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Support Sites

The following links are to sites which offer support or just 'community' for TVs:

Life's a DRAAG! There is lots on this site, including lots of links to other sites, but what I have enjoyed most is my subscription to the newsletter.

Susanna Marques TV/CD/TS/TG Directory This site is more serious than most and has links off to many other support groups.

Rachel Anne's Transgendered Home This site is huge, with 250 medical links and links to a zillion personal sites.

Scientific Sites

There are few sites that are run by scientists and which specialise in transvestitism.

This thoughtful site, Katie's All Mixed Up Site, is run by a clinical psychology post-grad who also happens to be a transsexual. The emphasis is strongly on TS rather than TV but it is well worth a look.

For Wives and Partners

The spouses of transvestites have a lot to come to terms with. There are support groups and help out there but they can be hard to find. I am and will always be hugely indebted to my own wife for the love and compassion she has shown me and I would like to help her and others like her to cope with this burden we have placed on them. The following links, while I can’t agree with everything each one says, are sensible, honest attempts to help spouses and partners and I thank the various authors for their kindness and concern.

This excellent article, Helping Wives of Crossdressers to Understand and Cope, was produced by the Phi Epsilon Mu chapter of Tri Ess.

This article Just One of the Girls, by Andrew Hanon, wasn't written especially for wives or partners but I have a feeling they would get a lot out of it. It's an outsider's view but wiritten with a lot of sympathy and understanding

For Parents

Parents also sometimes face the problem of what to do with a son whom they discover dressing as a girl, or who comes out to them. I can find little in the way of online support for parents of transvestites but these links might help.

Fun Sites

These are sites, mostly run by individuals, where you can see TVs at play:


And, if you're looking for some discrete online shopping...

TG Treasures, is a new US site run by a lovely lady called Gail just for transgendered shoppers. I know we'd all like to encourage more online stores for TGs, so get along there now and treat yourself to something nice.

This is Fantasy Girl Online, a UK site which sells just about everything a shy TV could hope for. They, of course, specialise in larger sizes!

Or how about Ultimate Shoes, another UK site which sells a bit of everything in TV-friendly sizes.

One of my favourite clothing sites Glamour Boutique, another TV-friendly site, this one in the US. Look out for their special offers.

Another US site Phyllis' Fantasies, sells mostly clothes.

Yet another US site is The Glamorous Woman. Not a great range but good on accessories.

This last one is Frederick's of Hollywood, a US site. Not a TV shop at all but a great display of wigs and underwear and, if you're small enough, tons of other stuff.

The background on this page features Linda. (Linda, I've lost your URL. If you contact me, I'll put in a link to your site.)

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