"I know what we could do." One of them said.

It walked over to the temp control and turned it down.

"Ha now they will freeze to death a fitting end for those that have caused us trouble. Set the devise so no one can tamper with the temp controls."

The small group left the room.


Ace got up from her hiding place and so did Peter and Chaz.

"There going to die man, there dead as dead can be." Chaz muttered to himself

"No they won’t die we have to find a way of getting them out!" Ace screamed at the boy grabbing him by the shoulder and shaking him.


"Doctor?" Rachael asked.

"Yes what is it." He said looking up from another body.

"Is it me or is it getting colder in here?"

The Doctor stopped for a moment.

"You know I think it is. Ian did you hit the temp controls when you came in?"

"No Doctor."

"Doctor! Doctor! Can you here me?" It was Ace calling from the other side of the door.

"Ace what is going on?"

"I don't know Doctor. Theses creatures have put something on the door so we can’t open it and locked the temp controls so it’s going to get colder. There is no way that I can unlock them. You are going to freeze to death!"


Chapter 16

By Drew Payne



Lady Fleur strode into the office, ahead of her two Zograsco guards, defiantly ignoring them. Her finely embroider cloak, covering her equally elaborate full dress, brushed over the doorframe. She stopped in the centre of the office and, with a stern expression on her face (hiding the anger she felt boiling just under her controlled exterior), scanned around herself.


“You have brought me to an empty office, for what purpose?” She demanded of her guards, now turning to face them.


“He’s gone,” the nearest Zograsco to her said, but more to itself then her.


“That must be obvious, even to a life-form as poorly evolved as you!” She snapped at it.


Before the first Zograsco guard could reply or make a move towards her, the second Zograsco, stood just inside the doorway, let out a loud and sharp cry of pain. Its large hand clutched at its thick neck, the other hand dropping its weapon onto the floor, as it itself fell back against the office’s wall, its ugly complexion suddenly turning dry and creased.


As the first Zograsco rushed to help its comrade, Lady Fleur simply stood there in the centre of the office, her hands held together in front of herself.


“Well…” She whispered under her breath as she felt a shudder of Time Disturbance ripple through the room.




Ace, frustration spilling over into anger, raised the hilt of her sword and struck the Zograsco device that was keeping the freezer door locked. But, only adding to her anger, the sword’s hilt merely bounced off the device without leaving a mark on it.


“Bloody stupid…” Ace swore at the device and stuck it again with the sword’s hilt, but again it only harmlessly bounced off it. So she stuck it again.


“Hey, hey keep the noise down,” Chaz’s voice spoke, from somewhere behind her left shoulder, but she ignored him.


“Professor! Professor” She shouted at the locked the door in front of her. “Professor, I can’t get this door open! Professor, what should I do?”


The reply she got was obviously The Doctor’s voice but it was so muffled she could barely make out the words he was saying.


“What Professor, what?” She shouted back, the adrenalin pounding in her head.


“The sword,” The Doctor’s voice came through the metal door. “Ace, use the sword, it’s a very powerful weapon.”


Quickly she turned the sword around, so that the blade was pointing at the door, and so doing she felt the sword pulse with energy. In that instant she knew what to do, it was as if the sword had actually put the thought into her mind. She plunged the sword into the metal door, which it slide through as if the metal were merely soft butter, and began to cut around Zograsco device.




Jason, leading two other boys (their names he had not bothered to remember) stalked along the back corridor, rapidly making their way to the school’s kitchen. They had run into three Zograscos, on the main corridor, who had told them they had left some humans to die in the kitchens. Well Jason was determined to finish them off. So far, no matter where he looked in this stupid school, he’d not found any of those the Zograscos had sent him to kill. Now he knew were they were, now he could really prove himself to the Zograscos, now he could use his gun again and feel the power from it as he killed another.




Rachel was standing close behind The Doctor, who was stood staring at the freezer’s locked door. Ian, himself, stood in the middle of the room and watched them. The Doctor was shouting instructions through the door to Ace. Rachel was hugging her arms about herself and nervously moving from one foot to another. Ian felt equally uncomfortable. The air in the freezer had become painfully cold; every breath he exhaled formed a white cloud of vapour in front of his face.


Suddenly there came a bright flash of light from the freezer’s door, as if Ace was using some kind welding torch actually on it.


Acting on instinct he step backwards, and then again, backing way from the door.


As his foot touched the floor with his second step he felt it. The skin on his hand and arm prickled and tightened, as if his flesh was being shrunk upon the bone. He glanced down at his arm and saw it was grey and withered, as if it belonged to a dried old corpse. With a cry of horror he leap back towards The Doctor and Rachel, in doing so his arm returned to normal.


As he stood there, rubbing the restored flesh of his arm he heard Rachel scream:


“Oh God, oh dear God no!”


He looked down at the far end of the freeze, the direction in which Rachel’s pale and frightened face was staring.


The bodies, lying on the mortuary tables, were now just dry and grey husks, looking like they had aged for decades in an airless tomb. Even the tables themselves were rusted and beginning to fall apart, as if they were as equally old. The far end of the room was aging and aging unnaturally fast.


“Doctor, look at the other end of the room,” Ian shouted out in alarm.


“Ian! Rachel! Quick, move down here by the door,” The Doctor’s voice called out.


Ian didn’t need to be told twice. Quickly he backed from the far end of the room, but keeping his eyes on the dry bodies there.


“What’s happening?” He asked The Doctor when he reached him, a terrified Rachel hunched next to him.


“It seems that the Zograsco’s Time Technology is very unstable and is now breaking down. Unfortunately it’s causing Time Disturbances to appear all over this building.”


“That explains the boy we found earlier,” Ian said.


“What’s… What’s a Time Disturbance?” Stammered Rachel.


“It’s what is causing that,” The Doctor pointed his umbrella at the far end of the room, just as one of the mortuary tables collapsed into a pile of rust. “And if we do not get out of here soon it will age us to death, too.” The Doctor then turned back to the door and called out: “Ace! Ace! Hurry up!”


It was then that he saw it, a sword blade glowing white as it slowly cut a circular whole in the door from the opposite side.




Lady Fleur now strode fast along the school’s main corridor, she had to find The Doctor and as fast as possible. Only moments before she had watched the two Zograsco guards rapidly aged down into two piles of dust and rags. Her escape from the office had been simple; she had just stepped over those piles and walked out of the office.


As she hurried along that corridor she realised that she had not encountered anyone else. Neither Zograscos nor humans were to be seen on this corridor, no one there to stop or approach her. There most be something else happening somewhere else in the building, this made it imperative that she find The Doctor.


Then she walked straight into it, unseen by her. Suddenly she hit an invisible wall.


One moment she was rushing along, the next moment she was lying flat on her back on the floor.


She looked up and saw a woman, a human woman standing over her.


“I say, what are you doing here?” The woman said as she offered Fleur a hand. With a surprising amount of strengthen the woman pulled Fleur up onto her feet. The woman looked middle aged, for a human that was, with a short and stocky body. She was dressed in a matching woollen jacket and skirt, in a green and brown checked pattern, with her dark pulled back in a tight bun.


“I think I fell over,” Fleur said to the woman.


“I’m Margaret Rock, Miss Rock, English and Religious Instruction,” the woman continued. “Where’s everyone gone? I’d just let the Upper Fourth out to celebrate. It was on the radio, you know, the Victory in Europe. We beat the bloody Hun!” A note of triumph in her voice.


This woman, this Margaret Rock, must a victim of the Time Disturbances, Fleur reasoned. One of them had obviously picked her out of her own time and dropped her here with Fleur. Margaret Rock was also obviously disorientated because she did not stop talking, chattering away.


“But where is everyone?” Margaret Rock carried on. “I mean my boys from the Upper Fourth were all around me. They were just plain excited by the news…”


“I think you had better come with me,” Fleur interrupted her. “You will be… I will explain as we go.”


“What about my boys from the Upper Fourth?” Margaret Rock continued to chatter as she followed behind Fleur.




Professor Gardener walked slowly into the middle of the drama studio, his arms outstretched in front of himself. Amnesia, still ruffling her green and yellow plumage, had perched on the back of a chair, at the edge of the room.

“This is a very dangerous idea,” Amnesia annoyanced.

“Yes, I know but I have to do it,” he replied.

“It is still a bad idea,” Amnesia said.

“I know, I know,” Gardener almost hissed. Every since he had told her what he planned to do she had been annoyancing how dangerous it was. He was growing tired of her “prophet of doom” act.

The tips of the fingers on his left hand made contact with it, at the same moment a searing pain rushed up his arm. With a sharp cry he yanked his arm backwards.

“I told you that would happen,” Amnesia squawked.

Gardener ignored her. He now knew were it was. Once again he walked forward, this time only with his right hand in front of him. It only took two steps until his fingers made contact with it, again. Biting down on the pain that rushed up his arm and through his body, it felt as if the flesh was being frozen right off the bone of his arm but he had to do it. Slowly he pushed his arm through the Time Barrier splitting the room into two time zones.




Ace finished cutting the freezer door, the sword finally cutting away the device from the freezer door. She pulled the sword out of the door and with it came the Zograsco device, which crashed to the floor at her feet. With a cry of victory she shouted out:

“Professor, I’ve got the door open!"

She then dragged the door open, as she did so an ice-cold cloud billowed out of the freezer and engulfed her. For a moment, a brief moment but still long enough for her anxiety level to jump up another notch, Ace couldn’t see anything. Then she felt a hand on her arm, as the cloud disappeared, and she saw The Doctor in front of her.

“Well done Ace,” The Doctor said with a smile. “I knew I could rely on you.”

“Doctor! The tables!” Screamed Rachel Pocock as she rushed past them.

Ace looked into the freezer and was puzzled by the sight in front of her. The room of freezer was old and decaying. It looked as if it had been abandoned and left to rot decades ago. At the far room of this mould and dust decaying room was a tangled mass of rust and bones.

“Ace, get back from there!” The Doctor shouted as he pulled her backwards, into the kitchen.

“What’s going on Professor?” She asked as she stumbled after him.

“That room is being destroyed by a Time Disturbance and if it reaches us it’ll age us down to a pile of dust.”

 “Crikey!” Ace hissed as she turned her back on the freezer and started for the doorway out of there.

Everyone else, including a very pale looking Ian & Rachel Pocock (What the hell was she doing in there? Thought Ace), were gathered around the kitchen’s door, and The Doctor was dragging her towards it. Chaz pulled the door open, but instead of leaving the kitchen he only said:

“Whoa, dude!”

Then Peter screamed.

As the people backed away from the door Ace saw why. In the open doorway was a group of three teenage boys, all wearing school uniform and all holding high-energy guns – Ace knew her guns.  

“Get back scum!” Shouted the lead boy, “You’re all going to die.” He waved his gun around wildly.

“Oh great…” Ace muttered under her breath as she gripped the sword tightly.


Chapter 17

By Sarah


They had walked down to the end of the corridor all the time Margaret Rock had been chattering away about how they’d defeated the Germans and how she had helped the war effort. Fleur made a note to visit that era at some point and give the old girl a fright. A ghost from the past or should it be future. She smirked, “Miss Rock.”

“Yes, dear.”

“Would you mind awfully being quiet,” replied Fleur in an imitation of an upper class accent, hoping to get some respect from this stupid human. “Were in frightful danger, you know.”

“Well…Well I-,” blustered Miss Rock offended by Fleur’s Tone of voice.

The Timelady peered round the corner in the distance she could see a group of Zograsco but they appeared distorted like through patterned glass.

She turned back to her unwanted companion, “Shush! There are some very unsavoury characters just round the corner. If they find us we’re in trouble.”

“Who? The Hun?”

“No, no. The aliens who insist on being awkward by choosing to invade earth,” replied Fleur, with a sigh.




“Come now, Amnesia,” said Professor Gardner. “We have the right time zone at our disposal. Lets end this once and for all.”

“But what about the Doctor and the others?” squawked Amnesia, “They could be trapped in a pocket time zone out of reach of a TARDIS.”

“Well do you have a better idea my feathered friend?”

“Destroy their Sovereign,” she replied. “Without their leader they will disband.”

“Are you suggesting murder,” exclaimed Gardener, appalled. “Its not even certain that their leader doesn’t have a successor, in which case it would be a futile attempt.”

“We are out of options, My Lord.”

“Not entirely.” He mused stroking his beard. “Come with me. I have an idea.”



One of the guns went off. Ace swung the sword up to block the beam. She knew the movement must have been lightning quick. She saw the scene in slow motion. It was like in a film the Doctor had shown her once, set in some dismal future. The guns high intensity beam reflected off the blade of the sword, she could feel the heat as it traveled along the sword. Ace let out yelp and dropped the sword. It clattered to the floor.

Chapter 18

By Drew Payne

Ace raised the sword again above her head, it was as if the sword was guiding her arm and pulling her movements. The sword was pulling her whole body into action.

“Come on, pond-scum, and make my day!” She shouted at the three armed thugs in front of her. The one at the front was still pointing his gun wildly around the room; but the other two did not look as threatening as they had moments before, one of them was nursing a wounded arm.

“Jason Clerkman, stop this now!” Ace heard Ian’s voice calling out from somewhere at the back of the room.

“Shut-up! Shut-up! I’m in charge! You’re week! You’re dead!” The boy screamed back at Ian and then wildly fired his gun into the room. 

Without a thought Ace rapidly swung the sword in front of herself and easily blocked two of the blasts from the boy’s gun, the third blast exploding into the kitchen’s ceiling.

“No! No!” The boy screeched pointing the gun straight into her face.

“Ace!” She heard The Doctor shout, again from somewhere behind her. At the same moment the boy fired his gun straight at her. Again, without thinking, she blocked the blot of energy with the sword. The blot of energy shot straight back and straight into the boy’s gun. For a moment both of them stood still, almost frozen in that moment, the boy pointing his gun at her and her with the sword raised in defence.

Then the boy’s gun exploded.



Fleur pressed close to the corridor’s wall and slowly eased her way down the corridor. Neither of The Zograsco seemed to be paying her any attention. They were just stood there, as if waiting for something. As she edged closer to them Fleur realised, by the ripple running through her very body, that The Zograsco were behind a Time-Field.

Only meters away from the Time-Field there came a flash of bright light, causing Fleur to blink a moment. When she opened her eyes she saw that the Zograsco were falling to the floor, their bodies grey and dry. They had suddenly aged to death – more time-disturbances.

“I say, what’s happening now?” Margaret Rock’s voice boomed down the corridor, followed by the woman’s stomping body.

“Those two aliens are dead,” Fleur replied.

“I have told you, there’s no such thing as aliens. The Lord created man as the crowning of His creation. I always tell my boys that, when I catch them reading those penny-dreadful science fiction books.”

“Will you please shut-up!” Fleur snapped.

“For all your airs and graces you are still a very rude young woman.”

Momentarily, different and imitative ways of tormenting Margaret Rock flashed through Fleur’s mind.




Chaz lay on a lawn of dry and dying grass, blood oozing from the large wound in his stomach. He didn’t feel any pain, only a cold numbness taking over his body. Was he dying? No, he couldn’t be, couldn’t…



Ian was stood at The Tardis console. Opposite him was The Doctor, but The Doctor as when he first meet him – that bad temper, little, white haired man. Next to The Doctor stood Susan, her face still fresh and not worn down by cares. Next to him stood Barbara, young and beautiful Barbara.

“Chesterton! Chesterton, I was talking to you,” The Doctor snapped.



Rachel screamed and covered her eyes. Over and over, in her mind, replayed the image of Jason Clerkman exploding in a bright flash of energy. She would never forget that boy’s death.

She looked at her hands, they were dry and old. She was suddenly old, Ben had left her, she had wasted her life on teaching ungrateful youths. She’d never travelled the world, never wrote her novel, never…



Ace was on a Space Station, her body wearing a strange and close fitting uniform. Around her were a whole group of people she didn’t know but who all knew her name and… and they were fighting Daleks.

She felt a hand on shoulder and heard The Doctor’s voice calling out:

“Ace… Come back…”

She felt his hand pulling her backwards, back through a swirling vortex of colour and light, pulling her back towards a school’s kitchen…




Gardner stood before the Head Zograsco in, what had become, the Zograsco’s centre of control. The Head Zograsco was sat upon a polished wooden throne (of course wood was so rare to the Zograscos, Gardner remembered) and surrounded by Zograsco soldiers. Somewhere behind him he could feel Amnesia at the back of the room.

“What!” Boomed the Head Zograsco to the soldiers before it, “What do you mean, more of our soldiers have been killed. This Doctor Time Lord can’t be that strong a warrior.”


“Our Time Manipulator is under a lot of strain, it is malfunctioning,” one of the soldiers replied.


“FIX IT!” Shouted the Head Zograsco and lashed out at the soldier, who’s body fell to the floor dead.


“Time Lord!” The Head Zograsco shouted, seeing Garner.


Slowly Gardner approached the Head Zograsco, as the surrounding soldiers parted before him. As he approached he saw that under the Head Zograsco’s throne, positively sparking off time disturbances, was the control module of the Zograsco Time Manipulator.


“I want your report, Time Lord!” Bellowed the Head Zograsco.


Gardner knelt on the floor before the Head Zograsco, his hand slipping into his jacket pocket, and saying, “My Lord.”


“Yes, yes, yes, get on with it!”


Quickly, Gardner pulled a shard of crystal from his pocket, lunged forward and plunged the shard into the Time Manipulator.


For a brief moment nothing happened, the shard of crystal merely glowed bright in Garner’s hand, then the Time Manipulator exploded…

Chapter 19

By Sarah

Time stood still. Everyone on Earth frozen in their positions. Gardener removed the crystal from the time manipulator his face contorted in pain and concentration as he tried to isolate himself from the time stream. The crystal he had used came from his TARDIS and had special properties, which protected him from most of the side effects. He trudged towards one of the consoles his movements sluggish. Gardner knew he had to cut the power and send the Zograsco back where they belonged, roaming the vortex.



The Doctor and Fleur were both frozen like the others, but unlike the humans they could sense a slight passage of time. It was as if they had blinked and missed something important.



There was a crackle and a hiss from the machine as he switched it off and the Zograsco began to fade. Gardener could feel the strain of maintaining his independence from the time stream taking a toll on his hearts. He strained to breathe and his vision was becoming blurred, soon he would have to let go. He let out a groan and slumped onto the floor the crystal slipping from his grasp.


When Fleur turned to see why Miss Rock had suddenly gone silent she found the corridor empty and the sound of children in lesson filled her ears. She walked over to one of the classroom doors, glancing in she saw the rowdy class in their maths lesson. Everything was back to normal. There were no Zograsco and not a time disturbance to be seen.



“Ace? Ace are you alright?” asked the Doctor.

“Yes I'm fine,” she replied.


“I'm quite alright too Doctor. What happened there?”

“Someone solved our problem,” he answered.

“Where’s my sword?” asked Ace. “And where’s Mrs Pocock?”

“Everything’s been reset, back to what it should be,” explained the Doctor.

“And the Zograsco-,” asked Ian.

“Gone!” squawked a familiar voice.

Amnesia came flying in, perching on a nearby table.

“Gardener! Where did he go?”

“Come. Come quick. Follow me,” intoned the parrot, urgently.


“Go on, follow the bird,” he replied.



Fleur ran out of the school and down the road. She spotted her TARDIS, disguised as usual like a red phone box, but what surprised her was the fact it was there. She was sure the Zograsco had taken her ship when she had been kidnapped. As she reached the TARDIS she noticed that the door had been left open. Curious she stepped inside.



Amnesia led the group to a set of large double doors. They were made of metal and seemed not to fit into the normal architecture of the building as if someone had parked a ship inside what should have been the school gym. The Doctor tugged at the handles pulling the doors open with a squeal of grating metal.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” asked Ian.

“Go in!” squawked Amnesia.

“Ok. Ok,” replied the Doctor.

He stepped into the dark room glancing around.

“Help me,” came the faint, pained cry from over in the corner.

They all rushed forward to find professor Gardener lying on the floor. His hand clenched over his hearts.

“It’s alright,” said the Doctor a concerned look on his face. “Everything will be fine. I'm a Doctor.”

A faint smile crossed the fellow Timelord’s lips.

“No you’re The Doctor,” whispered Gardener with a last gasp.

“Is he…is he you know…dead?” asked Ace.

The Doctor leant over and closed the professor’s eyes.

His head hung low said, “It must have been his last regeneration.”



On entering the console room the lights came on automatically as she had programmed them to do, but what awaited her in the TARDIS made her let out a gasp.

“Mother,” cried Avvon.

“W-what are you doing here?” exclaimed Fleur, amazed to see her adoptive son leaning nonchalantly against the console sword in hand.

“I’ve come to rescue you,” he replied, a look of puzzlement on his face.

“Too late. I erm rescued myself-,” she pulled the leaver to shut the TARDIS doors. “I'm leaving this place as soon as possible. Avvon…start the dematerialisation process.”



They all stood in a solemn silence for a moment.

Suddenly Rachel let out a cry.


They could all see it now. It looked like a swarm of fireflies were swarming round professor Gardener, faster and faster till he was engulfed in a bright glow. They all shielded their eyes from the bright light.

“Doctor! What’s happening?”

“The regeneration process. It’s working!”


As the light faded away it revealed Professor Gardener but his appearance had changed. Gone was his grey hair musketeer beard and wrinkled face in its place was a youthful clean-shaven visage. His hair was a deep auburn colour, short and wavy and his eyes a watery grey.

Gardener sat up with a look of puzzlement, and put his hand to his face as if to make sure it was still there. He glanced around the room.

“Where am I?”

“Doctor-,”began Rachel but when she looked back she saw the Timelord and his companion had disappeared.


“Are you sure it’s ok just to leave like that?” asked Ace as the TARDIS once more began its journey. “Without saying goodbye.”

“Oh I’m sure it will be fine,” replied the Doctor cheerily.

The End



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