So is Global Warming Really Real?
Well to simply answer the above question, nobody knows! Alot of people are questioning wheather global warming exsits. And if it exsists why does it exsist. The only solid fact that everyone has about global warming is that the Earth's temperature has risen from .45 C to .6 C in the past century, something is definalty going on...
Believers in global warming say that we have to be worried that the Earth's temperature is rising, and it is all because of man.They think it could lead to a melting of our polar ice caps and many other negative effects. Non-believers on the other hand believe that humans have no purpose or a small one in global warming and that it's a natural phenomonon.They don't believe anything catostraphic is going to occur. To solve the problem a logical person would simply have to say well show me some proof. Interestingly enough both sides were able to come up with scientific data "proving" their stance.
So is global warming really a threat? Read the arguments for both sides and decide for yourself.
Psh! Why worry, I say grab some sunscreen and let's go out and soak up some rays....
Yes sir, I do indeed believe that the temperature of the Earth is rising and its all my fault....
I personally believe that it is a threat to our environment and way of life. That is why pages on my Chem X contain information on how to prevent global warming.
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